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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. Expertise has nothing to do with gear acquisition speed...that is where you seem to be missing something.


    If expertise was still in the game that gear would take just as long to get....Except you would then have a gear set that took just as long to get but sucked in PvE...


    I'm not seeing an upside here.


    No, if expertise were still in the game we would still have a seperate set of pvp gear which if kept the same would have been available the second you set foot into top tier pvp, assuming you played even a tiny bit of pvp pre 70. Even if you didnt, if warzone comms were still the way the were pre 5,0 you could play maybe 2 hours of warzones and have all the gear you needed in order to be competitive.


    2 Hours




    Weeks / Months


    It was so easy to understand it was laughable really. Now though, if you are unlucky, like I am, and got mostly green gear from 1- 200 command level, and dont live and breath the game, you are the punching bag for the people that dont have a job / life and got super lucky with their crates / and or spent SO much time pvping to get their unassembled components that they managed to get full 242.


    Also, you STILL need 2 sets of gear in order to be an asset to your team in pvp, if you run in with the same gear that you have in pve, you will just be a detriment to your team because you perform sub par.


    Again, there is a reason Irving got fired, because " moved onto new things " is business speak for " we fired his *** " , and you can bet it is this disaster of a system which caused subs to plummet to unprecedented levels.

  2. PFFFT. OMG. Exaggeration much? If you've read my previous posts...for the love of God, read them, then you'd know I am not a fan of the grind fest.

    BUT FFS...how will you gear up FASTER because it's PVP gear? AND It's taken me a week to go from 230s to all gold 236s. ONE FREAKING WEEK. And I've only been playing a few nights a week for a few hours as my child has been home for school holidays.


    So months? C'mon! Months? If anyone should get instant gear, it should be ops people because you know what?! That content is HARD. That takes skill to get the reward. PVP? Not so much. If PVP were like an OPS, then it would last a few hours and after all of that all 8 would be required to /roll then ONE random highest roll would get the piece of gear. PVPers punished? Bullcrap.


    I have been playing on 1 main character since 5,0 launched and I am not at lvl 300 yet, 200, yeah, and I have gotten in that time a whole 7 gold pieces. The rest are usually green.


    With the old pvp gear system you could amass enough warzone commendations by the time you GOT to max level by pvping before max level. So you could INSTANTLY have a full set of pvp gear before you even step foot into pvp. There is a reason Irving got axed, because this is the most awful system -ever-

  3. NO. I don't want a two gear system. I never understood expertise and hated having to switch when wz popped while in pve. I want one specific gear.. I like using whatever aspect I want to play to gear my characters.


    So you want pvpers to be forced to grind for months on end, instead of you spending 10 seconds to switch gear because you dont understand that you had to get expertise to 2018, which could be accomplished within 2 hours MAXIMUM pre 5,0?


    That logic................

  4. As someone who geared up my sorc from level 30 to 70 in 2-3 weeks to gold 236 via pvp in order to do ops, I will say that pvpers aren't being punished. Sure, it's a grind. I won't deny that, but pvper's have it WAY better as you're guaranteed components. They've increased the components. Do your weekly for 40, and your dailies for 12. You get 8 for a win, 3 for a loss. I even bought the wrong stupid chest piece and was still able to earn enough components to buy another within a day of making the mistake. Now, I'm all for making components legacy wide or for increasing the numbers more but pvpers aren't being punished.


    You must have a lot of time on your hands. For us normal mortals, this system is the worst system to ever be introduced to this game. Thank god the genius behind it got fired. I hope no gaming company ever hires him again. And if they do, stars have mercy on that games soul.

  5. So what? The building has a new janitor. You think they will magically fix the bugs and make lasting content? They will propably just write another over the top story like becomming emperor of the universe or something.


    I usually give people the benefit of the doubt before passing judgment.

  6. There is no reason to augment at all, at any level, for story or veteran mode PvE.


    I can't speak for Ops but I assume you will always want max stats for Ops of any kind, or for master mode PvE.


    You will ALWAYS want to augment for PvP, at any level. Stats matter and the augs bolster.


    People who dont augment for flashpoint HM are annoying AF, do hardly any damage, heal really bad, or cant tank worth anything. Played with a pug full of them the other day I wanted to bang my head against the wall because my pure tank was doing more damage than them on mandalorian raiders and the boss would jump to the next set of turrets before they had the first turret in the first group dead!


    Always, ALWAYS augment your gear at 70. If you have tons of credits you could do it before hand too, I do, but the second you hit 70 it should be priority number one. You will be an asset to any group you get in any form of content you do.

  7. Oh, they wouldn't. If they release another SW MMO then this one is toast.


    I don't picture them doing that, though, over a MOBA or ARPG, at this point. Sort of like how TSW is relaunching as an ARPG.


    What I would love to see is a Borderlands 2 style FPS/MMO/RPG hybrid. Seems unlikely though. Still, if Gearbox can pull off incredibly good games with that model, so can Bioware.


    Not really , most people who play swtor do not like FPS games, and I for one do not want to play first person shooter mmos, its lamer than lame.

  8. A new Star Wars MMO? I heard of Ben moving to a "great and new opportunity". I thought, that were good news...


    Im pretty sure that was their nice way of saying " we fired his *** "


    I hope they dont stop support for this and start something lame like Destiny....... If they do I will be getting it on xb1 because I cant be bothered and I dont have the money to upgrade my pc.

  9. 4.0 and 5.0 were good story driven content? In what universe?


    They went from 8 different story of various quality (I'm looking at you, Jedi Consular, after chapter 1 you were crap) to one cliche-laden, cookie cutter trope fest with writing on the level of your local tumblr fanfic, a massive reduction of actual story content. The writing is just a few inches above the abysmal rubbish that lurks around in Mass Effect Andromeda (whoever wrote FemRyder's lines should be publicly flogged.)


    What this reduction in actual story content shows us is: one size doesn't fit all.


    Within the Star Wars universe 4.0 and 5.0 themselves were utter rubbish. Oh, look, a big third party so powerful that it defeats both factions. Yeah, so new and original. Not. 5.0 took the cake with the whole idea of "take the throne!" which pretty much guarantees that these events will never be canon in Star Wars. Player characters never get that amount of power and influence, because, canonically, which character is going to be that one? Oh, the "Outlander"? And who is that? Which of the thousands of player characters is it? Yes, there would have to be a canon decision from the top, like in both KOTOR games, similar to Revan's and the Jedi General's genders.


    It's good that, officially, all of this is no longer canon and deposited under Legends.


    It may have not been the est, but it was story wether you liked it or not. Future xpacs should have more focus on everything in a big package, not just story.


    I pretty much agree with everything OP wrote.


    I would also like to ad, cross faction for pvp, and replace the current announcers with factio neutral announcers saying "this is a battle simulation" just like when you have the same faction v the same faction.


    EVENTS - For the love of the stars WE NEED NEW EVENTS!!!More than half of the players do not even bother with the old events because they are half a decade old at this point. Extremely boring.


    Expand the current planets - There is SO MUCH unused space on the planets we ALREADY have. Come up with some way to utilize those open spaces! Colicoid hunting games , wrangling rancors, racing nerfs, SOMETHING! And lets get more seasonal events, not just that lame " lets throw snowballs at each other " life day event. Get creative for once!

  10. i just farm unnassembled components for gear I have a cargo tab full of tier 2 crates I haven't even bothered to open. Get the granked weekly and daily done when u can and u can get gear pretty quick. I'm surprised more people haven't been doing this.

    I agree though crates should drop more useful gear, even a single legendary mod or enh would be nice. Especially for those of us that like to play multiple toons. I'm now broke from constantly having to rip out mods etc.


    Because the 4v4 platform is an outdated garbage platform. If I wanted that platform I would go play the original quake.

  11. Honestly - advertising the game and getting people to come is sabotaged by having mostly dead or dying servers. Before you are going to get a wave of potential new players (from a movie or an expac) it is absolutely the smart thing to do to merge them first. You can always re-open closed servers later if the active ones get too busy. But I've never heard of an aging MMO getting -that- many new players. 4.0 was this game's big chance to buck that trend (new SW movie franchise startup + money from EA + ppl from another failed BW startup available to contribute) and part of the reason they blew it was because half the servers even then were hurting badly going into the xpac. A game with a bustling community and busy traffic makes players think something is happening, something is going on - there's something to work towards seeing.


    I agree. I remember trying out AOC way back when and the servers were deader than dead. That put me off really quick. Servers should be merged, and then we can work from there.

  12. Oh, for the love of... Dude, you've been harping on that for years now. You got the Exiled Master's robes. You got Relnex's robes. You got Kreia's robes, even - those are all pretty "traditional." And I'm sure I'm missing one or two... But no, there are just LEEEEEEEEEETLE flaws in them that you have to point out and whine about it not being "perfect." At one time, I would have supported you - now I just think your "fight" is rather pathetic.




    I wasn't here at launch, but I heard that's what happened. :eek: And it still happens today. Level cap is raised to 70, five new Uprisings are launched to be played at level 70...within two days people are whining about the "lack of content." Oi vey. Five MORE Uprisings were produced. Two days later - "Welp I'm bored now, guess I'll unsub, byeee! ...oh yeah I spacebarred through that thing you call 'story,' anyone want to get me up to date on that?" *facepalm*


    On another note, I agree that they need to focus on more than one aspect of the game. I'm primarily a story player, and I loved the last two expansions - but that doesn't mean I could care less about the rest of the game. There are a lot of people here who love flashpoints (we're getting a new one in 5.3! UMBARA!! AAAAHHHH!! :D), who love Operations, who love warzones - so yes, please do refocus on adding more of that content!!

    I started playing right before Shadow of Revan came out, so I wasn't here for the "glory days"...but judging from what some of you have said about them, I'd love it if SWTOR went that direction again. A small bit of story (hopefully differentiated between classes, or at least factions), Operation(s), warzone(s), flashpoint(s), all in one expansion? That would be wonderful. I hope it can happen. :D


    Uprisings are just awful. Some are so overtuned its ridiculous, and others are so undertuned its just silly. And they were clearly thrown together without any real thought. They are nice, but they are so short and so hastily thrown together they are pretty crap. And what, we dont get any content in TWO years and we are supposed to be happy with uprisings? Those things are awful, no story to them, no conversations, no dialogue. Imagine if story players got 5 chapters of Kotfe OVER TWO years, and we said " be happy with what you have and stop whining " yeah, I am sure that would go over well.

  13. It was mostly a flop because of a very Toxic Burning Crusade ethos that pretty much told everyone who wasn't a end game Raider "We don't want you" They realized their mistake way too late.


    I also think Cater is the wrong word it dose nothing but bring divisiveness on all sides. I would like to see Bioware adopt a L.E.A.N/Agile development philosophy and a content roadmap for all parts of the game. Iv'e seen developers do this with great success and mostly happy players. I want Raiders and PVP players to have plenty to do, I want Story Players to have plenty to do, I don't ever want to see one gated by the other because it's splits the community.


    Both style players can live in harmony in game.


    Pretty much exactly what I want as well. It just bothers me that BW cant do expansions with a little bit for everyone.

  14. I don't see how that group is any different from the Raiders who put X on farm, then leave until the next raid honestly, and we have seen what happens when devs just cater to end game raiders like they did in Wildstar, there has to be a balance.


    But I do agree on the replayability for end game, that's why I think that the on rails space game was such a huge mistake, they could have open'd that up for endgame PVP battlegrounds Elite Space Operations for Raiders and re-playable flash points for everyone else. Missed opportunity...but who knows what the future holds now.



    No Original Class content in how long?

    Yeah me either. :-(


    Wildstar was a flop from the get go though. That is a pretty bad example. A better example would be this game from the start, it withered away pretty quick because of lack of end game, they remedied that issue and the game population flourished again. Replayable story is great, but the most loyal group of players has and will always be end game players. Raiders, FP players, and PvPers. Like you said there needs to be a balance, but the balance was tipped faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar in favor of story, even if it had no replayability, it was -still- story. 2 years now they have catered 99,9% to story. It is high time to cater to the other play bases now.

  15. Yeah, that's true, as a carnage marauder i run accuracy at 105% because of all the white damage, so there are instances where there is some benefit for it.


    Changed my dirty fighting GS to 104,98 now ( not iwlling to go over xD) and I noticed a minute difference, but not much from 103,6

  16. But are you really really sure? I mean, are you sure ice caps aren't just hardened snow?


    Its made of both.


    " Salt water will freeze at around 28 degrees Fahrenheit. After frozen, over a long period of time, the salt leeches out of the ice. In addition, precipitation accumulates on the salt ice as well. So the northern polar cap is made up of a combination fresh water ice and briny ice.


    The south pole is on land, but the surrounding waters are cold enough so that the above applies. On land glaciers at the South pole are all fresh water glaciers built up over millennium by precipitation"

  17. This is me too. My slinger is a mirror of my sniper and gets all the gear hand me downs. That's the cool thing about Galactic Command. I've geared up a Merc/Commando that way as well. I'm biased towards ranged.


    I have a lot more characters, but I cant agree about GC, because that is the main reason I stopped playing anything but my 3 mains. And even that is annoying because I used to dual spec my VG and Scoundrel, but doing that now is too much of a pain.

  18. Ok. My thoughts. Gear matters very little in that PvP takes skill and class over gear. Gearing does make survivability a little easier but good playing will do that too. As will healers that can cast without trouble. So by and large it's still relatively even. However I have had the unfortunate luck to go up against a fully augmented 242 Merc who was skilled and armed to the teeth. He was a tank. There was no damaging him. He wiped the floor with our carcasses. We knew from the moment the 4v4 loaded him that we were going to lose in our 230s. Luckily it lasted just long enough to get cxp


    I can say first hand that my dirthy fighting Gunslinger has had major increase in performance just from going from a 228 barrel to a 240, the rest of the gear going up to 240/236 helped, but the barrel increased her damage significantly. It is not a small amount. An equal skilled player with 242s will win over an equal skilled player in 230s -every- time. The gear matters more than you think.

  19. Are you sure about that?


    Yes, they are formed from salt water but in the freezing process most of the salt falls back into the ocean. Which is why they are composed mostly of fresh water. :cool:

  20. I'm just saying that I think a die hard SWTOR player would most likely have more under their belt than grinding Galactic Command ranks and PvPing, as you can choose to grind and PvP in pretty much every MMO out there, not just SWTOR. Still, I'm not saying that this is all that the new producer has accomplished in the game, but those were the credentials the poster referenced when he labeled the new producer as a, "die hard" SWTOR player.


    To answer your question, my ideal hardcore player is first and foremost someone who loves and is vested in the immersion of the SWTOR universe, which is made possible via the main story arc, class stories, companion stories and romances, planetary missions, exploration missions, Flashpoints, Ops, planetary exploration, Datacron discovery, Stronghold decoration, character outfit customization, etc...


    A diehard player is anyone that sticks to the game through thick and thin. And not to be a *****, but that is not story players. End game group content players, pvpers, roleplayers. Those are the playerbases that will keep the game breathing over long periods of time. As we saw with both Kotfe and Kotet, story players stick around for a few weeks and are gone again. We, the end game group content players stick around far passed that point.


    I am happy that someone is coming in who understands that all player bases need to be paid attention to, and not someone who tunnel visions story content, touting " GETTING BACK TO STORY " like we dont matter. Story is great, but what we got so far had zero replayability, and the end game players have been ignored for 2 years now. So the group that was catered to were the fickle players that devour new content, and leave. Not the best group to cater to.

  21. Maybe because that is simply your goal in the game or you just simply want to. What difference does it make?


    All I am asking is to make it as easy to get top end gear by doing only PVE as it is with doing PVP. I don't think that is asking too much.


    With pvp, you can easily target a specific gear slot. With pve, you are still dealing with RNG and bad rolls on loot. With bad RNG, it is theoretically possible to run a given op indefinitely and never win the piece you are after... this just isn't true with pvp. And with op, I can only run a given op once a week...with pvp, you can run warzone after warzone after warzone.


    Getting gear through pvp is easy? Um. Are you madd? It takes eons to get gear through only doing pvp! You can get 4 rng boxes per flashpoint per day if you do it right! And you can dash through those flashpoints in 15 minutes tops. You should not have access to the same gear that people bust their asses to get, through face roll content.

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