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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. So Verfallen and I were on pub midbies tonight, and the only matches we lost were going up against our own guildies a couple of times. It goes to show that it's the players, not the faction


    I have noticed in the past that republic players play midbies a lot more than imp. : shrug :

  2. I looked back, and yes, you were talking Hypergate - I missed it, which is true, you CANNOT just guard only and expect to win, have had players rant in BOLD to everyone to "just stay on pylon, you're feeding them kills".....which only allows Imps free reign over the Orbs @ mid.


    In the case of Hypergate, I've had situations where I run mid, two Snipe's keep active AOE's on me while others continually stun me, you can bet money my DPS is cut....you can also bet money someone's gonna insult me without realizing why.


    I do object to your insult to players intelligence, part of the reason pub PvP's so weak is exactly why I opened the thread, experienced players whining, complaining how bad the group is in chat, but very little explaining what went wrong.


    I try to open dialogue in PvP chat after matches, topics like CCing heals, avoid Mercs until last, fighting near or away from doors on VoidStar, while others will go in the same chat and openly insult the rest of the group they just played with.


    Not everyone was stun locked, it was the entire team save for the 1 guarding on each side. Our team has the exact same opportunity to do the same, which is why I was insulting some of their intelligence. That is another part of the problem, people not even knowing how to even remotely utilize their classes. Now Yesterday I will say was a good day for pub, but that was the exception more than the rule. Best I have experienced ( and I only play pub since 4 years now ) is a 50/50 wn ratio, at very best on average.

  3. I couldn't disagree more. The Sith and Republic hate each other. They came together to fight a common enemy but that enemy is gone now. There is no way the factions should be running things together. If they did that then it would prevent any future war they plan on doing between the factions.


    Again, QOL and salvaging pvp takes priority over role play at this point. And they could easily make the battles training exercises or simulations. Easy as that. I have full respect for roleplay, but at this point, again, salvaging the game takes priority.

  4. Translates too: Most the pubs joined the empire to be on the winning side and now those that are left want cross faction.


    Why don't we just take the factions out, get a big bonfire and all sing songs together?


    Your attitude speaks volumes. This isnt about winning , losing, or whatever you think, this is about the minority faction being able to even get a pop. ( BTW some servers imp is the minority and people flocked to Rep. ) If cross faction made you quit, something that would benefit everyone, then I dont even know. I bet you would change your tune if imp was the minority faction on TRE and you could never get warzone pops outside of peak times. People need to see the big picture instead of thinking " me me me "

  5. Agree with this.


    The most cost effective method to manage PvP at this point is:


    1) Raise bolstered stats in WZ's to roughly match the current highest tier of gear ( and raise it every time a new tier is released).


    2) Cross faction WZ's. The premise is that these are contests and training exercises not actual war conflicts. If an absolute must (due to continuity issues) leave one or two WZ's faction specific (those WZ's would likely only pop during server peak hours though).


    At this point I think salvaging quality of life for the remaining players should be top priority...


    Exactly my thoughts.

  6. This isn't a Imp vs Pub thing! People are drawn to the perceived winning side, it's as simple as that. when one side gets to dominant the whole gaming experience will ultimately suffer . . .


    Exactly. I respect role playing. But This is bigger than that now. This is about QOL in this game for warzones and starfighter. It doesnt matter if on one server its rep dominated or if the other its imp dominated. The fact is there is a major discrepancy and we need cross faction to balance the numbers out . It isnt just about wins, it is about the fact that one faction suffers massively when it isnt peak times when it comes to - everything- . People need to look passed the " me me me " attitude and need to realize the community is suffering with the current system.

  7. Hey, Hey, susch, we need those Dps junkies, those with severe inches guarding the doors alone, thinking their mates gonna rant him down with his high defender points but no Dps count. Man, are those easy to fool at the doors/node/ run past in huttball as they stay to solokill the perceived easy target class.


    Objective Based PvP never is about numbers, it's about winning; if you can kite-interrupt the node you're defending for more than 3 min then you're a true hero, you're numbers will suffer but hey, we'all get there in time to support you or might not even have too if you're 1 awesome S-O-B.


    What worries me though is the seemingly unlimited CC-breaker abilities, makes a stuncap a real challenge, well, in most cases.


    High Dps with low objective point tells us that all the fighting has been done in all the wrong places . . .


    Unlimited cc breakers? GS has 1..... :/


    And if a whole AHG is done at mid and one team dominates exponentially in numbers and kills, you can win that way, I am not saying, and did not say that is the way to go, but fact is the matches I have seen lately seem to be that on that specific map, and when its a dps fest, and dps dont have even 1,5 k dps, something is very very wrong.

  8. Isn't that still too low for MMO to survive according to haters? After all game like EVE reached 65303 players online record 4 years ago and even currently there is 20823 players online on one server. Well, it's the only server for western players but that fact shouldn't matter.


    There are probably more online in general, but fleet numbers have been used as a way to measure populations for a while, and fact is imp on TRE is way way more populated than rep side . BW is all about QOL improvements, where is the QOL improvement for pvp, starfighter and uprisings? We need cross faction asap.

  9. One point of clarification from the stream, Charles mentioned the ability to purchase Tier 1 gear with Command Tokens. This is something we plan to implement in a future update but it is not in 5.2. Charles says "I am a rogue agent and I cannot be stopped."

    Thanks everyone for tuning in!





    looks like we wont get tier 1 gear with command tokens in 5,2 either. :mad:

  10. To bad the bandaid has lost it's adhesive and fallen off and the player bleed continues


    I did a test on that last night on TRE, and Rep side at 11 pm CET had a whopping 73 players. Imp side had 330. At this rate rep will die soon, and you will have to play imp in order to do anything. Mergers + cross faction queues are needed now.

  11. I wanted to check the numbers last night because I noticed I wasn't able to get more than 2 warzone matches in 2 hours between 23:00 CET and 01:00 CET on Rep side on TRE, and the difference of population on both fleets was staggering.


    Rep side 50-70 players.


    Imp side 3 instances 300-330 players.


    I know imp has always been a little more popular, but this is getting to the point where if you do not play imp, your gaming experience, warzones, starfighter , uprisings, or ops is being effected negatively now. For all the talk BW always does about QOL improvements, this is one that NEEDS to be implemented now.

  12. I've had wins with the opponent's team having double digit kills down their column, ours having 1,2 or 3, & low damage.


    Reason; we had no heals, so we lure them away from the doors, use defensives and self heal long enough to buy time for someone to sneak in.


    Solely looking at damage alone isn't telling the story, look at objectives and individual heals, again, there are no enrage timers in PvP, just objectives, kils count, but objectives count more.


    You might wanna be careful of any Emu's, avoid an IQ test..


    If you are going to insult my intelligence, you should probably quote everything i said instead of just cherry picking. I specifically said it was JUST a deathmatch at mid on AHG the whole match. You seemed to have conveniently missed that part. There was no luring away, or objectives being done, it was just a deathmatch. In such a case the numbers are important, especially when there wasnt a single healer or tank on both sides. Stop taking things out of context to prove a point that wasnt being debated n the first place.

  13. In addition to my opening topic, recently I've noticed a contributor to the problem, as of the last patch PvE'ers are coming into PvP in droves.


    In one incident, a healer observes me solo guarding a door, watches me get stealth CC'd while another player plants a bomb, openly criticizes me in chat for "letting" it happen, but forgets that it all happened while he watched, and the rest of the group had been lured to fight far from the door....he could've stopped the bomb too, but was too focused on watching me get teamed, or healing the guys that should've been @ the door with me..


    In other instances, DPS's are harrassing players over total damage #'s without realizing damage alone isn't gonna win...for example, I'll lure as many players away from an objective to free it for stealthers, spend the whole time stunned & self healing to buy the stealther time to cap.


    I've won Huttball with the opponent having triple our numbers, yet we won because we were able to lure them away from ball carriers & use mitigation/self heals to buy time for them to score.


    Unlike PvE, damage alone for DPS's isn't a guaranteed win, if you think your "God" in PvE, get ready for a learning curve in PvP, it's not that simple....get over yourself.


    If the majority of the game is played at mid on hypergate and it is pretty much one big death match and the players damage over the entire match is under 700 k, they are then, pretty terrible. I agree mostly with what you said though, Lately though I have seen dps players on rep side that cant even break 1,2k dps. And that is just god awful. I dont understand how some of these people even survive the day without getting hit by a bus and being trampleld by an emu. Seriously makes me rethink the average intelligence of some of the players in this game. And then they blame me when I am playing my healer for not healing them. Its like "How am I supposed to heal you when you all ignore the 4 people gang banging me and dont offer any form of peeling "?

  14. Some classes have more ability bloat than others.

    An example is Mercs. Even though they are the easiest they've ever been to play and you don't need to use half the abilities, they still have a lot available to use. Snipers also have a lot more abilities than other classes.

    They could trim a few abilities off classes, but not too many.


    I use every ability I have as a gunslinger in one way or another. I dunno what you are talking about.....

  15. Yes, it could use some pruning, but what it could use the most is the ability to set macros. So, who wants to use them, more power to him!


    And which rotation consists of 20 skills again? Most are in 6-10 range(even 10 is pushing it). Keep in mind, I calculate only the actual combat skills, not all those skills you pre cast or use 1 / 10 minutes or whatever. That's...hard to prune, you know. In fact, Gunnery(the simplest rotation in game) uses 4 skills lol(maybe 5 if you count TSO in)!


    As I said, macros. We need macros.


    Macros are a cancer on mmos. no thanks.

  16. I find myself only watching my hotbar in combat. I actually NEVER see what is going on on screen. Even IF i had internalized all of the keybinds i would have to keep track of triggered abilities that have no visual clue on the actual screen but a little glowy icon on my hotbar. It is really bad.


    In WoW they went overboard with the prooning but had it right a few expantions ago. There are two other diffirences tho. WoW had visual clues on the actual screen and secondly they had MACROS with the ability to combine a ton of skills into one button or castsequence.


    I do NOT need 5 different attacks to apply dots with just the numbers and cooldowns being different. I do NOT need 5 different types of single/aoe stunns that do only work on trashmobs.


    I will also not spend a ton of cash on a mouse just to compensate bad game design. You should not have to buy specific equipment just to stay competitive.


    This game definitely could do with some major prooning. I really would love to see what is going on on the screen once in a while.


    I have never used macros, and I do not look at my hotbars at all. : shrug : MMO mouse, problems solved. 1-12, shift+1-12. ctrl +1-12. alt + 1-12. Easy as pie. The only time i look is when quick traveling or selecting a mount. : shrug :

  17. so you guys seriously unloaded into energy shield instead of just stunning him when its up reflect is only 6 wopping seconds. kolto overload should not even reach 70% health if you two are geared and dpsing right assuming one of you is a healer not attacking. Honestly that is just bad, are mercs really strong yes. Are dps juggs yes, are deception and darkness sins yes, operative concealment yes. The only two classes that really need to be buffed are pt dps (just need a extra dcd) and lightning sorc (needs just flat out more dmg).


    No. PT dps needs more than that, Pyro is limping along with no legs and a stump for an arm at this point.

  18. I never spoke of a majority here. I'm quite sure that the people who would never play on an english speaking server whatsoever are in fact a minority (even though considerably more would be upset, albeit not a dealbraker for them). But again: Who can say how big that group is, and if they are really less than the people that would noticeable (!) benefit from a unified european server? I for sure can't. All I can say is that this group DOES exist, and it is big enough to be noticed on the german servers.




    I meant to write 40, apologies (the 90s are still just ten years ago, I swear, I'm sure of that...).^^




    Where did I say that? ;)

    I used it as an example because I didn't want to write "pvp, fps, ops, gsf, etc.", but if you want to be precise: At some point it doesn't make a difference anymore if a warzone pops every 3 or 4 minutes, ranked pvp every 10 or 12 minutes, group finder for veteran fps every 1 or 2 minutes, group finder for master fps every 10 or 12 minutes, op groups fill within 5 or 7 minutes,...

    (really, do you have to include a "for example" in each and every case, where it should be obvious?)




    Me too. Since Oblivion, by the way, with their... creative abbreviations in the german translations ("Schw. Tr. d. Le.en.-W." was seriously the name of a potion there. Supposedly meaning "Schwacher Trank der Lebenswiederherstellung", but really, you can't infer anything from that name alone...).

    And by the time I started to do progression raiding, that was also kind of an issue, because most people in my raid group used the german client and sometimes we didn't know which skill someone was referring to, because the names are translated. I usually just described the skill icons then, but that's also a potential issue. Imagine someone playing with the german client in a group getting told to use "Resurgence" more. I mean, I had to look up the translation for that word. Sure, you can adapt to everything, but why make it more complicated for everyone? Because that no only affects the german/french players. Right now you can be reasonably sure that everyone playing on the Red Ecplipse at least uses the same language files for their game. That wouldn't be the case anymore.


    My dream solution would be two european servers, by the way, one PvE and one RP, because I don't really care for the language and more about the overall community. But from all I heard over the years from gildies and other players on the german servers, I'm a minority in that regard, and I seriously feel that closing these servers would cause an outcry that is far worser than just keep 3 serves for europe.

    It would really be interesting to have some numbers of people that transferred from a german/french server to a higher populated english one. That could give some estimates on how big the groups are.


    But maybe that's the wrong question. A better one: how much worser off is T3-M4 compared the Ebon Hawk/Red Eclipse etc.? My personal opinion is: not noticeable worser. I don't really see a difference between prime time pops on Red Ecplise and T3-M4. Is it therefore really necessary to merge them? No, definitely not. It would be a completely different question if all german servers were in the condition of Jar'Kai Sword, but they are not. So, why doing more harm than good here?


    At the very least then they should merge all German servers into one, french into one and english into one. EU servers tat is.

  19. Fair enough. I read "lack of multiplayer content" and my personal interest/bias went to thinking PVE.


    I do do ops as well, but ops are very time consuming, and I can only do 1 or 2 per week. PvP, flashpoints, heroics, and story on the other hand are pretty quick. And in those cases, the gearing is still beyond crap. I mean who thought of giving out only greens and blues in flashpoints was a good idea!?

  20. Clearly there needs to be some sort of Star Trek incident with a black hole at this point. Lets be honest, what on earth were they smoking when they came up wit hthe whole valkorian thing?! I remember how I was super excited to see where it was going after Ziost, and then we got.....that.....and now that we pushed through the nonsense they want to pretty much erase everything we painstakingly went through?! Its just... I dont know.:confused:
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