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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Came here to say the rested xp seems to come and go and not necessarily dependent on logging out. I noticed it yesterday on log-in but today on a different character, it's fine. Maybe it has something to do with difference between logging out in a stronghold vs cantina?


    In fact they are selling this feature as a part of the subscripion für real money. When its not working and there is no compensation for the people who've paid for it, in my point of view it could be some kind of a breach of contract. I think I will have a small conversation with a good friend of mine who is coincidentally a lawyer, next time I see him. Just to hear his opinion....for now.


    I lol'd. How did that "small conversation" go with that "good friend" of yours "who is coincidentally a lawyer" "just to hear his opinion...for now" *dramatic pause* dum dum DUM! :rak_02:


    I will never get tired of watching people on this forum bluster about getting a lawyer to sue for breach of contract because the devs created another bug.

    to the Inquisitor when she tries to threaten the DC in the act 3 finale comes to mind.
  2. What I've noticed making a lot of alts is how many of the classes seem to be intended for Humans. For example:


    - Troopers: Humans get distinctive tattoos and backstory --instead of the 'guerilla' history that aliens get, they were top in their class.

    - Sith Warriors: Again, Humans get distinctive tattoos that other species don't get. Purebloods get unique dialogue though.

    - Sith Inquisitors: Humans get slave markings which are like distinctive scars. Thanaton also treats Humans slightly differently than aliens.

    - Bounty Hunters: Again, Humans get unique tattoos.

    - Smugglers: Nothing in character creation, but In the class story, Skavak initially would only sleep with Female Humans (Act 1 Finale), though I think this has since been patched. It reflects Skavak's chauvinism, he didn't sleep with the Mirialan on Coruscant either.

    - Agents: Humans may be the only species able to have a relationship with Keeper, though I might just be bad at it; I tried with Chiss and it didn't trigger. Humans also get treated differently by Jadus when he's trying to tempt you.


    As far as I know, Jedi Knights and Consulars don't get different lines or anything extra at character creation if they're human, but tbh I've only made 1 human consular and it was a long time ago.

  3. My four favorite things:


    1) Kill sharing: It's a major QoL upgrade not to have to group (and risk getting declined) whenever you attack mobs needed for heroics, WBs etc.


    2) I agree, GS was much improved. No more kill x number of bugs on tatooine. Generally I had no problem doing all the weeklies without feeling like I was doing something other than what I wanted to do.


    3) Loadouts aren't alignment based. I suspect this owes more to rushing it out before it was ready, but I appreciate that I can make an Inquisitor Sentinel in character creation rather than wait until I reach an arbitrary LS rank.


    4) post kotfe companions influence fixed: All the returnees you get in kotfe and after used to not talk and not gain influence from pre-SoR content. This has mostly been fixed though it still crops up a bit. It was a major reason for me not to skip to Ossus on many of my toons.


    I am finding it hard to find acceptance of that fact.


    As I said, have a look online at DBT, radical acceptance is a real thing, not a punchline. It's often used for borderlines, who have trouble letting go, but it can be helpful to anyone. Mindfulness is another avenue that many people find helpful.


    Let Steve tell you about his wife's death, or let me tell you about my step-daughter dying in a car accident 2 days before her 16th birthday, to get a feel for 'real' grief, 'real' pain. Then you'll maybe get the sense that 'Acceptance' over SWTOR is more than enough. 😥


    I hate that :eek: 'real' pain. Pain isn't a competition. It's fine if you don't feel it Quaker. For that matter, it's fine if you want to be an obnoxious contrarian in every thread. It's not fine to minimize pain that other people you don't know are experiencing.

  5. This is why they should never have had exclusive rewards but a token vendor with rewards like these and you get a token each month you're subbed. Much cleaner that way. You want Shae? Pay x tokens, so you know when you can get her and if you already have her than you get tokens instead to spend on another reward from the vendor.


    Just add more rewards on the vendor from time to time and presto, you have veteran rewards in place.


    I'm necroing this thread to point out that Tsillah's idea from August 2020 of a token vendor that sells previous sub rewards and earned tokens on a regular time basis (preferential to subs) is functionally the same as Galactic Seasons which first came out April 2021.


    Perhaps the devs do read threads after all. In the tradition of all corporate overlords, they simply don't acknowledge where their ideas come from lol.

  6. I finally played through LotS for the first time yesterday, on a smuggler. The whole thing took just under 3 hours, not quite as bad as some had said, but not great. Most of it was...kinda tedious. It was similar to Onslaught if Onslaught had only been about Operation Meridian. Also the FP was still bugged in several places, notably Lana disappearing partway through. The LS/DS choice was also idiotic but tbh most of them are, even in vanilla.


    What bugged me the most though was my smuggler. Even in past expansions there was still wriggle room for characters to say class-specific stuff. Not much but....my character had no wisecracks, nothing snarky, just 'dour military professional' or 'sentimental Jedi fanboy'.


    What I would like in a future storyline is something similar to the class story in Rishi where they can reflect on their choices and how they are so different--and not for the better--from where they started. Something where it actually makes SENSE that my smuggler has seen so much, done so much, that they can't go back to smuggling or charming princesses. Something similar was done with Han Solo's character in the old expanded universe, when he became so massively famous as the guy who helped bring down the empire that it was impossible for him to keep a low profile.


    class-specific is ideally the best possible outcome

    sensitivity to the force-specific is suboptimal but acceptable (split between Tech User and force wielder)


    wish I could undue the events of Knights of expansions :rolleyes:


    That would be nice. Retcon it back to just after Ziost. I sometimes think everything past chapter 2 of KOTFE is the result of carbonite poisoning.

  7. In LOTRO they have specific naming conventions tied to canon based on what the different species used. It's weird af but probably effective at curtailing trollish and unimaginative names.


    I usually name chars after a specific trait or descriptor for how I intend the character to act. My last char was a neutral aligned human SW who tried not to make waves, so I called her Status Quo. Sometimes I'll use a different language: awhile ago I made a DS consular named Kalos Kagathos...sometimes the descriptor is the opposite of the character when they're done leveling lol. With some classes I use specific themes: business jargon for BHs (Cost Effective, Fair Trade) and military jargon for Troopers (Tango Mike, Sierra Hotel). If none of the names I shortlisted are working, I'll use a descriptor I want and an alliterative color (Blush Bravado, Iris Imbroglio). Last time I commented on this, someone said they didn't want to call their chars after lipstick. Well, if you can come up with your own names that you like, you don't need to. If you are so uncreative that you need to uselessly complain to BW to change it, then perhaps you do!

  8. As I posted before, 7.1 is currently targeting mid-summer. That has not changed.


    It's July and you don't have a firm date what 'mid-summer' means, just like you don't have a firm date for Nightlife. And if it does happen to change, based on previous experience, you'll let us know a week before perhaps. And you wonder why players snark at yellow text communication. BW has a poor track record of both living up to their deadlines and letting the playerbase know in reasonable time. There has been no livestream and no communication acknowledging the current state of the game.


    My personal bet is 7.1 drops sometime in October.

  9. Bioware has the actual numbers to justify what they are doing. End game content isn't what makes this game money anymore. The cost to do that for a 10 year old game probably far outweighs the benefits of subs it would bring when the content locusts come and consume for a few weeks then unsub. Is it sad yes, but it's reality.


    A lot of polls have been done on twitter/reddit that have significant votes, and the majority of player base play swtor for the stories and space barbie. The game is the most voice acted mmo of all time so it started with an incredible base to build off of. They rely on that and the cartel market plus new Disney content that stokes the fire for fans to play a star wars mmo. Player base jumped a good 20% when Kenobi dropped for example.


    If that were true, we would have more story content. They would not be gating gear progression behind endgame ops and FPs on the hardest difficulty. Yes, players always want more story. That has not been a focus for BW since KOTET (which was not a particularly good story). Idk what game you're playing, but it's not one where BW caters to story players and ignores endgame. This post would have made more sense at launch lmao.

  10. Good video. I usually don't watch these but it spoke to what i've been feeling.


    When the first season of GS dropped, I played through as a pref and subbed at the end to get the rewards. I noticed players on the forum saying they would do this on multiple servers to max their CCs, so for the second season, I did that too, resubbed at the end and picked up a lot of CCs.


    But now I'm looking down the road and thinking that even when the 3rd season of GS comes out, I'm probably not going to play it. Because as others have said, it's just the same content we've all done over and over. As for the CCs...I have 12k right now. And there's nothing I particularly want to spend them on. What's happening in the summer? Nightlife? Which was hilariously broken last year and once again the same rewards from previous years?


    Some of it is because i've been playing off and on since 2013, and I've seen all there is to see, and that's fine. Part of it is dev incompetence, which is not new: lol I've felt they were going in the wrong direction since KOTFE, and I'm still playing anyway. You get used to settling for BW's mediocrity and inability to communicate effectively. But it's incredibly depressing that on this TEN YEAR anniversary, after everything they promised, it's the same old story--lmao it would be less depressing if this had happened in 2021 or 2023. :(

  11. I had not been subbed the entire time, I too subbed for end of Season 2 to grab rewards... Last time before that I subbed for 7.0. Before that for Season 1, etc. I play as preferred the entire time in between. But I would like BW to give me reason to stay subbed for longer. To make the game better and more appealing to subscribe.


    OK. Aside from the points I mentioned, cashing in on GS rewards and unlocking content on the rare occasion they gate it...the two major reasons for me are 1) the credit cap--which is less important now that the game economy is :eek:--and 2) doing OPs and maybe uprisings (I want the cheevos) i.e the same old content they've had for years.


    imo the sub has steadily been decreasing in value for years, and BW does not seem inclined to do anything about that. There's a thread floating around somewhere that suggests this is their actual business model, not an accident. The game is very much the model of taking one step forward and two steps backwards. For example, one sub perk I was interested in was getting a combat style that reflected alignment change for opposing faction chars i.e DS Sages becoming Sorcerers, but there was a recent thread suggesting that this leads to a bug that can block players from accessing their own fleet! They have no solution except to call CS.


    Before 7.0, one thing I looked forward to with subbing was that command xp and later renown would accrue and get new levels. CXP came faster and the crates were better, but pref could slowly earn renown which was nice. But of course they removed this piece with the last expansion, meaning there is no point to me to continue with a char once they get to max level. As for gear...


    Again, the gear system from 6.0 was great, horizontal, and that kept me busy gearing up all my chars. But this new system is complicated and unfun, very much like the pre-command gearing systems they had at launch. I will probably gear up one char on each faction. Beyond that, gear is another thing that has been made irrelevant--i craft prototype and artifact mods for the chars I level from 1-70, more out of habit than because the content requires it.


    The content may or may not be fun for brand new players. I have some doubts about the accessibility but the vanilla story at least is great. Beyond that, subbing is just supporting the devs to continue the status quo. You and I --and everyone else who did the same--subbing at the end of GS sends the devs the clear message that their approach works, exactly like people resubbing to Netflix to watch the end of Stranger Things.

  12. Likely a lapse in planning or them falling behind schedule, though yes, ideally this stuff would have been ready well beforehand. I'm only as annoyed by it as I am because I care, stupidly, but they really need to get in gear about turning this expansion around. Every issue is part of some larger problem and we're largely still in the dark about much of it while still being ignored when giving feedback both pre and post-changes.


    Happens to us all. Give it some time and it'll pass.

  13. I subscribed on Friday solely to cash in on the progress from GS. I'm on two servers and racked up about 4k in CCs. Friday was a good day. I have a 60 day sub, and when that ends I will go back to pref and stay there either until the next content drop gated by subscription or the end of the next GS. Either way, that won't be for at least six months, more likely a year or more.


    Why should you stay subbed? Idk, have you been subbed this entire time? Why did you do that? :rak_02: The lifers on this forum will never unsub so the question is irrelevant for them. Those like me who sub for specific reasons and are content with preferred otherwise [or playing some other game in the meantime] already have our reasons to go or stay. That leaves....the drama queens who think that making posts like this in Gen will achieve anything more than the hostility / confusion of the forum.

  14. Coming from other MMOs you generally get a collection system that log everything for free, even cosmetic items that you have bought, it is just insane that Bioware make you pay another fee to use on other characters even if you have a sub.



    Bioware makes many stupid, frustrating decisions about this game, but having to pay a few CCs for account wide unlocks isn't one of them imo. Just wait for a collections sale like the rest of us bro. :cool:

  15. The part that was hard for me was dealing with Nolan North's voice acting. Perfectly fine for light side, but completely wrong demeaner for the dark side choices. It seemed so out of place.


    imo DS consulars make more sense with the female consular, the VA's bored monotone makes the DS choices sound a lot more creepy.


    Talk about insane, I played a Consular through making only Dark Side choices. It was a completely schizophrenic, sometimes baffling, nonsensical and often unsettling experience; which I do recommend trying, btw.


    It's definitely the strangest class to do DS. Act 1 in particular makes no sense at all DS.


    In 6.0 I did a DS Shadow run that would begin LS and gradually go dark: every time I had to heal one of the masters, I 'lost' a skill, taking it off the quickbar, initially the class buff, then force speed, then the insta-heal, and so on. In the Act 1 finale, choosing the LS option, I lost the ability to stealth. In act 2, the char began making DS choices, and each time they moved up a DS rank, they regained a lost skill.


    It was a very cool way to do the storyline imo. But it makes less sense after the skill pruning and the class buff becoming a passive.

  16. I've been waiting for a sale on character transfers--afaik it's been more than a year since the price dropped below 1000cc.


    I've also been waiting on a sale for Commander Tokens i.e insta70. They're 2000cc on the CM and have become impossible to get at any price on the GTN.

  17. What is the difference between Story Mode and Veteran Mode? I have been trying to get these done but with no sucess.


    This guide is from 2015 but is still the most comprehensive walkthrough. Basically you do the initial story mission on any of the relevant planets, go back to Odessen and figure out the next steps with Theron, do the missions on each planet to destroy the ground base, THEN do the veteran mode, and if you pass then you get the companion and the achievement.


    One new wrinkle is that SFs have apparently gotten more difficult since 7.0 because of changes to comp healing. idk if that's true, I finished all of them in 6.0.


    A few tips:


    - obviously, use a lvl 50 comp set to heal.

    - level each of your specialists on odessen to 10--each one gives you a buff you can redeem at the machine at the beginning of the vet FP. You can also find a gadget of theirs near a champ which can give you a deployable turret which is very helpful. There is a cheevo to doing it without the buffs but avoid until you've gotten proficient at doing SFs

    - Stealthers are useful in the first section of the SF to skip mobs, but useless in the last area (the sun room). Gunslingers can be useful in the last area because entrench can block the knockback mechanic while you're trying to activate the console.

    - Read the section in the guide carefully on how to disable the console /shielded areas/droids, because it is not very intuitive and you'll die a lot using trial and error.

    - Again, read the guide carefully for the boss fight, specifically when you need to interrupt the boss channels and avoiding the edges of the area, because the boss can knock you off it and insta-death.


    I did all of them solo, and I'm not a great player. The guide is very helpful. That said, it might be easier to do with someone else: I see people on fleet asking for help all the time. The problem is that once you've done the cheevos, there's not much reason to do them again; the time investment is so heavy that for players who know the mechanics, it's just not worth it, even for conquest.

  18. Hey there! Please reconsider your illogical decision

    .... since it makes much more sense than informing the playerbase a mere 5 days prior to 'Seasons' ending.


    Or maybe, i dunno, let us know your BioWare thought-process and reasoning and justification, so the COMMUNITY can better understand why u guys do some of the things you do? :ph_use_the_force:


    lol I had stupidly assumed the rep would continue to drop even after GS ended and was taking my time on it --since afaik there has never been one-time only limited rep before--but I'm not surprised by BW's shortsightedness and inability to communicate this beforehand, i.e the beginning of the Season. We're all veterans, nothing these devs do should come as shocking by this point, unless it's because they did something right.

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