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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I just finished watching The Clone Wars series for the first time and I was very surprised to see Umbara and Onderon depicted. I was more surprised that their visuals match very closely to the visuals of those planets in this game. BioWare did a great job replicating the weird glowing vegetation on Umbara but they outdid themselves on Onderon, even getting small construction details right. As I watching those episodes I kept thinking "I've stood in that exact spot with my character!"

    How does planet design stack up next to other media depictions of them? Hutta and Korriban are also in TCW but aren't very similar. Coruscant's okay but doesn't really convey upper vs lower levels very well. I think NS has only been shown in other games like KOTOR2, always very different. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Darcmoon said:

    Is that the first time you have ever been to Rishi?  I'm only asking because doing the story quests there takes you to all of the different areas as part of the questline.  

    imagine playing this game for the first time and not doing any of the story/planet quests, just wandering from area to area blind lol. That's OP apparently.

  3. On 8/17/2020 at 2:58 PM, ceryxp said:


    This, but, when you first click on Subscription you will see your current sub time remaining, the four plans, and three lines about you payment history, billing method, and game time codes. Then there will be a big gap, so it looks like there is nothing else, but as you scroll down the cancel option will be at the bottom of the page. They try to hide it.

    Thanks, this took me forever. 

    I resubbed to take advantage of the GS rewards (though it's a little less useful since they gutted the CCs this season). I usually use the origin bundle but the EA App malware has replaced Origin so the deluxe bundle is gone too. I decided to do a 30 day sub then I couldn't figure out how to unsub. I've been playing since 2013 so I should be used to BioWare's sleazy tactics but they can still surprise me.

  4. tbh the major problem I've noticed with level sync which is an actual result of level sync and not something related is instances matching the planet they're on instead of a pre-determined level. i.e bosses like Darth Baras on Korriban, Vitiate on DK or Nomen Karr on Hutta are synced to level 10 which makes them ridiculously easy. This has been an ongoing problem which BW hasn't offered a fix for. imo what they should do is have instances match the player level, whatever it might be. If you don't confront Darth Thanaton until level 80, he's level 80 too. Same for all the instanced story content.


    That wouldn't help the OP feel any more invincible but I don't want my chars to be invincible, I want them to actually feel challenged by content that was intended to be challenging and not a faceroll.

  5. The proper term is "air quotes" not "scare quotes" and it only applies to hand gestures, not written text. 🙄


    The proper term is scare quotes and besides being an actual English teacher for several years, I looked the term up before using it. Your pedantry adds nothing to the discussion, as usual. :)


    In spoken conversation, a stand-in for scare quotes is a hand gesture known as air quotes or finger quotes, which mimics quotation marks. A speaker may alternatively say "quote" before and "unquote" after quoted words, or say "quote unquote" before or after the quoted words,[27] or pause before and emphasize the parts in quotes. These spoken methods are also used for literal and conventional quotes.


    Next I'm sure you'll be criticizing wikipedia's reliability because it contradicts you? Why don't we mark that as 'read' and move on, eh? :rak_02:

  6. Those of us who remember life before level sync and who value higher-level members being able to group with lower-level members will appreciate level sync. It may not be perfect, it may not be precisely how everyone would necessarily want to see it implemented, but SWTOR is far better for having level sync than not.


    This dragged-out and vacuous campaign to rid the game of level sync is short-sighted and just needs to end.

    Just. Needs. To end.


    Yeah, I don't really get it. Especially the criticism that it makes players overlevel content. Level sync doesn't do that--that's because of the increased xp gain and it was a problem pre-LS. If we didn't have level sync, all the content 3+ levels below would be greyed out.


    It CAN make the content more difficult, I suppose, but at max level, the game remains incredibly easy on the starter/act 1 planets and increases in difficulty on up, and it was always like that. Yes, Voss heroics suck! They always did! So do Alderaan despite the comparative ease, and that's because of the way those heroics are designed, not how difficult the trash mobs are.


    If you want difficulty, play pvp. Or play MM FPs or Ops. The group play, generally, is difficult, the solo content is not--and that has nothing to do with level sync, it's baked into the game.

  7. Lmfao. A game continuously full of issues and lacking content and the community managers put this at the top of the developer tracker. This game is done for.


    I'm all for bashing the devs but literally all the dev tracker does is show you the last gold post....which was yesterday, in this thread. They didn't "put this at the top of the developer tracker", they literally just posted in the thread.


    So starter Planets done.

    Your missing a lot of gear if just staying on Class Story only, you're gaining your companions faster, because you're not wasting time doing other Side or Planetary missions (that's more a prediction, but true).

    your going to be weak, one way or the other, since you skip side missions, you don't get gear, so your Item Rating (IR) will be lower. Fine if your against trash, the strong or elite just will take you longer.

    Someone just starting and No help don't have the credits to increase influence. Suspect they'll always be in level sync, no matter the account type


    to be continue


    I think you're still misunderstanding. Use the White Acute Module, then do whatever quests you want (as long as you also do the class quest) and leave at the planetary level. Do pvp if you want, as long as you leave the planet when you hit the max level on the galaxy view. Again, this becomes less and less important as you level. The game has been redesigned so Act 1 is very forgiving.


    If you don't have the WAM, though, this is all for nothing. You'll still outlevel all the content, even as a pref.

  9. What exactly is a Zeltron? Is there any in the game? Is it the same as Nadia Grell's species?


    A sweaty nerd fantasy. Whenever there's a thread about new species, Zeltron always pops up, even though it's literally just a pink/red human, usually hot pink hot woman. The Exchange boss on Telos in Kotor2 was Zeltron. And yes, they always claim to need to make a Zeltron character. Desperately. :rak_03:


    Honestly i am not so sure they would have to mirror classes now with combat styles.


    I suppose they could make a Teras Kasi adv class that any force user could play. I was thinking more along the lines that players would be annoyed if there wasn't something like that but with swapped animations for Empire / DS, but maybe not.

  10. They won't make any more origin stories. But they might make advanced classes / prestige classes. The same issue with origin stories pops up with prestige too: whatever they do they have to mirror it for both factions. They can probably get around it by making one force prestige class which can be reskinned LS or DS, and one tech prestige class generic enough to be suitable for any of them.


    It's possible that they could make some kind of short story content around the new class(es) like an origin chapter you could do at any level, but the problem is that any story content they do on this is content and time and resources they aren't lining up to continue the endgame story.


    Again, fair point, but we do need more origin stories to expand upon what we already have.


    Er...no, we don't need it. This is a nice suggestion and one that has been proposed many times before, but we've had 8 class stories since launch, we don't need anymore, it's literally superfluous. We need bug fixes. We need a roadmap for what they're going to do and when. Your idea is akin to someone insisting that we need a new species unlock, and preferably Zeltron.

  11. Pedantic rant about how it's not exactly synonymous with the real world inflation therefore I'll unnecessarily attach quotes to "inflation" like it's not happening when it is (scare quotes). Blah blah "entitled" blah blah "victim card" blah!


    ok boomer.


    But I think we'll keep on talking about it anyway despite your irrational misgivings and trying to find a solution somewhat more helpful than "give up on the GTN entirely". Maybe they'll listen, maybe they'll rethink their approach, who knows, maybe they'll even acknowledge that they screwed up 7.0 and a gesture of humility is needed. Maybe maybe not. But I'm quite certain that you acting as their self-appointed cheerleader here to "well ackshually" any discussion doesn't help anybody.

  12. OKay. it's was just confusion with the way it was replied. Thanks for clarifying


    just like the


    part confuses me here


    There's a planetary level range that you can see on the galaxy map when you click on a planet. The max level for that range is different (lower) than the max level before level sync comes into effect (higher). The planet level screens are the recommended levels assigned at the game's launch. So, if you're questing on a planet, don't wait for level sync to come into effect before leaving, remember what the max level is from the planet screen and leave when you reach it.


    This is less of an issue for Act 2 and 3 planets, but it's good to pay attention to in Prologue and Act 1 because the levels are smaller and you can quickly become overleveled just doing normal quests.

  13. Jorgan (Timothy Odmundson) does a bunch of real life acting: he played Cain on Supernatural and has a bunch of bit sitcom roles. He sounds exactly the same as he does in the game.


    According to the wiki he was also in KOTOR2, which is surprising, I can't remember hearing his voice at all.

  14. White Acute Module, I looked it up, seems to be legacy bound, good . When they're available I can stock up.

    MMmm, not sure I under stood correctly. main reason I don't skip class missions, is to get more companions, and progress in the story, I certainly don't need to repeat something for story


    So ahh, the way I read it, is to go to next planet at max level even tho I haven't finished class story ?



    No, that's not what I said. Always do the class mission. Leave at planet max level (not when they outlevel you), even if you haven't done the planetary quest chain or other missions.


    White helix module is still there. It just only works during 2x xp events to reduce xp to 1x. They should add a new module: Black Helix Module - Reduce xp gains by 400%. (This would bring it back to around where it was at launch.)


    White Acute Module, and it does not only work during 2xp events, it works all the time. It reduces xp to 2.0 levels, which is the same as saying at launch. If it reduced it by 400%, you wouldn't gain any xp at all.


    1) Read the posts in the thread before you post.

    2) If you don't know the name of something, or don't know how to do math, or just spout off misinformation, don't bother posting.

  15. The more people complain about "inflation" within the game's credit economy regarding player to player sales, the more the developers nerf credit rewards like we are witnessing with the launch of 7.0.


    Tell your friends to sub, and play Galactic Seasons with you on more than 1 server. They will earn Cartel Coins each month for subbing and additionally for setting up a security key. Various game achievements also reward CCs. With the additional CCs earned from GS, they will be able to purchase Cartel Market items directly from the game without needing the GTN. Encourage them to take advantage of sale prices in order to not waste their CCs.


    Do nothing. Get your friends to not use the GTN at all. Make vague threats about how merely drawing attention to the problem will prompt a kneejerk reaction from the devs. Make scare quotes " " around inflation as if it doesn't really exist, as if doing so will magically avoid the problem.


    I'm sure you've heard this a lot, but, Eric Musco's alternate account, I presume? :rak_02:

  16. Great... so since you can tell us it's 7.1.1 can you tell us anything ELSE about the "season"?


    When are we getting more story, for example?


    Remember when you guys said you'd be more transparent and would share roadmaps of what you're working on? That.


    They clearly have no idea. Not just Jackie, all of them. This is just a guess, but it explains a lot: when they rolled out 7.0 in February, they had to write and design 7.1 from scratch. Since they released 7.1, they'll have been working on GS3 and getting it out. Since we're not getting a new SH in the next season, which would take work they haven't done, it's safe to say next season won't be offering anything too new. That's why they can't roll seasons consecutively, because they have to make themed rewards for each season even when they're completely underwhelming, like a reputation track without a vendor lmao :rolleyes:. Once they have us on that GS3 hamster wheel, THEN they can start building the story content and actual gameplay for the next iteration.


    tl;dr: They could make a roadmap, but it would be mostly guesswork for what they'd like to do, and the deadlines would either be unrealistic and complete fictions that they'll blow right through (7.0), or realistic and outrageously long, i.e next summer for 7.2.


    My sub ends shortly, and I'm not gonna waste my time waiting in vain for BW to do anything at all. Try Tyranny, a more immersive version of the Sith Empire, made by Obsidian, the studio that improved on Knights of the Old Republic, or Control, sort of like a Jedi padawan survivor horror game.

  17. They just want to play with you, OP :rak_04:

    TOR is a MMOrpg, that means multiplayer :rak_01:

    Don't you wanna be sociable? :rak_02:

    You can be a plague bomber too--it's fun! :rak_03:

  18. Bumping this thread to update my earlier comment. I still haven't done much investigating imperial side:


    Ambient Dialogue locations





    -330,-464 entering Jedi Temple

    606,1148, entering The Forge quest area



    -1145, -4093 exiting the spaceport

    -1143,-4391 stepping on the ramp to senate tower

    -1154,-4706 next to QT terminal, senate tower

    2709,860 walking into dealer's den

    2264,863 walking into old galactic market concourse

    -3325,-162 black sun area, due south of the taxi

    -3725,30 black sun area, down the ramp hydrosupply station

    -3806,205 black sun area, headed up to gangland from graffiti square

    -3812,386 black sun area, lower gangland (left of quest area for Boom)

    1347,3985 justicar territory, main entrance

    989,4024 shipping dock entrance, top of ramp

    810,4237 justicar territory, entrance to shady glen estates

    728,4484 justicar territory, entrance to Starlight Towers

    951,4475 justicar territory, entrance to justicar detention center

    1180,4311 entrance to the works, hydrosupply

    1173,4647, The Works, entrance to Thermal Exchange Room



    -2018,601 exiting spaceport

    the sinking city, -423,-88

    954,974 Tularan Marsh, Forgotten Undercity, entering abandoned powerplant



    -3724,-3157 Nikto sector, entering Wannschok Tenements

    3333,-3364, Red light sector, Concourse, near chief rarkgah mission

    2578,2883, Shadow Town, entering Forced Retirement Home

    2321,3133, Shadow Town, Prison Depths, down the 1st ramp towards water area



    738,-1997 inside quest area Abandoned Czerka Facility

    1000,-2358, inside quest area Grommik's Residence

    26,-1757 inside quest area SIS Forward Outpost

    -40,1988 Jundland, Northern Chasm, approaching Penalty for Theft quest area

    -2392,-313 inside quest area Czerka Dig Site



    -1078,1133 The Apalis Coast, House Organa, in front of the water fountain

    -811,1126, Organa Castle, entering first floor

    709,1323 Alsakan Lowlands, Serene Meadow, entering quest area Ulgo's Secret

    826,1937 Alsakan Lowlands, House Baliss, entering quest area

    354,-968 The Glarus Valley, Silvan Hills, nearby quest area Payment in Full

    791,-47 The Juran Mountains, Sunny Vale, leaving Wardpost Landa

    714,-347, The Juran Mountains, Glarus Bridges, nearby Evergreen Crags



    337,-207 entering Farnel Outpost, Command Center, Bugtown

    -115,1181, entering Sobrik

    -171,944 entering Sobrik spaceport

    645, 1951, coming UP the stairs of camp victory from the crater.

    901, 1524, leaving sundari flatlands base

    1175,1157 Sundari Flatlands, entering Factory Maintenance Tunnels

    1260, 679, entering the balmorran arms factory



    900, 71, heading up the stairs to republic operational headquarters



    -3352,-1272 leaving aurek base

    -690,-679, Glacial Fissure, Glacial Remnants, leaving Outpost Senth

    2905, 460 approaching star of coruscant



    1205,890, entering quest area for A Belsavis Welcome

    -303,363 entering quest area for War Games

    -38,-1277 Entering The Burning Way cave, The World Razer quest area



    -211,263 exiting the shuttle pad.

    -1960,-1584 approaching the shrine of healing [south of quest triangles]

    -106,2065 approaching gormak cannon, gorma-koss



    - 839, 918 leaving corellia spaceport

    2244,-1820 approaching the legislature




    -dark temple, first floor, entrance to main area



    Walking out of spaceport entrance

    1022,3595, walking towards junk pile, northern mos ila

    783, 3344 Siltshift Cantina

    1822,689 sand people camp (Journey into dust mission)

    reclamation service outpost

    outpost zaroshe back end

    entering czerka dig site, the thing that czerka found quest

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