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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I agree with the criticism that says GSF has a very steep learning curve. It can be frustrating, even for someone experienced like me, to lose over and over again. And, I'm not naive enough to think there is no possibility whatsoever for cheating in GSF. But what the OP is describing, at least regarding GSF, seems to be more of an issue of being rusty rather than rampant cheating. As I said above, evidence is essential in diagnosing and treating the problem.


    Sometimes i've seen player ships jink and jank so much that it's impossible to aim at them. I'm not sure how they're doing it; maybe it's a graphics problem on my end, but it's consistently one opposing player, not all of them. In those instances, i've considered it might be cheating because I don't know how to replicate that behavior.


    But tbh despite playing GS consistently through the last two Galactic Seasons i'm still not great at it and even a great player will get steamrolled by a premade--very much like in warzones. Sometimes the matches are so one-sided it can feel like cheating--on either side--but I agree, it has more to do with skill or the lack thereof.

  2. As a Cathar, I of course chose to tell Mandalore off instead of joining the Mandos.

    Will this affect the way I'm treated in end game by Shae and the others, or are all BH's treated like Mandos?


    If you refuse (or use a token) you're treated exactly the same as the other 7 classes. It's very slightly different if you become a mando but the only major post-vanilla content distinction for BH mandos was Mandalore's Revenge during KOTFE, but like most choices in this game, it makes very little difference.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I basically don't play anything except SWTOR these days. I used to play some TFC (Team Fortress Classic - fps), but that's petered out to almost nothing.


    I was getting very burned out on SWTOR, but I actually got up the nerve to try some OPs (with the help of a very friendly guild) and now I mostly do OPs, plus some VM and MM FPs for conquest.

    Of course, sitting around on Fleet looking for OP groups can get very boring, so I watch Youtube on my second monitor.


    In the past I've tried various other games and the most recent was FFXIV, but it didn't grab me.


    Yes, Ops are something I look forward to when I subscribe, and the camaraderie of a good guild to do them with. I still haven't gotten up the nerve to do MM FPs though. :(

  4. What other games do you play besides this one? In the past year I've tried:

    - Star Trek Online,

    - Skyrim (modded),

    - Injustice,

    - Bioshock Remastered,

    - Lord of the Rings Online,

    - Dragon Age Origins (modded),

    - Mass Effect Legendary Ed (modded),

    - Jade Empire (modded),

    - Fallout 76,

    - Wildermyth (modded),

    - about a dozen interactive novels via Choice of Games


    I played the :eek: out of MELE, highly recc'd. Wildermyth is also a fantastic procedural rpg. Jade Empire is decent but needs mods just to be playable. I'm playing through DAO right now and it's definitely a flawed masterpiece in the vein of KOTOR2...I haven't touched the sequels yet. If you haven't played any Choice of Games now with the Steam summer sale it's a good time to try one.


    The rest were pretty meh. Yes even Skyrim: even compared to this game the combat is laughably terrible. You can see I tried several MMOs and yet I'm back here anyway. It's a cliche but it doesn't really matter how much content there is in x game if the content is garbage, but YMMV.


    I resubbed for the tail end of GS, and to collect the purportedly meagre 7.0 storyline. I had hoped that 7.1 would be released or at least announced before now, but no dice. Besides GS, I'm mainly here to level up my 40 toons from 75 to 80 while doing ops and stuff with my guilds. For 30 bucks (Origin Deluxe) it's a decent annual purchase, but SWTOR doesn't have much going for it anymore.

  5. Yes. The leveling experience.


    The level scaling took the challenge away. Facerolling everything, even without a companion is boring. And the 1 - 50 stories are the only well written ones in my honest opinion. Even Hutt Cartel, and Revan. More replayability than KOTFE and KOTET.

    What took the challenge away was the specifics of the numbers involved. If, for example, they had clipped *all* stats rather than just Mastery/Power/Endurance/Health(1), then the power gap between a clipped player and the enemies in the area would be much smaller.


    I agree with both of these, but it's not just easy content, it's also the speed. Leveling during 2.0, you had to do all the sidequests and usually other stuff too, and sure, that gets old after awhile, but it also means you really get to know your character. All the characters that I made prior to 2014, I really got a feel for who they were. 1-55 was a long journey. Whereas, most of the characters that I made after that, unless I took them to endgame content, I don't really know them very well, because I reached level cap too quickly, and outleveled the story content. Even with the White Acute Module on.


    The strangest thing about this forum is the hostility of people who don't have that experience and HATE that you do, as if by sharing it you'll screw up the status quo for them. Whatever their irl beliefs are, here they are the Ultimate Conservatives.

  6. Lol. Obviously you didn't read much of this thread. If you had, you'd realize that 'the problem' is most likely an internet routing issue and there's nothing that BW can do about it. Sort of like blaming MickyD for the road construction in front of the drive-through. 🙂


    There's a guy on this forum, name starts with an O, who is a trusted source for tech-related questions. I never see him in threads like this. Instead I see committed white knights spouting off restaurant-related metaphors and pretending they know anything about internet routing. Or saying "just use ping plotter!" as if that actually tells what's wrong. Yes, if you live in Australia, you will have bad FPS. Otherwise, it's probably something else.


    Why do you think that is? Why do you think people frequently complain about getting lag in this game when they don't have that problem with any other online game? You have no answer for that, or do you? Can you answer it without using a folksy metaphor?


    My answer is that lag is an inherent part of this game, that it gets worse whenever they do a patch, that it has been getting steadily worse since 2.0, that it most certainly IS the devs' fault but it's not gonna get fixed, so you either endure it or quit playing. Therefore, the reason the player named O doesn't come into these kinds of threads is because it's not a tech solution, it's a propaganda solution, which is why you're here instead.

  7. imo it was fine before they changed it. The walker fight on Iokath during fractured alliances was difficult, I always had to kill 1, die, revive and kill the others. But the formula worked.


    Conversely, there's another walker fight on Iokath during KOTET which I dread, and the change won't help. You have to distract the droids while your friends get away, and even before the change, it was piss-easy. The problem isn't the difficulty, it's that it takes just slightly too long that it stops being fun and becomes a chore [like most combat in this game]. You don't notice it the first time, and maybe it's better on higher difficulties, but somehow BW made giant robots stomping smaller robots tedious.

  8. Greetings all!


    Is there a guide to unlocking everything needed to play for free while still having the same perks as Subscribers?


    Looking for a guide or something to help show me what can be unlocked while I'm still a subscriber for now :)


    Well yes and no. You will need species unlocks if you haven't already played every species. You will need artifact authorization (account). Also Crew Skills (account) unless you clicked someone else's referral at some point in the past. I believe most of the cosmetic unlocks have already been cleared. You will want to buy more server slots.


    You can't play ranked warzones, ops, or uprisings. There are limits on space missions and regular warzones too. The biggest difference is the credit cap at 1M, you will need escrow to get around that, but escrows only come in small amounts, biggest is 600K, so I rarely use them. If you do, buy them directly from the CM, they are wildly overpriced on the GTN.


    Also when 7.0 drops, you will need to resub at some point after if you ever want to play that content. Same with GS 2.

  9. Since I don't see a secure way to transfer CC ingame, credits will be fine.


    I'd wager 1 billion credits that the next Season will get the same delayed credit catch-up mechanic as the first Season.


    I don't have a billion credits, sorry whale :D. Can send 1M on either SS or SF.

  10. The fine fellows in this thread have already called out BioWare for adding the credit unlock as a delayed catch-up option compared to the immediate CC purchase option without clearly communicating that to their customers beforehand. It was pretty obvious that they did this on purpose to lure the uninformed players who don't frequent the forums into the CC trap.


    Apart from that, I am willing to take you up on that bet. Asking for millions and billions of credits to unlock a few Season levels is well in their interest as a means to suck out credits from player pockets and entice them to spend real money on the game to fill their pockets again.


    Excellent. Shall we play for credits or CCs?

  11. As I said above I have no info on how to do it so I can't do anything to help Bioware fix it. I just had some info that there is something out there that exists. My hope is that Bioware will at least do something to look into this and possibly they can find out. I mean even if the credit generating is undetectable they still have to be able to see massive amounts being traded/mailed to other accounts. At the very least they should be able to see where they are coming from then possibly they could figure out what is being done.


    Dammit man, who's your source?? Lives are at stake!! Tell us who Deep Throat is!?

  12. There's no way they would remove the choice of using CC. That's probably the whole point for them - find a way to make money out of it.


    But again, you don't HAVE to use CC. You can just use credits.


    I bet they remove the option to use credits next season. And I further predict that when they do, all the fine fellows in this thread defending this system will switch gears like "well, when you look at it from their perspective, it makes sense that they would remove that option" and "I know it sucks, but hey, at least they left us the option to use CCs." After all, THEY didn't need to use credits, they just have no life and can afford to play this game like a full-time job.


    PS - No, you can't report a post to get it removed just because you disagree with what the person is saying.

  13. Not sure about SOR or Mek-sha.


    I know that when you meet Shae Viszla again in the 'Knights' Duology, it causes different conversations when she tells you about Mandalore The Vindicated's death, if that's any help.


    (Although, on Mek-Sha, Indigo and the Dar'manda react differently if you bring Mandalorians like Torian, Akaavi or Shae than if you bring other characters, so they might have differences if you yourself are Mando'ade or not...)


    That's interesting. I did run a mando BH through the Darvannis chapter just to see if there are any differences from non-mando BHs. It was...fine. Not really worth the effort. KOTFE/ET doesn't really reward playing through on different classes the way the rest of the game works.

  14. Lana, after rescuing you, says something along the lines of "You have done amazing things, changed the galaxy, etc."


    It seems to me, that the most galaxy changing event would have been the destruction of Vitiate, and everything else pales in comparison.


    So who kills Vitiate when, for example, you are a bounty hunter?


    What happened to that person, and why are they not longer with Kira?


    Yeah, it's pretty funny when she's rescuing a smuggler or BH. They should have written different dialogue for NFU characters, maybe Lana is hard up on a hero and isn't so much rescuing you as HIRING you to be the leader of the grand alliance etc.


    Many players love KOTFE/ET for the story, despite it being a terrible, utterly illogical story if you aren't a force user.

  15. Reminds me of Brad in Mythic Quest. He’s in charge of monetisation for their game.

    Brad on why he loves his job : “Its about taking our players last dollar, no last penny, no last fraction of a penny, micro micro transactions. Wait, Nano transactions, no ones safe no matter how poor they are, that is why I do this”


    I guess you didn't click the link. It's literally ten minutes of Brad from Monetization.

  16. i doubt anyone actually believes this, its logical that companies want you to spend (more) money on their product, that's just how companies work, you pay money and get something in return


    Anyone who works in videogame monetization [like the Cartel Market] qualifies as an evil mastermind. It's like being a baby seal clubber or a telemarketer: empathy is an impediment to employee effectiveness.


  17. I wonder how many people who post regularly on this forum do that. I remember when GS began and there were angry threads by players who were 'forced' to do GSF, there were several people on here saying they would just fly around, not shooting anything, suiciding, rather than just learn how to play.
  18. Try 12 - 22 in games where they're self destructing. The leeching is preferable, but I would rather have neither, as it's bad for the game.


    You've also named a player. You might want to keep from doing that.


    No, it is not a player name, it's a pseudonym. But fine, i'll make it even simpler.


    I need more evidence than word of mouth on the forum before I do anything, especially when y'all can't even confirm it. Especially when it is routine for players to suicide for each ship type every match to take advantage of the conquest points.

  19. If this was on Star Forge and their name starts with a P (or lately, a C) consider listening next time. If people tell you someone rams walls all game they're probably not making it up. I'm not naming them because rules re: naming and shaming but this person does it often enough that they've got a reputation for it.


    You mean the famous WWI US general?


    It's not a question of not listening, it's that it was unclear how we were supposed to votekick. Although, again, 4 deaths? lol I had six in my last match.

  20. So if they raised the credit limit on F2P accounts, do you think everyone would unsub as Rik is suggesting or is his thinking a bit extreme.


    Assuming that the thinking on this forum reflects the opinion of many subs [unlikely, but hypothetically], if your plan went forward, many of you would continue to sub, not for rational reasons like an actual difference in gameplay, but more out of values [i.e prejudices] such as disdain for people who get something for nothing, as well as a cultural inertia against changing routines or trying something new. I think most would continue on as before, and perhaps even pay more through the Cartel Market so they could brag about being a vital source of income to the devs. imo this thinking is more fantastic than evil space wizards, but no less an accurate description of the forum mentality.


    If you truly believe only 1/3 of current subscribers would stay subbed if they raised the credit cap, then we’re all smucks for paying $15 a month for only that privilege. That really is the worst reason to stay subbed in this game.




    If people were actually doing as you and Rik suggest, then there is something intrinsically wrong with this game and us players supporting such a terrible payment model.


    Yes. Mainly the latter. Since firing all the staff that built the 1 - 50 game, BW has generally acted with ruthless self-interest throughout this game's lifespan.


    They won't mess with WZ restrictions because they need them to keep queues popping.


    Actually, they don't. I don't remember where/when they said this but at some point in the last couple years they considered giving F2P unlimited WZs. They decided against it because their metrics showed that F2P did not represent a statistically significant share of WZ pvpers. They said that before they made changes to WZs for wins only/deserter lockout, and since that time i've only pvped for GS objectives or to raise alignment points.


    Supposedly, there's a limit on FPs, but it's not marked and i've never noticed a difference. There's no limit on GSF matches.

  21. You are assuming the only reason people subscribe is because of the credit cap. Which really should be the lowest point on the totem pole to subscribe. If we’ve really reached that point then the game has more problems than inflation.


    Before GS and its sub track of rewards, It was the only reason I subscribed. There is some slight value in access to ops and uprisings for achievements, and it makes it much easier to gain renown levels, and who doesn't love forum pvp? But beyond that...if the devs implemented your suggestion to raise the credit cap to 150M for preferred, I would absolutely sub less.

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