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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. The best people to date irl are the most boring companions: Iresso, Torian, Mako, or Elara. They have their own horrible backstories but they don't let it define them the way they do for Vette, Ashara, Kira or Jaesa.


    It's interesting to see what other people choose. Risha is a cold-blooded narcissist from a whole family of them, obsessed with gaining power. The fact that BW allowed players to bypass her agency so she'll give up everything to be a scullion on a smuggler's ship doesn't negate that[1]. Theran (JC) is a self-absorbed p*rn addict, whereas Theron would happily lie to you for months and go behind your back to 'protect' you.


    I'd personally favour Miss Spooky Eyes / Blondie / Miss Beniko, the Dark Advisor herself.


    Lana is ironically one of the more stable choices, although her irl personality resembles a die-hard nationalist who approves of torture and state-sponsored massacres to protect the regime.


    [1] I could write a whole thread on Risha. Whoever wrote her character did a fantastic job but forgot to provide reasons for her to be a good person / romanceable. Her arc makes sense if it depended on her being swayed by your influence like Morrigan or Alastair, but without that it's as irrational as Ashara's. Knowing what we do about her motivations, why would she not agree (or even contemplate agreeing!) with her father to kill the smuggler, especially one who disagrees with her and insults her all the time? Why would she throw away her entire life's mission to be the Smuggler's wife? Don't even get me started on her cringey return after KOTET.

  2. I keep out leveling the planets, just by doing (even Less, now) GSF, and WZ, and Class missions. I can't do side or planetary missions , I don't gear up to be weaker, I don't level up to be weaker, I play this game to relax and have fun, Level Sync has taken that away.

    Level Sync has it's place, needs to be there, but not the way it's set up now, It just destroys any enjoyment I used to have.

    most of my characters are before 7.0, so I made new ones just to try and avoid that weakness I got with the older characters, just to get back to enjoying the game, but that didn't work. I mean I'm not 20-30 levels over planet level like before, but still 6-10 levels over, before I'm done with Coruscant/Dromund Kass.


    Either let me Pause leveling, or Raise planet level, Or fix level sync, that it don't punish those just want to do there missions in the order they're meant to be at


    Go to fleet during 2xp, find the Gree vendor on Fleet, and buy a White Acute Module. You get them for free. But unlike the previous poster's point, I don't think it's available normally, it has to be during 2xp. The thing is, it works outside of 2xp to reduce your gain. I use it on all my characters for the 1-50 experience, though theoretically it works at any level.


    A few other things help with this:


    The planet level is different from the level sync level. Follow the planet level. When you reach max level for planet (I think it's lvl 17 on DK), leave the planet, even if you haven't outsynced the content.


    I tend to do endgame content while subbed, and level characters as a pref. you get reduced XP as a pref which additionally helps keeping at level. Also I have heard some issues from subs about the WAM not working, and it's possible that the reduction rate is less efficient on a sub than a pref. idk, it always works fine for me.


    If you level several characters, try this model:


    (#1) character

    Taris (Pubside):

    - class mission

    - planetary missions

    - exploration missions

    - missions with alignment change LS / DS

    LEAVE at max planet level.


    (#2) character

    Taris (Pubside)

    - class mission

    - missed exploration missions

    - missions with alignment change LS / DS

    LEAVE at max planet level OR when new missions have been completed (underlevel)


    (#3) character

    Taris (Pubside)

    - Class mission

    - Heroics without LS/DS change

    LEAVE when new missions have been completed (underlevel)


    Even with the WAM, you will overlevel vanilla content if you do everything. if (#1) character does everything on Taris, they will quickly reach planet level on NS even if they haven't done everything on NS, leaving NS for later characters who will be underleveled. Avoid starting planetary quest chains on certain planets (Tatooine, Balmorra, Voss, Corellia) unless you're able to do the entire chain on one char.

  3. In all but one instance, that I know of, an in game character that either lives or dies based on player's choice, has never come back in follow on roles.



    Theron continues to play an important role in the story despite the option to kill or exile him. imo he's the main exception other than Acina. Obviously if you remove him on your own character, he's gone (other than bugs), but merely the option of bricking often removes them from future game writing too. Acina dies in Iokath and maintains a role as emperor (for characters who sided with her on Iokath), but good luck girl if they ever move on from that storyline because I doubt her VA will be around after that.

  4. Just because someone says it doesn't mean that person wasn't trolling you. If you have no proof then you don't actually know it true. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, however just claiming it does, doesn't make it true.


    If you have proof, then you should send it to BW so they can investigate and take the appropriate action.


    Bioware already has proof. They deleted a comment from one of the naysayers in this thread freely admitting to the practice. On that alone, that account should be permabanned, doesn't matter whether he was trolling or not, it's an actionable offense, but dude is still here talking tough. They could act if they wanted to, and clearly they don't.


    This entire thread is against the TOS as far as I can tell, but they don't close it. Why? Who knows.

  5. I was told, and read, that Valor points are "Per character" and not Legacy. However, my wife and I have been playing together for over a month and wanted to buy some color crystals from the PvP vendor. You have to be Rank 10 to use them and we both were rank 10 on a new character we created and was now around level 45ish. We have NEVER went to a Warzone and NEVER PvP. How did we get Rank 10 Valor without ever doing any PvP?


    We have now created a new character and have NO Valor to buy crystals. How was the above even possible?


    Thanks in advance.


    P.S. - Besides crafting them and buying from the PvP vendor, how can we get color crystals?


    You can get color crystals from a number of sources, including the CM, you don't need to get it from the pvp vendor. Try the GTN, you'll find plenty of crystals with +41 stat gain that should be easily affordable. If you unlock them in collections, you can use the crystals on every character.

  6. I was there 20000 years ago when Bioware's game were known for this amazing writing feature in Baldur's Gate and KOTOR.

    Ahh old real Bioware, Rest in Peace:(


    Last year I played ME3 for the first time, via legendary edition. It's widely regarded as the worst game in the series and one of BW's worst games period. It came out around the same time as this game, and whatever you think of the story and endings (I loved it), the companion interactions are amazing. After playing this game for so long and getting used to its mediocrity, it was a shock to come back to a Bioware that remembered all the little character touches. After that I played Jade Empire and DAO, and again, found amazing characters and storyline (and meh combat but we can't have everything).


    The vanilla 1-50 storyline of this game ranks up there with Mass Effect, Dragon Age and the rest of them. The rest of the game, post RotHC, might as well have made by some other, talentless hacks calling themselves Bioware. So, picking between who lives, Torian and Vette? I could not care less. Picking who lives and dies on a sub-optimal run of ME2's suicide mission, now that was tough, because the choices mattered.

  7. I never said you need to become a "whale". I simply stated that the real big spenders (not the whales Androssan was referring to) keep this game alive through their spendings. Source: me being a product manager in the F2P industry for the past 10 years. (Caveat: not all F2P games rely equally on the big spenders. But my guess is that this game does).


    ok, that's fair. I guess we need another term to describe the people who have billions of credits made through exploits and gaming the market, but don't pay much for their CCs.


    Barnacles? :rak_02:

  8. there is ONE story that staying neutral does "achieve" something - for Inquisitor Vanilla story, at the end you become Darth Occulus instead of Darth Nox (Dark side) or Darth Imperious (Light side).

    Unfortunately, you are only referred to as these titles in a few conversations, you can't actually USE them as Titles.



    There are some other references too. In the Consular storyline Satele will comment on your balance. IIRC the First Son does too. And in the JK storyline, Watcher One comments on it for the Taris class mission.

  9. The point was; these are just numbers and reducing them would not change so much. Even if Thanos snaps 50% of the population out of existence - earth population whould be like ~1975.

    He buys just some years before things are the same. All the things Thanos does.. at the end they make a difference of barely 50 years. Thanos obviously wasnt very good doing the maths.


    In SWTOR it would be maybe 1-2 years, inflation would stay at the same high and things would spiral further out of control.


    A few years ago we had a server merge and created new servers from the various old ones. That was actually the second or third time the servers had been merged, and at the time there were people complaining that it wasn't a real solution and we'd have the same problems with servers queues that we did before the merge, it just delayed the inevitable. And they were right. And so what? :rak_02:


    How long you think this game has? It doesn't need to be a permanent solution, just delay the problem for a few years. And if it becomes a problem again they can do another snap, just like they can do another server merge.


    I lol at everyone in this thread rolling their eyes :rolleyes: like "oh BW would never do that!" Seriously? Y'all act like you've been here since Day 1 but y'all don't seem to pay much attention. If BW does anything at all to fix the problem, this is what they would do, because it's similar to what they have done in the past. Aside from doing nothing at all. :rak_01:

  10. Bioware will surely be in favour of removing credits from players who are subscribers or/and have bought cartel coins to buy items from the cartel market to sell on gtn in exchange for credits, what a realistic idea. In fact, I think Bioware should do whatever one of you other people suggested and remove half of whatever cartel market items players have in their inventory/cargo hold or legacy bay.


    From a business standpoint, that makes sense.


    Thank you for your support. Given Bioware's behavior thus far, I think it makes quite a bit of sense as something they might conceivably do, particularly given that they've never shown much interest in feedback from the playerbase on previous major decisions. They have their vision and if this happens to be what they have in mind, they will do it, regardless of whether it makes sense from a "business standpoint".


    I can see that since this reply does not offer any realistic approach to the issue at hand or realistic suggestion that your response must unquestionably fall under another category ...


    hmmmm .. I'm having one of those senior moments again. I know there's a name for it !!


    Oh well ... no biggie!


    Is it 'realistic' for the whales to expect to keep all their bloated wealth but somehow the inflation problem will go away on its own without them having to lose anything? That sounds pretty drat "unrealistic" to me. :rak_01:

  11. Taking away 1/2 of everything (everyone) hurts everyone ... unless you are targeting just those who have a lot! This is also just plain wrong!


    Good idea, the snap should only affect anyone who has more than 1 billion in legacy storage, or characters with 500+ million on hand. Of course, whales can be very sneaky about finding ways to game the system--that's why they're whales in the first place, taking advantage of the market and credit exploits--which is why Bioware shouldn't give any warning that they plan to do this, give them time to make plans, instead they should just do it as a stealth nerf in a patch.

  12. This wouldn't change a thing. The poorest fella in the game would stay the poorest and the richest would stay the richest.


    It wouldn't eliminate inequality, no. It's not supposed to. It's supposed to remove credits from the game so the GTN remains useful and players aren't throwing around billions of credits. Bring it back to 2.0 when 1 Million was a lot of money.


    If they snapped their fingers and 50% of all in-game credits disappeared ... that's not the ONLY THING that would disappear!!



    (subtle hint .. the players attached to those credits would be close behind! ) ;)


    If the whales leave that would only help the economy. Do it, Bioware! :rak_01:

  13. So let's talk seriously...


    How would people feel if BW pulled a Thanos and 50% of all in-game credits were removed?


    That's what they should do. I would actually suggest making it a 90% cut to avoid the problems people are saying with having stored items in legacy. It doesn't matter if you have Revan's mask to sell when you only have 10% of 4 billion left to play with. You sell it for what people can afford, and they would no longer be able to afford the ridiculous prices they currently sell for. Yes, the whales would still have a lot of money comparatively, but that's always going to be a problem. At least we can eliminate their market and prevent them from gaining more money as quickly as they've been making it up till now.


    Here's my follow-up question: Of the players in this thread outraged by the idea, how many of them do you think are the whales directly or indirectly contributing to this problem and having the most to lose?

  14. As usual, the devs had their moment when they were responding a lot to comments and suggestions and now that time is over. It lasted about a week iirc. They still respond to bug reports but as far as what's next or what they would like to do, forget it. I wish certain players would remember this, but I'm sure they won't, and six or eight months or a year or the next time twitter and reddit (i.e the forums they actually pay attention to) goes berserk and they deign to come back and make more empty promises of better communication, I'm absolutely sure that those white knights will fail to understand the forum's cynicism once again, i.e "why can't you just be happy?? people are just 'griping' because they like to be unhappy."


    No. We just don't have goldfish memories. This is a pattern of behavior. They claim they're going to change and communicate regularly and it lasts a week and then it goes back to business as usual.

  15. The two lines that irritate me to no end because they trigger my OCD are the Cathar line on Ord Mantel if you are a Cathar, and Jorgun's adoption line if you are Cathar. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: If they could change that I' pay.


    The rest of these i can kinda understand but they had Jorgan's VA on hand during Kotfe and they did nothing to update this convo which really bugs me.

  16. The thread is ironic, given that before level sync, it was very possible to die to trash if you were underleveled. I remember dying all the time in 2.0 and 3.0. I died so often that I had usually maxed the 5 free respawns F2P get by Voss, and I had to be careful not to die anymore or I'd have to respawn from the nearest med-droid. Champs and elites were actually hard and would kill you if you aggroed more than a couple at a time.


    Companion strength was boosted around the same time that level sync was created. Before that they were fairly ineffective healbots, and couldn't switch roles.


    Knowing what I do now, and being bored by faceroll content in vanilla, I would actually prefer to keep level sync but return the game to its previous difficulty. If you're overleveled, level sync puts you at max planetary and you're fine. If you're at level or below level, you have to be more careful. That would satisfy everyone except OP and others who miss the days of one-shotting WBs.


    oh and


    I am not an online player in fact i am a single player gamer (i said lets try some online) and the only ones that shows are very few that are "good or popular". Why i need to know about level sync before trying it??? Beside how is alright that you get weaker than before when you get better gear. That is NOT OK, isn't good desing no matter what you say.


    Every single player CRPG I play is extremely difficult. Mass Effect is very hard to me on veteran. DAO was also extremely difficult even on the easiest mode, I was constantly dying no matter how long I played or set the AI tactics. And those are relatively new games, don't even get me started on BG2 and other isometric-based tactical games. idk what it means when people keep saying they're "single player gamers", you ought to have no trouble in that case.

  17. Grey Delisle voices the female agent and Azula in Avatar.


    Bounty Hunter Female, rather. Female Agent is Jo Wyatt, also from Fem!Hawke in the Dragon Age games. She has a distinctive clipped British accent that bleeds through a lot of her roles, she plays a Zabrak in 7.0 and it's lulzy hearing her and Female Agent at the same time. She also plays Malora but the Onslaught version has voice modulation to better disguise her.

  18. Troy Baker, the voice actor for Theron Shan(and Zenith) has been around. You'd recognize his work as Joel from The Last Of Us and Logan Thackery from GW2.


    Also to note: Jennifer Hale=Female Sheppard from Mass Effect=Female Trooper/Satele Shan


    I played MELE last year and was amazed to realize that Troy played everybody's most hated assassin Kai Leng. There were a couple other regular VAs from tor there too, I've definitely heard the guy who plays Kyrus in the JC class story in MELE and some other stuff. I also recognized Laura Bailey (Kira) in ME3, as Dr. Eva Core and Oriana.


    Steve Blum everywhere too.


    Just recently I heard Jolee Bindo (Kevin Michael Richardson) playing the child of the emperor Jedi you hear in 7.1. I googled it to find out his name and realized he's been around forever as Jace Malcom.


    My favorite VA is Jonathan Cake, Thanaton's VA. He has a very distinctive voice. In addition to Thanaton, you can hear him in the Justicar area on Coruscant, Grathan, Haresh (Vowrawn's bodyguard on Corellia), General Griest (SW act 3 on Hoth), etc. I haven't heard him in other games though.

  19. Idk Servant 1 made sense. Madame General Evil Queen, (if you aligned with the Imps) deserves far worse. Baras was pretty pathetic. But the point is GIVE Shara back please.


    The point is not picking favorites, or your petty biases about characters--IDGAF about Shara whatsoever. It's that, like them or hate them, they were WASTED on this forgettable fight sequence in a tedious FP no one ever replays. That's the problem.

  20. I don't consider any of it canon to my story, so IDGAF.


    4 years later I still agree, this was a mostly stupid decision. They did it I think in the same spirit as the rishi class missions, except that whoever came up with this idea fundamentally misunderstood player desires: we want to CONTINUE characters from class stories, not kill them off. Not least because if characters like Garza or Servant 1 are gonna die, it should be in some way that actually makes sense and not part of the evil scheme of Eternal Knight #237 [1]. Baras at least would have made that guy his catspaw, not the other way around.


    [1] I used that term because I forgot his actual name, because he's completely unimportant. I also forgot what the official name of those knights are, because those expansions were also utterly forgettable, mediocre content.

  21. ^ -1 That's utter horsepucky; Nope, not buying that one in a thousand years, along with the lame MAGA derivative that is this thread topic. Plenty of other MMO's have done more than fine without open world pvp to such an extent that instead it's easier to list MMO's that actually need open world pvp (which isn't this one.) If pvp was so great, more players would choose to play on pvp instances, [which they've clearly already chosen not to, [not to mention opted out of pvp's notorious toxicity & hassle], rather than coercing players to do open world pvp when the vast majority flat out adamantly doesn't want open world pvp and won't do it. Wasting resources on open world pvp is just going to make it an egregious fail yet again and a disaster even greater than getting more players in/ tiering the hopelessly lopsided ranked pvp -1


    I feel like most complaints people have about pvp are based on one of three things:


    1) OWPVP griefers, or at least the perception that there's a lot of them. I have rarely found that perception to be accurate, but sure, the dude who gets tagged 17 times by a camper is never going to be supportive of that style of gameplay.


    2) PVP players screwing up skill balance because of a vocal minority (and BW) petty min maxing and FotM. PVPers also hate this, btw.


    3) Conflating behavior in ranked pvp with regs. Regular pvp is pretty chill, imo. If you spend any amount of time on either fleet or DK, and you're tolerant of the conduct there, you ought to be tolerant of this. GSF is almost polite. Ranked is a different story, and imo many of the people you meet on this forum who identify as pvpers are probably ranked players, although I'm not and very happy not to be.

  22. So, myself and others here have often complained about the lack of difficulty in this game, whereas others complain that it's too difficult. I think the problem is that we're talking about different areas. Vanilla, from the starter planet to Ziost, is pretty easy. Kotfe/et is also pretty easy on Story, with the exception of a few fights, like the gemini captain mentioned in the OP.


    From that point on, particularly onslaught onward, the fights are a lot more variable. There were many complaints about people dying to mobs in SoV when it first came out, for example. When I was doing Ruins of Nul for the first time, I was amazed at how difficult it was--assuming the Malgus fight isn't bugged. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people complained about not being able to make it through that FP--I died a couple times on my operative healer.


    tbh the heroics are still easy for me, but some do take a lot longer (and always have), and sometimes the length can trip you up and yeah you can die. I don't see that as a problem though--if you think they're too hard, play other heroics. But dying occasionally IS a part of the game--at least you don't have to buy respawns anymore. That was legendary nickle and dime-ing of F2P.

  23. If I recall, low level mats were automatically moved to material storage, but not high-level mats. Sort of based around the setting of the 'move materials' button. 🤔


    oh ok, I remember that part. That's still bugged for me, prototype and artifact level mats frequently need to be manually switched.

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