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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. 5 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

    An active long thread should be celebrated, not derided.  If there's a problem with the page loading due to one thread then fix the problem.


    Or are we not supposed to actually use the forums?



    2 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    You assume too much.  In point of fact, i've read each & every page of that thread....during my testing of this "forum dragging" situation.

    I sacrificed my brain cells & rl time  for the greater good ( of testing ) . :cool:


    And they are free to do so.

    Neither my opinion of the thread, nor my desire for it to be shuffled down off  Page 1 General  Discussion section,  should inhibit anyone from their own personal preferences.

    Furthermore, these feeble strawman attempts  spawned by one basically innocuous throwaway word ( "fluff" ) are a fun diversion but totally misguided & off-topic.

    It could be ANY  super large/long  100+ page thread.

    Got nothing to do with 'Theron' fans. :ph_lol:

    Come on guys, I actually enjoy reading both of you. Let's not fight. Remember that bioware is the enemy, not each other. 

    Let's compromise. Jackie's been tagged, so we'll ask her to please delete the Theron thread and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, great, problem solved and we can then make a new Theron thread (minus the hundreds of posts and collective efforts that went into making the original). And if it doesn't work, then...well, Nee-Elder will be happy at least :rak_01:  

    Or I guess we could insist that bioware fix whatever's wrong in the fortuitously timed patch tomorrow instead of just randomly[1] deleting one of the few visible (and wholesome) signs of life on this forum.

    idk I guess either option works :rak_02: 

    [1] I know I know, It's not truly random because hey one guy tested it. 

    • Like 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, HypSpec said:

    I have not had issues with the timing of unlock and availability on ship. That said, Amity is bruuuutal to find on each ship til you know where to look. Dark outift, meditating, and does not stand out in any way lol.

    Yes. It's also frustrating because the previous GS comps were generally in the same easy-to-locate spot, you didn't really have to hunt around for them, aside from PH4LNX on Agent ships. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, StrikePrice said:

    It's not a troll thread. You just can't handle that you don't even understand the thing you have heard other people say that you are parroting. Parrot parrot parrot. Zero understanding.

    The economy is fine. I stand unrefuted.

    That is literally the expected response from a troll. Like others preaching the same line, you think this is a contest with a winner and losers and you 'win' because you 'stand unrefuted'...by ignoring everything that you disagree with. 

    The solution to trolls is not to give them any more attention, any more of the validation they desperately seek. I don't care if you disagree with me about the economy because it's not about you, no matter how much you insist on trying to make it about you. You don't make any decisions, so what do I care whether you agree or not?

    I encourage people not to give this guy or this thread any more attention. What is there to be gained arguing with trolls and white knights? They aren't stand-ins for bioware, they're just wannabes with nothing better to do.


  4. 4 hours ago, StrikePrice said:

    I'm not trolling. I have not seen any substantive arguments indicating that there is anything wrong with the economy. Anyone can play the game and get anything they need. And, you either need to earn in game money or pay real money to get premium cosmetics. 

    Economy whiners and catastrophists are simply lazy and entitled. 

    I mean, it's a troll thread and you're the OP so by definition you are trolling. Like many trolls you have the "I'm so rational" thing while calling out people for not having "evidence" when everyone has exactly the same information, you are not any more rational than anyone you're talking to, or have better arguments or whatever. You simply disagree with other people and they disagree with you, but you apparently can't accept that your opinions are just that and not objectively correct, so you have to dress it up as right vs wrong. And for all your blathering about "substantive" arguments, like any troll your immediate go-to is ad hominem attacks on people you disagree with, "lazy and entitled", "don't know how to play the game" on and on...it's high boomer energy, exactly the same style and manner of many previous forum trolls. 

    I am sick of children on this forum who got it into their heads that this is some kind of debate forum for them to sharpen their rhetoric. Go on facebook if you wanna do that. This forum is for people giving their feedback about the game and it does not matter whether you agree with it or not, they have the same right to share their opinions that you do without needing to 'prove' it for your damn satisfaction, it's not about YOU. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, StrikePrice said:

    The old character creator was a decent facsimile of what your toon would look like in the game. The current character creator looks nothing like you character would look like in game. Further, you cannot even zoom all the way out to see your entire body. What gives?

    Please make it possible to tell what your character will look like in game or allow us to modify our character before level 10 (or whatever) for free at appearance stations. 

    I think the major issue with the current character creator is that it uses different slider numbers than the original, and the appearance modification station still uses the original system. That is, a #10 head for the original system is different than a #10 head in the new system, it doesn't line up properly. 

  6. 1 hour ago, commanderwar said:

    I think correlia and Makeb are the worst in swtor imo.

    Thinking about I don't love a lot of planets in swtor. I think my favorites are Rishi, Yavin, and CZ-198 (purely because of how fun and short it is to complete the dailies on cz). 


    I don't really mind Corellia. The transitional areas filled with mobs aren't great but with most speeders getting fall protection it's not as bad as it was ten years ago. It takes awhile to get around but that isn't significantly worse than Hoth, Alderaan or Tat. I have no complaints at all about Corellia's daily area. imo Section X, Oricon and Iokath are all much worse. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Whykara said:

    I'd say it's personality, will strength, intelligence, and discipline. The dark side takes a toll on one's mind, and without proper precautions the Dark Side will consume you. The Sith see the Force as a tool to use, a power to subjugate. Sith do not live in harmony with the force, they are at constant war with it. Peace is a lie - that's why they can't find peace and become one with the force. This constant war makes them stronger, but they have to be careful never to lose, because the cost of losing is one's sanity. 

    I guess, but it's not made clear in this game at least that this is what's happening. Most of the sith we meet in the game are clearly insane, but their insanity is allowed for and encouraged in the vanilla empire. Most of the LS choices empire side aren't really 'good', they're just damage control for all the dumb stuff, like the malora example. 

  8. 2 hours ago, MrufkaZ said:


    Do I need this to later progress to the next Story addition? Or is it  just for reputation grind unlock? I'm thinking about my non-stealth alts. 

    I reccently returned to SWTOR after almost a year away, and as a part of "welcome back" content, it almost made me quit again...  😶

    Neither really, it's like Manaan's afterstory, just something they put in to connect the dailies together, but you can do the dailies without doing the story, and you don't have to do either one if you don't want to.

  9. On 4/15/2023 at 4:41 AM, xordevoreaux said:

    My level 80 alts on Star Forge are all hauling around in their own 330+ gear, many in 336 with purple augs, and multiple sets of gear in the case of those with varied combat styles, and having spread toons around to the other servers capable of buying off Hyde & Zeek, it's only a matter of credits now, as opposed to the hideous commendations-wasting RNG that was the hallmark of 6.x.

    For casuals such as my self, 7.x gearing for alts with the addition of Hyde & Zeek is working just fine.

    Top players who want the best work for it. It's why the amazingly talented people in my guild, people who run hard mode ops, don't do what I do; they don't try to gear every toon, they throw sets of the gear in their legacy vaults to share among their toons and call it a day.

    I think the point being made is that there are many casuals, like myself, and players with a lot of alts, again like myself, who loved 6.0's system and found it both casual-friendly and alt-friendly. You're welcome to disagree...for reasons. I've read all your comments on the subject and I still don't get your reasoning. Which again, is fine, you're not required to explain yourself beyond what you've already said. 

    But to say that 6.0 wasn't alt-friendly or casual friendly isn't really an agree/disagree thing. It didn't work for you, clearly. Going by the forum at least, your experience seems to be atypical. I found it very easy to gear 60+ alts in 6.0, and almost impossible to get higher than 324 in 7.0. YMMV.

    On 4/15/2023 at 1:53 PM, xordevoreaux said:

    You put words in my mouth I did not utter and hiding behind "some people" doesn't hide who you targeted.

    Not at all appreciated.

    I can't speak for that player, but if it weren't for overly restrictive automodding on this forum, I for one would be a lot more direct with people and naming them in my posts. We're constrained by rules that force us into these passive aggressive-seeming circumlocutions i.e. "that player", "some people" etc. It doesn't really make any of us more polite lol, it usually does the opposite as you can see. Nobody wants to get their post deleted or worse because of the intrusive community!bot.

  10. Yes, Ruhnuk is probably the worst daily area. I honestly never thought they would top Iokath for last place but they did it. The respawn time for enemies is so fast that if you take more than a few seconds to get your loot and get going, they'll respawn and you have to fight them all over again. They also added this thing where the wildlife will automatically attack if you're on the collect meat quest and it doesn't go off until you complete or quit it which is very annoying and breaks with all similar quests. There's only a few taxi / quick travel areas and not where a lot of the quest stuff is so you're constantly driving trying to find the markers, again different from most other daily areas. At least quick travel is less than 1000 lol.

    Today I did the Lane Vizla story quest for the second time. In case anyone's wondering, it doesn't make a difference which option you pick, they both end jarringly abruptly. It was really difficult, a few of the areas require you to go into basically crowds of silver and gold elites and it became easier and faster to just run through, die and respawn; only Oricon is similar in that respect. LOTS of backtracking, it basically makes Ruhnuk unbearable for non-stealthers. I'm glad stealthing still works at least, but I really dislike the 7.0 change that disappearing act/cloaking screen no longer exit combat (even though it still says on the tooltip that it does!) and enemies will continue to attack you anyway; this is one area of the game where being able to exit combat would be extremely helpful.

    It was just a brutal, slow slog, and really strange because Manaan's daily area was so much different. I'm getting my characters through the main story and then just waiting for the next chapter, IDC about maxing the rep, it's just not worth it.     

    • Like 2
  11. Gearing is really bad. Aside from the inflation that's probably my biggest complaint. It just seems like a giant step backwards from the horizontal gearing touted in 6.0. 

    PVP isn't great but while yes they could force premades to play against each other, that would also slow queues. The only real decision to improve pvp imo is how long it will take them to do another server merge. PVP seasons still bad but I barely pay attention to it. The dailies and weekly still pretty ludicrous as well; I don't think i've ever reached the arena weekly, and rarely the warzone weekly...these weeklies need to be streamlined with the equivalent numbers for the daily/weekly GSF, as well as including GSF alongside pvp for Seasons counting.

    It seems like more than ever the skills are intended solely for the benefit of endgame and a de-emphasis on the vanilla, class story experience and leveling process. Lol the vanilla story is really the only reason I still play this game. 

    I feel like you missed a golden opportunity to title your thread WHY THE 7.0 ERA STILL DOES NOT WORK or perhaps WHY THE 7.0 ERA JUST DOES NOT WORK: RETURN OF THE CRITICThese little touches may not get bioware's attention (they won't read it either way) but they would have made it more eye-catching and less bland :rak_01:



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  12. 13 minutes ago, Sappharan said:

    No doubt.  The combat in andromeda is good...but the story is not good (IMO) and the characters are ugly.  Moreover, it has too many bugs and it felt poorly planned.

    I was hoping ME4 would be something, but I am not too optimistic at this point.  Very likely current trends in entertainment will prevail and I am not going to buy into that.

    But, at least we got ME.  The updated ME1 was absolutely awesome and made it a JOY to play again.  Going to start a new game (with the same character) to get the best ending possible...soon.  Not tonight.

    Again you could literally say the same thing about this game at launch. They fixed a lot of the bugs including identical asari and you can mod it to your hearts content. I played it right after LE and felt it was pretty comparable to the trilogy. 

  13. Just now, StrikePrice said:

    I don't care that the naysayers think. I care that BW understands that the economy is fine.  And judging by the changes they have made, they do. 

    Yes you don't care, that's why you started this thread and have been rabidly responding to comments. :rak_01:

    It's like a little game we play where whoever doesn't care the most wins. Do you also not care that bioware probably hasn't read your thread and doesn't require your simping? If you really didn't care and love the status quo so much, you would just do nothing, like everyone else who plays this game but don't bother coming to the forum to say "everything is fine!" :rak_01: 

  14. 1 hour ago, Asheris said:

    That's billionaire talk right there. 'Everyone can have money, but they choose not to because they are lazy.' 🙄 As it happens, it's a game. You know, something you play to have fun. It's not second work, I don't have to grind 8h/day to have a chance at fun because the devs chose to ignore problems with their product we already pay for.

    Oh, so only in-game rich people can have fun? And accidentally it comes at the cost of poorer in-game people? Funny how fiction mimics life.

    I'm sure someone will be along shortly to call you a communist for being critical of the rich/poor divide in this game :rak_01: 

    The forum has always been rabidly conservative, and we see this through all the familiar tropes from real life: you're entitled, you're lazy, you just want free stuff, it's not the system it's the individual, you have a bad attitude, you just wanna complain, it's the younger generation of gamers etc etc. 

    I think a lot of this comes from a deep cynicism. If you assume that nothing you say matters, then the devs can do basically anything and welp that's the new normal, we can't change it. And so when other players complain, to these people it's like "you're just being negative for no reason".

    But you know if hundreds of gamers suddenly stopped playing and tweeted to the official old republic platform that they were cancelling their subs until bioware fixed the economy, I bet we'd find that oh yeah the devs actually do have some better ideas than taxing quick travel :rak_01:. But people have been conditioned to be skeptical of collective action like this, so it's easier to just do nothing, accept the situation and whine about lazy gamers instead.

    • Sad 1
  15. 5 hours ago, MortenJessen said:

    unfortunately on BW to communicate, and I think they should. At least to clear up things and prevent the players getting frustrated. 

    Yes it is up to bioware to communicate, it is not up to players to invent excuses or rationalizations for them. Like your preceding textwall which apparently isn't even about comments in this forum lmao. Thanks bro I turned off v sync and relaunched and...it did absolutely nothing. Oh right because that was literally the first thing I tried. bros on this forum who think they're IT experts trotting out these worn out rationalizations all the time. Assume it's not the rig or anything players are doing wrong. Give players the benefit of the doubt instead of the big corporation that is entirely responsible for this change. 

  16. kotfe erased a lot of those considerations. Why are any of your republic aligned companions still working for you after you announce you're rejoining the empire, or vice versa? uh, it makes no sense. Some of them send you an email but none of them say "I'm not working for you anymore" even to the extent of Aygo who says that and gives you a replacement (who has never said anything in the actual story) but he stays on base anyway. 

    This would have been a great plothole in like the SoR era, but nowadays it's completely meaningless. Your companions have far too many paradoxes to work through without concerning themselves with why you're meditating with a NotSelonian republic deserter.  

    • Like 1
  17. 10 hours ago, Sappharan said:

    Just taking a moment to point out  how AMAZING Mass Effect is (and NO! I don't mean andromeda), even after all these years.  It is, imo, a masterpiece...and I don't really like shooters.  Back during Mass Effect, Bioware was my favorite gaming company. 

    What was your favorite part of ME?  Were you Paragon or Renegade? 

    Will there be a ME4 continuation?  I know they teased something awhile back, but I have not kept up with the news. 

    I played Andromeda recently for the first time and loved it, especially the combat. It's extremely ironic to meet people playing this game who hate Andromeda, they're like sister games, both almost died at launch thanks to a combination of bioware screwups and player overreactions, both have a dreadful reputation among gamers but both are...all right actually. Like not masterpieces especially compared to the other games in the series (kotor1-2 and the ME trilogy) but not terrible by any means. Bro thinks he's really edgy for still holding a grudge for Andromeda while writing on a forum for a game that most star wars fans have an identical, uninformed bad opinion of lmao. 

    It's also amusing meeting ME fans who haven't played this game or played any bioware game newer than LE because they act like ME4 will be this masterpiece and eh...would you really trust this studio, as it exists right now not 10 years ago with making an authentic continuation of a beloved trilogy? If they announced tomorrow that bioware would be making a SP kotor3, I'd be happy they were making a sequel sure but...very very concerned that bioware would be the ones doing it. For ME4 I'm really not looking forward to playing Knights of the Eternal Mass Effect thanks anyway. Betray your faction and become an indoctrinated reaper saboteur by...mislabeling ships and deleting farm data.   

  18. On 4/11/2023 at 6:26 AM, Trlance said:

    Star Wars the Old Republic is like -> Why can't heroes swim in games? - YouTube

    Question .. why? Why there is no swim in this game? Guild Wars 2 you can swim all time, even under water .. here nothing. Zero logic.


    ~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

    It only comes up really when you go to mannet point and you're told that you have to swim there. Of course you can just take the taxi but originally you had to unlock it first, but you get there just by walking through the ocean. Seems like they wrote that dialogue and designed the location before realizing that it made no sense for the engine limitations.

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  19. It seems like they wanted to increase the difficulty from the character end but I don't think that succeeded. It's not more difficult, it's just more boring. To increase the difficulty there's lots of more effective things they could have done, including reducing xp, reducing HP / Armor rating for both companions and PCs, increasing DPS of mobs, increasing frequency of silver/gold mobs etc.


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  20. On 1/31/2023 at 4:25 PM, OlBuzzard said:

    I think that is partially due to some of the harsh criticism that followed when something was overlooked or not on schedule.  Kind of a two-way street (IMO).   A road map might be good!  Then, again, it might just give some folks something else to complain about!

    Either way...  you are probably right!  I wouldn't hold my breath!

    Yeah no. They have been consistently terrible at communication going at least as far back as RotHC. They got abuse for stuff they did during that era like SGRs and that was bad, but then they instrumentalized that abuse as an excuse to avoid talking to players and restrict access as much as possible, and they've been milking it ever since. 

    Good communication starts from the top, the creative director and the culture they create, and it goes down to the frontline community managers and the messaging they send to players. What this one sends to me, just like the last one who is now unfortunately in charge, is that they only like comments that are 100% praise for the direction of the game with no criticism or asking for things. Beyond that, they collect feedback that goes nowhere, that doesn't get implemented, and every expansion they insist that they're going to communicate more and then they give up within weeks. This is a pattern of behavior, it is not something that players are responsible for, it is squarely on the shoulders of Bioware, full stop.

    We don't need more players defending these actions or blaming this situation on players. We are not responsible for the way bioware chooses not to communicate, nor are we complaining for the sake of complaining, no matter what white knights like the above poster presumes.  

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  21. 5 hours ago, TonyTricicolo said:

    It kinda looks like Dave Filoni is taking some inspiration from "Heir of the Empire" for his "Filoniverse" as I get the feeling that his movie will culminate the shows (The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, BoBF) in this period (The New Republic) with Thrawn as the "Big Baddie."   Okay, hear me out...my theory is that Palpatine's contingency plan if he died was the First Order. He wanted to build it way out in the unknown regions of space so that no one would notice it. The Chiss Ascendancy controls the unknown regions of space. Thrawn, wanting to improve his status with the ascendancy, brokers a deal on behalf of the Chiss to allow Palpatine to build in the region. Palpatine is so impressed with Thrawn that not only does he allow him, an alien, to join the Empire, he also makes him a high ranking official. Years go on, Palpatine and the Empire collapse and Thrawn becomes the "de facto" leader because everyone else above him is dead. 

    What's great about Thrawn in the EU is that his motive for joining Palpatine was very realpolitik, he thought that the Empire had the best chance of warding off external threats that the Old Republic couldn't agree to deal with and the Chiss had too many moral checks and balances preventing action. Later this was retconned into a fear of the Yuuzhan Vong but I think Zahn's original characterization worked fine. 

    The problem is that if there isn't this other motivation then his reason for joining the Empire doesn't make much sense, especially stuff like the Contingency which is just an extremely dumb concept no matter how much writers try to rationalize it. The 'Contingency' in the EU was basically the setup for Dark Empire, Byss / Exegol and cloned bodies and fleets of superweapon star destroyers. They didn't also need to tack on this contrived, silly plotline that they had to spend all this time and effort training officers who could 'take revenge' on the Empire and dismantle it, the rebellion could just do that themselves. What is Thrawn doing working with these dummies?

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  22. I'm on an acer gaming laptop with an i7-8750 @ 2.20GHz, using GTX 1060 Ti. Also experiencing a steep FPS drop in group content, opening inventory and legacy storage etc. My settings were max prior to the update. 

    The slowdown was so significant that I ended up having to uninstall and reinstall all my graphics drivers, which helped a little bit but the problem is still there for swtor.

    SWTOR has always been a beast to run compared to other games. I very much doubt bioware will do anything to fix the problem; players have been complaining about the FPS since launch and they've done nothing about it, why would it be different now? They will look at their metrics and assume that most players have no issues and for the rest of us it's because we're using laptops or we have older machines or whatever flimsy rationalization comes to mind. The time to fix this problem was in the PTS stage and as usual they ignored feedback. 



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