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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. The answer is make the content challenging and add a second companion option that can make it an easy walk in the park for the lowest skill. Then it’s up to the players to decide their own difficulty.


    I agree with this, this is a good idea, and it's much less of a suspension of disbelief to have two comps out for certain missions than the JesusBot. Besides, they obviously CAN do it.


    To me the question is HOW they ramp up difficulty. I don't really enjoy vet mode on kotfe. It's not more difficult, it's more tedious. SOV and Meksha are a little better but not great.


    I replayed the solo mode of Boarding Party yesterday on a lvl 37 BH and doing the bonus boss (engineer and two droids), I died three times before i figured out how to avoid it. It's been awhile since i've done that boss, but it was interesting to me because it was an enjoyable difficulty, not a damn slog. It was fun to figure out how to beat it, keep the engineer alive and kite the droids, avoid the rage timer.


    That should be the model for how difficulty works: you can be killed if you aren't paying attention. In 2.0 I vividly remember playing an Agent for the first time and dying repeatedly in Hutta during the mission where you're in the factory sabotaging something and get ambushed by a couple droids. At that time, the droids hit hard and Kaliyo hadn't joined the party yet, so it was really easy to die. Now, of course, it is quite difficult to die at any point in the starter planets unless you take on the champ.


    If Xor wants the game to stay as an interactive movie, that's fine. But players should not have to strip naked and put their comps on passive just to enjoy a facsimile of difficult content otherwise any change to the status quo will be DOOMed. increase enemy mob dps and give players the option to use a second comp that they have limited control over. Make the starter planets an actual learning experience to use their class properly, the way they were designed to be, not just faceroll content.

  2. Darth Krovos is the most annoying companion. She pulls away your targets after you’ve leaped to them or you set up an AOE burst etc.

    There is no option to put her on passive or disable her pull function or change her to heals and make Rivix the tank.


    I've played it twice with imp characters and i've never noticed this.

  3. This is perhaps unrelated but in DK spaceport there's an imperial lady who - if you completed BT - asks you to give a report to a Sith inside the Citadel. Thing is, even if you did the FP she doesn't always give the quest, and I can't figure out if it's class distinction - a BH versus a SW, for instance - or if it's because the PC is an alien. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
  4. According to dialogue from the new flashpoint Gnost-Dural saw Malgus taking the tome after he was left for dead, even before Malora showed up since by then Malgus was long gone. She seemed to be looking for it as well, and was clearly unhappy Malgus got the prize before her.


    Right, I get what you're saying. It's just...as usual, there's no purpose to killing her/capturing her at the end. The version I described would make sense and make that choice mean something [albeit disadvantaging DSers as per tradition]. Instead Gnost-Dural "remembers" seeing Malgus take it but didn't tell them...even if your PC isn't a saboteur.


    To me it feels more like a retcon is all.

  5. So, on the Imp side, I think he’s likely to be the one who will be a threat in rooting out the saboteur. I’m not sure who the Pub equivalent would be in that role


    I think Tau or Arn best suit that role. The Republic doesn't have the same level of paranoia as the Empire, so rather than a political officer I think the rep saboteur will be found out through their interaction with these characters. I don't think Arn will go DS as some players think, I think saboteurs will be given the option or even ordered by their handler to recruit him and he'll resist / go to Tau or just become a catalyst to expose the saboteur.


    I think there might be a false positive in that setup though, if you aren't a saboteur but you are DS and you've been screwing with Tau and Arn's relationship all the way through, maybe you'll fall into the same trap and get accused of being the saboteur when you're just a DS psycho.:D

  6. So, this is just how i've done it, YMMV: I have 8 characters involved in endgame stuff, one for each class. Each one has gone through kotfe/et/traitor/onslaught etc. No skips. 2 from each faction have signed up as saboteurs, 4 in total.


    Onslaught was kinda interesting because it had the option to be a saboteur sure, but are you a committed saboteur or are you just phoning it in? If you don't sabotage stuff in Onslaught, especially during the FP, your defector side will demand an explanation. You can either apologize and keep sabotaging or kill the contact people (NR-02 or Balkar). So that's what 1 of my saboteurs (smuggler) did, now I only have 3. 2 of them are still committed, the third one still screws up, that is, she (BH) ignores the saboteur options.


    The two committed saboteurs I have, an agent and a JC, sabotage kinda wrecked their characters. It's especially unnatural for the JC since it involves helping the Sith kill Jedi. But I'm willing to play it through to the end, although I can't imagine it will be a happy ending.


    I have 53 characters. Doing this for every one of them would be a terrible idea imo. I'm quite happy to keep the majority at pre-kotfe story, when comps still got influence from quests and had interesting things to say on planets.

  7. And money talks. Treat people this way, lose subs, game dies. People have already left, and I'll just take advantage of as much free play as I want before I leave too.


    But will you actually vote with your wallet and leave, or just make a bunch of threads loudly expressing your discontent?


    Hmm... I'd like to believe they do so I'll give them one more chance.


    I thought so. I think two minutes is some kind of record for this forum.

  8. The exile cut herself off from the Force


    I know that, they discover that at the end of the game, the other 80% is the Jedi council being criticized for various things they did during the mandalorian wars/revan.


    Also, I put spoilers for this FP because people may not have played it, but K2 is a 17 year old game, I think it's fine.

  9. TBH, I thought this was stupid. This wasn’t a “standard practice” or a special deviation on Dantooine. It was an act of desperation in trying to find the Star Forge… blanking the mind of the villain Revan after saving his life from Malak’s attempt to kill him. They hoped that he might be able to lead them to the Star Forge through his subconscious memories.


    I’m guessing that the writer either never played KOTOR or forgot the nuances.


    in Kotor 2 they scrutinize this particular ethical decision at length because it contrasts so heavily with Bastila's smug assertion on Taris that "The Jedi don't believe in execution...no one deserves that no matter what their crime." The game is also a critique of Jedi "desperate measures" tactics like cutting people off from the Force.


    The fact that no one in swtor discusses mind-wiping as a possible force technique even as a hypothetical, even among the Sith (in SW story they do this through an injection) suggests that the Dantooine enclave was running past the moral event horizon and the justifications they offered in K1 were not convincing in-universe.

  10. I guess for me, ever since we got the alignment toggle, these ls/ds choices just don't really matter because we get points for everything now. Prior to that, the choices made a difference because unless you had the diplomacy CS, there were a limited amount of alignment choices and the dumb ones were scrutinized at length. But now, meh no biggie. I'll just get my comp to sell junk and earn back the points I lost with this decision.


    That one annoyed me... It shouldn't give LS points at all. I mean, how many LS characters are actually saboteurs for the Empire? Come on now Bioware!


    My consular main is an LS saboteur, but that's a good example of what I mean about alignment being worthless. The character acts DS. He's a saboteur because he wants power and thinks he should be Grand Master by now. But his toggle is set to LS and he was at LS V when he opted-in, so this is a great choice for him.

  11. And perhaps worse is that this could all end up as a retelling on the day 1 launch Ilum experience following the retelling of the day 1 launch Jedi Knight story. The game is coming up to 10 years old and in that time the story has been the Sith Emperor defeated, resurrected, defeated, escapes, pops back up, defeated, resurrected, defeated for definite this time the galaxy all felt it, resurrected, defeated for sure this time, lets keep an eye out for him. Now Malgus is back. I bet Daniel Erickson wishes he was getting royalties from the rehashing of his work.


    lol I hadn't thought of it that way. I certainly wasn't a big fan of them bringing Malgus back.


    Now I'm starting to think this game has ruined my good taste because I'll just accept any piece of crap story as great writing because it's slightly better than the default piece of crap storytelling.

  12. If SWTOR has any fault, it's that the people who made it put Player & NPC romance over Player variety, thus making it appear like what Star Wars would have looked like if Gene Roddenberry created it.


    wow, that is a gem of a comment. I don't think I've seen something quite this blatant since the original Makeb SGR butthurt. Uh-huh the real problem with this game is there's too much emphasis on interracial relationships /s :rak_01:

  13. , I figured it was just a random rant from someone clearly not right in the head but considering the latest information from Secrets of the Enclave (IE: that Malgus is responsible for taking a tome from the Jedi Library on Ossus for unknown purposes) I think its pretty likely this is what Malora is referring to. Its interesting to see there was a set-up for this all the way back in Jedi Under Siege, while I'm not a fan of resurrecting Malgus I can't deny the current storyline is interesting to me as they seem to be taking their time setting up plot points instead of just having Malgus randomly betray the Empire like the False Emperor storyline on Ilum. There was no set-up for that within the game (unless you had previously read the Deceived novel), I feel like it came out of nowhere. So its nice seeing Malgus have a properly developed arc, excited to see where we go next:D


    I...suppose. If that's true, it's a bit irritating that there's no follow-up to taking Malora prisoner versus killing her. If there was actually a lead-in to this, it would make more sense for there to be a direct connection, Gnost-Dural saying "oh yeah Malora told us he took a tome." Versus killing her, and Gnost-Dural and the PC not finding out about that until one of the boss encounters in SotE, like Golah.

  14. For sure he's on there, but a *new* player wouldn't know that he is Malgus, and there's no label on there saying "See this dude? He's Darth Malgus, and he will survive every single encounter you have with him, including the latest flashpoint."


    The spoiler isn't that we meet him (er, strictly, the *player*character* doesn't, anyway), nor that he's involved. No, the spoiler is that he survives.


    For sure, but someone who sees your thread title will *know* for sure that he survived. Again, the spoiler is that he survives. Even if it's the most likely outcome, saying so is a spoiler.


    I agree with this. Before I played the FP I assumed we'd be resolving Malgus. I think this thread should be moved to spoilers sub-section, not just because of the title but because it fits that content more..

  15. Disappointed. The Enclave should have been a series of quests involving excavating it. Not a shoot-move-shoot-move-cutscene slog that resolved nothing.


    I think they wasted the enclave.


    I'm starting to agree with this view, it was less fun the second time through, doing the imp storyline. I guess I have a high tolerance for BW wasting stuff from KOTOR. The Foundry was a waste. SoR was a waste. The Exile showing up again recently in Echoes of Oblivion was a huuuge waste. This was actually fairly well done, in comparison.

  16. You really call 1 flashpoint an update? on top of that we all know what the Galactic Seasons is meant to be. Force us to rehash the same 10 year stuff over and over again, while they twiddle their thumbs to get us actual content. I stand by my statement of mediocre content with the new flashpoint.


    Thread is sharing opinions about the FP not a debate so no need to "stand by" any personal opinion m'kay thanks. :cool:

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