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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I like Star Trek, but never played STO. Just wondering from people who have how well it compares to swtor. Has anyone played the F2P version? How is that?


    I've heard the story and VA isn't as good as this game, but what game is? I've been reading some excellent LPs though and they've made me curious.


    I'm not too impressed with swtor's content drought (SoE excepted) and looking for another game, preferably one that I can play free.

  2. Um .... You do "play the content at the level it was designed for.".. It's call "Level Sync" You NEVER out-level a planet.... EVER.


    Level sync does not replace leveling at the level the game is designed for. There is a major difference in combat if you are questing through DK at levels 10-16, versus levels 18+. The fact that you do not know this suggests that you have never done it and see nothing wrong with the current system. I, however, have done it, thanks to WAM (outside of 2XP), and I want to continue doing it, and I would like the process to be improved during 2xp, in line with Trixxie's suggestion to limit conquest xp.


    These are NOT mutually Exclusive...


    But YES some people like to play the story and not spend hours killing mob after mob or dying constantly... I know that would be a real shocking surprise that people play this game to have FUN, and not to increase their STRESS level....


    This is a strawman. I did not say they were mutually exclusive, did I? I like story and challenging content is fun to me. You disagree. That is fine. You will notice that I am not belittling how you want to play the game, but I am also not going to pretend that this is a zero sum proposition where if we ask for difficult content it's going to be bad for players like you who don't want that.


    Trixxie repeatedly has asked only for BW to create options, not to change things for everyone. What is unclear about that to you? What is your problem with that idea? Why are you arguing about it? Having options does not affect your gameplay at all, despite Xor's silly claim that BW will break the game somehow.


    Perhaps you have had debates before on this subject with players who say something like "herp a derp, if you want easier content, go to youtube!" But that is not what Trixxie or I have been arguing. I would not support BW making a change like that which would affect everyone, only those who opt-in.

  3. If you want the game to be more challenging, then why are you using the "love it or leave it" fallacy? You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.


    No, I'm not. The point I was making is that if you're ASKING for something, try not being an edgelord "lololol go watch youtube, i don't want a visual novel." I want challenging content yes. People like that guy should leave, NOT because of "love it or leave it" but because he's pouring gasoline on a fire and claiming ignorance. That kind of comment is exactly why the story mode EZ players freak out whenever anyone suggests harder content.

  4. So far the best thing about Galactic Seasons is that it's caused me to play GSF. I've played a ton of matches. I slowly moving up from catastrophically bad to the bottom rungs of mediocre. It's a big improvement lol.


    To the OP and anyone else: I wouldn't worry about being bad. Everyone is bad at first. It seems to just be generally accepted by the GSF vets.


    The emotional energy of GSF matches is the complete opposite of PvP matches. I've noticed no toxicity what-so-ever.


    I think maybe the issue is that most PvPers mistakenly believe that they were always good at PvP (despite the fact that many of them are still not good at PvP lol.) But I don't think anyone is so delusional as to believe that they were always good at GSF.


    Anyway, I think no one minds that noobs noob it up in GSF. Those who really care about the game mode seem to feel that it just goes with the territory.


    100% this, that's how I feel too.

  5. Want to experience it for yourself? I also want to go to Mars with Elon Musk, but you can't always get what you want. Guess I'm stuck watching the buggy roll around mars on youtube huh. Such is life.


    Yeah, like I said, the game currently caters to players who like it easy. So, there's this disconnect you seem to be having where you want the game to be harder so you're insulting everyone who likes it the current way and telling them to go on youtube and if they don't like it, "that's life". But actually it's the other way around. The players who like it easy can keep playing the game as is, and if you don't like it, you can go somewhere else. As I said, being edgy doesn't work when you WANT something, you actually have to build rapport.


    And to be clear, I want the game to be harder. I really do. And it's bizarre to me that you're on here telling people to go to youtube, and saying you're not trying to create conflict. Really?

  6. I have 190 toons across 5 accounts, and I play them for different reasons, so you let me announce what I care about, thank you.


    Yes, I know, you've mentioned it like 50 times. You may not pay attention to what people are saying but I do.

    You said you didn't understand why people are concerned about overleveling. Well, I have just explained it to you, so now you know for next time.

  7. I will never understand why people give a damn about over-leveling a planet. Levels under 75 don't matter.

    Just play the game and don't worry if you're level 2 or level 40 wherever you are.


    Because we want to play the content at the level it was designed for. And tbh I have trouble believing that you have never heard this before because it's not a secret. Perhaps what you meant to say is "All I care about is story so gameplay is irrelevant."

  8. 6 kills for a fresh pilot is real good! It can take a while til they begin piling up as well as that. This thread from yesterday comes with few posts offering some pretty good links/advice in case you haven't yet found the GSF school youtube series and whatnots. If you end up reading up on ship builds and components, always double check the date guide was written on. GSF got a huge balance patch in 2018, anything older than that is inaccurate. For example, the GSF school youyube channel is pure gold when it comes to teaching basics/advanced bits about flight..but ignore all they say about meta, ship balances and so on.


    Thanks! Anyway, just wanted to say that your constant championing of GSF has paid off at least in my case.


    I also don't think it's likely that BW will make changes to the current setup this season so, while sure, they should know people don't like being forced to do activities...don't they know that anyway? And they don't care? Unless this upcoming patch rectifies it, I assume that the daily/weeklies for this season are here to stay.

  9. Did you read the part that I have White Acute Module up?


    I fully aware of everything you stated.


    My point was that XP was coming in much faster even with the module up than it was before double XP started. So it's not fully countering the effect of double XP event.


    I'm not sure if the WAM ignores rested xp, so that might be something to check.


    Typically during 2xp I only play my max level characters, because 2x renown is actually useful. If I play a character i'm leveling, it screws up the process and they end up massively overleveled. For example, I had used the WAM off and on for a merc recently, so that she got to Hoth at level 37 doing all sidequests/planetary. i forgot 2xp was on and by the time i finished Hoth, she was level 45.

  10. If they want people to do GSF or Rishi or SectionX, they should try making them fun and rewarding. GSF is a 15 minute slog with a map that's hard to read and I can't see what I'm shooting at. The reward for the slog is minuscule. I finished the Rishi and SecX reputations already.


    You have Rishi and SecX rep done? me too...and?


    Let's summarize, shall we?


    1) You don't want to do content you haven't mastered yet because it's not fun and you don't want to learn how to play.

    2) You don't want to do content you've already mastered.


    Yeah, I bet BW will find this feedback very helpful.

  11. If you want EZ story, pop all xp boosts and level a companion more and you will completely wreck the planets, it'll still be a cakewalk.


    If you can't beat story missions intended for one person to solo, watch a youtube playtrough instead. There, you dont have to bother with combat and you can just watch the story on your couch.


    Right now the game is on easy mode, that's default. Actually with 2XP in place it's more like beginner mode. So, you as someone who wants more challenging content has to actually REQUEST it, rather than mocking the people who are content with the status quo. See how that works? Being edgy only works if you don't want the game to change, then you can be dismissive. But if you do, you actually have to be accommodating and accepting that people may disagree. :confused:

  12. And THAT is the real reason they were abolished.


    It allowed players to experience the "new content" for free, and many (if not most) players decided it wasn't worth subbing.

    ...No. Yeah no, I'm pretty sure it was players raking in hundreds of thousands of CCs, advertising payment to new players and then not following through. i.e scamming them. The only difference that the free sub week would have, post-GS, is that if they timed it right, players could pay credits for lost weeks they had missed because they weren't subbing. But that would take the right timing and I doubt more than a handful would actually do that.


    All The Best


    And yet I feel this is insincere.:rolleyes:

  13. So, I have to admit, I had been playing GSF, not really into it, since GS started. I'd saved the GSF requisitions we'd gotten from the log in rewards until I had a character I wanted to use them on. Then I was doing the PO weekly yesterday which was 4 GSF matches, and in one match, I managed to get six kills! Also 6 achievements, not conquest achievements, real achievements. I didn't do anywhere near as well for the next three matches, but it was a pretty great feeling.


    I can see why people don't like GSF, and don't like being forced to do activities they don't want to do, but my experience is that it does eventually click - like anything - if you keep at it.

  14. It has come up and it has been addressed by the devs. The credit catch up feature will unlock 30 days into the Galactic Season, so May 26th.




    If you want to be mean, you could also say that they want people who don't know about this to think that you can only unlock the levels with Cartel Coins, until 30 days later they are surprised by a credit unlock feature after they have already spend their CCs.


    Thanks. lol I was one of those people who didn't read the main article and would have been very surprised! :D

  15. Little bit more important than a movie anniversary or a free droid, its election day for city council, school board and airport authority.


    you elect airport authorities?


    Besides Star Wars, it doesn't have any special significance in Canada afaik.

  16. I’m surprised you didn’t notice the target you leaped to being pulled away by Krovos as soon as you attacked.


    I played it on both a PT and Jugg, and yeah it didn't come up. Mind you, as you noted the fights are so easy that I find they don't last long enough to be noticeably irritating. I'll be paying attention the next time I do it though.

  17. idk if this has come up yet, but I thought there was a way to spend credits to unlock days that you missed,. It seems that it's only CCs. I think BW may have made it so subs can spend credits but F2P can only spend CCs. Which lol, is kinda dumb because why would they have the CCs?


    Or can you spend credits? I don't see a way.

  18. I'll just keep asking for the same companions I've wanted for years:


    Still on my list (note: I'd want them depicted in their original state, not aged / damaged / cyberized / etc.)

    Private Farn from the trooper story on Ord Mantell.

    Attros Finn from the jedi consular story on Coruscant

    Alif from the sith inquisitor story on Korriban

    Paul from the Lost Son quest on Ord Mantell


    Ones I don't really want any more:

    Big Jan from the A Mule Out of Water quest from smuggler class story on Coruscant


    I like all these ideas but agree with Steve that I'd want them aged. Lowest common denominator though, it'd be easier for BW to just use the original sprites.


    I would also like Jettison, from the Smuggler class / comp story on Tat.

    Nokril ("Hey there, sport"), from the tank of eels quest on Hutta

    Taunt, from the SW class/comp story on NS

    The Lady of Pain, from the BH class story on Tat

    Mennaeus ("That's your opinion, Mennaeus!") from the lost students quest on Tython.


    Ones I don't want include Rowan Delk from the JC class story on Tat and Sharack Breev from the SW class story on Tar.

  19. My own time is nearly up. Surprised it has not run out already, can't remember what day I clicked it on.

    Thank you for the advice you've given to me and others. Unfortunately too many have left or stopped helping as they were, and the amount of help on the forums has dwindled :(


    I like your posts too.

  20. Except no one demanded x for nothing. The fact that people are talking here, means they are subbed, and several of the people proposing that the s/h be available to F2P, have probably subbed longer, and more continuous than you. Not to mention, more of them have been a bigger part of the forum, and tried to get things right for everyone. It's a shame some can't be like that.


    Personally I'd like the s/h, but I'll only re sub if the fix the issues that the game has had, and hasn't fixed (not going in to it here, plenty of threads on that out there)


    Technically, I'm here on a referral and cookies that haven't yet expired :D. But I have subbed in the past, yes, and Tergon was also advocating for it before his account got banned...lmao unrelated to this thread :rak_01:


    But yeah, it's a really silly comment. Players here are very fond of defending some ideal business model where you pay and get exactly what you pay for, you don't pay, you get nothing. It's a model that existed for about the first 10 months of this game prior to the mass exodus that inspired F2P. It also happens to be a model that they whip out when we're talking about F2P asking for things (the nerve!) but conveniently forget about it with literally everything else: If paying for service is all there was, you'd pay for a sub, you get game time, that's it. You're not entitled to, for example, previous rewards you got for staying subbed remaining out of reach for new players, forever.


    If you're a long time recurring sub, you're paying to keep the game on, and I thank you. But BW does not, fundamentally does not care and has explicitly said they are only interested in attracting one time, periodic subs. That's the funding model and it's hard to believe subs have the mental gymnastics to defend such a sleazy, short-sighted scheme.

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