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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. 10 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

    Taken from a google search.

    Here is the site.


    I'd understand if you didn't trust the link however.  I do notice you didn't acknowledge the difference between unlikely and impossible.

    I think you have me confused, I'm not paranoid about clicking links and insistent on telling everyone about it. Again, google is your friend, if you actually wanted to see the new armors--that was the topic, remember?--you could easily google it, but what you wanted was to troll, just like you're doing now. 

  2. Just now, Darcmoon said:

    Unlikely: not likely to happen, be done, or be true; improbable

    Impossible: not able to occur, exist, or be done

    They are two separate words with two separate meanings.  As for the bolded parts, it says its from Discord and it mentions images that would probably be from the swtor site but that doesn't in any way indicate it is the 'Official' discord.  

    You aren't required to take my word for it, you can google it yourself: 'can I get a virus from a jpg'. You also aren't required to click on the links provided, but by the same token, maybe avoid maligning them as 'suspicious' when you have no way to determine that. Debate tactics are no substitute for basic internet knowledge. 

  3. 44 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

    Then please tell me where it says it’s from the official discord please.  And unlikely doesn’t mean impossible 

    Unlikely means impossible, but I have to qualify it because forum nitpickers love to jump in and say "Aha! It actually is possible it would just look different and be quite hard to do!" 

    3 hours ago, Ardrossan said:


    3 hours ago, Ardrossan said:


    Bolded are context clues that strongly suggest the links are from the official discord. inb4 "Aha, you said 'strongly suggest' meaning you don't know 1000%" 

  4. Yes the added cost is stupid. We all knew it was going to be stupid and here we are. But what I would like is for BW to write a little quest / mail / forum story that explains the tax. Backstory! The Quick Travel workers have unionized and overthrown their hutt overlords. They have ties to huttbreaker on meksha and charging the real cost for insta-travel, and encouraging the speeder taxis to meet the new rate--maybe there's some room for conflict there? 

    2 hours ago, Sir-steve said:

    But can we talk about why it costs 100cr to travel through hyperspace in a personal ship but 20x that to hail a taxi dirtside? 

    Yes! Let's do it fr. When you get done your starter planet you travel in a shuttle to fleet and from fleet by BT/Esseles/dumptruck to Capital planet. All paid for by your respective factions. But once you get your own ship everything costs. Food, air, fuel...wasn't that Black Hole thing supposed to be about getting hypermatter fuel? Then we did it again with Onslaught, TWO fuel-based storylines. Meanwhile we're zipping around paying next to nothing.

    The backstory will reveal that our factions have been subsidizing our fuel costs all this time but the Quick Travel Union has started an economic revolution (not communist, don't freak out!) and the Republic/Empire/Alliance can no longer afford letting you have cheap fuel, and the real cost is $$$$. Sure hope you level 18 newbs like Coruscant/DK because if you wanna go to Taris/Balmorra, that'll be a million credits, one way. And just wait until you find out the backstory for the eventual GTN tax!

  5. Even when I didn't have a lot of credits I couldnt be bothered to pick up what you get from running FPs, especially if doing so made my other group members forced to wait for me. 

    I often see complaints about etiquette in FPs or other group activities in this game. A good rule of thumb is: avoid being annoying enough that others decide to take the time to boot you. It goes both ways too--if 3 people in the group are stopping to pick up creds, and one person keeps running ahead and aggroing the mobs, he'll probably get booted. If it's the other way around, you get booted. Majority rules. 

  6. 36 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

    I’d that from the official discord?  Nothing in that link name shows that’s what it’s from. 

    Yes, it does, you just need to read them. 

    More to the point, you can't get, or at least it's extremely unlikely, to get viruses from jpgs, i.e images. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Jozandra said:

    Which affects sub'd players and their receipt of credits from sales on GTN? My mail isn't used as extra storage bin, and I only expect things coming from GTN as to whether or not items were sold or not.  No. Something is wrong with the in-game mail.

    Yes, experiencing same problem. Unless the rando who replied has special knowledge others don't, I am assuming it's a bug caused by the recent patch. login/logout doesn't fix. Same with CTRL+U, nada.

  8. 5 hours ago, Xerekfell said:

    So let me get this straight BioWare, you're giving us this https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/JS2Jmpn6fO24fEY7nebaenHUxPlKPrJjlRLUDT7YLy8/http/cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/promos/2023/March/24/gs4_dyepacks.jpg?width=933&height=525 as a REWARD for doing seasons but not THIS https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/3VxbqyIdkOXytAEdNjwh41AMtTt8CCmeGaNR_uNudIU/http/cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/promos/2023/March/24/gs4_darkside_shining-moontear_shining-darkside.jpg?width=933&height=525 Which looks objectively better as a reward to use as actual outfit pieces? Come on man that's really sad and mind blowlngly stupid.  You guys should also add picture views so people don't have to click on links.

    "objectively better" I lol'd. They both look incredibly bad but tbh the first batch might be fine if you hide helmet. 

    2 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

    I'll admit I'm not sure what the pictures are because I'm not going to download pictures from unknown and suspicious links.

    "unknown and suspicious links" like the official swtor discord? ok. 

  9. 10 max is a lot compared to previous seasons. Again, they should really just say do x number of pvp, warzone arena or GSF, or alternatively, separate pvp from GS since it has its own season. 

    I was dismayed more that they've separated GS from conquest so now you need to click the popup for seasons than click another button for the actual objectives, it makes no sense. BW is truly the master of updating things no one asked for.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, StrikePrice said:

    Right, exactly. I'm sure you have 20+ toons. So do I. If you had to spend 2b to get the new mount speed and lower cooldown on rocket boots, even at a high wealth level, you'd have to be selective. You might do it for 1 or 2 toons, not all 20. Multiply that effect across the population and you would have massive deflation.

    Meanwhile, at 5,000 a pop, I can do 10,000 transports for chump change. It does nothing. 

    OH, per character unlock? Ugh, that would be a real gouge for sure. Yeah I guess it could work, but I think probably a lot of people wouldn't do it at all. Still, it's better than anything else they've come up with, and easier than most of the ideas suggested here. Plus you would think with this massive update we just installed they would be able to increase mount speed beyond Razor Kickstart levels.

  11. 1 hour ago, Oneirophrenia said:

    Well, I'm now a little over an hour in and sits at 32.1GB remaining, the speed fluctuates between 800KB/s to 2MB/s... not the fastest internet out there but decent enough IMO, still looking at 10 more hours of waiting. There goes my playing day. 

    That's terrible internet, I'm sorry. Mine was done in less than 10 mins.

  12. 1 hour ago, StrikePrice said:

    I logged in yesterday and got 75,000 credits just for logging in. You're breaking things and fixing them at the same time. Makes no sense.  Don't do stupid things. Do this ...

    New mount speed: 1,000,000,000 credits per toon
    Lower cooldown on Jet boots: 1,000,000,000 credits per toon
    Slot machine that takes 100,000,000 tokens and gives out unique cosmetics (1 in 10 chance or so to get one)

    Economy fixed. You're welcome.

    I spent 3B credits yesterday just buying a few armors, rascal's toothpick, Revan's mask, etc. It cost about half my wealth, but i'm confident i can get most of those credits back in a week or so. For the whales who have been accumulating credits for years, I doubt 3B amounts to 1/10 of their wealth. 

    And the problem of course with all these ideas of adding vendors and credit sinks is that BW has to MAKE them. We've never had a rep vendor for Seasons, why is that? Obviously, because BW can't afford the time to make decos and stuff for players to buy.  

  13. 12 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    These specs just need to get toned down a bit, Again it may seem fine to you in PVE content, but for People who do a lot of PVP a lot of the meta specs right now are frustrating to deal with.

    That's...literally what he's complaining about. pvpers complain about something that is fine in PVE so BW nerfs it to cater to a tiny fraction of the playerbase. That was the OP, guess you missed it lol.

    Also I pvp a lot and I don't care about fotm builds. I never have. So even within the pvp population, it's a fraction of whiners who think the reason they lost is because a spec is slightly better than another, and not, far more likely, that their team wasn't communicating very well or playing objectives properly. 

  14. On 3/23/2023 at 10:35 AM, remylion said:

      It seems that the free Cartel Coins from Galactic Season is causing the inflation according to the dev

    lmao yes they would say that. 

    On 3/23/2023 at 11:40 AM, Ominovin said:

    Yeah, the 'too many free CCs' argument is largely nonsense:  It's a legitimate issue for Bioware, but not a real 'in game inflation' factor.

    Exactly. Players having CCs hurts BioWare, not players, whereas not being able to buy anything for less than a million credits hurts us, not BW.

    On 3/23/2023 at 8:08 AM, DawnAskham said:

    The bad thing about the current economy is that if you want any CM items and wish to purchase them with credits, having a billion or two isn't going to be anywhere near enough.

    Not sure what CM items you might be referring to but if you want character slots, companions, CM tunings, most armors, account unlocks, flairs, etc, you can still find them on the GTN. The only items I have been unable to find that I used to be able to just a year ago are masters datacrons and insta-70 commander's tokens. 

  15. 37 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

    if you join a competition and don't play to win, then you are trolling everyone else in the competition. fwiw, WZs are a joke, and taking them seriously at this point in the game's life makes one look more like a tool than anything else.

    Cool story bro. If you don't care about WZs why bother posting? Because someone on the internet is wrong ig and you had to correct it. 

    It's certainly true that obnoxious l33t pvpers have been with the game from the start and nothing BioWare has done has been able to get them to leave.

    • Confused 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Traceguy said:

    The one thing that is certainly not a bug is that after the Heroic objective ends, the quest ends instantly, which means we can no longer report back to an NPC. I highly miss being able to return the astrogation charts from Coruscant Jedi Temple. I think if we start the quest via quest giver, we should be able to manually complete them. But this is a whole other topic.

    I agree. This should be a choice you can make from settings similar to exploration missions (which by default should be ON otherwise how would newbies even know about them?). If you want it to autocomplete, opt in. Otherwise by default you return to the questgiver. 

    • Like 4
  17. I'm a little confused--I don't run FPs much so maybe this is my ignorance showing, but I thought GF was like pvp and 80s were confined to a separate tier to run FPs. It doesn't make much sense that they'd be grouped with lowbies. 

    7 hours ago, DWho said:

    OK, then why should they make changes to make it more difficult for low level players to play flashpoints as has been suggested by several people in this thread. There should be no limitations on what players can do in the flashpoint. If someone wants to watch the cutscenes, they should not have to "form their own groups" or "run the solo mode". If GF is for everyone, it is for everyone regardless of their playstyle.

    GF has been pretty deliberately designed to cater to players wanting the daily reward, whatever its original design might have been. People who want the story should form their own groups--ideally through their guild--or run the solo mode if it's available for that FP. You can certainly ask people to slow down because you want to enjoy the story, but it depends on what the majority want, and if they say no and you continue to watch the cutscenes instead of spacebarring, they have every right to kick you. And that is coming from someone who only does story and rarely does group FPs for that exact reason. 

  18. 9 minutes ago, ceryxp said:

    The terminal is in the Supplies section, next to the GS vendors, not in the Stronghold section with the other stronghold terminals.  I can confirm that they do transfer because I purchased the Carrick Station stronghold on Star Forge and the Vaiken Spacedock stronghold on Satele Shan.  Then, during the transfer sale, I transferred a character from SS to SF, and then from SF to SS, and now I have both strongholds on both servers.

    Thanks I really appreciate that!

    lol it's incredible how disorganized fleet is. I drove around for a long time looking for a terminal to do it. I guess it seems obvious that they would put it near the GS vendor but i've never noticed it before. 

  19. Many people posting here that pvp is about winning as if it's always been like this. Getting the weekly did not used to be so onerous and wins did not used to be the only thing that mattered. Originally the weekly was 8 I think, win or lose. You got more experience and credits for winning but the count was per match, you weren't penalized for losing like you are now, and they didn't stretch it out to 24 matches until later. Even when they did that, it wasn't so bad because the weeklies didn't expire the way they do now.

    On 3/12/2023 at 9:02 PM, krackcommando said:


    • there are players who only queue to kill stuff, and they will ignore objectives regardless. - they don't care about seasonal or any other rewards.
    • there are players who don't want to pvp (WZs or arenas) at all, but they queue up because they want the prizes for GS or PvP seasons.
    • there are players who just want to win, regardless of the format (WZ or arena).

    only one of those three groups of players, strictly speaking, belongs in the WZ/arena. can you guess which one that is?

    I play pvp to have fun, not necessarily to win, and having fun includes playing the objectives. Winning is nice but it's not everything. The focus on winning encourages the toxic behavior people come to expect from pvpers, and it creates exactly the situation remylion is complaining about because as soon as it looks like a lost match--which can happen as soon as one team gets a node before their team does-- people give up, but they don't leave the match, again because of changes BW made that don't HELP. I'd rather they leave than afk and get credit anyway. 

    Warzones and arenas should be more like GSF, where it doesn't take long to get the daily/weekly regardless of whether you win or lose, and where the afk tracker actually works and will boot you if you're not contributing. I don't see many AFKers in GSF, lots of bads but that's to be expected. It's like these are from two different games, the dev design is completely different between pvp and GSF and there's no reason for it to be different.

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