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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Bonjour.

    Un de mes peros, côté république, a fait la zone litigieuse en mode histoire. Au moment de "ramener Théron à la maison", mon perso s'est reetroué sur Odessen sans la cinémathique qui valide la quête.

    Par principe, je me vois mal la refaire surtout qu'elle est un tantinet difficile à faire.


    Avez-vous fait la zone litigieuse comme une quête obligatoire violette ou l'avez-vous sélectionné dans la liste des la zone litigieuse en histoire? Si c'était ce dernier, il n'y aurait pas de cinématique.

  2. T dazzle & surprise us with something drastic & dramatic , like say BLOWING UP A PLANET (similar to 'Ziost' ) in a month-long-super-event LIVE event whereby the winning side (Republic or Imperial) gets to REBUILD said planet from scratch with resources & decorations (including player-crafted structures) creating an in-game COMMUNITY and 'instance phases' for guilds to PVP battle over land & space. :ph_use_the_force:


    This is a really great idea as a recurring event that connects to star wars both in this era and the movies, as well as something that ought to be technically feasible for the most part. I won't say it'll never happen, because the idea of GS came from an (unacknowledged) player idea, but some of it is pretty ambitious (player crafted structures).


    this. i also like a certain user with the old man avatar still shilling for bioware xD they can't do no wrong appearantly....


    I've clashed with the old man recently but tbh I prefer them to the all-caps jawa.

  3. In the early years of WoW, the developers used to regularly come to the forums and discuss future ideas for the game.


    After a little while, they realized what a horrible mistake they had made when any suggestion of a possible feature was treated as a 'sacred promise' that it would be included in the next patch and players began demanding features that had only been mentioned as something they might look into in the future...


    Seriously, it got bad really fast, and the developers were basically ordered to never publicly visit the forums again.


    And this was in a game with a generally much more satisfied playerbase than SWTOR, so you can probably imagine how well developers would do on these forums...


    I've heard this. I also think it has something to do with the doxxing they got on twitter after RotHC dropped many years ago. There was definitely a communication chilling after that.


    But I refuse to allow people in power to blame players for why they're so bad at their jobs, and I don't mean game designers or writers, I mean the CMs. Their job is to communicate so they need to find a way to do it, and in my opinion they have repeatedly failed to do that. They have always had many excuses for why they can't be straightforward, why they take forever to make any posts, why they ignore large sections of the forum, and I'm tired of it, it's pure arrogance.

  4. First of all my "speak for" post, was written in a style to mock or rephrase the wording of the post I replied to, but I suppose such nuance is a bit of a stretch for these forums.


    No, I just don't take "no u" as a valid reason for adults to communicate, no matter how much you dress it up.


    It seems that their whole weekend can be ruined if they don't hear from daddy, er, the devs, on Friday. Kids, pfft. 😂😂


    Yes, we've had this conversation before, when you mocked OP in another thread who was grieving because they realized that the activity they had been doing for literal years was no longer something they enjoyed doing. This is btw the same language we use to determine clinical depression, and I use "we" because unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about, rather than playing oppression olympics because "oh yeah, well someone I know died, therefore your pain is meaningless!" Very mature :rolleyes:.


    Secondly, there is a difference between a "white knight" and someone who simply does not go along with the common ill-informed opinions of the masses. 🙂


    I stopped using the term "the masses" when I was in high school 20 years ago, given its insufferably elitist overtones. I thought I was a late bloomer but I guess not.

  5. So how is Bioware suppose to listen to that many people with different views? Let's take the ui for example. Some loved it, others hated it. Is Bioware suppose to change it because a few people got up in arms about it? They can't listen to every single voice out there. Things wouldn't get done if they tried to appease everyone.


    By...literally doing what every other developer does. Some of you act like this is the only game in the world and BW is behaving normally. Not communicating to players about what they do all day, missing deadlines without a word, the entire 7.0 "year of celebration" thing that has been completely nonexistent with no explanation or acknowledgement at all, that's not normal game studio behavior. It's from the Star Citizen schizoid playbook. It's not about "appeasing everyone" it's about COMMUNICATING. They don't need you to play defense for them my dude.


    "let's talk about this one thing and pretend like it's the only thing that matters". I don't GAF about the UI one way or the other, though I would note that among the zillions of requests, few if any players asked for it to be changed. Tell me, aside from white knights, is there anyone loudly insisting that BW shouldn't communicate on a timely basis with players? No? OK then, seems pretty cut and dry to me.



    And the community is a bit at fault for how they handle themselves. How many times have we've heard people say "Bioware fix/change this or I'm leaving"? Or "Bioware is a **** company for x reasons" When you have people like that, I could understand why Bioware wouldn't listen to them. They're not making suggestions to improve the game, they're making demands so the game caters to them.


    I could give you the capitalist answer, which is that we're customers paying for a service and have every right to make demands in the vein of "do this or I walk". I do the same thing to my cellphone company. Corporations are not your identity, if you're no longer satisfied with a product, you demand a change and/or you leave, you don't just passively settle because you don't want to be inconvenient lmao.


    Or I can give you the realpolitik answer, which is that history has shown on multiple occasions that BW is completely apathetic to player bootlicking for them on the forum--not only do they not care, they will often end up implementing the changes that players "demanded", like legacy bound datacrons. Sadly, I have rarely seen any of these same people acknowledge it when BW utterly ignores their unasked for defense.

  6. I'm here to speak for all the people who don't get caught up in this BS. 😂


    As someone who has lurked this forum, unable to post, for quite awhile, let me clarify it for you: There is a cognitive dissonance on this forum where certain subs like to presume that their voice matters more than others, that they speak for some silent majority --whose silence is extremely convenient since they can't contradict their baseless assertion. Like everyone who posts here, you speak for no one but yourself. Same as OP, same as me, same as everybody.


    Speaking of forum trends, you're like the third or fourth white knight who thinks he's soooo edgy I've seen on here to date. It's a boring stereotype.

  7. Buying top of the line ships in STO is pay to win. LOTRO locking certain classes behind subscription is arguably pay to win--imagine if only subs could play stealth classes lmao--and Fallout 76 locking inventory size by sub is also pay to win insofar as the game is largely unplayable otherwise. SWTOR may have fit that same model back in 2.0, but it's changed a lot.


    In fact I would argue....


    Here's what you guys don't get:


    Corporations like EA tune these intrusions mildly until they're normalized, lulling us into excusing away warning signs in Never Land. They'll turn out the lights, and when Michael Jackson turns out to not be our friend, the damage will be done.


    Resist corporate grooming. Educate yourself.


    oh ok. I get it. gr8 b8. :rak_03:

  8. Also note that they have a policy of not responding to suggestions, as noted in this post by EricMusco:


    That's like their philosophy for communicating in general lmao. "oops we better not respond to players otherwise there will be an expectation that we intend to regularly communicate in the future."

  9. As I've said numerous times throughout this thread, I'm not absolving Bioware and EA's role in creating the poor state the game is in.


    You are though. It's in your title: the game suffers mainly because of the community. And the feedback you have gotten, from players who have been here for a long time, many since launch, is that no, it is not mainly, mostly or even somewhat because of the community, it's squarely on Bioware and the way they run things.


    To be precise, it is not just the lack of content or the changes to gearing and UI or crafting being dead or the game economy imploding--those all contribute, certainly, but it is mainly the way they communicate, or don't communicate, that causes so much frustration, which bleeds into the game as toxicity.




    Why do we have to wait for Bioware to fix an issue that starts with the players? Let's speak hypothetical for a second. Say Bioware and EA finally decide to listen to us players, implement the changes and fixes we've all been asking for and then some. The game itself becomes awesome, full of content that has something for everybody, but the player community is still toxic. Is still unwelcoming.


    OK. Hypothetically, do you think making a thread blaming the state of the game on toxic players because of a couple bad experiences you had will do anything to deter said toxicity in the future? At all? Do you think that there is anything we as a forum can do to reduce toxicity under the status quo, BW continuing to do nothing to address the root causes from their end? If so, what? Be specific.

  10. Sometimes I don't want a companion with me - for different reasons. So I right-click their portrait and select Dismiss. But they keep coming back. That is, they don't stay away - they just keep automatically returning to your side after every QT, area change, discussion, and whatever.


    So I don't mean dismissing them forever. I just want them to stay away until I actually tell them to return.


    Is there a way to do that?


    I don't know about every companion, but

  11. I'm not sure if this is correct. A lot of the DvsL bosses were summonable champs on planets. They were like WBs but smaller, still extremely difficult to kill though. Even after the alignment mechanic from 5.0 ended, they were still farmed for achievements.

    That's too bad I never came across any of them.


    I rarely heard anyone ask in chat. It was mainly an activity you do with your guild, and i think there was some connection to guild perks or something. The individual rewards seemed pretty lackluster unlike the rewards for WBs.

  12. I'm just curious how you can get squelched if the only thing you did was throw snowballs. Wouldn't they have needed some input from chat to report you (with a mouse click)? Because I seriously doubt they all opened the report window to do that in the middle of their RP session.


    Then again, I don't know exactly how squelching works. I assumed it was that "report spam" you do from chat window, but I could be wrong.


    Seems likely there's more to OP's story.

  13. That's strange the event bosses were in flashpoints.

    Seems like i would have at least run into 1 of them but my achievements say i'm at 0%

    Maybe rare to find there as more event bosses may have hit the ops?


    I'm not sure if this is correct. A lot of the DvsL bosses were summonable champs on planets. They were like WBs but smaller, still extremely difficult to kill though. Even after the alignment mechanic from 5.0 ended, they were still farmed for achievements.


    The only other reward arguably more requested would be the Victorious Pioneer XP set, which has now been rendered useless beyond level 75 for reasons that are illogical.


    This is the only reason I might do it. When DvsL came last time, I hadn't started subbing yet so I missed the achievements you could only get past level 50. I have two sets of Victorious Pioneer gear but only partly complete, it gives me an extra 25% xp I think.


    I didn't know that it doesn't work post 75. lol BW is so transparently pathetic about their lack of ability to provide more content. Why not just return leveling to 2.0 levels so it takes months to level a fresh character.

  14. Yes the players WANT to play. Where is our Community Manager? With all the love we are willing to give this game the silence is worrying. Surely there is something that is being done behind the scenes - some news to impart.


    They say "no news is good news" - its not.


    No news is neither good nor bad. It's the norm. I don't remember a time when BW was ever good at communicating, though there were certainly many one-time occasions when they promised to communicate more and then never followed up. If they release it, they'll let us know a week beforehand, perhaps. And if the game shuts down they will also let us know a week beforehand.


    This forum is like "we just wanna know what's going on" but do we really. Would it make you feel better if they said "oh we have like 1-2 programmers working part-time to make 7.1, that's why it's so slow. And we didn't start work on 7.1 until March and we only work on the game development like 10 hours / week, and we got the midsummer date as a directive from EA but we aren't setting a firm date because we're not sure when it will be done and we've already broken one deadline and that makes us look bad, as does telling you how bad things really are."

  15. Hi UlaVii,


    The team is aware of this and will be looking into it. Please note that this does take time to investigate in order to find a suitable resolution, so to set expectations, a solve for this will not be able to be implemented in 7.0, however, I will provide updates when possible.


    lol. You know it's a bad sign when they tell you to set expectations, when they hardly fix anything, or communicate anything, to begin with.


    It's been 7 months since you said it would be looked into and patch 7.0 is out now.


    Eight months now, or rather, from BW's perspective, it's only been eight months.:rak_01:

  16. On the one hand, it's lulzy that so many people are getting mad at OP for being gullible / not understanding probability. OP can do what they want and y'all can die mad about it I guess. :rak_01:


    On the other hand, OP's strategy is legitimately a harebrained scheme and I mean that in the nicest way possible. It's like something Wraith Squadron would pretend to do while actually doing something super secret. I love it. :D

  17. That's because it DOESN'T work outside of double xp. I've tested it, not sure why so many players think it does anything.


    I've used it for literal years, on multiple characters, and it works. It keeps me at or below level even doing all quests, sidequests and occasional pvp. Recently I leveled a SW keeping it on from level 1 and I finished Corellia at lvl 47. Then I did an Agent, same thing, except I turned it off at lvl 40, and finished Corellia at lvl 51. If I put it on at level 1, I finish the starter planet at lvl 10-11, depending on if I do any heroics.


    It's possible that it just doesn't work for subs, or that rested xp interferes somehow. Subs get 50% more xp than F2P and it's possible that's baked into the code somehow and neutralizes the WAM. It's also possible that you're using xp boosts or dark vs light armor, I don't know, and to be honest I don't care. Believe me or don't. It works for me and I recommend it to players who want a gradual leveling experience. If it works for them, great. If it doesn't, sucks to be them.

  18. Note: This is a long story. Feel free to skip to the parts that interest you.


    tl; dr: Why I started playing / Drew Karpyshyn sucks :D

    I joined in 2.0 (Spring 2013) as a F2P. I hoped it would continue the story of Kotor2. For the most part, it didn't, and when it tried, it did it badly. Revan and the Exile (I refuse to use the dumb name Karpyshyn made-up) were already ruined in the Maelstrom Prison FPs long before SoR. In fact, I didn't really like the premise of the Great Galactic War / Cold War at all. Kreia made the True Sith sound so menacing and then what we got was the usual BW Saturday Morning Cartoon villains.


    But I enjoyed other aspects of the game and stayed. Notably, I really enjoyed the Agent and Bounty Hunter class stories. In hindsight, if I'd had more experience of MMOs or AAA games in general, I probably would not have played for long. Alternatively, if I'd picked STO instead, I'd probably have been playing that all these years instead, rather than playing a few hours a month ago and getting bored.


    tl;dr: Going Preferred / once upon a time the game economy worked :p

    I was F2P for about a year, and really struggling leveling the two characters I had, so I bought $5 worth of xp boosts and things improved a little. I didn't sub until 2018 or so, but I joined at a good time, because after becoming preferred I was able to buy all the major account / species unlocks off the GTN, all under the 200k credit limit. I think I paid 1M for Cathar after they released escrow and it was a really laborious process collecting all those credits on one character AND the escrows, which have never been cheap to buy for credits.


    tl;dr: Being a Bad :o

    I died a lot at first. I remember dying so often on my first character, a Trooper, that my armor broke and I didn't have enough credits to fix it. I died on my first Agent in Hutta after getting ambushed by a mob of droids during an early story mission. By my third character, I wasn't dying as much and was feeling more confident, and then I rolled a Warrior and got as far as Balmorra before dying to trash --the Chiss ambassador quest--and was so embarrassed I deleted that character, the first time I ever did that.


    A big problem early on was that leveling was so painful. I got my Trooper as far as Alderaan but he was five levels behind, even doing every mission and sidequest (not counting heroics which were really tough). My Agent was stuck on Tatooine literally driving around collecting exploration xp to level up. I started doing pvp solely because I needed the xp, I didn't really want to play with anyone else. I realized soon after becoming preferred that if I used xp boosts constantly, and I did 5 warzones a week (the max) and 3 PVE space missions (the max), AND continued to do all sidequests, I could consistently stay at recommended level or only one level below.


    tl;dr: Once upon a time BW made good changes :eek:

    Legacy storage / strongholds were a lifesaver. Before that, I had to mail crafted armor mods to my characters, one piece at a time. Similarly, I didn't figure out how to get a third crew skills slot for a long time (the old referral process), so I only had two crew skills per character and had to mail the mat stacks that the crafter needed. Crafting was time consuming but effective because without blue and (after I bought an account-wide artifact unlock) purple mods, the basic story content was often very difficult.


    I eventually smoothed out all these problems, or BW released QoL patches that made things a little easier, like Collections, or level sync. I read this forum a lot even though I couldn't post, because occasionally people had useful tips, which is how I got the security key and 100 cc/month, though initially I thought it had to be reinstalled every month which was a pain.


    tl;dr: Why I hate other players :mad:

    The forum often disparaged F2Pers, blaming them for, pretty much everything. People on this forum like to downplay the toxicity for obvious reasons, but I can tell you that i resisted subbing for a long time because I didn't want to be associated with anyone on here. It's not quite as bad now but what remains the same is ignorant subs speaking for F2Pers and asking for things that subs want while pretending that it's for F2P benefit, like pvp balance lmao :rolleyes:.


    I was pretty antisocial for the vast majority of time I've been playing, I even made a personal guild and bought a guild ship BEFORE legacy storage, just to take advantage of the bank and so I could put all my imp characters in one guild. but when I first subbed I found a friendly guild in SS and learned how to do Ops and most of the non-solo FPs, and had/have a lot of fun. Just...not enough to remain subbed indefinitely.


    tl;dr: TOR bucket list / a long list of things I don't care about anymore :cool:

    Before the game shuts down, I'd like to finish all the ops I haven't done, like the Dxun one or Gods From the Machine, as well as the few remaining FPs I haven't done, mainly the rakghoul ones. I also want to complete all the uprisings at least once.


    I don't really need to make any more characters, i've already got over 60 spread out on two servers. I don't need any more SHs, I just bought the 2nd Fleet SH with the GS tokens, the last one I needed. I don't need any more armor--at the last collections sale I unlocked pretty much every armor I'd bought. I don't really need any more insta-70 tokens, after the last server merge and I had to delete dozens of characters, I began using the tokens to make clones of the characters I lost. But I've gained back all the ones I particularly wanted.


    tl;dr: When you're a story player and you hate the story :rolleyes:

    Oh, and I don't need to know how the story ends. I don't care about the immediate story, the saboteur thing, at all, and I'm not concerned about what happens to my characters in the larger sense. The Republic wins, obviously, but probably makes some accommodation with the Empire which lasts until Knight Errant era when everything falls apart.


    Or at least, that was the old expanded universe. TOR is kind of set adrift so in theory they could do something really cool and unexpected. But the main reason I don't care is because I have no confidence in BW to write a good ending, and, as I alluded to earlier in this textwall, that's not merely because Legacy of the Sith sucks, I think TOR's writing has always been pretty terrible.


    tl;dr: Moving on from TOR :)

    This was a good game and I spent a LOT of time playing it, time I could have used much more productively, to be honest. Or even unproductively on other things--I bought Disco Elysium recently and I'm itching to try it out. If BW announced tomorrow that they were shutting down the game by Jan 1 2023, I'd be sad but also okay with it. I've about had my fill of this game. Conversely, if it continued for another 10 years, I'd be fine with that too: I don't need the game to die just because I'm tired of it. That should be obvious but the forum is still pretty radioactive lol.

  19. There are so many options for names I really don't understand why these threads come up every now and then. People really need to stop using existing Star Wars names for their characters.


    I mean, I've seen these threads since launch and this is the first time i've seen someone mention a species specific name generator. So, one assumes the reason why these threads come up is that, um....they don't know?


    Like, another thread that comes up often is that people level too quickly, when we have the white acute module that slows it. But since there's nothing in the tooltips to suggest it works outside of 2xp, very few people seem to be aware of it, certainly not new players.

  20. The GS seasonal objectives still showing up in conquest seems to be a bug. I hope it's one bug that they don't make a priority fix because it's actually useful for those of us who didn't finish maxing our rep. If you're reading this BW, don't take this away--you can pretend it was a feature that you always intended to do.


    There is no vendor (Like every other Reputation track)


    Right, there is no vendor, but idc about rep vendors anyway, I'm a completionist. Presumably there's no vendor because BW is so shortstaffed that simply making digital items was too taxing for them lmao. I'm joking but no actually I bet this is the truth, it's pathetic.

  21. This is still happening, pubside solo, death to fall damage. I read the thread and got the advice about not chasing and was able to beat it on the next try, even though Lana had vanished since first boss. It's reminiscent of Spirit of Vengeance, something similar happened there.


    Even without the bug, Nul is a very difficult fight, at least as difficult as SoV used to be. I would be surprised if many solo-only people aren't struggling with it.

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