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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. meh to me the problem is the combat isn't difficult enough. It used to be that you could die quite easily on the starting planets--they, not the championship 60 levels later, were what taught you about game mechanics. Now you can go through and never die unless you gimp yourself really badly (I managed to get killed on Korriban against the Terenterak in the SI class story last week). 

    So I'm fine with the stunlocks and all that other stuff, but only if NPC damage is also sharply increased. Yes, being stunned for a few seconds is pointless...if the npc is attacking me and not doing any damage because my healbot is covering for me. That defeats the whole point of stunning. Again, this applies throughout the game, on the early planets, even if you don't have a comp out you're never in any danger. What are all these lvl 5-16 medpacs for then? 

  2. 5 hours ago, iamnotacrook said:

    For this one i don't care for achievements but just the reputation getting done. And sure hope i can still complete it despite only using that gold yellow droid :) 

    During the event, the rep items would drop for any comp you had out, just like with the last season. When they made the change after the season ended, you only got the underworld rep with fen zeil, and it doesn't accumulate very quickly--i got 7 after spending an hour grinding black sun on coruscant and tat. I imagine it will be the same for phalanx, it'll still drop game modules but not very much and you'll have to keep using the droid.  

  3. 11 hours ago, eabevella said:

    If you wipe everyone's credits in the game, if somehow this game doesn't got shut down immediately due to players rage quitting, guess what? The whales (I can name a few) will just get their hundreds of billions back in a matter of weeks because they have cargo bays after cargo bays of valuable CM items. Heck, even I have a few billions worth of random stuffs in my legacy hold, and my main income is selling rpm/oem, nothing compared to the actual whales. What will your great Cultural Revolution Kill The Rich movement achieve? Kill the game, the average players, and give EV/BW a terrible reputation. Congratulations! If that's what you're after.

    You know why thinking the introduction of a New Currency ALONE will fix the inflation is naive?

    Because there's no magical 1 step fix to any economy problem.

    If you simply force a New Credits. Guess what? If enough players stay (they are not like the poor bastards who can't leave their country when the government f-up big time), whales will simply list CM items and flip the price like before. It doesn't matter if they can only list a Hypercrate at 1M right now. They'll list it at 1.1M next week, 1.3M the next, and viola, we'll be back to everything >1B in what? A year? If we're lucky to have a 12 year anniversary. The system is still broken. Credit sellers are still there. Tax evasion is still good. And god know what sort of exploits people do. It changes absolutely nothing and any economy, games or otherwise, can't afford the "government/game company" pulling the new currency trick on a regular basis. People will riot. Governments will collapse, and games will die. Simple as that.

    Snipping only the parts relevant to a discussion of a video game economy, I note that you keep referring to this as 'communism' when I haven't mentioned the term once. Apparently you associate any criticism of elites with communism lol. i'm pretty sure whales are largely responsible for creating this problem in the first place, not F2P as people keep blaming in this thread. 

    Yeah you have random stuff in your legacy, including stacks of mats. And as many people mentioned after your comment, that's not really relevant. Back in 2.0 mats sold for under 1000 credits per one item. If you remove all the credits you can't charge millions for dialectric tendrils or whatever because people won't be able to afford that. That's the free market isn't it? people can only buy what they're willing (or able) to pay. These mats don't have real fixed costs. 

    Oh, but what about all the exploits and gold sellers and all that? Well, what about them? Nuke the economy and do all the exploit stuff BW is planning to do anyway. You think they can only do one thing at a time? If they do this they can't do anything else? Doing all that stuff won't fix the billions we currently have, just like taxing QT doesn't fix the problem. We need a reset.


    It'd be nice if we could all be a little honest here. I'm a whale. You're a whale. Virtually everyone in this thread is a whale. It didn't used to be that just because you subbed you automatically became one, but now that we're all sitting on billions of credits it's a different story.

    This is not about 'communism' or whatever, the idea would cause you to lose all your credits, all your years of playing and slowly accumulating, poof. It's pretty clearly your self-interest, not wild speculation about mass exodus and chargebacks, that is at stake here. I'd be okay with that, you and others aren't. But you might consider that it's unlikely BW will do it despite what you or I or anyone says about it, they certainly aren't sitting there going "well eavella makes a good point but i'm persuaded by adossan. Execute Order Eat The Rich." they're not reading this at all.  

    I respectfully suggest you touch grass and remind yourself that me, internet rando over here, am not the boogeyman and symbol of your family traumas, I'm just a guy who is unhappy with the status quo of the videogame economy and pointing out that for you all insulated by your wealth, it's not that big a deal. Well, it is a big deal for people just starting this game, and I know that because I hear from guildies and I see what people say in the planet chats.  


    • Like 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, FlameYOL said:

    Devs will definitely have a problem funding the game when EA is our publisher.

    Why? EA funded lots of BW games without any issue. We always want to make EA the big bad but the insider disclosures from a few years ago revealed that BioWare created many of these problems for themselves. 

  5. Just now, Stradlin said:

    ^^ I think we have to decide if we are speaking about " plight of the new players", as you originally suggested,  or about F2P restrictions and how you feel more of them should be removed or eased or made more accessible. I assume inflation and many of its various sympthoms are kinda chaotic and unintentional. F2P having very hard time buying any major unlocks for in game credits is almost certainly by design.

    Again, I paid in-game credits for those unlocks back in the day. F2Pers can't do that now. It's not 'by design' that the player economy is broken and stuff costs hundreds of millions when it used to cost hundreds of thousands. 

    I'm referring to the economy, which includes unlocks or 'vanity' items. I'm talking about unlocks solely because you seem to think that F2P don't deserve to customize their appearance. To me the freedom to buy what they want is all one and the same. I could buy many armor shells back in the day, and i could also save and buy the account unlocks. Try buying anything for under a million credits nowadays. 

    And Stradlin--as I said, BW does not require you to invent arguments why their nickle and dime-ing was a brilliant strategy. I have had these conversations many times before on this forum and each time, the white knights seem unaware that BioWare is not in agreement with their conservative logic about how F2P games are supposed to work, and had rolled back many of the restrictions I put up with when I was a F2P. The problems now are because of the economy and the inability to apply a real fix. 


  6. 22 minutes ago, Stradlin said:


    Stuff that has been initially bought for cc and is then being  sold for credits costs hundreds of millions now. Stuff you buy from client(legacy unlocks such as Improved experience, Strongholds, travel locations,field repair, rocket boost etc etc etc) is bought via credits from the client. Generally speaking, many of the  legacy unlocks are all about the QOL while most things bought for cc is all about vanity. So a new player has much easier access to QOL than they used to back in 3.0 or something. 

    Various unlocks that are there to make life of F2P less restricted  being an exception. I'm pretty sure BW doesn't want F2P to have an easy access to player to player economy and the unlocks improving their life. They want F2P to either buy and spend cc for it..or they want F2P to make a great plan: "Darn it. I shall beat the system by collecting lots of money to escrow, then I sub for ONE MONTH and buy all the unlocks I ever need!"  Ie they want to make F2P to spend money on TOR..which is the whole idea of every F2P system ever.


    Rocket boots cost more credits than F2P credit limits, now or in the past. Escrow costs have always been out of reach of F2Pers, again both now and in the past--I recently paid 700M for a 600k escrow. I can afford that; they can't. Assume the player doesn't have easy access to a credit card or can afford to spend real money on a game and your thinking about the economy might shift (inb4 whales snarking that the poors shouldn't be playing games then).

    I'm pretty sure BW doesn't require you to play devil's advocate for them. It would be very easy for them way back when to codify that all unlocks available while subbed, including story, will be locked if they drop sub, and they didn't, or that the GTN could only be used by continuous subs, or various other dystopian corporate fantasies.

    I am only here, in fact, to take advantage of the end of GS--I subbed for a month and collected all rewards, including CCs, using credit catch-up for any I missed. They have made it very clear, and have done so on repeated occasions in fact, that they really don't care about you continuous subs at all, and operate on a model of players subbing for a bit and leaving. That would make someone like me the ideal demographic BW is catering to. So yes I think they should make it easier for F2P to actually enjoy their gameplay experience by being able to afford what they want to buy.

    To that end, I support either the neo-currency Balemb suggested or a complete nuking of the economy. 


  7. 6 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

    When it comes to blight of newbies..  TOR client has never adjusted to inflation, and isn't really going to in some meaningful way ig. AH that used to cost 7 million 7 years back still costs 7 million today.  Significant credit sinks that were once meant to be major goals  have turned into something completely trivial. For new players, too.  And ofc, new players are  the ones still unlocking this stuff.

    Most of player to player economy is all about space barbie and other vanity things. Meanwhile, some of the  things you pay to client for have pretty big effects in game. Various legacy unlocks, SH unlocks and so on. Many of these costs were meant to be significant and difficult to cover once the price tags were defined. Thanks to inflation, they've turned utterly trivial for any new player by the time they're done with 2nd or 3rd planet, assuming they participate in player to player economy. So if anything, inflation has made life of a new player much easier. It gets difficult only once we start talking about vanity stuff.

    Literally everything I mentioned, unlocks for species and account unlocks, cost hundreds of millions of credits or more, which is not what it was seven years ago, so your first paragraph makes no sense. I use 'elite' very precisely here to refer to players, like yourself, who seem to be completely out of touch with the player economy because you're used to plunking down 1B without blinking. You clearly never had to buy these unlocks and don't get how much players charge for them now. They are not things you can buy from the CM without paying a lot of CCs. 

    "space barbie", "vanity stuff". I love how dismissive people on this forum always are of this part of the game as if it isn't a huge reason most of us still play. Stradlin, If you really wanted a space sim, there's half a dozen better ones than GSF that pop faster and update more than one time ever lol. Space barbie, including dress-up, SHs and decos, is important to this game so yes I expect new players want to not look like Darth Marr clones using the basic greens that haven't been updated since 2015. 

  8. 11 hours ago, eabevella said:

    Literally nuking the economy is so childish if you actually think that's a viable option I don't even know what to say.

    Introducing a new currency could potentially work only if they fix the root of the inflation - which is how it's done irl. Don't tell me you are so naive to believe the introduction of a new currency will magically fix all the problems that caused the inflation in the first place -  otherwise the new currency will just ride the inflation train at day 1 and everything will go back to the same 3 months later.

    PS: I've said it before, but I feel like I need to emphasize once again: fixing the inflation will "hurt" the "rich" because it means loopholes, exploits, and tax evasion will be fixed. But hurting the rich doesn't mean to literally nuking the rich like what the communists did irl.

    Apparently it's 'childish' because 'it's communism', you've said nothing else that explains it. New currency is also 'naive', again no explanation why. 

    I see a lot of whales in this thread who've been subbed for a decade upset by the possibility that they could lose everything. Go ahead, be upset. The elite players on this forum, who act like they've been holding up the game by themselves, could use a taste of reality, particularly one that reflects real life events where it doesn't matter how much money you have in the bank if the economy explodes and those banks aren't worth anything anymore.

    We need a drastic change to turn the game economy around. It sure isn't going to be fixed by taxing quick travel or plugging exploits. That just preserves the status quo, again a reflection of real-life 'solutions' to economic collapse.

    1 hour ago, Stradlin said:

    ...I am certain nobody in dev team for one second considers some strange nuking of the entire economy, lol. What on earth  here is the problem so severe that folks here seriously think it needs such a  massively radical and unheard of  fix? Cure shouldn't be more brutal than the disease. That's like mending a headache by cutting the head off.

    At the high end, having billions of credits and not being able to spend it, GTN maxing out at 1B so players doing p2p trades (which exacerbates the problem) because our credits aren't worth anything. At the low end, new players who have no credits and having to pay millions just for basic crafting resources. I see the whales in the thread scoffing that it's so easy to make money when they already know how to do it and have been accumulating it for years on multiple toons. 

    We need to get back to 2.0 numbers when the credit economy was more egalitarian and even a F2Per--like me--could theoretically buy account and species unlocks using combination of escrow and credit limits. In fact, I bought most of those unlocks before escrow existed, when the game was much more punitive to F2P than it is now, because the player economy didn't require billions (or even millions) of credits just to function. No way F2P can do that now, nor could they for many years now. 

    Again, it's 'brutal', 'worse than the disease', 'cutting off the head' and various other hyperboles...for the elites, who are already insulated from most of the problems caused by the economy. It's a bit different on the low end.

    Now, I doubt BioWare cares any more about the plight of newbies than any of you do, but I do think that they've shown enough of a casual disregard for what the playerbase thinks that they might do this idea because they know, like I know, that y'all will rage on here but otherwise not do anything about it, protestations notwithstanding. And I think that would probably be the case among those who don't use the forum, but y'know...even if people do quit, I'd be willing to risk it, as long as the newbies benefit from it.

  9. Wondering if anyone has done a server transfer and if the GS tokens transferred as well? I have 14 tokens on one server and wondering if I send a character to another server, if the tokens will transfer. If I buy a stronghold using the tokens, will the stronghold transfer over? I know with the regular strongholds, if you buy a stronghold on one server and all the upgrades, if you buy it on the other server it will come all unlocked (still have to pay the initial cost though)

  10. 47 minutes ago, remylion said:

    The economy in SWTOR is bad because of inflation but deleting credits does not fix why inflation became a problem. It will also piss off the majority of players who saved up credits either by spending their time trading or buying items from the CM to sell in game for credits.

    People are freaking out over charging 200 credits to 5000 credits for quick travel and you think they will be fine with Bioware deleting their credits?

    Want to kill a game? Delete all the credits/gold without fair compensation to the players who spent their time trading or spending real life cash in the cash shop to earn those credits/gold.

    Then do Balameb's idea, I completely support it. What's telling is the people who don't like my idea or his. They don't have any ideas, they want inflation fixed--perhaps--but they don't want to lose anything, which is not the way it works. 

    People are not 'freaking out' because they're going to be taxed for QT because 5000 credits is so onerous. They're freaking out because it's completely dumb. It hurts new players without doing anything to affect the whales. 

    22 hours ago, Balameb said:


    I think there is a middle ground. New currency, call it Neo credits, galactic credits or whatever credits. Make it like it happened to most alt currencies: announce a date and a few days early the conversion rate:

    * Conversion rate should be BAD, as in you won't get same value. Example: Lets say you will remove three 0's from players credits; then current items in vendors should loose up to two 0's only.

    * Have a limit to automatic conversion: up to X amount per character/legacy is converted, the rest wil be go into a blackhole.

    * Provide interesting things for players to spend their credits before the announced date. That way they can avoid the bad rates and limits.


  11. 1 minute ago, Stradlin said:


    I think the new forums look pretty nice..but they're way, way too quiet for their own good. Two people talking about stuff like this, managing like 4 posts an hour is nit busier than the norm here. Not sure how much it'd help to let preferred join. It'd help some, for sure. I assume they worry about gold seller spam and such.

    Besides game just having bit less players, I think  this surprising wealth of silence here is mostly  about world moving on from forums like this in general.  People use time they have to waste for..well, for this in reddit and discord now. TOR is far busier on both of those platforms. And steam ig? Never checked that one personally.  Neither really fills the void forums have left, yet they've replaced forums for almost everybody. Is a shame rly!


    It's true, they missed the window when having preferred players / F2P would be beneficial. The time to do that was 5 years ago at least. Yeah nobody uses forums much anymore. Of course, that goes back to why did they make a new forum after a decade? Increasingly when i have a question about the game I post it on reddit. 

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, FlameYOL said:

    As far as story capitalizing on it, if I recall Charles talked about how the Lucasfilm Story Group prefers that SWTOR avoids storylines too similar to what the mainstream Star Wars is doing. 

    Literally the last content update has focused on mandalorians, and the new season of mando just came out, and there's apparently no connection. It didn't even occur to me until very recently. As it stands it's just a coincidence. But it could be so much more, they don't have to change anything about the story, but they certainly can change how they market it...and they don't. As far as I know they did no marketing whatsoever to tie this game to the sequel trilogy, just like they do no marketing around May the 4th.

    It's such wasted potential. This game is the ugly step child of star wars games, and part of it is the setting but a big part is that those at the top have no idea what to do with it. Devs should not have a problem with funding stuff to do in this game, the IP sells itself. 

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  13. 10 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

    Yes that's pretty much it. Changes that look nice in CVs of people who made them. I vaguely recall like..vanilla TOR having some really clumsy bits  in UI..but all of those had been polished away by 3.0 or something like that. Have you ever heard anyone wishing some drastic makeovers for character creation,, paperdoll, etc? All of it was perfectly fine. 


    Couple of legit UI improvements TOR is missing ofc didn't happen. (Search window for inventories, bit fancier procs and vital buffs display)

    I love how they changed this forum and non-subs still can't post anywhere in here. I recall Jackie saying they would "think about it" lmao. What is there to think about exactly? non subs can already post in Steam discussions and have been doing so since the Steam client launched. All the elitist rationalizations for locking F2P out has turned out to be nonsense (and it always was). Update the forum but confine it to the same two dozen players posting lmao. 


  14. 2 hours ago, remylion said:

    How would you feel if you spent 400 dollars on the Cartel Market, bought Hypercrates, sold those Hypercrates in game for credits, earned 100 billion credits, then the following week Bioware deleted all credits in game to reset the economy?

    I personally would quit the game and issue a chargeback. A lot of other people would do the same.

    Whales would quit, chargebacks would happen, SWTOR would become notorious for the devs not fixing the economy and instead deleting credits so everyone would feel less secure about spending money on the Cartel Market to earn credits.

    All for what, a temporary reset that didn't actually fix the source of inflation?

    How would you feel if you bought ten character transfers and the week after they changed it to 90CC? Or how would you feel if the week after that they announced that they were combining servers, making your transfers totally unnecessary? Or how would you feel if you unlocked a bunch of stuff in collections and they immediately announce a collections sale? I've seen all these get raised on the forum and every time the person who overpaid asks for a refund. No you can't get a damn refund. You were unlucky, too bad for you. Same goes for this. Yes, you can quit, or say you're going to quit anyway, and BioWare will carry on because it turns out you weren't carrying the game on your shoulders, bud. 

    You might think I sound very arrogant dismissing your concerns, but I personally don't disagree that your concerns are valid. I'm merely reflecting BioWare's arrogance. I'm sure they're very used to players attempting chargebacks at this point, and I would assume that given how confident they are that they can bulldoze through feedback and PTS and ignore player objections, that they have policies in place to circumvent your financial threats. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Stradlin said:


    Some of the changes are just..wild. Character creation screen for example. Nice hangar that has some movement and life to it. Something that comes with a sense of character about to depart for an adventure? Naah, scratch that. Feel free to enjoy this black screen of nothingness instead. Old character creation screen had issues such as player being able to figure out how the character would look in the game world. This has been fixed with such hyper lighting that character you design, skin color and so on, will look nothing like what it actually does, in game..

    Right, that's a perfect example. Completely unnecessary, makes it harder not easier to customize. I detest the new character creation screens. They make changes so they can say that they made changes. 

  16. On 3/2/2023 at 11:36 AM, Death-Hammer said:

    No. this gearing system is not defensible. It's a disaster. Anyone who defends it is either trolling or just plain blind

    There will always be simps who think that everything BioWare does is the best idea ever. You've met a few in this thread already. They aren't trolling, they genuinely believe that sucking up to the devs is the way to go. 

    As for why they chose to take several steps backwards from the horizontal gearing approach they implemented in 6.0, you might ask why they chose to change the map which was perfectly functional, to a new map design that makes it harder to see where you're going. Or why they changed the UI. Or why they created several rep vendors with nothing to buy. Or why they changed the forum (still can't post images lol). Or why they're going to update the graphics (when my computer freezes every time I open legacy storage).

    It's been clear since at least 5.0 (maybe earlier) that much of what the devs do in these updates is busywork that gives their EA slave overseers the misleading impression that the devs have been getting a lot done when they've actually done very little that progresses the game.

    Their 'fix' for the inflation problem comes from the same energy: they'll try the ridiculous scheme of taxing quick travel and when that fails they can say "oh well we tried this one thing, that didn't work (not going to revert the changes though!) so now we'll try something else!" to give them another actionable item they can use to fill up spreadsheets of completed tasks. 

    When/if 8.0 churns out in a couple years, they will undoubtedly change the gearing system again to something else, maybe less convoluted, maybe more. I pvp but I see no reason to gear up beyond 326, the system is stupid and deliberate trash so they have something that they can spend months applying small fixes to in order to trick people into believing that outside of the small content updates they produce, they're hard at work 'improving' the game.

    • Like 3
  17. 47 minutes ago, Toraak said:

    Do this and watch how many people quit the game. Stripping people of Credits like this will not be a good choice for BW. 


    Edit: Notice I never said I would quit, but I definitely would consider dropping to Preferred.

    The fact that at best you would only consider going preferred and not quitting altogether makes your threat impotent. 


    36 minutes ago, Balameb said:


    I think there is a middle ground. New currency, call it Neo credits, galactic credits or whatever credits. Make it like it happened to most alt currencies: announce a date and a few days early the conversion rate:

    * Conversion rate should be BAD, as in you won't get same value. Example: Lets say you will remove three 0's from players credits; then current items in vendors should loose up to two 0's only.

    * Have a limit to automatic conversion: up to X amount per character/legacy is converted, the rest wil be go into a blackhole.

    * Provide interesting things for players to spend their credits before the announced date. That way they can avoid the bad rates and limits.

    I think that's a great idea. 

    32 minutes ago, Toraak said:

    The problem with even this ide is. 


    How many players have purchased item's from the CM specifically to sell on the GTN to make credits? By BW removing credits from all players, that would be a giant middle finger to those that have done this (which I'm sure is a lot of people over the last 10+ years). While BW may (and I do mean MAY) need to act, I'm not sure removing credits from every player is the correct action to fix inflation.

    You want to fix inflation (maybe? lmao you can't even admit there's a problem lol) but without losing any of the credits you've built up for years and years of playing. Except that's not how it works in this game. I spent forever getting 306 armor and being told that horizontal gearing was the new standard, only to have BioWare yank that away in 7.0 and go back to the same stupid gearing system they'd already tried and failed at. Welp, nothing to be done but either quit playing or get on with the new paradigm. Yes players will whine. BioWare has shown that they are quite good at ignoring complaints, especially from the "slap in the face" crowd. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, Toraak said:

    Not as bad as you think. Each Fleet SH cost 8 (so 16 for both). The mek-sha SH isn't divided by Faction so 14 means you get it in 1 season.

    What it means is that most of us can't buy it immediately, instead we need to grind. I have more than 8 tokens saved but i don't have 14. 

  19. 7 hours ago, FlameYOL said:

    Probably because they don't have a lot of extra hands to spare. So the bug fixing ends up not being done as its not a priority. 

    Even when they had lots of people working for them they rarely fixed bugs. I would actually say that they've more to fix bugs in the past 2 years than they have in the previous 8. Which is still quite low, I just encountered a story bug playing through Inquisitor on Korriban that I remember seeing like five years ago lol.  

    • Like 1
  20. I think they should completely nuke the economy, wipe accounts, including legacy bank, guild bank, credits-in-hand, and escrow. All of it. Tie it to an event with a rep vendor: the hutt cartel has gone bankrupt, with players investigating and learning that a) it's true and b) hutts are also fleeing with billions.

    Perhaps the actual gameplay could be similar to the swoop event or feast of prosperity, some kind of minigame that the hutts have created to take attention away from the bank problems, with chain quests that you can follow. Make it a one-time event like Chevin. And reuse the Dark vs Light mechanic where whichever faction does the event the most will be the one that finally nationalizes the bank, i.e GTN becomes Imperial Trade Network. It's just flavour text, no special treatment for factions or anything. 

    In the end, credits will have gone back to 2.0 numbers where 1M credits was a fortune. 

    I have 10 billion credits in the bank (15 B split across two servers) and I would be happy to lose it all to solve the inflation problem. 

    Some of you will say "oh I would quit the game if that happened." lol, if someone in fleet chat said it, I might believe it. None of y'all on this forum are going anywhere for long, regardless of the angry noises you make in the meantime. We all know it, BioWare definitely knows it which is why they do whatever they want. 

  21. On 3/7/2023 at 11:44 AM, Vyzra said:

    The new SH Mek-Sha is on PTS right now.

    Here is the Link for a few pictures. It's bit hard to see it on PTS.

    Thanks for the link. Pretty stupid that the fleet strongholds cost 8 tokens and this costs 14. Another transparent attempt to make us grind rather than just producing content that we actually want to buy.

    On 3/9/2023 at 9:48 AM, FlameYOL said:

    They're not going to release news because of the Mandalorian dude. I don't like it either but "X show is coming so we should be getting more news" is senseless, they should give us news when they have them. Roadmaps of what we can expect would be great, even if the details aren't nailed down. But I am not holding my breath, considering Bioware stopped doing those years ago.

    They're not going to release comments because of x show not because they shouldn't but because they've never capitalized on current star wars media before so we can't expect them to do so now. However, they absolutely should and it's always lulzy to me that this game has nothing to do with the rest of the IP--the devs seemed not to have given any thought to try build up the fanbase by attracting other star wars fans even though it's a completely obvious marketing move.

    Whenever Mass Effect 4 fans fantasize about what a masterpiece they think that game is going to be, I tell them to go play SWTOR. This isn't the bioware that created Mass Effect 2, but it is the studio that we're stuck with now. 

  22. 16 hours ago, Stradlin said:

    Nobody likes GSF or any other form of PvP after "trying it out for a bit" ; some things need to be learned and figured out. Then, it might click. So small wonder they do their best to encourage people to get there. More people discover ground pvp or GSF, the better it is for the game. So makes sense many of the sticks and carrots of Seasons encourage people to figure out things they otherwise wouldn't. 

    Yeah, you're right. I only started playing GSF after being required to do it, initially for conquest and later for GS. I only started pvping in warzones because I needed the xp. I only started doing OWPVP because it was unavoidable for certain chokepoints, like the rakghoul tunnels. And I came to enjoy all three of those things (OW doesn't really exist anymore so past tense). 

    The problem is when the carrots/sticks are inconsistent or don't make sense, like dividing up warzones from arenas rather than letting us accomplish a pvp weekly for GS through arenas, warzones, GSF, whatever we want. I like GSF, but why is it I only need to do 2-4 matches to get the weekly, and 12-20 warzones / arenas? Why does GSF have a count for ships used in conquest, and not something similar for warzones/arenas? Why is it wins are worth 2 in GSF and 3 in pvp, and it's still not enough to even out in pvp? Why are medals so hard to get in GSF when they're tied to a GS weekly? Why are medals so dependent on winning in warzones/arenas, and for that matter, why is winning so important at all--the point is to have fun, something many GSF players understand and encourage, and many warzone/arena players don't. And don't even get me started on pvp seasons which was very poorly implemented.

    These are just off the top of my head. They are a series of dumb mechanics that bioware purposely implemented, which they have replaced for previous reward mechanics that were more balanced in structure. And the more dumb things like this that they do, the less interested people are in pvping, and imo people don't much wanna pvp at all, for any reward. So they should be trying to make it as easy as possible to access and they're doing the opposite. 

    • Like 1
  23. I was preferred for the entire run of this season, playing on both SS and SF, getting to 100 on both, and getting the weekly cheevo on one. 

    Cartel Coins vs packs

    Initially I was annoyed at the CC loss, but when I resubbed a few days ago, without buying any extra coins, my balance jumped from 250 CC to 4700 CC. That includes the 500 CC monthly grant and it's spread across two servers, but still, it's a nice chunk of change.

    However, the claim that the packs would subsidize the loss or be even better was transparently false. The credit economy is in shambles, selling pack contents is in no way a replacement for lost CCs, and in any case the pack contents are so RNG dependent as to be nearly worthless. It's also irritating that previously preferred were able to get at least a few of the CC prizes and now that's been cut off too. 


    Splitting pvp from regular GS is fine. I was initially worried that pvp wouldn't be listed as weeklies anymore on GS but they are. There are a few issues with the system though. 

    1) GSF doesn't count as pvp for seasons even though it obv is.

    2) Arenas and warzones are split now so some GS weeklies only count warzones, not arenas, and the pvp population on some servers like SS is not sustainable for this nitpicking to work. 

    3) pvp season rewards are lackluster and not worth the considerable effort compared to regular GS. 

    4) It's also dumb that you can only unlock up to lvl 15. We need more credit sinks, not less. 

    5) Stay on target for GSF takes too long to complete. 

    I was initially concerned that the change to pvp medals would be terrible, but it's evened out, at least for support classes.

    GS Tokens

    Like many on the forum, I was concerned with what to do with the GS tokens, having already bought both strongholds on previous seasons. I would like to suggest that tokens can be used in place of CCs for the personal appearance designer.

    And if you do implement that, FFS do not nickel and dime preferred players by charging us more after we already earned the thing. Bioware, you've come so far from the 2.0 era of nickel and dime-ing *everything* but you still haven't managed to shake this stupid thinking yet. People do not sub because you make it difficult for them not to, it's just annoying, not an incentive.  

    Fix the economy before you do anything else!

    IDC that much about the next season, fix the damn economy first, and not by taxing Quick Travel and other useless plans that won't hurt whales at all.

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  24. On 2/28/2023 at 6:25 AM, DawnAskham said:

    What I learned...

    Bioware still can't let players play the game how players want AND get rewarded, nope, players must play the Bioware way.

    Bioware has done a great job conditioning some players to be good little pets that perform tricks on demand for a chance at a pat on the head and a 'good boy / good girl'.


    I agree, but this isn't a new problem. They go back and forth on it, 6.0 was probably one of the better eras for player choice despite the stupid gear RNG vendor. I also miss Galactic Command in 5.0. The gearing process wasn't great but command levels came much faster than Renown levels and doing weeklies was a great way of earning multiple levels at a time. The rewards weren't great but again still better than the stingy crap you got for Renown levels. 

    I'm particularly frustrated by the new time lockout system for quests and weeklies, it's another change no one asked for which makes no one but BW happy.  

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