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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. As I said, because in ESO it was this way since launch and every german/french player knew what they were getting themselves into and made the conscious decision to play nevertheless. It's a different deal here, where there are some people who have never played and would never play any game where they only have this choice.

    For the mostern part these are older (30+) people from east germany, by the way. English was not a mandatory class and sometimes not even offered for voluntary classes at school and many were learning Russian instead. Therefore they only speak maybe a few words and not even broken english, some just never had the oppurtunity to learn it in school. In some regions schools that offer english classes were as rare as schools offering japanese classes today, for example. It's not a issue for the younger generation, I agree. But to claim that it is a non-existent non issue in general is simply false.

    And as I said, the reason you don't see these people in other games is that they weren't even beginning to play these games in the first place.


    So, again: There are some players you would loose by closing the german and french servers. Why do this just to consolidate three well populated servers (english, french, german) into one, that is insignificantly better populated (at some population point there is just no difference anymore between a warzone pop every 3 or 4 minutes)?


    I am quite positive that the majority of german players are not only from Eastern Germany. I , for example, am from Heidelberg Germany. And if they were 30, they would have had french or english offered in their schools by the time they were able to learn new languages. Most people that are in Germany and France know enough french and english to get by, And where did I say this was only for PvP? This would increase the QoL for all pops and all group content. And again, with the german and french gen chat tabs, there would be 0 problems with community. And a LOT of people in Germany play their games in English because the translations are god awful in German. IE, my entire family, almost all my friends, and colleagues ( not SWTOR specific )

  2. Yes, I absolutely think Engineering is overtuned. The role Plasma Probe has in the Engineering rotation makes the radius buff amazing for PvP while the slow effect makes it frustrating for the others. Combined with the new defenses (though I think Snipers needed a defense buff) it makes the spec easily the best 1 vs. 1 spec in the game and essentially immune to dying against any melee enemies. At least you can CC your way past some Merc DCDs.


    I can give you a few.


    Vanguard Tank, trying to get to ANY enemies with a spam of plasmaprobe, once your jump is used is near impossible.


    Scoundrels. Even double rolling will not get you out of 2 well placed plasma probes, leaving you dead in the water.


    Guardian...I really dont need to say anything there.


    HELL even playing another spec of sniper is a royal pain in the *** because due to the cover mechanic you just have to take the AOE for the full duration if you want to have any chance of fighting the attacking engi sniper.


    The class needs a 9 second cooldown, it would not effect its rotation at all. Saying " oh it will hurt their rotation because people can get out of it too easily " would be like saying " interrupting a mercs boltstorm is bad for their rotation because it interrupts it" That is kind of the point. Rotations should be interruptable.

  3. Instead of congratulating yourselves for an all-too-easy solution that addresses only a part of the problems with different language servers, why don't you take a second to address the further concerns risen? What about group finder? "Just don't use it if you don't want to/can't speak or understand english"?

    I really don't see the problem with one remaining server for german and french speaking people, at least on the german side the population on the main server is just fine (for now at least).


    Works fine in TESO. Broken english is the universal mmo language afterall. Most Germans know english or french, and most french know english or german. So that problem is pretty much a non issue.

  4. For PVE 5.2 will definitely be more alt-friendly and a return to 4.0 gearing times (minus the BiS from Soa).


    That said, with an MMO it's much easier to keep players than to lure them from another game where they have relocated, established new relationships, probably have content they're working on, etc. There won't be an instant flood, and hopefully that's not their expectation, but perhaps with a steady trickle and as long as Bioware can keep delivering new content to not lose anymore people, numbers can gradually rise.


    It is not NEARLY back to 4,0. In any way shape or form. Only for ops, that is it. For everything else, we still get the finger,

  5. Well again though, as part of the story...



    Empress Acina actively seeks an alliance with the alliance you command. If your Outlander chose to forge that alliance (not to mention kill [former Chancellor] Saresh), then it makes perfect sense to align with the Empire. OTOH, if you refused Acina's offer (maybe because your character hates the Sith Empire), then it makes sense to align with the Republic.



    Think of it more as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" rather than abandoning the alliance for another government.


    And if you chose the opposite choice from both of those you mentioned? You would have both of them on your side.

  6. Seems like that would destroy the alliance. Seems pretty stupid you would choose one of the others sides instead of your own alliance. You've spent every waking moment creating your own team to just choose one of the old sides.


    Like I said, Seems a bit odd.


    Yeah, I swear up and down i remember them saying taht you could also choose the alliance, but the twitter post with that seems to have vanished and now its only pub and imp, which is disappointing. Why would I fight my own interests?

  7. My guess is that they are taking small steps toward that eventual goal. And this is a GOOD thing; better to take small steps and get it right, than jump off that cliff and mess it up royal.


    The only issue I foresee is the commentary pre-combat:

    ACW: the pub/imp general is talking...if you are a pub character and hear imp commentary that could be a problem


    They just need to use the training simulation voic overs. Problem solved. It isnt even a problem TO solve. They already have it in game, it just requires them to hit a button to unlock it. It was already in a PTS a few times and they conveniently got rid of it when the patch went live.

  8. Wouldnt this be an excellent time to introduce cross faction Queue for warzones considering this is pretty much cross faction ALREADY in open world? We have it on OPG and now on Iokath, there really is no reason to keep warzone queues faction locked at this point. It will only benefit everyone at this point of low server population, if we do not get server merges.
  9. And would cause more issues for people speaking German, French the only servers that should and can be merged into one are the US servers.


    So leave all EU players out in the cold with the dwindling populations . Sounds typical US-centric. You just need 3 tabs. Problem solved.

  10. Not everyone plays during peak hours, true.


    One could reasonably expect, though, that the majority of a server's population will be living in areas that run close to concurrent with server time, or at least not 6-7 hours difference. One could also reasonably expect that during off peak hours, the majority of a server's population will not be online as they will be engaged in other activities, such as working or sleeping.


    I find it hard to believe that forcing everyone to suffer the headaches and nightmares that a server merge would cause is going to magically make PVP queues pop within 5 minutes at 3 AM server time on Harbinger ( 8 PM Sydney time).


    If all European servers were merged into one. You can bet your behind it would solve a ton of things.

  11. Just jumped onto Red Eclipse to check the Ping from Australia. It's 7.30am London time and there is 36 people on the fleet.

    If that's the most populated server in EU then there is a major problem


    Its been that bad at that time for years now. It doesnt pick up during the week till around 17:00. Weekends around 11 AM CET

  12. Nope. I like to play 3 main characters. And this system is just too much of a pain for that. I used to dual spec my scoundrel and vanguard, and carry 4 sets of gear. 2 pvp , 2 pve. But as of now that is not possible. So I am forced to play tank VG, healer Scoundrel, and dps GS. Which is really depressing to be honest.


    So again, I hvae slowed down considerably, and will be cancelling my sub come the release of Morrowind for TESO. UNLESS there are some gigantic changes coming before june.

  13. Season 8 already started. And I think people have made fair complaints. Merc was in a pretty solid place in 4.0. Definitely seem over-tuned now. The devs do too much at once and don't take everything into account. They changed/added/removed a lot of abilities, buffed some classes (like merc here) and made everything now either a ranged class or a melee class. Too much change and not enough thought to balance i think maybe. Still too early to fully tell though with people still trying to get a baseline of gear i think.


    Merc was in a god awful place in 4.0. I dont know what you are talking about. Their defensives were garbage and they were the punching bag -every- match.

  14. I don't really understand this 'gear disparity' people keep talking about, and I"ll explain why:


    Full augmented 230's, I had around 115k hp, my average damage was 1-1.5 million, biggest hits ranged from 12k to 18k, died very fast to pretty much everyone.


    Full augmented 236, I had around 117k hp, my average damage was 1-1.5 million, biggest hits ranged from 12k to 18k, died very fast to pretty much everyone.


    Now i'm in half augmented 236, and half augmented 242, I have 120k hp, my average damage is around 1-1.5 million, biggest hits range from 12-18k, and I die very fast to pretty much everyone.


    This coming from the perspective of a Pyrotech, which is a admittedly is a 'bottom of the barrel' class- and yet I have literally seen zero difference from going up in gear ranks in my character's performance. I've gained about 5k hp, and that's it. Damage, survivability, everything else hasn't changed at all.


    Thats because you are playing the worst class spec in the game at the moment. Play a sniper or something and you will see a monstrous survivability / damage difference between 230 and 242. And fyi, 230s fully augmented is 112-113 k, not 115 k, unless you are using the high endurance mods.

  15. Set bonus are in the armoring part of the set. I got a set piece on one toon that already had it, so removed the all the armoring, mods, enhancements put in a legacy shell, sent it to my other toon, she removed the item, put in the armor I have on that toon and she got the set bonus.


    Yeah, thats ridiculously inefficient. You spend 350,000 credits every time you do that if you take out the legendary armorings.

  16. If the cartel market sells only COSMETIC stuff, I don't care.

    If they somehow introduce a way of getting any advantage STATS wise, then i'll start complaining.

    Don't want this game to turn into chinese p2w trash.


    That is called GSF. You can buy fully upgraded ships, and forego all effort required and have a huge advantage over players that didnt buy that ship, because you cannot earn it in game.

  17. I've gone into places like Outlaw's Den, enemy bases on a PvE instance and I never get flagged. I used my mount to go through castle organa on alderaan and I never got flagged.


    You dont get flagged anymore. You used to. Now since they have the seperate instances for pve and pvp, you dont get flagged. This place will clearly be special.

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