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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. On 3/14/2023 at 5:50 PM, ceryxp said:

    Season tokens do not transfer, same as other legacy currencies.  The fleet strongholds are a legacy unlock, same as other strongholds, and do transfer when you transfer a character.  You just need to visit the stronghold terminal on the fleet and activate it (at no cost).

    I looked into this but there's no terminal for the fleet SHs. I was thinking about the upcoming Meksha SH and i think it will be the same way, they don't transfer. 

  2. On 3/21/2023 at 11:31 AM, Toraak said:

    It's not meant to hamper replay throughs however. It's meant to hamper people doing Heroic Spam. Those heroic transports to my understanding are still considered QT's. So those level 80's spamming heroics will generate less credits now with the Tax then they currently do. That I believe is the main point for the QT tax.

    It's amusing that you refer to it as 'heroic spam' as if the players are doing something wrong or that bioware didn't intend. The new mechanics make doing heroics the easiest way to collect DRMs quickly; if players are doing a lot of heroics, they are doing exactly what bioware has set up for them to do. 

    Maybe you should quit blaming players and rationalizing BW's actions, which as many have said, will accomplish nothing but frustration and is a transparent attempt to lengthen travel time to stretch out 10 year old content.

    • Like 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, Shayddow said:

    In response to one of the posters above, there are indeed Jedi who indulge in what would be considered "dark side" behavior without ever leaving their faction. For example, the antagonist in the BH Chapter 3 who frames the BH for crimes he/she did not commit. 

    idk that Jun Seros was DS. There are Jedi who are LS but just massive dicks about it. Both the JK and JC storylines have dialogue that corresponds to this philosophy, without ever needing to make a DS choice. A better example imo would be Nomen Carr from the SW story, definitely not a Sith and actually infiltrated the Sith to destroy them, but was revealed as a darksider committed to destroying the empire at any cost. There's another example in the SW story, I can't remember his name but he was one of the two Jedi you meet during the chapter 1 midpoint, Nomen Carr sends them instead of Jaesa, and after beating them, the SW can question him and reveal that he's DS. 

  4. For Mercs/ Commandos, remember to use Hydraulic override / Hold the line to prevent the yanking. For Snipers/Gunslingers, set up the defense screen (forget what it's called) while you grab the orb, might wanna put it down randomly and see if it tries to grab you, because once it does it won't do it again for a little while. Inquisitors and Sages have the teleport thing as well. There's lots of options. 

    It's annoying, yes. The entire planet is annoying. But tbh i'd much rather take that quest than almost any of the others because at least it's not out in the open world.  

  5. This seems like bait but I'll give it a shot. 

    SGR (same gender romances) didn't happen until Rise of the Hutt Cartel (as flirts) and didn't truly happen until Shadow of Revan and expanded in Knights of the Fallen Empire. It was a step back for a studio that had been pretty good about giving the option, but to be fair they weren't trying to implement it in their own universe (Mass Effect) but in Star Wars which was and is deeply conservative. The devs' disinterest in talking to players and increased forum moderation can be directly traced back to the massive reactionary backlash from some fans about SGRs in Star Wars around 2013-14. The upshot is that if you'll have to wait for the endgame expansion content because there are no SGRs in the vanilla game and adding them in is evidently difficult, much like trying to update any of the dialogue from vanilla. 

    Flirting most often happens on the ship, with your companions. If you miss a flirt you can always try again in the next convo, the game is pretty good about giving you chances to opt in, and once you do one flirt, you will automatically be considered opt-in for a romance, though you can also choose to opt out later, it's just a bit more difficult. This is because companion dialogues were restructured a few years ago with the change from influence to affection, all the dialogue trees get unlocked for every companion. 

    Yes, male PCs get more opportunity to flirt with randos than female PCs, though it's also affected by class, smugglers and agents get the most opportunities. Yes, female PC Jedi Knights are stuck with Doc, a traditional, won't take no for an answer flirty 'chauvinist'. Although I feel like that is a bit of a harsh take, as he clearly doesn't think Fem!JK is too delicate to fight or something, and again, his dialogue is a little bonkers because the romance is on-rails from the moment you flirt back. The original conception showed that he did, in fact, take no for an answer.

     The quality of romance storylines is debatable. Common favorites are Fem!Agent/Vector, Male!Smug/Risha, Fem!Trooper/Jorgan, and Male!Warrior/Vette. Fem!Inquisitor/Andronikos isn't bad either. 


  6. 9 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    i guess that's possible  @SteveTheCynic , so i'll go check it soon and also monitor GPU temp yeah....

    Meanwhile, on a related (and strange) note, i coincidentally started getting these weird  'xo' pixel symbols  happening in SWTOR --> https://i.imgur.com/s64XVTp.jpg

    ( i forgot to mention how those weird  'xo' pixel symbols  also appeared onto my computer desktop  after the aforementioned  Fallen Order  *crash*  )

    When I say "I probably will buy it" I'm glad I didn't actually buy it at that time lol.

    Do you have the EA App installed? Do you need it to run the game? I've noticed that some EA games that used to run through origin may require the app, and it kicks in at random times despite being released in 2021, and it can have weird intersections with the game; MEA kept crashing with the app until I found a workaround.  

  7. 1 hour ago, Stradlin said:

    I've no clue how non force user playthroughs  are supposed to get through fallen empire stuff and feel most of it makes sense. 

    Carbonite sickness. Or bad space peyote during the vision quest with marr and satele. Not the first time the fan theory has been "maybe they're just screwed up" as a way of explaining BioWare's terrible writing (ME3).

    I remember people complaining when SoR came out and one of the quests had toons shooting lightning at those pyramids on Yavin. Little did they know that was only the start...  

  8. 6 hours ago, Stradlin said:

    In general, GSF cosmetics offer way  too little value. We missing a place where to admire them. Actual in-game hangar our charactets could visit, and see our actual gsf  ships there with actual customization would go a long way. Cooler hangar screen could also help. Ability to unlock em accountwide via collections would help.

    I was thinking of buying some of the cosmetics the other day but just couldn't see the point. I can't tell if other ships use them or not, they aren't super obvious about it. 

    In-game hangar should be part of our strongholds and listed for public access. Make it a button nearby the intro cinematic button inside the SH, so people visiting can see it, and your toons can walk around and touch it. It doesn't have to reflect the particular SH it's in, although that would be nice. 

    • Like 1
  9. Not just rewards, there's a lot they should update. Some of the GSI quests, like the droids heroic on Tat, aren't worth the time investment. The Shroud heroics were overtuned at release and still set for the difficulty that required 2-4 players to do them, and nobody wants to do them as a group. I'm also still pretty irritated that they put all those Shroud Communiques on the CM, it's the one time they ever did that with story content and it's a strange choice for those in particular. 

  10. 9 hours ago, eabevella said:

    Both shock economy and India's forced new currency don't just money from people's bank account (or vault). One  forced an open market while the other forced the circulation of currency to put it simple. Yes some people will lose everything in the process, but not everyone. Your examples only solidify my point: the idea of wiping everyone's account clean (aka: a "reset") isn't the way. Anyone who believes so is delusional.

    You sure love making grand declarations without anything to back up your arguments. It's not "delusional", you just disagree. It's okay to disagree. It's not okay to claim other people are mentally ill because you disagree.

    It's like another poster saying that the idea is "radical" and therefore inherently bad. Y'all say a lot more about your beliefs than you maybe intend talking about fixing a videogame economy. 

    I like Blakinik's ideas, and also the item unlock ideas. I also still like Balemb's neo currency idea which is very similar. We need fresh ideas that haven't been done before, although I think it's very likely cerxyp is correct and BW has no intention of changing the system.

    Y'all posting about fixing credit exploits or reducing the amount of credits vendors give you might wanna notice that when your ideas are exactly the same as BW's "glacial progress", ideas that have never worked before in this game, ideas that they do just to claim that they're doing something, well in that case, maybe something a little radical is called for? 

  11. 3 hours ago, AJediKnight said:

    Kotfe/Kotet were essentially written exclusively for force users - the plot is, quite simply, berserk otherwise, as there is no conceivable reason as to why Valkorion would want to possess a non-Jedi/Sith. I don't care that your smuggler/BH/trooper/agent might be uniquely strong or cunning or quick-witted - Valkorion only sees you as a vessel; a husk. He's also an elitist who prizes force supremacy above all else - and his plan is to subsume all those intangibles that make your, say, smuggler awesome. This is one of the many reasons why those expansions are so reviled - they only make sense for half the game's character roster.

    There's that, sure. But the concept of the alliance itself could make sense for a trooper even without the Force-related stuff, maybe an Agent, but doesn't really make sense for a BH or smuggler, at least the way it's written. If they'd altered the dialogue for the BH for example that he was assembling a crew and Arcann was a bounty, and maybe made stronger connections with the Mandalorian chapter, it could have been okay. But instead they just shoehorned the classes in pretty much cookie-cutter.  

  12. 12 hours ago, RowanThursday said:

    Oh, I'll admit that personally, I've never let Kaliyo live yet. I suppose I might if I get around to taking an Agent through Fallen Empire, though given that my Operative generally regarded Kaliyo as an insufferable akk dog she'd been charmed with holding the leash for as one of Keeper's more irritating side projects anyway, it's probably more likely that she'd just see Kaliyo's blunder there as being one mistake too far and pull the trigger anyway.

    I like Kaliyo. She's a good character, it's just regrettable that BW didn't give players the option to kill her back in vanilla. Also regrettable that she isn't a romance option for female agents, it's very similar to Jack from ME2. She doesn't make any sense for that kotfe mission though, she should have been more like SCORPIO, a temporary ally. 

    The Agent storyline is one of the bottom tier of classes to take through KOTFE. It's slightly better than BH/Smuggler which are tied for last place imo. It ruined the Agent character for me because I played her chaotic neutral in vanilla and KOTFE  doesn't really have any neutral choices. 

  13. 2 hours ago, TonyCap said:

    I have seen this more times in the last 3 weeks than in all the ten years I have been playing this game 

    I know its not my connections, I have 5 devices online all the time including an internet bandwith monitor and always have a strong connection 

    It happens most in Activity Finder Flashpoints but also after loading to a new zone to start a planetary daily or heroics 

    what is going on with SWTOR - are you folks aware of this ??

    please fix your problems ---

    this is making the game to frustrating to play 

    thank you in advance 

    kinda hard for them to fix anything without knowing details like your server or time of day you're experiencing it.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 5 hours ago, AJediKnight said:

    Yes, I can play a "dark" Jedi or a "light" Sith. Yes, I can - in the most clumsy manner imaginable (seriously, how many Sith Lords would really content themselves with being a saboteur?) - undermine my faction from within.

    And the same is true in SWTOR. Truly - TRULY - lightsided Sith (we're not talking about practical Sith Lords [which is what, say, the LS Warrior actually plays like]) change sides. Truly dark Jedi join the Sith. And the reason for this is simple: outside of absolutely berserk reasoning (which SWTOR tends to use to cover our behavior - especially when playing as a dark Jedi) and plot armor, the Jedi don't tolerate dark side users in their midst. 

    I mean, there is a difference between a dark jedi and a sith, and the game (in the class stories) has made a fairly good separation of the differences: Jedi can seek power, influence and wealth without showing any interest in the imperial side and joining the sith hierarchy. In fact, aside from some light flirtation, joining the other side doesn't really come up as a potential option anywhere except the JK storyline.

    Furthermore, aside from plot armor, my headcanon for why Jedi/Sith don't notice you is that they're preoccupied by the war. I've often been tempted to make a fanfic for this, where after the war, the Jedi switch from their outward focus and retreat inward, testing the purity of their Knights and Masters, not just their padawans. And the Sith are so preoccupied they're actually letting aliens join their ranks smh. Yes it would have been smart to write in Lord Cendence --or anyone--to hunt the SW/SI once they became too LS, it's a notable flaw in the game. 

    But I get that your point is less about this and more that the saboteur is dumb and currently makes no sense, which I agree with. I'm only doing a full saboteur run on two characters, an Agent and a JC. The Agent is full DS and doesn't really want to join the Republic, she's an ex-Emperor following a "What would Kaliyo do?" philosophy who wants to sow chaos and weaken both sides so she can swoop in and backstab. The JC is full LS and hasn't really thought through the implications of what he's doing. The DS JC storyline is imo one of the craziest of the 8, it just doesn't make a lot of sense to do DS stuff the way it's written and it falls into the 'berserk reasoning' you describe so well. My JC is more of a dark Jedi than a Sith (despite still being LS): he's another ex-emperor, the benevolent dictator variety, still sitting on the damn Jedi council but never consulted on decisions (which is more bad writing). He's resentful and lashing out, not reciting the Sith Code. His behavior is so irrational that I've headcanoned that Valkorion messed up his mind so badly or installed hidden triggers to cause him to act this way. 

    When the storyline finally ends (hopefully soon), I would hope most of the Agent's crew and associates to be unsurprised she did this, she already betrayed everyone else multiple times in her story and they are stupid to keep trusting her. But when it ends for the JC, I expect it to be very painful. I don't see an option where he goes off to be a Sith lord, more like he balks at the last second and the Republic charges him with treason. I can hope...


  15. 11 minutes ago, RikuvonDrake said:

    the best way to combat inflation would be to say nothing but just quietly reduce the amount of credits players gain from loot, reduce the prices vendors buy for scrap items and make more grey stuff drop instead of white/green etc. and just let the economy slowly fix itself over time as the number of credits generated by the game would reduce while the same, or more, would be removed through regular credit sinks

    any change the devs introduce will be frowned upon, everyone wants the economy to normalize but nobody wants the credits that they generate by daily content to get reduced, its always "someone else" that needs to have their credits fixed :D

    That doesn't fix the GTN problem though. 

    I make most of my credits by selling crafted items and conquest loot like the flagship plans or the rpm / oem things. If they removed those from the vendor and forced you to get them through some other way, and also changed the flagship plans so that they would automatically go to your guild bank (otherwise not drop at all), that would cut into my wealth significantly. They could also make the rpm/oem's BoL. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    i played it using keyboard/mouse mostly on 'master' level ( mostly ) and did just fine.

    To Each His Own  though.

    You are slightly incorrect there.  As i mentioned in my 1st reply above ^  , the new sequel  doesn't come out until  APRIL.  ( it was delayed, iirc )

    p.s.  If  EA  invested even half the 'Fallen Order/Jedi Survivor'  developers & resource$ into SWTOR , this game could thrive for another 5 years.   But i'm guessing they probably figure  what's the point with  Ubisoft  open-world SW quasi-MMO  soon approaching. :cool:

    That's good to know because I'm playing on PC. 

    Yeah I'm a little puzzled by the responses that it's became the game is coming out soon. It's been on sale, for pretty deep sale cuts, for at least a year. As I mentioned in the OP, I've been waiting for RDR2, a much older game, to have a comparable sale price and it never has. When you see games that regularly sell for $55 priced for $5-10 it raises eyebrows imo. 

    I'm also a little confused by the funding differences. It's obvious for awhile that swtor isn't funded very well and constantly on the verge of shutdown (not that BW would tell us until the literal last minute) but it's weird when they do things like change the forum or update the engine, update character creation as if they plan that it will be around for a long time...but no money going into stuff that would actually make the gameplay better. 

  17. What's the hardest PVE content for leveling? Excluding ops and pvp / GSF

    I go back and forth on wanting more difficulty. A lot of the vanilla game feels too easy but there are some spots in endgame that are overtuned. Not that they need nerfing, they just stand out as particularly difficult content. For me that's Star Fortress Heroics, Space combat heroics, Oricon, Eternal Championship, and a couple Republic-side heroics on Voss.  How about you? 

  18. 2 hours ago, remylion said:

    I think most people in this thread are using "lets protect the newbies" as a guise for "lets hurt the players with the most wealth",

    When I subbed two weeks ago I had 15 billion credits in legacy bank across two servers. After buying as much as I possibly could think to use, i've spent about a third of that. I'd say I'm pretty wealthy and a reset would hurt me too. I'm motivated by my experience as a newbie and it was thanks to the game's economy that I was able to buy what I needed to make the experience worth staying for. That is no longer possible and hasn't been for a long time. I'd like to see the game economy returned to that egalitarian era, but as other posters have pointed out, it's not in BW's interests to fix the problem. Given that, I suppose it is virtue signaling, but my idea was not intended to hurt wealth hoarders...that's simply a consequence of the reset. You can't fix the economy and keep your ginormous wealth intact.

    6 hours ago, eabevella said:

    And yes, I do believe people who believe in the "let's fix the economy by resetting the game" have the exact same mentality of those who believe in the practice of communism though extreme method: they think creating a clean slate will make everyone equal, but no, it won't. It just make low to upper-middle class dirt poor, and things are still controlled by the elite. But sure, it feels good to let people who have more stuffs than I do to "taste the reality" because "they deserve it (lost everything)" and I'm positive that most people will stay after BW take all their fake meaningless credits because ooooooh BW also fixes all the credit exploits, how nice of them!

    I think i've tried to be relatively courteous once you noted your family background, but to be clear I am not interested in engaging with you on this topic. We believe different things. Also, this forum historically comes down hard on censoring discussion of irl politics. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:

    Although i will say this:  First, if only SWTOR had such immersive  Lightsaber Construction  , instead of  Cartel Market  empty meaningless re-skinned hilts x infinity.  -- And secondly, after playing  'Fallen Order' , it's very easy to see where EA places  most/all of it's  funding$   instead of here into SWTOR . :(

    You probably won't enjoy it  unless you play on 'story' easy mode then.

    Thanks. It's good to know that a) crafting system is so good and b) there actually is an ez mode. I've heard that it's similar to dark souls which is definitely out of my league.

    28 minutes ago, Jdast said:

    There are a lot of jumping puzzle / mechanics. If you don't like platforming games, it may not be for you. Given that it is so cheap now, though, you should give it a try. Just know that it requires a fair amount of precise timing on walls, ropes, etc. to move to next stage.



    This is also very good to know. I hate platforming. I suffered it for Andromeda recently but it was a pain. Still, unlike MEA it actually makes sense that your Jedi would be acrobatic, like Starkiller. 


    Thanks for the feedback y'all, it really helps. I think i probably will buy it, it's not the price after all, it's the time investment. But it beats replaying the SI story for the eighth time (no exaggeration). 

  20. I saw a notification that this game is now on sale for 90% off. Previously it's been on sale quite often at Steam for 60, 75, 80 percent, but this might be rock bottom enough that I'd buy it (meanwhile RDR2 still costs $30 even on sale 😔). Wondering if anyone has played the game and is it any good? How does it compare to swtor? Assume that I'm pretty bad at combat (this game has really warped my ability to play difficult content lol). Do you think there's a reason why it's so incredibly cheap all the time?

  21. On 3/11/2023 at 11:19 AM, Stradlin said:

    Sure. Those who dislike being Mandos  could pick some "I never chose this life, it was forced upon me!" -approach, and pretty much abandon the whole lot during C2&3, and either become closely aligned to Imps or betray errybody.


    That's essentially the option you get after the blacklist goes down. 

    I feel like starting with mandos hews too closely to the agent storyline. Agent and trooper are about working inside their systems and having to affirm or reject imperial/republic institutional cultures. but BH and Smuggler are about the guys who are outside of those big cultures on the fringes, and imo it was a good decision to keep them that way throughout the class stories.

    I just finished running BH to Ziost and i wish they had done that even more tbh, it's a little incongruous to have marr and Revan both claim that you're an outsider in the empire when you've taken point for illum, makeb and the revanite thing. Or for Marr to award you with a license to kill--almost word for word the same given to the smuggler--when you've had that license the entire time. The story beats when you show up on DK and imperial intelligence threatens to make you disappear is the sort of thing that should have been happening constantly in the story. Unlike the Sith , and even unlike the Agent, you're just a hired gun, you're good at what you do, but you could get gulaged the second you step out of line.  

  22. 1 hour ago, ceryxp said:

    Credits will trickle out over time, but this will not, and is not intended to, fix inflation.  This is a microstep.  Something that BW does all the time.  They take these small, almost imperscriptible steps so they can say they are doing something, so they can say they are going to move slowly, and make incremental changes, and then move so glacially slow that they never actually get to the next step before they change their mind and do something else.  How do we know?  Because BW only has two modes of action: go at a snail's pace or nuke it from orbit.  When they want to do nothing they make small, incremental changes.  When they actually want to change something they go so far overboard, so over the top, so big that it is a paradigm shift (and then often have to pull back, revamp, and redesign because they did not think it through in the first place).  This has been their standard operating procedure for years.

    tbh I feel like your entire post is a /thread, it sums up everything perfectly lol, far better than all my textwalls. This piece right here says it all. Yes they either do so little it might as well be nothing and then change their mind partway through, or they nuke from orbit and have to spend months picking up the pieces. 

    I don't like the status quo and moving glacially slow, so I am in favor of nuking. Is nuking a good idea? lol no.  It could be if they did all those exploit removals and creating credit sinks and everything else, and modelled it on pts first and listened to feedback, but they won't. They also don't have credit sinks because they would have to design something for people to buy first, which they are apparently incapable of doing, and most of the other credit sink ideas that the forum suggests are things that cut into buying CCs, like using credits to change appearance. No dice.

    And you're also 100% right that they're not going to nuke it anyway because they simply want to give the appearance that they're going to fix it, because the status quo benefits them. 

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