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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Telos is a good idea. Onderon is a possibility. Coruscant would be really cool. Ziost would also be an interesting idea - when Vitiate wiped all life from the planet, all the stuff would be left behind, so it would make sense that it would attract a LOT of scavengers a la Taris looking for Sith artifacts.


    As for what it is...no idea. If they continue the K2 theme perhaps he's trying to recreate Kreia's project and destroy the Force. Kreia was a master at the Dantooine enclave during the mandalorian wars, it's possible she left something behind (a signed flimsiplast of The Fountainhead).


    Or maybe it's a version of what the Exile did. Certainly, leaving an imprint of himself that Aryn Leneer could recognize and using that to destroy the temple is a pretty unusual force power. In K2, the Exile wasn't using the Force, he was parasitizing off his allies reserves. Perhaps Malgus found a way to do this and it was actually Aryn who destroyed the temple. Not like possession but using her power as a source.

  2. snip


    This is a pretty good explanation of living versus unifying / cosmic force. I hadn't thought of it that deeply, and I wish this was actually part of BW's theory for alignment - or that some character in this game would talk about it once, besides just minor references. It would be really cool if there was an unintuitive alignment decision in the game, and there was an NPC like Satele who explained the theory and how it applies even to NFUers.

  3. Again: the stronghold (among others) is a designated subscriber reward. By saying you want the stronghold, you're effectively saying: "give me the sub reward." That's what your argument boils down to, "chance" or not. Bioware designated a few rewards as subscriber only - 4k CC and the stronghold are the biggest. You're saying "I should be able to get the stronghold." So what you are asking for is effectively 50% of the good subscriber only rewards.


    lmao where exactly does it say the SH is a designated sub reward, besides your mind? It says it nowhere that I can see. If it actually WAS a designated sub reward then it would only be for subs, but F2P can get it, it just takes 450 days!


    So no I'm not saying "give me the sub reward" because a) it's not exclusively a sub reward and b) I've repeatedly said, make it possible to get it within the first 150 days, but narrow the margin to get the tokens from 15 to 8 or 9. That's fair and that's in keeping with similar things BW has done: make it more difficult for F2P but not extremely difficult..


    You know, in this same update, we got free unlocks on unify armor and other cosmetic changes. It doesn't affect me because I got those unlocks a long time ago, but I do appreciate not being nickel and dimed for higher vendor prices. If you lot had your way, they wouldn't get those, because you depend on people not having something to give value to the mediocre rewards you currently get from your sub on its own. This is your brain on capitalism. Again, blame BW for that, NOT other players.

  4. I like the FP.




    Golah is from my fav planetary story so come on, don't kill him pls! I was so happy to recognize him lol

    So the Bioware "canon" decided that the Jedi Kight spared Leeha but killed Tol Braga. Pls give poor Leeha a break.




    Not sure if this needs spoilers but

    you don't get an option to kill Leeha, the ls/ds is whether you inform the council about her and angry Zabrak dude's relationship.


  5. I liked it, it's the best FP I've played in a long time. I haven't played it on veteran so idk what the boss mechanics are like, but it wasn't super difficult on story. The actual story was okay although

    disappointed that we don't actually fight Malgus.

    In that respect it's similar to the Traitor storyline which is kind of irritating. Let's hope it doesn't play out exactly the same way Traitor did.


    What I really like about it is the allusions to KOTOR2. I loved that game even more than the original, but I've found that BW either avoids referencing it or does a terrible job of it (see: The Exile, Kreia). The ruined enclave has a prominent role in K2 and it was awesome to explore it, it felt very much like being back there, as well as all the weird droids and other strangeness in the sub-basement

    though it's hard to imagine the Exile would have missed killing that Terenterak back in the day.



    One of the other big pieces from K2 that I was surprised to see was

    Aryn Leneer discussing force bonds, echoes in the force leaving imprints

    . I thought they did a really respectful treatment of that concept for K2 and it surprised me, I didn't think these devs had it in them, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with it in the future.


    I also like that it has different storylines for imps and pubs, but I can't say I much liked the final boss on pub side.

    Golah, really? It's not that I dislike seeing an old character return but I came in expecting to fight Malgus and we get this whiney beardo from imp Tat? Really, the archaeologist is holding his own against two Jedi and the PC? It reminded me a lot of the SW fighting Quinn.



    Another thing I liked, not sure if it was intentional, but while you're initially stuck with Arn, you can sub in whatever comp you want and Arn will just show up in the cutscenes. That is great, it's such an obvious positive change and I hope they continue to do that moving forward.


    I didn't do the cheevo with the animals and the food dish, and I don't really like that part but it's more creative than "kill 1000 mobs" so that's something.

  6. I really can't stand this argument anymore.


    This is Bioware identifying which reward is most likely to draw the most people in and using it, and I for one don't blame them for doing it. If you finish the season as a F2P player and pay $15 once, you get all the subscriber rewards. That's 4k CC, the tokens for the stronghold, and all the other rewards in the subscriber track. 4k alone is worth far more than the $15 they ask for.


    There is no 'technically'. I have never said F2P should get the same rewards as a sub, not even by inference. I said they should have the CHANCE to earn eight tokens but with a much smaller margin for error. If you miss a few days and don't get a token, it's not that big a deal, because you'll be getting 15 by the end. If F2P had the chance to get 8, but they missed one, too bad for them, pay a sub.


    So to me, the level of vitriol against this idea, people blaming F2P when it's BW that created the system where a one-time sub gets you all the rewards, THAT'S the problem. That's what you should be complaining about. But subs on this forum seem to recognize that there is no point complaining to BW because they will just steamroll over everything. F2P is a much more convenient target.

  7. Yes, the entitlement is unreal. Imagine demanding more free stuff after already being gifted hours of enjoyment for nothing..


    If your sub was actually valuable to you, you wouldn't need to jerk your e-peen at F2P and write long posts about how we don't deserve anything because in a restaurant blah blah blah. You would just be happy for the value you get instead of having to constantly compare what you pay to others.

  8. :rak_03:


    Yeah no. I base my points off you repeatedly telling people on this thread that GSF is superior to other forms of gameplay AND that those who do solo missions should not receive the same rewards in GS that you do. That is the exact problem, and that is the toxicity. You are getting "venom" from people because they disagree with this obnoxious perspective.


    If people want to get points for playing solo content, they should, just like you get points for playing group content. You in fact get more points for doing conquest than they do, and I'm fine with that because there is at least a group play dynamic to conquest. But you are not better or smarter than they are for how you play a videogame, and your incessant whine about ad hominems is because you are clearly not interested in acknowledging the point that it is not your business to demand that other players play what you want.


    I also find this pretty ironic because my experience of GSF is that the veterans are chill and not pvp elitists the way veterans are in ranked. I imagine that if more GSFers posted on the forum, far from defending your opinion, they would wonder why you are insisting on making everyone who plays GSF look like jerks.

  9. The scheme that the devs chose for Galactic Command and F2P and Preferred players is pretty apparent.


    They heavily encourage them to subscribe during the final fifth month that a Season is running so that the players can gobble up all the Cartel Coins and tokens that they have passed when climbing the levels and that are hanging there like the forbidden fruit. They even specifically mention that this is possible in the article that introduced Galactic Seasons to us.


    I'm pretty sure that they expect to get a sharp increase in subscriptions every five months from now on that instantly drops again right after that month. I'm certain that they also plan their release strategy of new content after this cycle as well and we won't get major updates during that fifth month.


    Yeah, and tbh it's such a shameless strategy that it's pretty lulzy to me that anyone is trying to simp for BW's subscription model. They are effectively saying - as they have done on several previous occasions - that people who sub over the long term are not valued, otherwise they would not give everyone who subbed at the end all the bonuses of people who were paying for the game the whole time.


    But then again, that is WHY these arguments exist imo. Because some subs feel cheated that their recurring sub is not being valued, so they have to compare themselves to F2P using the same tired metaphors over and over again. The bad guy here is not F2P freeloaders, it's pretty obviously BW.

  10. The shaft would be to everyone when the game folded.

    Your idea that the company- that needs to pay its workers, rent offices, buy equipment etc- should give players everything for free is what is flawed. If that happened the game would be dead before you could blink - then no one could enjoy any of it.


    I don't do ops or PVP so you're assuming a lot by assuming I even care how many are in there. I care that the game can continue so we all can keep playing it.


    Please quote where I said BW should give players everything for free. Can you find it? No, because it's a STRAWMAN. Because forum elitists like yourself raise it as an imaginary argument every time as an excuse not to give F2Pers anything.


    Oh, you don't pvp or do group activities? Well it's a good thing that it's not about YOU. It's what we contribute to the GAME, not how we benefit you personally.


    JFC, the entitlement in this forum is unreal. If it were up to you, there would be no F2P, am I right? But it is not up to you, it is up to BW and they decided a long time ago to do it this way, so I find it pretty reprehensible that you keep thinking that you're defending the game and its employees when it was THEIR DECISION to create F2P in the first place.


    And again, I have spent money on this game and subbed for it before in the past. Whether I do now or in the future though, isn't any of your business nor is it your business to denigrate players so you can feel better about your status as a subscriber.

  11. Other than the 2 windows 1 overlooking the center of the space stations and the other looking into space there really is not anything special about these 2 strongholds enough for me to say I want them. I get the appeal of smaller strongholds but they botch a space station stronghold completely on this 1. Was thinking of 1 more akin to False Emperor or Jedi Knight storyline after Hoth. If you were going to do smaller stronghold would have made more sense for something like Makeb, Asylum, maybe the trees of Kasheek, Tython/Korriban/Hutta/Ord Mantel. I probably will end up with them eventually not during this season for 1 them I think I am actually going to save up my galactic seasons coins until I find something I absolutely have to have in game.


    Agreed. I will probably just get one, at Carrick station. While DK and Coruscant are similar, there are enough differences that makes them cool, and they offer a quick way to get to the capital planet without buying the perk. with fleet, we already have a pass, one that i've maxed out cooldown from the legacy perk, so there's no real advantage beyond the novelty.


    imo it reminds me a lot of the Umbaran SH, right? Special currency, rush to get it...and it's arguably the worst SH of the lot. And then BW changed it so you could just pay creds for it instead doing that awful FP 20 times. Rather than grind for it, I think I'll wait for them to offer it for credits.

  12. They clearly wanted to scatter people around the world. If group of friends can share and do the same mission, then group of strangers can do that too. If you were able to do mission with your frriends, it'd be because everybody would always get the same missions every day. Or alternatively, you'd have to be able to share your mission to people in your group. If you were able to have people " overwrite" their boring mission with your easy and fast bug kill mission, then there'd be a huge endless market for the optimal missions in fleet and guild chats. Folks would hunt for juicy overlapping "kill bugs on alderaan+kill mobs on Alderaan" type of stuff and just ignore everything else.


    I guess they wanted to put some life to places evenly, instead of putting entire community to Balmorra's bug town on Tuesday.


    iirc you are quite active in GSF. It shows in your obnoxious belief that group play is superior to solo play. It ought to make no damn difference to YOU if someone prefers to bug hunt on Balmorra. If you force those people to do GSF, the majority either won't do it, or do it badly, and what good is that?


    Also this snobby idea that you have that your kind of play is better than theirs...get off your high horse! you're not reading Finnegan's Wake or solving quadratic equations, you're playing a videogame, just like the rest of us, pal. GSF or pvp is not inherently better or smarter than solo play, you just like it more. Which is fine. And they like killing mobs. Which is also fine. You aren't better than them and they aren't better than you, it's different strokes.


    A great deal of toxicity on this forum would be eliminated if everyone stopped comparing their gameplay to everyone else's. Subs, stop comparing your experience to F2P, pvpers, stop comparing your experience to PVEers, and vice versa. God knows the devs make it difficult enough to play the game the way WE want, it doesn't help when other players perpetuate that garbage mentality.

  13. It’s a carrot for them to sub. Why should they get the same or close to what subscribers get? We get so little as it is now, there a has to be some differences or people would stop subbing.


    I'm not saying the same or close, I'm saying they should have offered the possibility of being able to earn the SH in one season, even if it's only offering eight tokens and if you miss one, welp, too bad for you.


    I fully support F2P, and agree with you, it's a disgrace that F2P are being shafted like that over the s/h. Another thing I've noticed too, is that only subs get the cc's. (Or so it seems, might have missed some) But on the other thread about the ref links one of the positives that was being spun was that F2P could earn cc's from GS, but it appears they can't. (But it's possible I missed some)


    If we keep agreeing I'm going to start to feel guilty about all those bad thoughts I had about you. But yes. Again, subs earn a lot of CCs through this, as they should, and prefs shouldn't...but would it have been too much to offer a measly 20CC here and there? There's a lot of blank spaces on GS, like they just couldn't be bothered to offer rewards everyday.


    Exactly. The shaft would be subs and ftp being the same.

    The FTP model already gives people a lot -- for nothing

    Game wouldn't survive on no income.


    Thank you for proving my point, I knew you could do it. I've paid for subs before, but even if I had contributed absolutely nothing monetary, I and most F2Pers who aren't gold farmers still put bodies into pvp and FPs. Your disdain for F2Pers is short sighted and imo this fear that "subs and ftp being the same" says a lot more about your need to be superior to others than to just enjoy the damn game for what it is, without comparing your experience to others.

  14. I'm not a founder but I'm a long time player, nearly 8 years, and seasons to me is exciting. I enjoy the rewards, and the chance at getting some items that are no longer available is great.


    Same, been here "only" since 2.0. To me the title is akin to being proud for being a Karen (the level of aggrieved middle-class entitlement is the same). Those who emphasize it think it has significantly more play with BW or other players than it actually does, which may be why this ragequit thread started in General but has swiftly been kicked down to Off-topic. Tbh my sig is the best possible response to OP.


    Oh, I also don't really care about GS one way or the other. It's certainly nothing to quit over and what this forum really needs is a betting pool to see how long before ragequitters cave in and come back, their issues that led them to quit rendered as irrelevant as they always were.

  15. Yeah to me it's much more irritating that F2P can't earn a SH even if they complete all the POs for the entire season. By all means make it harder for us, but don't make it impossible.


    Of course, saying that I'm certain I'll be imminently mobbed by forum elitists who think it's outrageous that F2P exists at all, much less that we're asking for less nickel-and-diming practices.


    Also iirc the SHs look exactly the same but just happen to be on two different fleets, so why would you need more than 1?


    Well, regardless of that I still hope our tokens aren't reset with every season.


    I hadn't thought of that. Even for BW that sounds extraordinarily petty. I am inclined to think that if they did that their metrics might see a drop in furious players ragequitting.

  16. Yeah, I bought a lot of server slots back in 2.0 - 3.0 when they were selling for 90k. That was the best era for buying stuff from the GTN; I bought pretty much every subscriber account unlock during that time, which is my account has 50+ slots per server even preferred, on two servers.


    The main thing I bought during these 7 day referrals were the outlander tokens, which i used to remake characters I'd lost during the last merger. They had been steadily, drastically increasing in price, I think I bought the last one for 245M and it was an outlier, most cost 300M+ and are likely even more expensive now. There hasn't been a sale on them in a long while.

  17. You don’t have to participate at all if you don’t find it enjoyable.


    Also if a bunch of people are in the same area killing the same spawns, teaming up for that area would be the best option. Likely even the exact thing they hope to incentivize.


    Teaming up with other players for area based objectives is standard in MMOs, and used to be just as common on TOR when it was more populated. If you want the solo experience in this game that’s fine, but it is still an MMO and you likely aren’t going to get the full experience if you want to avoid grinds or random grouping.


    YOU may wish to, but other players frequently don't and won't even if it's the obvious choice. One of the most irritating heroics is The Face Merchants on Coruscant because there aren't enough mobs in the bonus area for everyone who wants to do them, and the vast majority of the players I encounter are unwilling to group for this content, like automatic declines, no response to whispers. A similar thing happened in Possessed Hunter on DK, but the devs fixed it so the boss respawns quicker. No such luck here.

  18. Bioware can't win.


    Wasn't that many years ago people were kvetching on these forums that content was too hard.

    I'm in favor of leaving story mode alone forever, and expanding upon the ability of players to choose harder modes of play for everything -- but not at the cost of new players getting their feet wet and subsequently getting discouraged because the devs overreacted to threads like these and made things so stupid-hard as to make the game unplayable for the casual and the inexperienced.


    Careful what you ask for.


    Yes, well the problem is that the devs overreact to things. You can't trust them to take a nuanced approach, which says more about them than the people asking for change. So they can't win not because players have different opinions but because they take a blunt hammer approach to everything.


    For example, increasing the difficulty does not just mean increasing HP bars and making everything much slower to kill. That's not difficult and it's not fun, it's just a tedious grind. Or increasing damage in SoV so that trash mobs can instakill you. Again, not fun.


    So this advice basically is "don't ask the devs for anything, because they are too incompetent to do anything but the most basic, cosmetic changes properly."

  19. I mean, honor is not synonymous with pragmatism. In fact, a truly pragmatic sith would only take lightside options that benefited the Empire, NOT ones that showed mercy to conquered enemies. But that's something an honorable sith would do.


    I see honor as being part of Sith and imperial culture, a tradition they are supposed to follow that few if anyone actually does. So, if honor is part of their culture then it makes sense to me that an honorable Sith is pro-slavery and xenophobia because those are also cultural traditions, and they connect very tightly to the traditional view of the Empire with its top down "one man leads and everyone follows", as well as the Imperial idea that only humans and purebloods are valuable, everyone else is excluded unless, like the Inquisitor, they can survive the obstacles in their way. To be accepted, aliens, even Chiss, have to be exceptional, and it's done on a case-by-case basis.


    Why would an alien inquisitor want to reform the system to make it easier for aliens? If it had been done for them, they wouldn't have been forced to become as powerful as they had in order to defeat Thanaton. Why would a human/pureblood warrior want to reform the system to make it easier for aliens? His privilege got him where he was on Korriban, but it didn't make it easier, it made it harder thanks to Tremeth's scheming. The system WORKS.


    The only thing that doesn't really work is alien Sith Warriors. I've made a couple but they just don't make a lot of sense for the story, and there's never any cues to explain how a Rattataki Sith could be so well-respected out the gate, while over on the inquisitor storyline, they are getting humiliated.

  20. you only get one, and it's free. At least it's the only one I've seen. And it resets both dailies, or weeklies, you don't even get to choose one. Totally stupid.


    Thanks, good to know.


    As for Galactic Season:

    (5) for preferred and free-to-play section have and items ever few days like 2-3 days break between items. So early on start with small/low quality items and work up to better items at various spots and especially in the later parts.


    Yeah. I'm not surprised BW isn't offering CCs rewards to prefs and f2p - even though it would make sense and encourage them to buy more CCs - but it is annoying to see them continually make the wrong decision. Beyond the SH and maybe the companion, there's nothing in Seasons that I particularly want as a pref player.

  21. However, I do get why the lot of you is annoyed with that change and do the typical doomsayer dance now, because the days of spamming the referral link in everyone's faces are finally over and you cry over your easy Cartel Coins that you were able to get with no effort at all.


    I never had the referral in my signature either, it wouldn't have left any room for witty banter. :cool:


    And yet I am also sad and suspicious to see it go because it means prefs will no longer be able to jump back into the game every three months. The referral was a great way to bypass the credit wall - which is an economically stupid system - and the limits on uprisings and ops - which is also a stupid limit that discourages a higher population doing group play.


    I don't care that subs got CCs while I got game time. I never did. It was a reasonable trade and I never got paid creds to click on someone's referral. I would be surprised if ANYONE[1] cared besides BW, and they cared, OBVIOUSLY, because it was a source of CCs they weren't in control of.


    [1] Actually, given the snide chuckles since they decided to cancel referrals, and given the entitled supremacy of swtor players when other players got shinies they didn't, I'm sure there were plenty of whiny people on this forum who resented players getting CCs this way. By anyone, I mean people involved in the transaction, not the usual coterie of forum crybabies.

  22. Agreed with other responses, joining a supportive guild is best. Some ops are easier than others, but they are all pretty intimidating to beginners. I would suggest too that you read some guides on the mechanics beforehand. Many of the ops have bosses that are not intuitive and even with a good raid leader can be very difficult, even on SM. This is particularly true of ToS and GftM, two ops I never beat despite repeat attempts with a good guild.
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