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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. They removed the post where ZUFHB admitted sale runners are selling their credits to credit sellers for real money. I guess we are not supposed to let the players of the game to know why we have this inflation. :rolleyes:


    Ask the community managers about the post, they know it was there and can confirm he admitted it.


    I lol'd at the bolded.


    Maybe removing the post is an indication they are taking the situation seriously. One can only hope.


    I also lol'd at this. Check back tomorrow and I would be surprised if *this* thread is still around, much less a post that even indirectly addresses removed posts. They do it for the same reason many corporate HR policies forbid low level employees to ask each other how much they make. That's not specific to this topic, it applies in general: you can't talk about the forbidden subject, even hypothetically, because it threatens their power. Or for a pop culture analogy, it's like fight club. What's the first rule? :rak_01:


    That being said, they typically forget to remove posts that quote the removed post...for example, in that thread. Keep scrolling.

  2. My memory must be faulty on that one, but another thing that seemingly disappeared was most of the event token things that they turned into currencies. I remember having half of a tab filled with the Gree things, Bounty Broker contracts, and more for the other events. After the update, many of them appeared to disappear until I checked my currency. I know there were some bugs with this (some of them didn't automatically convert), but the ones that worked did disappear from my legacy bank without having to do anything manually.


    I remember your version--the mats were in there without needing to be moved. It's possible that this was the intended change but it was bugged for some players--iirc this also happened with the godawful UI bulletin list: some players were able to minimize it and some weren't.


    OP's post is dramatic but I can see it being very hard to be a returning player coming back and your stuff is all gone. Unfortunately, I don't see a way around that other than making sure it's in the patchnotes, and even then, a player gone for years is unlikely to read through pages and pages of patchnotes just to find out that something is not there. But the devs have always made a lot of stealth changes that don't get on the patchnotes but tend to be pretty important, like moving items around.

  3. Yeah, it is kinda stupid. There are arbitrary caps on tech fragments and other currencies, total as well as weekly limits. The point of subbing should be that you don't run into those limits, just like the credit cap--you should be able to earn as much as you want.


    Also, since rep is tied to significant conquest points, you should be able to cash in rep as much as you want--you can't get more than max rep but you should be able to claim it for Conquest if you're a sub.

  4. To paraphrase Jordan Peterson, how do you expect to 'fix' the game when you can't even fix your own writing. 😏


    It's funny to see someone show such disrespect for others while suggesting that others need 'self-respect'. Pot, meet kettle. 🙄


    Ironic. :rak_01:


    Yes, OP has a lot of spelling errors. His predictions seem unlikely too. But the inverse of the above sentiment is that being able to write well doesn't much matter when you have nothing to say.

  5. I've done most of the easier ones, but there is one that goes thru asteroid field that I always end up blowing myself up near the end. :(.


    Guess I'm not meant to be a space jockey.


    Yeah that took me forever too. if you're near the big rock at the end, you have to swerve up and then down again to make it through the space between.

  6. I don't mind doing them, although the heroics have always been out of reach. It would be nice if they got some love, or even updated to better reflect ship combat in GSF. I'd also like it if they got more bang for conquest points, a pinnacle or daily repeatable for doing x number. It's a small part of the game but not terrible.


    That said, I don't like ship combat in STO, so I wouldn't want them to feel similar.

  7. Exactly how I feel. it took me all of 15 minutes to conclude it was a waste of time. I too have never been in a casino in my life, and I don't even understand the fascination they have for some people. Gambling just seems so futile; the odds always favor the house.


    I have a ton of chips I have accumulated from loot and whatnot, but I CBA to go back and use them.


    The problem for me is not that the odds favor the house. I mean, that's basic to gambling. it's that you get so many chips as prizes to give you the illusion that the odds are more even, but all it amounts to is more time standing there. it's a time sink, not a credit sink (for most players).

  8. What's with your fetish for stealth ambushes?


    Don't kink shame OP. Some of us like getting pulled o...interrupted while we're doing our thing. It makes life exciting. :rak_03:


    But there should be some sort of medium place where that solution doesn’t totally nullify a stealth class’ opener and rotation for solo content. They can put those droids with stealth detectors in, which prevents you from just running through but will still let you holotraverse and use your stealth opener.


    Well, I don't like the stealth detectors --the bullseye targeting--any more than the ambush mechanic, but they could use more probe droids stealth scans, more mobs walking around the map, layering mobs around choke points making it necessary to CC to get through--I saw a lot of that for the Manaan story--and also raise stealth detection for elites and champs to make the stealth utility more useful.

  9. I'm trying it on an 80 gunslinger with 324 ilvl and 50 comp


    The only way I can get past the trash pulls is with Unity and Heroic moment up. Otherwise they swamp the comp and overrun me.


    This might be soloable - but it's a total slogfest having to wait on all cooldowns for each pull.


    It was always like that. It's better to use a stealther to skip the mobs.

  10. It's amusing that the players are more knowledgeable about the game than the devs. I have the option to skip kotfe and start at kotet, skip both and start fractured alliances, or skip that and start at Ossus. By the logic presented here, we should be able to skip Onderon / Meksha and start at Manaan.


    I can't help but wonder if, now that this has been pointed out to them, they'll realize their mistake and remove the option to skip to KOTET and Fractured Alliances. That's much more likely than acting on feedback for something players actually want.

  11. Forced group content doesn't necessarily produce good group players. It tends to produce players that have to be carried because all they really did was follow along. I think that (story) flashpoints produce better group players, because if you mess up then it's all on you. Dying because you're standing lava (e.g. red circles) teaches, not having someone use Rescue or otherwise pull you out.


    As far as FF14 goes, I got tired of having to stop every fourth or fifth mission (about 5-8 minutes) in order to sit in queue for an hour has the opposite effect for me. I was spending more time just waiting (as I tend to play during off times) than actually doing anything.


    This doesn't really make sense to me. In the early story FPs, you have Jesus!Droid to ensure you can't die, so you can ignore hazards that would kill you in harder modes. In more recent story FPs, you're on your own but the difficulty has been reduced and you usually have some gimmick like a 'pet' companion, so again, you're able to faceroll most of the challenges. Bugs aside, Ruins of Nul and Spirit of Vengeance are hard FPs because you can easily die; the difference is that it takes a boss to kill you in those story FPs whereas in higher difficulty modes you can die to trash if you're not paying attention.


    tl;dr story FPs didn't prepare me at all for the mechanics on Vet and with that in mind I'm too scared to do MM.

  12. Add 10 DRM to the weekly, that would balance it some. You could even make the "Dailies" worth 5 DRM instead of 3. Everything from Voss on up should have a better payout.


    Maybe. I think it's similar to the Star Fortresses. presently the weekly isn't enough to convince me to do them. If it were worth as much as unranked achiever (and if unranked achiever wasn't bugged) then maybe. But even then I probably wouldn't do it because they're such a pain to get through. Certain missions are like that. I don't want to suggest lowering the difficulty because few things are hard in this game as it is. But I do wonder how many players run those missions on a regular basis, Voss pubside heroics or Star Fortress Weeklies.

  13. Actually, I'm one of those people who appreciates more 'challenge' in the game, which is why you don't see me complaining about nerfing companions or having 'hard' OPs. People like you need to stick to the discussion at hand without resorting to ad hominum attacks.


    But, when I want a challenge, it doesn't involve looking over my shoulder constantly for some Sith kid to attack me.


    Yes, perhaps we could stick to the discussion at hand and avoid conversational gambits like "if you don't like this game go play xyz".


    Sticking to the discussion, the only difference between the kind of difficulty you want and the kind I want is that yours is predictable: you do an op, you know it's going to be hard, you work out the mechanics and power through it. Yes, my way you have to look over your shoulder. But with level sync you avoid the problem of high level players coming to low level planets to grief.

  14. I was on a PvP server when I first started playing - my 'clan' was there. When most of the clan left to play other games or go back to WoW, one of the first things I did was transfer to a PvE server.



    Um yeah. Since 7.x hasn't killed the game, forced OWPVP certainly would.


    If you want "danger" while playing, just go play Call of Duty or Star Wars Battlefront. 🙄


    This is similar to people wanting more difficulty in the game and being shouted down by players, like yourself, who are all too free to suggest others leave and find some other game because they like not being challenged in any way. Our debate is pointless, the devs will do what they want. The difference is that, as I said, for all your grumbling, you won't leave the game regardless of what they do. Opinions are only worth something if you are willing to stake something i.e "make this change and I'll leave". Instead you claim that others will leave, which is the same as every player group, raiders, pvp, story, roleplay etc thinking that theirs is the linchpin for the game's success or failure.

  15. I wonder how many of the players criticizing OWPVP actually played on a pvp server. :rolleyes:


    Before the merger I had characters on a number of the pvp servers. Like many on the forum I was initially apprehensive about this style of gameplay, worrying about griefers. It did come up occasionally. I remember not being able to complete a minor quest on Alderaan--stealing the medpacs from pub soldiers--because a pub was camped in the area. And yes, there was a fear of being killed by a high level character in bottleneck locations, like the dreadnought on Hoth. The worst was some of the comp missions located in the opposite faction zones, like the mission with Corso to find Jettison on Tat...If you get killed over there you have to start the whole journey over again.


    But it added a sense of genuine danger that the game does not have on PVE. When I'm at the Dune Sea pubside outpost on Tat and an imp character comes along to attack the champ turrets and guards for conquest/cheevos, I remember being terrified how I was going to get out of there. The solution is not to logout--though i'm sure many of the players responding here would have done that--it's to play the game and have fun, and it was. It was a lot more fun dodging a high level char than doing The Thing That Czerka Left Behind for the millionth time. The Rakghoul Tunnels were particularly intense--if you didn't want to pvp, you had to get in, get your objectives, and get out quick.


    And it allowed you to do the same thing to other players--I vividly remember ambushing a sniper on Belsavis, same level as me, driving through The Scar. It worked better in groups. One of the best experiences I had was a massive fight on Voss near the Shrine of Healing where both faction respawn points were closely located. Note that for the entirety of my experience on a pvp server, I had not yet subbed, meaning I was always below the max level, often 10-15 levels below since 50 used to be the max for F2P. In other words, I am not some veteran griefer reminiscing about the good old days killing players far below my level, it was the other way around and I still had a good time.


    Yes, bring OWPVP back again. Better yet, don't give players a choice, make certain quest areas default pvp zones, or maybe even do it by time. The devs have made plenty of decisions over the years without bothering to consult the playerbase--7.0 being a perfect example--and none of the naysayers in this thread have left, so their objections to OWPVP don't have much substance either. They'll grumble on the forum about it, but if it were to be implemented, they would eventually adapt.

  16. No gear at endgame. Maybe no gear period. Reformat crafting professions to craft only non-combat items like dyes, mounts, decorations, armor shells, weapon shells, etc. Gear is a habit that we've been stuck into thinking is important.


    One of the biggest changes in this game was I think 4.0 when they removed gear from companions. Had you suggested on the forum before then that comps don't need gear, they would have laughed at you. They would have --and did-- have all kinds of suggestions for improving the companion gear grind slightly, but not removing it altogether. That was seen as dumbing the game down among the hardcore elites. I have never seen anyone complain about it since they got rid of it, though I'm sure there's probably a diehard minority somewhere out there.


    The thread indicates the same problem BW has certainly noticed: everyone has a different idea what "good gearing" looks like, and the ideas, in general, are not significantly better than BW just doing it on their own. They're just slight variations on what's already been done. Except removing gear from the endgame equation completely.

  17. Voss pubside heroics have always been like that. The bonus series is also significantly more challenging pubside than for imps, particularly the area with the Sith ship.


    Generally I prefer to do heroics impside. As others have said, Balmorra and Taris are better for pubs, as is Belsavis. Avoid Corellia, Voss, NS, and Tat. Both factions should avoid Alderaan, although I think it's slightly worse pubside.

  18. I'm playing Jedi Knight with Shadow as the 1st combat style, a class which uses a double-bladed weapon, and due to that I'm now "graced" with carrying no weapon whatsoever during cutscenes while still hearing weapon sounds.


    Are now all cutscenes ****ed because they were tailored to a class that wasn't able to use double-bladed weapons before this haphazard change with combat styles?




    True Bioware "quality".


    To be fair, they frequently did not work even before that :rak_01:. For whatever reason, BW would have agents and troopers using blasters for cutscenes instead of their actual weapons. Sometimes the blaster wouldn't work and they'd be firing invisible guns. Same with force users, you'd get a scene with them trying to look menacing and they'd be holding an invisible lightsaber making noise.

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