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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. And what will you say and who will you blame when 6 months from now, nothing has materially changed to your satisfaction?


    I honestly hope Keith does his new job well... but to be so blatantly giddy just because it's anyone besides Ben is very short sighted by players. And NO.. I am not defending Ben in any way, nor justifying the direction the game is following. If you should have learned anything in the years of playing this game .. it would be to trust results, not labels, promises, or specific people.


    Players in general over estimate the power of a Producer. It's true they do lead the direction of an MMO to some extent, but it's much more in a business context and to some extent strategic direction business wise rather then a detail design context. They need to know and be able to perform on both the business and creative aspects of an MMO. MMO like all large software efforts are designed, implemented, and maintained.... by committee.


    Personally, I believe Keith will get roasted and hung in the forum here.... just like every other producer of this game since launch. Players have condemned and attacked them all as incompetent. It's what players of MMOs do.. they shoot the producers and team leads at every possible opportunity. Why would things be different this time around? I'm sure Keith knows this, and already has if fire gear on.


    My advice... believe results, not labels or names.


    This is likely the reason they got rid of ben, because this game is going down the drain business wise and player base wise. By supporting all player bases people will see that the game is getting better after being on life support ( it is star wars after all, people still keep their eyes on it even after leaving ) and will likely come back if they see all player bases are being supported. That in turn would brng more business as well. In turn leading to a positive cycle. Better and more diverse content = more players being retained and returning = more revenue = more business = more positive reviews = more money for content and staff. Repeat. The way Ben ran the game was. Story only for 2 years = Spike in subs for 1 month , then people leave for another year = Less players being retained, more players leaving = less revenue = less business = negative reviews = less money for content and staff.

  2. This comment contains enough salt to melt the polar ice caps.


    But the polar ice caps are formed from salt water =D.

  3. This was a video from a pvp match just a half hour ago. It incorrectly listed the pvp team plus the lag made it unplayable.


    That looks like standbying / lag switching to me, you were fine till you engaged certain individuals, and then everything went to hell in a hand basket. And then it repeated.


    Queue the people that say that isnt possible in this game. But that looks like classic lag switching to me.

  4. What is annoying ... i barely got to 240 and 242 on my main ... and another gear grind.... why on earth not leave it at 242, why the need for another tier without a next level cap or expansion?


    This is why pvp gear was crucial, we didnt have this gear grind for pvp, and people that had no life didnt reign supreme over people who were just entering top tier pvp because they could get gear relatively quickly. The old bolster was fine for pvp. With top tier optimized gear you STILL had better stats than people just coming in, even if they were bolstered over top tier.

  5. Or, maybe, to show that a good player can perform well on bolster, and that most of the differences attributed to bolster are either not, or just slightly related to it.


    Maybe. We will never know because it is just a picture of a scorecard with 0 evidence to support either side.

  6. Going to play the skeptic here. Are we just supposed to take this guy at his word? Whenever I say anything like this without intricate proof, people scream PROOF OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN! For all we know he could have been skanking with full 242s. There is 0 evidence showing otherwise. This could just be people trying to downplay the gear disparity and make BW feel better about how awful the gear and bolster issue is in pvp atm. :rolleyes:
  7. You forgot the single biggest problem for Pubs, we almost never have healers when Imps do.


    For Bioware, I see this as a disgusting example of neglect, for the fact that they post Rankings publicly, Pubs so often get out-matched with Imps who have one or two heals.


    Then there's the "tunnel vision" problem, had a healer yesterday in my group insult my DPS, until I pointed out that I'd spent the entire match self-healing, I had an equal proportion of self heals to DPS, that kinda silenced him.


    And then when we play our healers there are nothing but healers. xD I swear its a hive mind problem. :D

  8. I don't really buy the alt complaint anymore, as I've leveled up and geared four different characters since January.


    Well for normal people who dont live and breath this game, this gearing system is a nightmare. Working for your gear is one thing, but gearing your toons relying on luck to get said gear is just stupid.

  9. ESO has a large expansion with a new class coming in June. BW needs to get their **** together.


    This exactly. ZoS listens to their players, mostly, and their expansions are much , much MUCH larger than what we get from BW, and more frequent, and the amount of bugs in them are far far faaaaaaaaaaaaar fewer.

  10. Are you even reading what some of you are writing ?

    I am astounding to read so agressive posts !

    We are players and some of us customers but it does not give us the right to say that the corporation is no worthy of the job !

    There are people like you and me working in this corporation and probably Star Wars fans like a lot of us.

    Think a bit before attaking them.


    There's a delay. So we are disapointed. Yes that's true. But hey does SWTOR the meaning of our lives ? No. Not to me anyway, if it's yours, I feel sorry for you guys. The timetable is bad and the annoucement of the delay quite ******, yes that's true. But howling won't get things faster.


    I am a recent player. Just 2 years and a half on SWTOR but I think there is a great job on it. So before screaming for nothin', why don't we just wait, enjoying what we already have and let's see if it was worth it a delay on the 18th ?


    Come on and let's fight into game instead here ^^


    Im sorry, but if I made earth shattering mistakes at work and caused people to get massive infections during surgery, every 2 months for 5 years straight, I would not be in the job anymore. Video game companies are the only companies out there that can get away with this kind of incompetence, and people actually DEFEND them for it.....

  11. Well, I was looking forward to new content, but it is better to wait jst a bit longer if it needs fixing. I mean it would be even worse if everything is bugged and unplayable.

    And mistakes happen I understand that, but in return you could give us something this week, like cxp bonus or something.


    The thing is, BW have a running tally of mistakes and errors when it comes to this game. At first I was really understanding with BW, they were new to this, the game was just released and so there were problems, but over the years it gets old, they dont listen, they delay things, they break things, they make excuses, etc. It gets old, and eventually people will get mad.

  12. I agree with the sentiment that people need to stop making the Cartel Market jokes, they're obviously different departments and there's no reason to berate the developer team with useless jokes just to make you feel better. I do however majorly disagree with the sentiment in the rest of the post.


    This isn't a singular mess-up that people are angry about, it's a series of events which display nothing more than ineptitude on the side of the developer team. Perhaps ineptitude is a harsh word, but the only other explanation is deception, and I'd rather believe they're messing up than intentionally hiding information from the community.


    To use your waitress and chef example, I'll give you how I see this year as having unfolded so far:

    • You enter your favourite restaurant. The restaurant was successful, enjoyed by many, but has randomly rebranded from a semi-successful Thai restaurant into a substandard Italian.
    • You order a diet coke. You're told it'll be five minutes. Half an hour later your drink arrives.
    • When your drink does arrive, it's Fanta. You send it back, the replacement does not arrive for another half an hour.
    • The Lasagne you asked for comes out as a Spaghetti Bolognese. Same ingredients, massively different result. You send it back and are disappointed.
    • You're told it'll be ten minutes until the lasagne comes out. Nine and a half minutes later, the waitress informs you that the chef will need another fifteen.


    So yes, you're right. No point yelling at the front of house that the restaurant rebranded, it's obviously an executive decision. No point yelling at the interior decorator that the drink that arrived was wrong. People are however perfectly justified in complaining after this series of events, time and time again any action performed by the restaurant as a whole has been a let down.


    All of these apply to the game in some way. So yes, while it might not be appropriate to scream that the end of the game is nigh when TOR rebranded into a Story-based MMO (wonderful idea), it's perfectly reasonable to call the developer team out on their inadequacies when everything they do is in some way, shape, or form, a let down. Their new gearing system was far too slow, and has had to be rebalanced several times. Their new operation had a single boss, and even then had to be delayed by a month, and then an extra week. These events on their own are excusable, but together pile up into an unfortunate mess that you cannot fault people for leaving. When do you complain, in your mind? Must you simply ignore the bigger picture?


    Though I think we can all agree that any criticism needs to remain constructive, and not a witch hunt. I for one don't agree with the bashing Eric gets, since it seems to me he has very little authority over what he is allowed and not allowed to say. I respect that he has the willpower to stay in the position he has, most of his team seem to not manage to remain here too long...


    Actual logic without white knighting. I like it.

  13. Currently, the XP and CXP event is going to turn off as scheduled tonight. However, with the delay we definitely want to keep it running for you for another week. We are exploring options to turn it back on tomorrow through the new 5.2 date. I will post updates as I have them.




    You have got to be kidding me. Delay it, and also get rid of the cxp boost. I know it is just a game, but seriously, this is incompetence at its finest if it gets turned off.....

  14. Every time they roll out one of these GC "Fix" patches and it does not achieve what they implied, they lose more players.


    5.2 looks akin to a band aide on an arterial wound to me...


    I suppose we will see, but I have a feeling it's going to further enrage people when they start understanding Bioware is saying one thing and doing another yet again.


    I still don't get a crate an hour even now...Playing at a standard rate and not trying to "grind" CXP....Maybe if I was face to the monitor with a preemptive plan to score a crate in one hour, maybe... But if I just roll a chapter or do some missions its not happening....


    Unless of course I disintegrate everything in every crate I get, then I occasionally get 1 crate per hour....Which is a hysterical model. One crate per hour should be based on not disintegrating anything in your crates... But I suppose that is another discussion about how GC crates stink.


    I'm not going into how the GC System is inherently designed for people to play only optimal CXP content...and now they are on the perpetual nerf wheel...


    Maybe they will surprise me...But i doubt it.


    Heck I even subbed for a month to give them another shot.


    Will it be a large influx...probably not but I came back so I'm sure a few will.


    Not to mention one of the HUGE things people were looking forward to was being able to buy starter BiS gear with command tokens in 5,2 , and now all of a sudden the guy responsible for the amazing RNG boxes changed his mind and we have to wait for that even LONGER now. I am pretty sure thatll piss off quite a few people. I know I will be gone as soon as morrowind for ESO is released unless there are some pretty drastic changes here.

  15. Call me a cynic, but I don't think 1 operation boss and a new daily area is going to cause a mad rush to resubscribe to SWTOR.


    This update is actually what we should hae more often. A little bit for pvp, a little bit for ops players, a daily area , a little story, and i believe also a stronghold? Not sure about the last one. But if they released content like this quarterly it would help numbers a lot. The problem with BW is they neglect 4/5 player bases and tunnel vision the other 1/5 . Which resuklts in people feeling neglected and leaving.

  16. I'm not really sure what you're saying here.


    They play midbies, until 70, stop, make a new character, and repeat. I knew several guilds a year or so back that did that rep side. Dunno if its changed as i havent played midbies in eons, but yeah. Just an observation.

  17. no need to get all riled up I was just curious, I thought it was for this update. and speaking of old relevant issues, is there ever going to be optimization to graphics so I don't have fractured crap all over my screen??


    Yeah I just saw the darkside version of Anarchy in Paradise, and honestly, that was a damned mess. I was thinking to myself, HOW DID THAT get through QA?!


    I honestly thought it was for this update too, lol.

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