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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I

    For example, Naga Sadow's armor set is the only one with a skirt model that has uncovered leggings, but your character's legs clip right through them when walking or running. It looks ridiculous. It's a gold set worth a good chunk of money. We reported the issue so many times years ago, but they never fixed it, and it remains unfixed today.


    I have this set on a human character and never had this problem. Not to say it can't happen, but it's not consistently happening which may make it harder for them to fix.

  2. 7. Level 75 set bonus gear will not work on level 80 characters. Some tacticals that we use all the time and have become rotational will be baked into the abilities. Chris said that "maybe 10% of the combat tacticals" will be baked into abilities in this way. Some tacticals might remain, but don't expect them to. The cosmetic tacticals probably won't change.


    While I assumed as much, it's still very irritating to hear this confirmed. Every time they roll out new gear, they act as if this time it's different, this time they'll be keeping this forever and just adjusting, and then they proceed to do something completely different. I LIKE the tactical system. What happened to horizontal gearing?

  3. I

    ...I wish they did communicate bit more though,blog posts or something like that. Little occasional essays where they get kinda candid and explain what they want to achieve with GS and so on. Stuff where they actually unwrap the actual thought process and logic behind things. Instead of stuff that reads like polished PR speak.Of late, that's kinda how lots of the " devs talking about stuff" comes across. its very calculated and EA and press release-ish. Wish they had some semi official venue where they can just talk about things without fearing some scandal or massive outrage if not every word is fully polished. None of that is part of devs job though.


    Agreed. BW's approach to community building reminds me of certain politicians on social media who have to have everything they say micro-managed, who say nothing of substance or warmth, or offer any clues to what they're really thinking, and who are overly defensive whenever someone points this out. What I know about Jackie from her posts, especially this last one, is not encouraging. I definitely do not get the sense that she plays this game and understands player concerns. If your main focus is not here, then why bother having a forum?


    BW needs to actually spend the time building up a liaison that the community knows and trusts, even knowing that they can't answer every question. What we get instead is long stretches of silence and then when they do post they imply that their silence is the forum's fault. Blaming your base for your own ineptitude is not going to end well. The forum has a bad atmosphere, yes, but that is in part what the devs made of it [the other part is this entire IP is toxic].

  4. And you will be level 18 by the time you leave Tython.


    So, I had heard that the White Acute Module may not work for subs, so I rolled an Agent and a Consular, used the WAM, and did all the quests and exploration missions. I didn't do any of the heroics though. For both classes, I finished the starter planet at level 10.


    To recap, if you want to level slower:


    1) Buy the WAM during 2xp events and use it outside the event when you level, will slow down xp gain by a lot. I generally take it off around level 30 or else I start underleveling by the time I reach Belsavis.


    2) Pay attention to planet levels and make sure you finish your quests by the time you reach the max recommended level, i.e leave DK at level 16.


    3) Obviously, don't use any xp boosting gear or consumables.

  5. I was bad at the solo space missions when i started, and for years I never played them, until BW changed it so you could rep from them, so I grinded it to max. I wasn't very good initially, but I did it on every new character and eventually got pretty good at it. Not great, I never could beat the space heroics, but I did okay with the rest.


    Again, I didn't start playing GSF until Seasons started. I am in exactly the same position as the people in this thread, or I was in May, at least. I also have wrist problems and GSF is not easy to play around it. Despite that, in May I was pretty bad but learning and now yesterday I got number one in the charts after a match, fragged seven ships without dying once. And then the very next match I got 0 kills and died 5 times. That's how GSF is.


    In Seasons this week I got my first weekly op. I had already switched it from veteran FPs. I don't really like playing FPs or Ops and I have hardly any experience doing ops, but I want to max out Seasons. I'm going to read some guides first so I don't embarrass my teammates. Ideally, I'll do it with my guild rather than pugging, but either way i'll do it.


    On the other hand, I just had an idea! What if....I have a good cry about it on the forum, get some sympathy...maybe BW will read this thread and not make Ops a requirement for Seasons, am I right? I mean, I don't play Ops usually so it's unfair for me to be 'forced' to try, right? :rak_01:

  6. So from experience you don't really know what your asking for simply because people have paid a lot of dues along the way for the way the QoL system works now. countless threads, countless hours playing, grinding. the list is extensive. So I am sorry as a veteran player of this game, I will have to decline your proposal...


    That is an amazing bit of historical revisionism to imply that this forum had anything to do with those QOL improvements. I am also a "veteran player" and I mostly remember the forum regulars here attacking anyone who wanted QOL improvements. Most of the forum was against level sync, against legacy wide datacrons, against changes to streamline gearing...pretty much every time they changed anything, it got a lot of screaming in general discussion. I remember the main argument against QOL upgrades was that people asking for it were "entitled".


    Anyway, instancing story level bosses outside of the planetary level [i.e no more lvl 10 Darth Thanaton on Korriban] and giving us the option to play veteran mode in class quests is ALSO a QOL improvement, it just happens to be one you don't like.

  7. I'm sorry but it's a very weak argument for complainers to say the game's too easy because they insist on buying/gathering all the o-p gear they can


    except no one said that in this thread and you're literally arguing with a strawman. Try reading the thread next time before ranting about the imagined arguments of "the complainers".


    The thread, for those paying attention, is OP giving their thoughts on things they like and don't like. No one's "complaining" or "making demands" or any other white knight buzzwords.


    I've been here for 7 years and unlike most of the people on this forum apparently, I've learned that the devs will make changes based on what THEY want, and they don't GAF about forum feedback unless it agrees with what they were already going to. Hence the meltdowns on PTS. Meaning that IF they change the leveling process, it will be something THEY came up with, and no amount of forum crying will keep it from being implemented. And conversely, if they want to keep it as is or make it easier, they'll do that, and no threads asking for slower leveling or tougher story bosses will make a difference.


    tl;dr: this forum is for players to uselessly complain and snipe each other, not to tell BW anything they don't already know or were planning to do.

  8. Why isn't the Rift Alliance mentioned at all in here? There's a section in this 'Intelligence Report' about how Manaan has few dedicated allies or friends to call upon. Yet, the whole of the Consular Chapter 2 and parts of Consular Chapter 3 is all about the importance of the Rift Alliance, these six planets (Saleucami, Aeten II, Manaan, Erigorm, Balmorra, and Sarkhai) who have come together over their shared feelings on the Republic and how the Consular has to prove that the Republic is still there for them. Leading to strengthening the Alliance to the point that they become a major power and savior for the Republic.


    And yet, it seems like you've decided to completely ignore that? Why? I certainly hope that a Consular Alliance Commander's efforts in the past aren't completely forgotten come Legacy of the Sith.


    You have a better memory of the consular storyline than any of the devs, lol.

  9. Maybe take a look in the mirror first hypocrite. What is it that you think you're doing by continuing to argue with me?


    That's some incredible mental gymnastics that you can call other people hypocrites for continuing to respond to you. "I'm not the problem, everyone else is for talking to me!!":rak_03:


    The debate club is strong in you...but not in a way that would actually be rational, you're just spitting out jargon like "claim" and "hypocrite" at random.

  10. No, not at all. It was quite nice and easy to put an even bigger spotlight or focus on the ridiculous claims/statements you're making. All you're doing there is helping me out and not yourself.


    Yeah, it's not a claim OR a statement actually, it's literally just a request: I want the devs to acknowledge, on the forum, that they aren't being given funding to spend on this game.


    And it's a minor request because I really don't GAF either way. I just don't like armchair experts assuming that's the reason like they assume all kinds of motives for dev behavior that is based on nothing but supposition.


    Have you stopped to think that all you do is get into pointless arguments with people on the forum, and that if you did refrain from being needlessly confrontational, you might notice that there's very little, in fact, to disagree about? No? How about that your obsessive need to "win" arguments is pathetically transparent?


    Check yourself my dude.

  11. What a ridiculous notion.


    So video footage, interviews, etc, all of sudden don't count. Only forum posts. What a convenient way for you to be able to ignore existing evidence knowing full well that the devs don't generally post or talk about these specific things on forums.


    It's like saying/claiming that something can't be canon unless it appears in the game.


    I see you managed to slip in some witty debating language regardless. It must be crushing not to be able to write a sentence by sentence rebuttal with everyone you disagree with.

  12. Just came back to the game when hearing about the expansion, hadn't played onslaught. Just beat the final mission a couple weeks ago but got swept up into raiding with the guild. Completely forgot about that part you mentioned.


    Next time you could easily let someone know something without being a giant ***** about it.


    You were complaining about something that the devs implemented more than 2 years ago. Which suggests that your entire rant was based on nothing at all. So, I did in fact have to be a giant *********** about it. Next time you could easily say Thank you king, may I have another.


    They've talked about the cost and resources or economics involved with certain features before at the Cantina Tours or during interviews.


    Do you really need a forum post to explain that they can't continue Class Stories in the way(s) people expect due to logistics/economics/resources?


    I can see why Soijin likes you so much. I'm going to bypass the undoubtedly stirring debate repartee you have lined up and just answer your rhetorical question: Yes, I do need a forum post, not a bunch of assumptions from armchair experts [see above].

  13. Before anyone starts saying "they can't because" I don't want to hear it from you I want to hear it from Bioware why they can't actually make simple changes... I know the answer already anyway (cost).


    lol it's true. This forum repeats this assumption like it's a fact despite that no one from BW has ever confirmed it. Given what Jeff Nyman had previously said, I think there's a high chance BW screwed it up by themselves rather than it being evil EA holding back the purse strings.

  14. This bug has existed since GSF dropped so I'm not hopeful it gets fixed. The workaround that (usually) works for me is to disable and then reenable sound when i notice it (either via preferences or hitting ctrl+s with the former being my preferred method). Then it usually comes back the next time you die and respawn.


    That's not foolproof, but it does usually work.


    this works better in between matches.


    idk that it would call this a "game-breaking" bug though. it's annoying, sure, but not that big a deal. More annoying imo is the bug where your mouse cursor disappears when the win/loss board pops up at the end of the match. Caused by respawning just as the match ends.

  15. Anyone with even basic knowledge of conquest knows there is only 1 winner per s, m, or l conquest and most weeks are only 1 of each. There is no prize for second place. So I proved my point by using this weeks example of the 3 top guilds being 80-90 million points in front of the second place guild WITHOUT THIS SO CALLED GUILD RECRUITMENT "EXPLOIT".


    If you can not see this or understand this by now I am afraid there is nothing I can do more to get you to understand. The argument is mute because it really is a fact and facts discussed against turn into blah blah blah like we are seeing here.


    To win conquest every week, spamming invites and kicking people is not necessary. It would be a waste of time and counter productive when you can lead by 80-90 million points without it.


    At this point the argument is over. The OP is correct those 3 things listed in the OP should be reversed immediately. All it does is hurt innocent people and has no bearing on conquest winners at all.


    I agree, conquest is a RIP OFF. :rak_04:


    Actually, it's a SCAM :rak_03:


    It's a....SLAP IN THE FACE :rak_02:


    Any moment now this game is going into MAINTENANCE MODE :rak_01:

  16. The story you pick hasn't had anything to do with character identity for several expansions now. When was the last time an NPC called your Consular, Agent or Trooper anything other than Commander past level 50 content?


    A major part of Onslaught is that they call you by your old title afterwards, if you so choose. So um, pretty recently.


    Strange that you did not know that given how authoritatively you are talking about the expansions. :rak_01:

  17. You're asking for change that will impose your gameplay preferences on others that don't want to play the game that way. And all because you don't want to be over leveled, which really isn't an issue anyway.


    No, OP was giving his opinion, which you and others here immediately jumped all over because omg can't let the devs hear that other players might want something different from you!! jfc they don't read these threads anyway and even if they did, people are allowed to like different things. No it is not a "flimsy argument", it's merely one you DISAGREE with. Lol "it isn't an issue"...to YOU. Note the difference:


    A "flimsy argument" is the cocky assumption that players with a lot of alts must automatically want faster leveling. I have 60 alts and I want to level at the game's recommended, at-planetary level pace, and if you don't like me stating that opinion, too bad for you!




    @brutall: Here are 2-3 things you can do to slow your leveling speed which will not gimp your character, unlike the 'suggestions' you were given before:


    1) Use the White Acute Module. The Gree Vendor sells this on fleet at 2XP. It will slow your leveling considerably, not just during 2xp but at all times. I slap it on level 1 characters and after doing all quests and exploration missions, they leave the planet around lvl 10-11, and usually arrive on Corellia at lvl 48. You can toggle it on or off if you think you're going too slow.


    2) Try to follow the recommended planet levels as best as you can. For example, the capital planets have a level range from 10-16. Try to leave DK/Coruscant at level 16. That means picking and choosing which quests you do, and which you skip. Do NOT follow the level sync recommended leveling, or you'll keep overleveling the planets. You can find the level range on the galaxy map for each planet.


    3) You may want to consider leveling as a pref. I sub so i can do endgame stuff, buy expensive things from the GTN, and play forum pvp. I don't level new characters while subbed, because subs have a permanent +50% xp boost. As the devs explained back in the day, this is something they added on as a 'reward'; prefs and f2p level normally, in theory. So the WAM may not be as efficient for subs as it is for prefs, which may explain why subs have reported the WAM not working for them.




    Oh, and if any devs do happen to read this: please make a sweeping change to the leveling process when you roll out 7.0 to slow it down for EVERYONE. I am supremely confident that you will not only read this textwall but make changes solely on my sayso, and not like the 50 other threads in the Suggestions Box that you don't read. :rak_03:

  18. There is a reason to do veteran SF before waiting until 75 with full gear though.

    It should be doable sooner because its tied into the KOTFE KOTET story lines where you get bonuses in the story for having completed all the starfortresses in veteran mode. Its utterly useless waiting until after the fact. This is one FP that should not scale up to be difficult at 75 in full gear.


    You get one line of dialogue, off-camera from theron while on Voss at the beginning of kotet. I heard these same rumors about ooooh extra story content and put a lvl 65 through it, only to discover that the result was pretty lackluster.

  19. It's probably useless replying to this old post, but I'm sufficiently annoyed and frustrated to do so anyway...


    Back when I was 70, it was time consuming but not particularly difficult to solo veteran mode star fortresses with shabby tanking gear and lvl 20 Lana healing me. Not so any more. I can get to the exarch (final boss) readily enough, but that's where I hit the wall. Back in KOTFE I used the "brilliant" tactic of standing with my back to the wall and interrupting only the exarch's self heals. Now he rips me to pieces if I try that. Ok, fair enough, except that I can't prevent him from healing, since after I interrupt his heal, he re-casts it 5 seconds later. I tried Nar-Shaddaa and Voss both several times, and finally gave up disgusted, since barring some glitch and/or extremely good luck, it just doesn't seem possible to solo these now...


    What is your adv class? What is your irating? Do you have a set bonus? Do you have a tactical? These are the pertinent questions. I would say that raising gear rating if it is under irating 300 would be useful, and raising comp level.


    iirc Trixxie had a theory that end-game content starting in kotfe becomes more difficult the higher leveled you are from where you are supposed to be playing it at. So SFs for instance are intended for lvl 65-70, but at 75 it might be more difficult, not less.


    Most of the content we used to be able to do solo is now screwed up. Some Dev though it would be a good Idea to make all the Solo content no longer solo-able... you know because somebody is BIS Raid gear thought it was too easy.


    You have a real chip on your shoulder, eh? You and this dude must be far more OP than me because I ALWAYS had difficulty with star fortresses. They were never easy, I could only do them with certain classes, and while I don't notice any major difference doing them now, but I am also in 306 armor with armor set and tacticals.. I could do them but they were extremely challenging content, and they still are.


    Maybe instead of resenting entirely hypothetical BiS raiders who somehow mind tricked the devs to changing the difficulty, you could see if there's anything YOU can do to make it easier on yourself.

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