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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. They can only vote kick if you don't participate, it's not like pvp, people can't gang up on you, and kick you, if you participate. So either you are afk'ing, and it's why you are getting vote kicked, or you aren't hitting players enough, if it's the first, then you should be kicked, if it's the second, unfortunately the only way to avoid it, is to get better. There are plenty of guides to help you improve your skill. The game tells you when you have stopped participating, so in a dom match, head for a node and reset the timer, in a death match, there is no objectives to run to to reset it. The only way to reset is to blow up. Not that I'm suggesting self destruction, but if you are trying your best, and feel these people are targeting you, a reset is a reset.


    I play all ship types, and I've never had anyone complain. Next time they do, put them on ignore, some people are just not worth wasting your time on.


    Interesting! I didn't know any of this. It's been a sudden increase in the last couple weeks though, I think more people are becoming aware that they CAN vote kick, I certainly didn't. I was worried about the ganging up idea because my deaths are often higher than kills. Yesterday several people wanted to kick a guy who would suicide, but by the end of the match had only done so 4 times, which is about par tbh.

  2. Holy crap, dude. Just put me on ignore.

    It appears obvious to me (because of how often you post on the forums) that you have a main account that probably is continually subscribed for the most part and at least one F2P account (likely several), which explains why you seem to be taking my interest personally. It would also seem that your F2P account(s) is/are preferred status meaning you spent some money on the game (nothing wrong with that).


    No, I don't. I sub once or twice a year for 60 days through the Origin offer. I used to be able to post more often because of the weekly referral. I have one account that I have been using continuously since 2013, though my interest has waned recently and i've been playing more SP games. I am not opposed to spending money on the game, or for F2P to sub. What I want is for F2P to have similar ACCESS that I did when I joined: that is, ability to buy account unlocks that dramatically change the ability to play the game, rather than being hoarded by the type of sub you describe.


    I lurked for several years before subbing and being able to post, and I noticed, and continue to notice, that most subs don't understand what F2P want or actually get, or confuse their desires / fears of losing their sub privileges, with F2P, like the OP. Most subs have an extremely negative view of F2P, which is little more than petty prejudice, like your comment about devs "catering" to F2P. My own perspective of F2P is dated, but at least it's evenhanded. I don't see them as freeloaders or a despised economic class horning in on MY perks the way many players here do.


    As for my posting frequency, the forum, aside from niche subforums like story and lore, is mainly for complainers to snipe each other and the devs, and I fit that characterization. I rarely put people on ignore unless I think they will report me, and even then it just limits what I see.

  3. So - dont know if anyone else has catch this - but I've been replaying the Main Class Story Quests and I hit on something --- Gaden-Ko, the Voss the Jedi Consular helps to become a Mystic, foretells Arcann, Thexan and the Eternal Throne.


    After you finish Dark Cradle Dark Heart and Gaden-Ko has his first vision, there is a conversation option to ask him what he saw... he replies:


    "I saw two sons, one alight and the other dead - and a mountain that touches the stars" --- Sound like anything we've seen recently?


    I went back and checked the youtube vids - this dialog hasnt changed since in 4 years... --- Well done Bioware, well done


    Necroing this because in the dialogue, it's two SUNS.


    Now, it could be referring to kotfe I guess but seems a bit unlikely.

  4. F2P only had 1 crew skill. Preferred had 2. A majority of F2P users used that perk before they became preferred which kept them at 2 crew skills upon becoming preferred. This was also just a one-time package. You don't receive the "goodies bag" the second time you use a referral.


    Anyway, that might have been the most important piece to you. Others might feel the unify colors is much more important since it directly affects their character look. Some might even think titles are the best thing ever. Reagrdless, Bioware stated they'd look at trying to get that other stuff back out in some fashion (it sounds like a RAF 2.0 program might be rolled out in the future if they can figure out how to make it do what it was supposed to do).


    Once you get the package once, it gets mailed to you on every character you make. You would know that if you'd ever used it, which you obviously haven't, meaning you're arguing out of ignorance, as usual.


    There is a major difference between having 3 crew skills versus having only 1 or 2, and a major affect on your ability to make credits. Again, this is OBVIOUS if you've ever needed it. I am not interested in your hypothetical "you only get to pick the most important piece", the package came with a BUNCH of stuff that suited many playstyles so there was no need to pick "the most important piece."


    Why do you care? Why do you argue about this? It makes no difference to you either way. It makes a little difference to me because I don't have to buy a crew skill account unlock that would otherwise cost hundreds of millions of credits. It makes A LOT of difference to F2Pers who were unaware of this or arrived after they stopped the program. How about having a little empathy and understanding other perspectives than your own, i.e whiteknighting for the devs on even the most minor points and vigorously upholding the status quo at all costs?

  5. There's no difference except it makes less sense why Lana would free you or Theron join your alliance. You go from being someone they have a lot of history with to someone they vaguely know of but haven't previously interacted with. That uncertainty only lasts for the initial convos though, after that they treat you exactly the same, including romances. If you romanced Lana/ Theron during SoR, AFAIK, there's no connection to their romances in kotfe.


    I think this applies to Jakarro and C2D4 too, who you don't see again until Onderon. I have taken all 8 classes through endgame, with 3 classes who were outlander tokens that skipped SoR, but there's no real difference in how any of the characters from SoR treat you. Keep in mind that the whole point of the outlander tokens was to jump right into endgame, so it wouldn't make sense for BW to incentivize playing the story normally.

  6. I don't have any sympathy for whales who no longer have access to referral CCs. But I do care that for non-subs, taking away referrals deprived them of a way to get 1) weekly subs every three months 2) first time referees got various unlocks, including crew skills.


    I understand why they took it away because #1 allowed players who weren't subbed to cash in on GS rewards. Had it still been around, I would have waited until September 27, gotten a referral, claimed all the GS sub rewards, without paying a dime. But there should still be a mechanism for #2, which is what first time referrals need anyway.

  7. I hope the that people who think disabled players are "care bears" never suffer the pain of becoming disabled or seeing someone they love struggle with a disability.


    Over the past several months I've developed joint pain that severely limits my playtime and ability, so I can understand where you're coming from. However, you are pigeonholing disabled people, taking away their agency, insisting that they can only do easy content because that's all you can do. I would politely suggest you check yourself: you don't speak for all disabled people any more than I do or any one person does. No one here has suggested changing the difficulty to exclude disabled people, they are suggesting options.


    Lastly, if someone calls people who only want easy content a carebear, and you take offense to that, then the name fits, but that does not mean he is calling all disabled people that. Again, check yourself.

  8. I would love this as an option especially on the Inquisitor's Zash fight. That one used to be so hard you had to get help. To have the option to fight some of the class bosses on Vet/Master mode/as champions rather than easy elites would be excellent, especially if that hard mode was graded to your level to challenge those of us who use Master's Datacrons on alts.


    I never saw this or the emperor fight. I started during 2.0 and by 3.0 the difficulty had changed. I do remember the Supreme Guardians fight (BH act 3) being really difficult, and leveling was such that if you were under it was very easy to die. I remember dying on Hutta and Ord Mantell so often I had broken gear that I couldn't repair.

  9. I would've killed all those light side jedi. This whole deal about "going beyond the dark and light side" was very vague and unconvincing.


    IDC what anyone says, that chapter was about Valky puppeting Marr and Satele as hallucinations parroting his words through people he thought the PC would listen to. Beyond Dark and Light would be fine if it were Kreia saying it, but not for Satele and Marr. For Valky though, there's no complicated K2 relativism, it's just a reiteration of his point that power is the only thing that matters. He wanted the PC to think more like him because...idk. Maybe it made the PC easier to control? Like you said, it was very vaguely written.

  10. Another poster brought up Vulcans and Romulans. I think that while lore-wise, it "could" work, but legally, they'd get sued by Trek/ Paramount, etc. It is odd that the only cross species is humanity. No other races show up in both franchises. (Although you could possibly make a cyborg character similar in appearance to 7 of 9, a Borg.)

    (It would be an option I think to put pointed ears on characters. I think they could get away with that because Vulcans aren't the only hominoids in fantasy with pointed ears. There are elves too. And as long as they don't Call them elves or vulcans, they could get away with it without lawsuits from Trek or LOTR.



  11. I can't speak for others, but i'd personally hate that, for the simple reason that in my HC all my alts are part of my main JK's Alliance, and some are cross-faction friends.


    I'd love the ability to use alts as companions though if it was possible.


    Same. It would also disrupt the headcanon we've built up for our chars - as soon as the character in question did anything outside the expected behavioral parameters it would break immersion.

  12. I just don't think that its likely for them to make a separate gtn category on gtn, a slight increase in credit cap or other QoL things tho, sure


    lol I don't think it's likely. I don't think anything we suggest here is likely to happen unless they were already planning to do it. And yes, I agree, BW will almost always do the easier thing even if it's just a bandaid solution.


    Although, it does make you wonder why they bother with QOL upgrades for F2P at all in that case.

  13. I don't personally want to see this as a thing. In the lore as it stands, the SIth were just about the ONLY species that were able to fight BACK against the Rakata successfully. Not the humans. Not the others. The Sith(look it up on Wookiepedia).


    I was thinking about that article, actually. I like the idea of the Rakata, in different times and places, pushing the ancient Jedi and Sith towards their ls/ds alignments through conflict. Unlike the Jedi, the Sith version has never been dramatized in books or videogames, and I think it would be kinda cool to suggest that, just like the Jedi [Jeedai] used to more morally ambiguous before encountering the Rakata, the Sith maybe weren't inherently DS before the Rakata showed up.


    But now that I think about it, it would be hard to portray that in this era, and also BW is not known for its subtlety.

  14. They did such a bad job with Nautolan, I'm afraid of what they would do with any other species I like that isn't just a human re-color.




    Many of the suggestions here could easily be done with the existing species. I have a sith smuggler that i've configured to look like a Zeltron. Mirialans could easily be turned into Falleen. Echani are just humans with white hair, eyes and very pale skin.


    Someone suggested Iktotchi, which would be cool but would suffer from the same clipping problems as Togruta and Nautolans.


    Rather, I would like them to redo the character creation system and add more options, more sliders. Remove cyborg as a race and give any species the option to add cyborg parts. Combine the two Zabraks. Allow Trooper Tattoos to be used on any species for that class, same with Sith tattoos for Sith Warriors, slave tattoos for all Sith Inquisitors, and Bounty Hunter tattoos for all bounty hunters. Am I missing any?

  15. The thing about unlocks and authorizations is that they were designed to bring in game revenue through direct purchases and possibly sway willing buyers into just subbing in the first place. They are part of the cartel market, but there was no thought in the design of those items to make sure they could be obtained on the GTN by F2P players using credits.


    There should not be a change in the game now to facilitate that as it would be counter-productive to the built in incentive to subscribe in the 1st place.


    So what I'm really saying is the system isn't broken.


    Which is, again, very conservative, i.e the system is fine and any defects only affect freeloaders who should be subbing anyway.


    But the thing is that this thinking runs counter to what BW has done in the past, which is to make it easier for F2P with QOL improvements, like raising the credit limit, while at the same time doing little to reward continuous subs. Which suggests that subs like yourself who think that they're defending the devs' intentions...probably aren't, and the system really is broken and is on the to be fixed list. It's a bit like insisting that the devs intended clipping in hood/headgear animation since it's always been part of the game. It's a bug not a feature.

  16. I'm consistent with my beliefs. I don't think this game would even exist if it wasn't for capitalism in the real world.


    I'm not against charity, I just don't think taking a F2P character for basically all his credits is some kind of charitable act. Selling is selling. Charity is "giving."


    I think you misunderstood - for one, I'm not trying to catch you in an 'aha!'. Fiscal conservatives often suggest charity, like your suggestion of people forming guilds to just give stuff to F2Pers, rather than directly fixing problems with the system. No one *needs* expensive armors, OP is just selfish and doesn't want to pay money to remove the credit limit. Conversely, stuff that is intended for F2P, like most of the unlocks in this game, are instead bought and hoarded by subs at prices unattainable to F2P. We can debate whether or not F2P really need stuff like artifact authorization, but it's not debatable that it's intended to be used by them and isn't, judging by the high prices for it on the GTN.


    Also, as I've said, you're confusing the credit limit with a player's total credits. Just because the limit is 1M doesn't mean F2Pers only have 1M, it means they can only SPEND up to 1M without using escrows. But that's beside the point, I don't sell items on the GTN at less than 1M for the sake of F2Pers, that doesn't accomplish anything.

  17. It doesn't make much sense. Why would a sub buy Cartel items to sell for a limited amount of credits? If their intent is to "help" players they don't know, imagine how much more "help" they could give the player if they sold the item for what it's worth to a sub that would buy it and then used those credits to "help" the F2P character.


    These "helpers" could form a guild specifically to recruit F2P players, actually get to know them a little bit and then send them things they need in the mail, all the while knowing it didn't go to a greedy scumbag like me just to be flipped.


    It's not about helping. I'm saying that BW should make credit price controls for select items that F2P can use but subs can't. In the current system, subs buy these unlocks off the CM and sell them for a ton to other subs who stock them for some hypothetical eventuality - they don't go to actual F2Pers, not at those prices.


    Adding price controls will lower supply [less subs buying them to make money] but perhaps the CC price could also be reduced. It used to be that 1M credits was equal to 100 CC. That's a good ratio for buying and selling unlocks.


    And no, I don't want to rely on the largesse of subs. Though I do think it's funny that I'm suggesting basic socialist measures whereas your suggestion is classic fiscal conservative - charity, pah! :D Politics is inescapable, even in madeup fantasy gaming settings.

  18. I hope your characters never killed anybody in the game. I'd hate for that to be on your conscience when the game ends.


    Buried in the weird people you meet in GF thread, there's a story about a pug dps Jedi consular who refused to use any combat skills and had to be persuaded to use his CC on the basis that it wasn't hurting enemies. I think about that guy a lot.


    I wonder why people that are trying to "help" F2P players sell stuff that takes almost all their credits? At least when I sell something a F2P player can't afford, I'm not making them broke.

    Rather than arbitrarily pricing a few items below the limit so a price gouger [i.e YOU] can come along and resell it, BW should make a separate tab on the GTN for F2P account unlocks like artifact authorization and species. Subs can sell these items but not buy them with creds, and there's a limit to how much they can sell them for, let's say 2M. F2P can use escrow to buy those items, and escrows can't be sold for more than 1M each. The fine details can be worked out, IDC, but the point is to allow F2P to buy the unlocks they need, rather than counting on good will from players or raising the credit cap any further.

  19. These very forums have loads of "I always thought I hated GSF, only began doing it cause of GS and dang, it is quite fun" type of posts showcasing how GS works just as itnended for tons of people. I'm pretty sure you've seen loads of them too.


    You're talking to people who think being 'forced' to play part of the game they're unfamiliar with is literal discrimination. I don't think reasoned arguments and testimonials is going to remedy their viewpoint.


    I like GSF and was one of those that didn't originally, but I like trying new stuff so I'm a good candidate. The players on this forum, however, are intensely conservative and hate change of any kind, as well as BW rewarding some paths but not others, especially if it's multiplayer. If the weekly was "complete a conquest" or "troll DK chat", they'd be all over that, anything else is literal oppression.

  20. Remember that BW's MO in this game is to steal all the good ideas from other games. With that in mind, my thought is


    Return of the Rakata!


    We know from the class stories that there's a few space-faring Rakata still around. They're trying to get their force sensitivity back, or screwing around with the Star Cabal, or releasing rampaging species from lockup. We know how dangerous Rakatan tech can be from stuff like Tatooine and Manaan. There's nothing in the teasers we've gotten that denies the possibility of Rakatans behind everything, especially if they retcon the Sith origins to the Rakata.


    And yes this also makes sense because ST:O did it with the Iconians to good success. If you thought the Eternal Empire was bad, a cannibalistic force-using race that conquered the galaxy 30,000 years ago and is now BACK would be much worse. And yes this also gives us a chance to see flesh raiders in action outside Tython again, maybe even a storyline connected to Tython.


    In fact, virtually every storyline in this game post-50 has been "mysterious enemy / faction long thought disappeared returns to devastate the galaxy." Very little has been the result of cause and effect, with the possible exception of Vinn Atrius. Of course, if the devs were GOOD writers, they would try to surprise us with something innovative for a change...but that's not what this thread is about.

  21. I don't understand the toxic mentality some subs have and the general animosity expressed toward F2P/Pref players and fair concerns, even if not voiced appropriately. It's disgusting and it isn't more money in your pocket, so why even be an absolute donkey about it?


    I'm pref for about nine months of the year, and I understand it. I'm disgusted by it too, of course, and for a long time I didn't get why players on this forum have such a poisonous, class warfare attitude towards F2P, but I figured it out awhile ago:


    It's because their sub is next to worthless, and they know it, just like BW knows it, which is why subs are so often overlooked, because they don't matter. BW has their money and they aren't going to quit. Consequently, the only value the sub has for those players is to be a "have" while someone else is a "have not". It is exactly the reason that many subs were outraged that BW was giving away coveted items and companions that had previously - years previously - been exclu to them. It's not just that THEY have master Ranos, it's that they have it and I don't, and I never will...until Seasons erased that inequality.


    That being said, what disgusts me even more than entitled subs is players like the OP, who normally don't GAF about F2Pers, don't say one word advocating more QOL updates for them, until he's about to become one and his priority is...barbie dress-up. Seriously?


    Wow... I've seen a lot of bad inflation threads but I don't think I've seen one so... entitled.


    No, you do not NEED that shiny armour. If you are not willing to put in the small amount of effort it takes to get the credits for it, you are not going to get it.


    Hear hear!


    If BW made a set price for unlocks like Species and Artifact, so they couldn't be sold for more than 1 million credits and couldn't be bought by anyone who wasn't F2P, I could get behind that. That'd be useful to a lot of F2Pers [Not me, I have all that already], whereas simply raising the credit limit to 2 mil, or even 10 mil, is not [they frequently cost hundreds of millions]. But, not being able to buy your shinies? There's gotta be some incentive to sub, and the credit limit is one of the major reasons I sub [and collecting the GS rewards].

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