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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. In this case, SWTOR had a new game design team that aspired to rebuild the game from the burnt ground up in the way they envisioned. They failed to recognize they lacked the resources to do so. Their vision wasn't ambitious and audacious, it was arrogant and naive. Let's stipulate that I disagreed fundamentally with their design views for the game. I made that clear.


    While I admire your optimism [not pictured in this quote :D], it seems like the crux of your point is that the design team is new and because of that will/have made mistakes, but will eventually (hopefully) pull together and create something half decent. Have I understood you right?


    Here's the thing. They aren't new.


    I suspect if you are here in the forums that I am no stranger to you. I started in these very forums as a fan myself over 10 years ago, moved onto the Community Team, became CM, moved into Production, and now I am typing this message to you as Lead Producer.


    I’ve been a part of SWTOR several times over the years, including at the game’s launch, during KOTFE/KOTET, and finally rejoining the SWTOR team for Echoes of Oblivion and beyond, as well as leading the cinematic team on Legacy of the Sith.


    Hi all. It’s been a while!. I’m George and I’m the Gameplay Design Director. I’ve been working on SWTOR for almost a decade now, first as part of the team that built many of the Operations, now working with the teams in charge of player combat and systems. SWTOR has been a big part of my life for these last 10+ years, and I’m excited to be able to be a part of its future going forward.


    Hi everyone, I’m Alan Copeland, UX Director for SWTOR and I’ve been working on AAA games for nearly two decades, working on SWTOR specifically since early 2020.


    Before I was a Game Writer, I was a Narrative Specialist, and my contributions to the narrative team go as far back as 2014, when I started providing feedback for the expansion’s story during the development of Shadow of Revan. In every Star Wars: the Old Republic update since then, my primary responsibility has been working with writing, design, art, and cinematics to ensure our story content adheres to a particular standard of quality.


    These people are not new to swtor, or new to working together, Dasty. The newest is the UX director, who's been here for two years. They are simply introducing themselves to us for the first time. So...YMMV, but to me, these people are responsible for years of changes--many of them explicitly referencing some not so good changes, imo--and I think players should hold them accountable for 7.0 in particular, including for the fact of them waltzing in like everything is fine and they're just fresh faced newbies, how y'all doing? :cool:

  2. SWTOR 7.0 is the worst expansion to date ?


    Yes, but also we say that pretty much every expansion. iirc the expansion that brought level sync [4.0?] had much gnashing of teeth and lamentations. 5.0 was kotfe/et which I and others deeply disliked. 6.0 ruined endgame crafting. So it's a little tricky to say "we're serious this time!"


    In many ways, though, the new team is in a 'damned if we do; damned if don't' situation. On other social media platforms (e.g., Twitter and Reddit), this announcement is getting savaged. Players have been yearning for more communication, and we are getting it (finally). Some seem to want apologies. But the notion that Eric is going to do the Cersei walk of shame buck naked through the halls of Bioware with Jackie dressed up as Septa Unella walking behind him ringing a bell saying "Shame!" is a bit absurd (as much fun as that would be to see! :rak_03:). Dasty


    The devs seem to frequently underestimate player anger, deflect, do anything except take responsibility for it. The answer is not a walk of shame, it's to be HONEST for once: no more excuses or fake positivity, and no more deleting posts because they don't like getting called on it. People would be a lot less angry if they simply acknowledged that they overpromised what they could deliver instead of constantly pretending that everything is better than ever.

  4. Better off just removing in-game trade.


    This is a sub benefit and if it was removed it would need to be replaced with something else. Not sure what that could be but sure there must be something BW could do.


    um no it is not a sub benefit, preferred have access to secure trade.


    They should just shut the servers down and reduce everyone to 1M. Have it apply to Guild banks, legacy storage, and character's holding credits. If you're holding more than 1M, you won't be when the server reboots. That would fix everything, for awhile anyway. Would it piss players off? Of course. Would players unsub? Probably. Is that any different than the status quo? Not really. If you're still playing this game post 7.0, you've conceded that there's nothing BW can do that will cause you to leave.


    You can trust me, I took an economics course in 2009. :rak_03:

  5. It seems like you put a lot of work into it. I read a couple of the classes and they look interesting. I think probably balance would be an issue, overpowered tacticals. They would work better for a SP game.


    It's extremely unlikely that they will change the tacticals at all since they have already had to do so once, much less that they will completely change them to this. The trend from the last change was that big impact tacticals were phased out in favor of ones with much smaller effects. but you never know.

  6. I had to google it because i had no idea what you're talking about. It's literally a completely forgettable exploration quest on belsavis--you hit the droid until the quest item becomes usable then click it. it's rng-dependent like many vanilla collect x y z items from damaged/dead mobs.
  7. If anything, now with SWTOR, i'm just sorta indifferent and slightly disappointed. And frankly, rather baffled.


    Yeah this is a good way of describing it. I might go as far as "perplexed contempt" but I feel that outraged takes a little more. The last time I felt outraged by this game was back in 6.0 when they made it so only wins counted in PVP. I guess 7.0's reset timer for weeklies/dailies comes closest.

  8. sorry i guesss you know better. gues il just put you and him on ignore to prove my point right?


    Sadly, ignore doesn't work very well on this forum imo. You're better off just making lots of cutting comments and hope to escape the automod. I don't report anyone though so you're fine there.


    do not agree here, if thats how it works its just plain stupid


    It is stupid but it is also reality, so your agreement really doesn't much matter.


    Regarding spelling and grammar: didnt really care about eighter of those when writing, its not a school essay, its a forum rant


    Are you trying to trigger Steve? Dude, he uses footnotes. A lot :eek:. If you want to be illiterate, fine but keep the anti-intellectualism to the downlow.

  9. There are two ways you can read that quote. I feel like they were trying to explain that despite having other games that they are working on, they are still committed to continually developing this one. Obviously they wouldn't have said it if they meant for us to read it the other way. But far be it from us to pass up an opportunity to twist words to create an outrage.


    I don't think they're deliberately bad at communication, but the fact that it's accidental makes it worse. Of course white knights will always put a positive spin on it but there is a serious dearth of those on the forum as opposed to virtually any other time period in the game's history. Is it outrage? Well, not in my case. It's more of an eyeroll like "what can you expect from them at this point?"


    If they can make a worthy successor to DA or even ME3 (tbh I liked the MELE version), I feel that would be worth botching this game's development for. Of course thinking about it logically they're actually different studios owned by a large corporation with a lot of capital to throw around so they should be able to work on those games AND give this one enough love and attention. But as they seem to have to pick priorities I'm fine with them not picking this game.

  10. I am a GM for a small guild, I found this page while trying to figure out how to give golden keys to people. there's no information and when people talk about it they aren't very clear. I wasted a lot of time on the guild page pointlessly.


    1. Pull up strongholds page.

    2. Navigate to your guild stronghold.

    3. On the righthand side click Keys

    4. Sort through the names until you find the one you want, and exchange their current key for a gold key (click on key).

    5. That's it!

  11. I read this as "18" credits initially lmao, what's the big deal? :rak_02:


    No, I feel for you. I 'lost' 750M recently buying a legacy storage account unlock. it was lit up so I assumed it would add something, but I already have the max numbers of legacy pages, so all it does is add an extra page if i were to start a brand new legacy on a different server :(. Otherwise it costs significantly less just to use credits to buy stuff directly. There's a lot of crap like that on the GTN that I wish the devs would do something about, but that's not gonna happen.

  12. How are you not worried? With this patch cycle you are surprised to see people leave for WoW? WHY WOULD THEY NOT? The game will be the same for at least 4 months after 7.1, why not go play one of the biggest MMO's on steam aka Lost Ark? Why not play in the early days of season 4 when everybody is around, swtor is gonna be the same when WoW gets boring again.


    Yes the devs should release content sooner, but if it's not ready it's not ready. What can I do to change that?


    None of that has anything to do with OP's point about timing releases not to coincide with game patches, or my point that development is a dumpster fire and releasing patches on the same day of x game is the least of their worries.


    I'm playing this game now because I'm currently subscribed to it. When my sub ends in five weeks, i'll go play some other game, though not either of the ones you mentioned. This has been BW's strategy for literal years, veterans are supposed to take time and do something else.

  13. Yes, It's always about focus on some other games. DA series, ME series, Anthem... always the greener pastures. TBH, this quote doesn't speak much about commitment to SWTOR, it screams the opposite.


    tbh I'd rather play those games than this one anyway. Well, not Anthem, that sucks, but the other two are great. If y'all haven't played MELE you should go play it. It will make you realize that BW isn't as incompetent as we've been led to believe from this game.

  14. Ok buddy calm down. You do realize that content creator do have that very role? You not caring about him is cool, but you have to see that other people do and this will effect the game if you like it or not. The truth is that his words do have more meaning than yours because (afaik) he was endorsed by the devs just like swtorista or mark biggs, if they give feedback it's just not some rando. When those people give feedback they speak for their entire community, not just themselves.


    I liked Dulfy, before she burnt out, Vulkk, and snave who is pretty amusing. I don't know these other influencers, nor do I care what they think or how many followers they have. You seem to assume quite a lot about player's opinions and what they deem important. Like many on this forum, you confuse your own interests with those of a hypothetical wider community. Who cares if they get endorsed by the devs? If anything, that's a good reason not to listen to anything they say.

  15. 1. Yes you do know Lost Ark

    2. You do know shadowlands


    And even if you didn't, why respond? There was nothing of interest said? Oh that game? Never heard of it, must irrelevant then....


    OP's points are completely valid.


    No, I really don't know these games, nor do I care. Let me repeat my points because you seem to have trouble with reading comprehension, because it's not about when some other damn game is getting patched, it's BW's complete inability to release content on time. Should they have released 7.1 in May? That would be nice? Because of Kenobi? No, to get it out there sooner. Who cares about Kenobi? Who cares about when some other game patch is released? We're like 8 months behind schedule and OP's worried about BW's poor timing lmao.

  16. That would have been a good neutral choice. I've gone empress on my DS Agent [it suits her] and Peacekeeper on my LS SW [it suits him], and I'm considering doing Emperor on my LS JC, on the basis of this second option, but it sounds like a lot of headcanoning.


    Interesting. This was January 2019, I had only taken 2/8 mains through. I ended up taking all 8 classes through, it was a real slog. My emperor/peacekeeper selection follows a certain pattern.



    DS Agent: Originally chaotic neutral, her arc is "betray everyone", went on to become a saboteur.

    DS SI: The archetypal power mad Sith. She married Theron and forgave him for the later betrayal, so not all bad.

    DS Smug: But he spared Arcann as kind of a humble brag, since he's a NFU. Married Koth and forgave him.

    LS JC: A benevolent tyrant, his arc is LS but thirsty for recognition and greater status. Became a saboteur.



    DS SW: LS in vanilla but burnt out fighting skytroopers. He knew he was not fit to rule. Married Arcann.

    LS JK: Quickest to give up power, but depressed that so few of his comps showed up to help. Married Lana.

    LS BH: 'hired' by Lana to assassinate Valky, Arcann and Vaylin. Did the job, entanglements are unprofessional.

    LS Troop: Flirted with Theron but ditched him for Jorgan. Chose the Empire on Iokath, but regretted it later.


    My favorites were the DS SW and LS Trooper. Everybody loves SWs, they make the most sense for the expansions besides the JK, but my SW was a Commander's token and copy of a previously deleted character who had romanced Vette and had LS Jaesa. Since it was a token, Vette hated him and Jaesa was DS...and it makes sense to me that they might have naturally ended up that way, like a Hardened Leiliana. It added pathos to his story. Romancing Arcann also seems like good evidence of his very questionable choices. He fought Baras on Nathema.


    Conversely, the trooper makes sense for a peacekeeper solution. A lot of her choices were strategic, like killing Arcann and siding with the Empire on Iokath, since the Republic had been so useless, but she lost Elara. She also let Theron die, fought Garza on Nathema.

  17. Legacy of the SIth was released about the same time as Lost Ark... when you knew the huge ammount of interest that there was on that game.


    Never heard of it, don't care.


    Then, you releasing 7.1, the very same day of Shadowlands Season 4. Yeah, do not laugh at wow, game's been increasing interest since Dragonflight alpha. But that's besides the point and im not here to talk good or bad about wow.


    I only know this relates to WoW because you literally said so here.


    Lets think about it. We know the game's been doing bad, so every bit helps, you may think not many people that play swtor play wow or lost ark, but they do


    Then they can play both games i guess? Am I missing something like who cares if they sub on the day of release (when it's a buggy mess), the day after release (when it's a buggy mess) or six months after release (when I did, reasons unrelated to playing other games, still a buggy mess)?


    Wouldnt have been better to release 7.1, Along with the release of Obi Wan Kenobi series !?


    Immagine that !!


    To be clear, 7.1 hasn't come out yet. Your argument is that they should have released it nearly 2 months ago? Yes, I agree. Not to coincide with Kenobi, which was garbage, but because we could have had 7.1 sooner? Y e s...? Do you think BW has this master plan to release content? Have you been paying attention so far? Has it occurred to you that the game is doing badly because they're always late, missing deadlines and could not release the content any sooner?

  18. A few weeks ago before GS ended I bought the origin deluxe pack, which gives you extra CCs along with some junk if it's your first time buying it (it wasn't in my case). They emailed me the code and i redeemed it off the swtor website. I didn't have to interact with EA or do anything complicated at all.


    Have you heard of FML? There are two options: 'I agree your life sucks' or 'You totally deserved it'. Five mins of google might have saved you a lot of money and time my dude. For that matter, 30 seconds of editing might have made your textwall something I'd wanna read.

  19. You are right about the confidence thing. I tried the warzone thing....once. Died after about 10 seconds, so that was that. I have also tried grouping up, and everyone else was so much better and faster than me that it was embarrassing. So I chug along all by myself and lament the ops and flashpoint content that I will never see, however limited it may be.


    You're supposed to die in pvp lmao. It's not like you have to pay repair costs. dying helps you learn.


    There was once a legendary RPer in the forum who would apparently delete his characters whenever they died in the game. That's what this post reminds me of.

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