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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. Some may feel that enough, but not Raiders.


    I don't care what color it is, I don't care how fast it goes, I don't care how cool of a sound effect it has, or how big it is, I'm only interested in if it makes me do more damage.


    Leave all that other stuff for where it belongs, cartel packs.


    Not really, I was having the time of my life 4,0 with the way gearing worked for pvp. Meticulously min maxing my gear because it was accessible through only pvping. Now I can play a match or two, and because I have a life outside this game, I just get obliterated because I dont play the fotm classes / specs.


    Unless I am intoxicated. Then I play my commando because it is face roll easy.

  2. The same Maras I've been owning on my sniper in Imp v Imp matches can now global my GS and I can't do any damage to them. Something broken 😢


    I have this exact same problem. I play my gunslinger and sniper and I face the same enemies on my sniper and i blow them to bits, and then i play them on my gunslinger and its a fail fest. I think the problem is, gunslinger has the two weapons, and the chacnes to miss more and have less dps from missing is much higher.

  3. Odessen Proving Grounds is the BEST by far of all the wartypes. Its not perfect, but much better than cheat-ball or interrupt-nodecap maps. Yes, it takes a little intelligence to play so dumb people will probably not have fun but there are a lot of people who like to flex the brain a little.


    The main reasons why it is greatly superior are:

    1.) Mixed faction. The only wartype 70 pubs can play now with the enormous gear faction imbalance.

    2.) When capping nodes, you can do so while FIGHTING. "OMG, you mean I can join a PvP and actually fight while doing something smart for the objectives? No way!"


    The bad thing about it is that it is stupid you can be pull-bumped off the ledge outside.


    Irrelevant: Doesn't matter that it is a mini-maze map, that's not what is important. Maybe the next 5 wartypes they make will have 1 & 2 above without the maze map. Really they should change all existing maps to have mixed faction and figure out how to make the objectives non-iterruptable.


    The only wartypes I leave when they pop are both cheat-ball maps and 4v4 if one side has more healers than the other.


    I pretty much only leave 4 v 4s for the same reason you do.

  4. :tran_cool:

    Snowflakes have hurt feelings... call the police.


    If you quit a warzone, you're saying that YOU are more important than everyone else playing the game. I understand mommy told you that you're special, I'm just telling you that your mom is an idiot.

  5. No they haven't and I think it's because the devs sorta painted themselves in a corner with the early operations....some of that content had exclusive story that if you missed it by not doing the Op, the main story didn't make sense, going forward they need to add a supplementary 'This is what's going on" quest for those that don't partake and provide people who do take the time and trouble to do the operations adequate rewards and a reason to move to the next one.


    I think if SWTOR sorta backed away from the current post Raid MMO mindset and adopted a everyone matters mindset the community as a whole would be happier.


    Raiders are part of that everyone, as of the last two years it has been nothing but story.

  6. Yeah but with pure blackout as a passive now a stealth can stand right next to you and you can't see them. If they were to revert it back to an ability I would agree with you. But if it stays as is then I think stealth scan should be invisible


    I think the radius should just be increased. At least to the point where a stealther cant mez you while you are standing in the middle of the scan, that is just ridiculous.

  7. There was an issue with 4.0 gearing. It was way to easy. Top tear gear should be hard to get


    No, top tier gear for pve should be hard to get, top tier pvp gear should not. PvP should be about skill, not gear. Pretty much all seasoned pvpers agree to this, and only people that get off on pug stomping with their premade groups that get off on the same thing think otherwise.

  8. Why does gear in PvP even exist? Skill should be the only determining factor. I have the gear, its poor souls who either not understanding how the system works and under geared that will be demolished. In addition, it makes the likely hood of rolling more toons unlikely. I wanna do a shadow tank, but do not have the patience of going through the GC grinding, something that could be easily removed by setting the bolster at 248.


    Me thinks he is just an angry troll that likes to bash on people that have a life and cant spend every waking moment playing pvp and ignoring everything else, and who gets off on rolling pug smashing groups with like minded people.

  9. Story has been central to every single update - I doubt we'd go without it now. But...even if he did, story folk have been well fed since launch...even they need to exhibit patience and understanding at times.


    Agree with this. I personally would like to see xpacs with a little bit for everyone, every 4 months or so, like ESO did from launch, but story players have gotten a TON of content in the last 3 years. In the last 2 years ops, pvp, and group pve players have gotten close to nothing.

  10. how long until the swtor community turns on Keith...


    He has 2 years. xD.


    No but seriously. I am not sure how long Irving was in power, but I am thinking 2 years or so? And that is 2 years of constant smurf ups and mis steps. You only give someone so many chances. He earned the criticism.

  11. Well, the gearing was separate to a degree and it was workable but to say there was no issue at all I don't agree with. Clearly things are worse now and that we do agree on.


    But I've always, since the beginning, had issues with people coming to Operations with PvP gear for example but at the same time PvE relics didn't trigger in PvP. Also I don't believe in expertise and where I agree with you that expertise basically was nullified by bolster, it makes you wonder why you need expertise to begin with.


    What I think is that PvP and PvE gearing should be separate gearing and it should be easy if not automatic to switch between the two sets.


    Since expertise was pretty much nullified in 4.0 you could say it was fine, but I still would want PvE gear to not be useable in PvP and vice versa and players should get a starter PvP gear set to have a starting point. The question is though if you want to avoid inequality or support gear progression and some things are dependent on that choice. If you want gear progression then you need to allow for gearing inequality or it makes no sense to have gear progression. If you do not want the inequality there should be no gearing tiers but then why would people continue to PvP if there is no reward progression?


    So I appreciate that it's not all easy and I certainly prefer 4.0 gearing over 5.0 gearing but I wouldn't go as far as to say that 4.0 was perfect...but I'll take it any day over the current system. (without the prio ops thing though, that was rather over the top).


    But wanting a seperate set of gear specifically for pvp is pretty much just asking for expertise....because people would need to use gear that wouldnt work in other situations anyway. .... :confused:

  12. And here I agree with you. Wasn't expecting that after another post I read of yours but this is something that I've proposed as well and I think it's the best way to approach the gearing issues this game has.


    The thing is there was no gearing issue at 4,0. None for pvp, and none of pve. It was perfectly fine, easy to understand, and it took time, but didnt take too long. I could agree that a different skill set for pvp would be nice, specifically for pvp, but I dont see BW doing that. This current rng GC system would have worked fine to SUPPLEMENT the old system, it could have randomly given out pvp gear and pve gear, but nooooooooooo.....

  13. I get what you are saying but it still has nothing to do with expertise...It has to do with the old gearing system vs. the new... 4.0 vs 5.0.


    I agree fully that the GC gearing system is total garbage hence my Signature and previous posts in this very thread. But do not get it twisted Expertise is made irrelevant by bolster and does not apply to the conversation in regards to Time to gear.


    Although you may still need to adjust your gear set to specific situations without expertise...with expertise you would have to grind exponentially more set pieces not just change out a few enhancements and augments.


    I am trying to point out that what you seem to take issue with is the time to gear and that is not directly related to the expertise stat in any way...


    It has eerythng to do with expertise because without it, it would just be a cheap way for people to get gear bypassing ops. That is why pvp gear was ALWAYS much lower tier than top tier pve gear. It was the only way to guarantee that people in ops wouldnt just use the pvp gear for ops and pve. We need to go back to he old system, or just make pvp gearless. Where everyone has uniform stats. But that would also be dumb because people have preferred playstyles. And no you didnt need to grind for the pvp gear, it was super quick, and you could even buy individual mods and enhancements from the vendors, which you could also get relatively quickly. Optimizing your gear to how you wanted it within days tops. With the old system I could have full sets of healer and dps gear on my scoundrel within days, gear that was not viable in even flashpoints because it was much lower tier than pve gear, so it served its purpose specifically for pvp with expertise.

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