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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Contrary to the title, the author of this article doesn't want SWTOR 2, he wants SWG 2 with a SWTOR skin, rather than the current version which uses WoW for an MMO inspiration. That's it. It's just another SWG fanboy.


    I'd rather have a K3 done by someone other than BW - they're the problem, not EA - which ignores everything that happened in this game and in the books. No more insane Revan or doting FemExile, no more Vitiate/Valky neverending family saga. A complete retcon back to the end of K2 - or even further. Complete creative freedom to make up for the mistakes made in this game.


    It's probably not going to happen, at least as an MMO. But with this "High Republic" thing, a Great Reset does seem more likely than any other possibility other than the status quo.

  2. Nope, not going to happen.


    That is the exact answer BW would give to your thread, if it weren't simpler to just not respond at all.


    That's what I do, but it does cost money to expand the number of characters you can make. If you could just replay on the same characters that cost wouldn't be there


    It doesn't cost money, it costs credits, and then only if you've maxed out your slots.

  3. Yes, I could've sworn I once asked Aristocra Saganu about how things on Csilla were (many years ago).

    Have replayed my Chiss agent twice now and just couldn't find anything. Tried every dialogue option.

    I'm starting to think my mind just made that up.


    There's a convo you can have with Dorne about someone named Ridu that her Republic handler [the mirialan guy] was looking for. The name is still in the story tree but not the actual dialogue. it might be bugged or they might have removed it for some reason. For another example, the BH used to have to go to engineering and take our the head engineer by building a macgyvered jet pack and flying up to him...they got rid of that whole encounter.

  4. For Male Smugglers, if you romance Beryl Thorne before leaving Taris, it comes up in conversation when you meet her again on whatever planet that is (Quesh?). Not sure how it pans out if you turn her in, but I suspect she's not there, or she has the opposite response.


    She's there but not happy.


    Right, so on Quesh the dialogue changes depending on your alignment. If you're DS and you take the LS option [help the captain for free], he acts surprised, same if you're LS who takes the DS option. If you're neutral and you take the neutral option, he comments that your reputation is all over the place.

  5. Still looking for something for sith warrior too, every class has something hidden away, but this class doesn't appear to have any.


    What's interesting about warriors imo is that they can recruit either version of Jaesa regardless of their alignment, i.e LS warriors can recruit DS Jaesas. I think originally you had to have a certain amount of alignment points, but they removed it. You have to pick the right dialogue though, because the default is DS warrior gets DS Jaesa and same same.


    An interesting one for female knights is they can have a 'sisterly' relationship with ranno tao ven on Tython, as long as they've been nice to her all the way through. You have the option to do a ritual with her to become closer [no, not that kind :rolleyes: ] and this allows you to kill her when she betrays you later on. If you don't do this, or you're not female, the DS option is just to extort her.


    Now, skip to Taris: if you took this option, killed Ranna but arrested Bengal, Watcher X will comment on Ranna's death as an example of how "imperial intelligence prides itself on knowing their enemy". The comp dialogue doesn't change.

  6. I decided I wanted a change of pace so I loaded up Mass Effect, a game I'd bought but hadn't played before. I bought it in 2012, before I even started swtor, played for half an hour and couldn't beat Eden Prime. I did a bit better this time around and liked it so much I went for the Legendary Edition.


    What do people like about M.E? What do they not like? Not so much story but gameplay, the movement sucks, doesn't it? Story-wise, idc about spoilers, it's an old game and i've soaked up most of the plot from memes etc. What's your favorite class? Have you got any tips for first time players? What's the best romance? What's the best equipment to buy?

  7. A 'squad' in this game [other than for the Trooper] is three guys, and two squads is still three guys. The game is very uneven for preparing players for later leveling...I remember on Hoth there's a scene in the Knight class story where the Jedi you were helped is 'ambushed' by a 'squad' of three soldiers, and thus 'outnumbered'. Except including you and your comp it's numerically an even fight, and the mob is just trash. Then you get to planets like Makeb and Oricon which swarm with mobs [and Makeb used to be even worse] many elites and champs...:rolleyes:

    SWTOR really needed to do its own thing with its combat from the outset instead of just copying what WoW did. Even Wildstar, a MMO that was made by ex-WoW devs did its own thing with combat. Same goes for other MMOs that were developed in the same time frame as SWTOR like GW2 and ESO.


    I mean, you could apply this to every aspect of the game, not just combat. Like Combat Styles, utilities...every time they do something, BW steals it and follows suit later on. Probably the only thing stopping them from copying what WoW does immediately is they don't have the resources to implement stuff right away [supposedly].


    It would be great if they could do literally anything without stealing it from some other game. About the only thing unique to swtor, besides the ip, is the story and VA, which for the purpose of comparison we could say stops with RotHC.

  9. There's at least one companion who outright literally betrays you for the benefit of your nemesis during the class story. There's a companion who has massacred entire planets worth of people. Most have ended lives for multiple reasons before joining you. But Skadge..Skadge says rude things to you? Boohoo.


    Ultimately, every companion following you ends up killing, or aiding in killing, dozens or hundreds of people. Skadge is one of the few who recognizes what an ugly thing it is that they do in this ugly galaxy. All those light hearted wise cracking flirtly bantery psychos who follow your orders to kill with a smile on their lips are far more broken than Skadge!


    Most annoying ones are those who are too loud or too..prolific with their mid combat one-liners.LOOKING AT YOU, SHAE VIZLA who can't kill a single mob without going full capslock. Ones who are more low key are by default among the better ones. The ol trunk face insect hater def belongs to the latter grp.


    Good companions are ones who seem to..live in the reality you expose them. Is why Sith companions tend to feel more immersive to have by your side than some of the tender butterfly of the summer types of Rep side. Jaesa for example absolutely belongs to the reality you expose each companion when actually playing the game. Somebody like Mako or Theron don't.


    I liked Skadge, but I also like Tanno Vik. Most players don't like these chars because they fit a DS storyline only, are mouthy, and you can't refuse them. You can't refuse any of them, but some have more organic transitions than others. Skadge should not join your crew if you don't let him kill Zane because why would he? Their story trees are also very short so what you see is what you get, they have no depth.

  10. By your logic, if you aren't praising the devs, you don't care about the game and shouldn't post your concerns. That by some means you should just give up and quit? No, that isn't usually the case.


    lol no, that's not "by my logic". Rather that's by your logic that "I will take everything personally and assume that quitting is equivalent to 'giving up'" lmao. You very kindly made a second example in this thread of your irrationality so we have something to compare to:


    Who make decisions for the game that have been historically unsuccessful in MMOs. When people give the feedback that it is an unwanted change and explain why that is still feedback. Not something to belittled by assigning the value that giver of said feedback believes the developers are boogieman.


    Thank you for proving my point.


    Here's a wild idea: maybe no one, or very few people, are actually defending the devs. Maybe you're just crazily obsessed and anyone who questions your hyperbolic claims , you immediately dismiss as a white knight because you can't handle disagreement? :rak_02: Ikr, mindblowing.

  11. Lana does not disapprove. Theron seems disappointed Koth doesn't return to the bridge with you, but he doesn't chew you out. If you don't kill Koth you keep the Gravestone when you return from Iokath, but he will leave the Alliance again.


    They should have made it so there's a random chance that Lana, Theron, and/or Koth hook up if the PC doesn't hook up with one of them. I mean, the writers added a lot of sexual tension to Koth and Lana and Lana and Theron's storylines without doing anything with it, it's just wasted innuendo.

  12. You know what Mike, your sig is just all sorts of plain wrong.


    Ever thought maybe your posts were upsetting the so called troll? You are the one resulting to name calling.


    Putting someone on your ignore list is fine and you have every right to do that, asking everyone else to, to silence another player is in-fact a form of cyber bulling. You really are better than that better than that, going by the majority of your posts. A little disappointed. No need to reply, and not asking anyone else to either, so not interested in start a flame war. just disappointed in that sig, man, really are.


    You ever get the feeling that people must have some interesting backstories that, if you only knew them, would help to rationalize and put into context their whacked out opinions? :rak_04:

  13. "This thing really sucks right? You're upset about it aren't you? Validate the expressions I've put forth." (New Topic - On Repeat)


    The attitude & overtly passive-aggressiveness of the topics makes it all very confusing. It's like "I want people to validate me but I want to ridicule them and their time spent on this game."


    Weirdly not a lot of people in these threads seem to be like "Yeah, you're totally right TC!" I wonder why that is? :rolleyes:


    Especially because the thread titles give the misleading impression that they're like research questions or something, like actually wanting to elicit feedback from different points of view in order to write a qualitative essay: "Divergent views of combat mechanic upgrades in semi-popular MMORPGs: A comparative analysis." :rak_03: But it's just clickbait because the OP is more like "herp a derp, nothing you do matters, how does that make you feel?":rak_02:

  14. ...okay. It's literally just repackaging old content to entice players to log in everyday. "...ok" about sums up the playerbase opinion. Now, that said,


    Instead, in order to advance I've found I've had to play game modes that personally I don't enjoy -- Warzones and GSF.


    The devs must be able to fill swimming pools full of the tears of pve players annoyed that they have to play pvp. I notice there are no tears from pvpers that they have to play Ops or FPs in order to advance. Which is surprising, since they cry about everything else.

  15. I strongly oppose this. That armor came in three boxes with each box requiring a significant amount of effort to earn. The effort was increasingly larger and involved completionist kind of lists of activities. It should not be available again. Certainly not on vendors.


    I am in favor of this, partly because i only have 3 pieces, and partly because, like the Shroud chapter and other "exclusives", adding it to the Seasonal rewards will infuriate long term subs.

  16. I don't understand the people making fun of OP and saying this is no big deal. I can see how it can be game-breaking immersion-wise. I, too, think some of the clipping is unacceptable. Take the shaggy hairstyle, for instance... Out of nowhere in free roam and during cut-scenes your char will suddenly turn bald in the back of the head and the hair clip through his face. It's so bad.


    Because if you've been playing for a few years it just becomes a completely normal part of the game. Would it be great if they fixed it? Sure. Will they fix it? No. Are you going to unsub if they don't fix it? No. So is it really 'unacceptable', or just annoying?


    I mean, you might unsub, idk, and if you did, that would mark the first time in swtor history that anyone ever claimed something was 'unacceptable' or 'game-breaking' and actually followed through. Which would be why the OP's comments sound melodramatic.

  17. And how many times will you replay that story with a different combat style?

    How much mileage is in this, especially if you've already played all the stories with any number of toons, each with their own headcanon?


    a) It would be nice to stealth through class content that you couldn't previously. It would be nice for LS Sith and DS Jedi to use their corresponding animations. It would be nice to use an assault cannon on an IA or a rifle on a BH.


    b) Expansions don't have to precisely cater to your specific interests to have value. I haven't played the Dxun op and probably won't play the new op, and that's fine. Other players like that stuff.

  18. The reality of the situation of course being that the arc of the Consular story was written in a way that requires the Consular to stay in the Jedi Order and get promoted in order to progress the story but if that's the case why write the DS choices as a murder spree instead of something more deceptive or corrupt or clever that you're doing that the Council isn't perhaps aware of? Thus not making the idea of you constantly getting promoted seem so ridiculous.


    They could have fixed this by including a new scene right after you get told your assignment on Coruscant. Jaeric Kaedan is there to brief you instead of Syo, and he goes off-script to inform the PC that tensions with the Jedi and Republic are thin right now and having crazy, violent Jedi running around is bad optics. So Kaedan gives the PC secret orders: heal the Jedi Masters if you can but if any of them do anything that would publicly embarrass the Order, you have permission to execute them instead. This seems in keeping with Kaedan's personality.


    That way, the DS choice would actually make sense instead of the PC just being a psycho and killing them when for no reason, and the Council shrugging like "hopefully they won't kill the next one!" Sadly, nothing would easily fix the Chapter 1 ending where the DS option is just unsalvageably stupid. Maybe changing it completely so that after you beat Morhage, he offers to be your servant a la Bengal Morr in the JK story, and he may show up later to help you take down The First Son on Corellia.

  19. I think it will be interesting for LS Inquisitors, who will not have a lightning attack, to figure out how to obtain the datacron on Korriban. The correct response will likely still be to shoot lightning at it, but it will be a slight disconnect if your character has no abilities that match. That will ultimately affect every cutscene from that, to reaching Khem, to the Thanaton fight, where a LS Inquisitor will display lightning powers, without the player being able to use those powers. If the opposite is somehow true, that the cutscenes get updated for LS Combat Styles, how much work would that be?


    I mean, I think that ship sailed. It certainly strains credulity to make a new Warrior and have Tremel ranting about mixed bloods tainting the empire, unlike me, the Twi'lek with a "proud bloodline". It would be nice if they updated all that but the time to do that was eons ago.

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