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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. 12 minutes ago, DawnAskham said:

    Feedback to take as you will...

    IMO waiting to announce a time-limited upcoming event the day before the event starts is just one of many reasons players consider Bioware's communication to be poor.

    The fact there are posts on external non-Bioware sites with details while Bioware will not confirm on their own site just helps illustrate how poor.

    Keep live streams for big upcoming changes like 7.3, that makes total sense.

    But come on, Bioware can do better with stuff like the May the 4th event that's announced around the web, just not on Bioware's own site. 

    Yup. It underscores how useless the official forum is. It's never been that useful for giving feedback, and their twitter has long been a better source for news, but as you say, seeing starwars.com providing info about the game that the devs won't confirm on their own site is a new low, Raffid :rak_01: 

  2. Those are some great credit sink ideas! Stronghold maintenance fees is a pretty good idea, again needs a progressive tax, maybe base it on legacy level and total unlocked rooms? That's something that shouldn't penalize new or low level characters if the LL is sufficiently high, and the credits can be taken directly out of legacy storage. 

    Gladiator battles are also good, and they could reuse assets by doing it through the Eternal Championship on Zakuul--beef up the combat to master mode or something. 

    I also like the modification to securetrade, but I can just picture the fury of some of the playerbase with that 1M low cap, I'm sure you'll see plenty here on the forum lol :rak_01:

  3. 34 minutes ago, MortenJessen said:


    But that requires me to actually care about that venue. I care about getting token gear. And I cant get more tokens from tech fragments. No matter how many times you two repeat it. 

    As for buying those things and turning them into credits... Well, while not among the richest in game, I have enough to not care even if they sold for 20 bil, so making them into credits also only hits home IF THAT WAS WHAT I INTENDED.

    On Topic:

    What players want, exept you two it seems, is the ability to turn one type of currency they dont want into the type they want, and in unlimited numbers (or at least 99999), no matter what you think about OEM or implants, or what ever. In that regard, techfragments ARE useless. 

    So, we've established that you don't care about the actual purpose of tech frags, and have been insisting that they're useless as an objective claim, even though they clearly aren't, when what you mean to say is that they aren't useful to your particular playstyle. 

    I don't disagree with the OP about his overall point, not sure why you're grouping me and the other poster together since more than a few of us have separately disagreed with your 'argument' (mainly colorful metaphors about how useless tech frags are) while in agreement or partially with the OP itself.

    You will probably find less disagreement if you avoid making objective claims that, when examined, are actually very subjective

    I also don't understand the difference between what you are claiming to be "on topic" versus what you said before that, other than that you bolded the on-topic stuff. Of course, subjectively, I could note that few of your posts seem to have had much relevance to the larger discussions, 'on topic' or not.  

    • Like 1
  4. 39 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

    As I said earlier, you can buy OEMs and RPMs with them which are needed to craft CM-1337 which in turn is needed to craft gold augments. Gold augments are part of the gearing process, so, essentially you can pay for part of that process with tech frags. You claiming that tech frags are useless doesn't make it so regardless how many times you repeat it.

    Fragments are also useful for buying gear, especially the implants. And even if you don't craft the augs, you can sell those OEMs and RPMs for ~150M. It really is a bizarre claim. 

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  5.  It's so often difficult for players to provide more than opinions about the state of the economy since we don't have actual data, but this comes closer than anything else i've seen. I like that it reads like an actual study abstract, very cool. 

    What types of CM items did you find were most profitable? Consumables? Packs? Dyes? What was the item you bought for 9M and sold for 305M? Can you give some further clarification on the difference in length of time between Categories 1 vs 2? Can you clarify roughly how many hours per 'rotation' (or per week) in the one-month sub period you spent on this experiment?

    Typically for me, crafting is quite time-intensive, so it makes me wonder how much longer Category 1 must be. I've also often noticed that selling mats can sometimes be faster than selling crafted items, especially for artifact mats. 

    I encourage players to rate this important thread highly to bring to the attention of @JackieKo and bioware. 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    Thanks for acknowledging that you've been following my posts, but no, I type a new variation every time I feel the need to mention it.

    If it makes you feel better i've been reading your posts for like 7 years and this is the first time I've seen your humblebrag :rak_01:. Congrats on 35 years developing! 

  7. I don't recall where I read this but Quesh was the first planet the original team built, which is why it has a lot of associated weirdness to it: no heroics, very small planet for vanilla, no companion influence in convos (except for the class stories), and the weirdness with the inoculation. My impression is that they were testing out a lot of little ideas and then the game was finished they either forgot about it, ran out of money, or the coding was too spaghettified to mess with. Maybe all three. The latter is probably why they won't do anything about the inoculation quest. 

    On 4/25/2023 at 1:07 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

    Beating 50s at 43 is, historically, impossible because you can't (couldn't?) damage enemies if you are (were?) more than five levels below their level.

    They must be using their lvl 50 companion to damage enemies; as you note, their toon would not be able to damage red-lined enemies 5+ levels above them, but comps are much stronger than they were when underleveling was more common. 

  8. 2 hours ago, VegaMist said:

    Please start moving them away from the ship (to Odessen) - my ship-droid is complaining about all the extra cleanup he now has to do.

    Odessen is a great idea, though I suppose the problem is that low levels can't access it. Also I don't think F2P have access. But this would be a useful sub perk--the same machine on Odessen that lets you pick up comps before you encounter them in the story (and is now redundant for most comps moving forward) could be used to transfer comps on your ship (including original comps, Lana / Theron) over to Odessen. And hey, maybe vice versa, if your SI really wants Bowdaar hanging out on your ship or something. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    It was a mistake --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/929094-jr-4-recon-droid-mini-pet/

    What i'm still wondering from @JackieKo though ( and that ^ thread is *locked/closed* so i can't ask there )   is whether or not the lucky players who happened to login during that 1-hour bug window  still  KEEP the wrong mini-pet ?

    Or do they have to wait  to receive it again properly like the rest of us ?

    Funny how it's now standard practice to lock gold post threads. I see communication is as high a priority for them as ever :rak_01:


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  10. 1 hour ago, Whykara said:

    The difference is, that Leyta is actually a Selonian and not a human with a helmet. It's just not believable that a human sounds exactly like a Selonian does. Same with the GS3 droid, why does a super advanced droid not speak Basic. I don't mind Fen and Altuur because they actually are aliens, so their voices make sense. 

    True. I think it would have been awesome if they made him without the helmet, and they had an initial scene of a regular looking guy making these insane noises and shapes with his mouth. I bet the devs are kicking themselves for missing such a brilliant opportunity. :rak_01:

  11. I don't mind Amity--or any of the GS comp voices--all that much, because i just spacebar through the convos on the ship, and in combat i don't find his selonian quips too bad. There's a selonian star fortress comp that uses the same language, no real difference. 

    It would be nice if they brought in real VAs. Or if they just stopped lying about VAs not costing much money given that everything they've done since 2015 would suggest the opposite. 

  12. Since 7.0 dropped I've been slowly raising up all my alts from 75-80, and soon that process will finally be done. I'm a bit tired of swtor so I'll be taking a step off the GS hamster wheel after 2XP. I have a lot of games that I bought during steam and epic game sales that i haven't gotten around to playing, and wondering if the forum can help me decide what to try next. The only caveat is that I don't want to buy anything else until I've played through these. So, in no particular order:

    •  Dragon Age series - I played DAO to endgame then lost all my progress in a glitch. I've heard the other two games are worth playing but shouldn't I complete DAO first?
    •  Control - I played about an hour of this and liked it before doing something else and forgetting about it. I like the connection to SCP though and the resident evil feeling.
    •  Tyranny - Got through the character creation stage but then read some reviews and discovered that it's quite difficult, which is a con, but has a really good story. 
    •  Fallout series - I have all of them except Fallout 3 and 4. Never touched any but I did try the mmo and thought it was pretty bad, which discouraged me.  
    •  Bioshock series - I played the remastered first one for quite awhile but I eventually found the combat very repetitive and also kept getting lost.
    •  Batman Arkham series - I've got all except Origins. I haven't touched any of them. I did check the graphics for the first one and thought it looked kinda ugly.
    •  Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - I haven't touched this game but might have been turned off it by the mmo. I'm on a bit of a LOTR kick right now though.
    •  Dishonored - All I know about this game is it's kinda like prince of persia. I think I picked this because it has multiple ways of completing objectives.


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  13. 1 hour ago, Eckrond said:

    Yes, and I think you should take my advice too; I may be wrong, but I disagree with you, and that is not a personal attack. It is not an insult to you that people disagree with your perspective.

    QT tax will and is impacting inflation, however much in a small way, it will and is realigning the new player travel and exploration experience, and it is in all likelihood here to stay because the reality is that, while you may be intellectually in the right about some of your points here, none of them are actually all that compelling.  Certainly not in regards to the impact the tax will have moving forward, again because it is a mechanic that should have been in the game years and years ago.

    As you have admitted elsewhere, this change does not matter to you. That being the case, it does not matter whether you find the arguments compelling because it is not up to you. 

    There seems to be some confusion among the players who are busy defending (or so they assume) bioware's position, that those of us who don't like the change must persuade them to agree with us. Let me clear the air for you: you are not bioware. You have no power to make the desired change. You are arguing with us simply to argue, and whenever your motives or tactics are pointed out you resort to this defensive "personal attacks" rhetoric. I acknowledge that you may be offended by some of this back and forth, but imo there is no personal attack being made here, because it isn't personal--because your apathy isn't relevant to the topic. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, Eckrond said:

    And yet I have the freedom to express my perspective as I see fit.  It's a shame for you that offends you so much to here perspectives that contrast your own, even more shameful that you feel the need to express it in such an insulting manner while accusing others of baiting and trolling.  So here's where I'll leave it: nothing you have to say on this matter has been compelling in the slightest, you don't like that change and that is obvious.  Tough.

    Yes, you are a sub so you are entitled to post here, no denying that. My point is that if you understand why OP and others are upset by the change, as you say you do, and if you also acknowledge that you don't care about the change either way...then why do you continue to argue?

    Oh wait.

    • Like 4
  15. 2 hours ago, Eckrond said:

    Perhaps exercise the possibility in your mind that people simply disagree with your perspective, rather than that they are trolling or baiting.  Progression is not a non-sequitur in this context, amassing credits is a form of progression as you ought to know without it needing to be explained.  If your costs for standard services increase with your wealth, your wealth is not actually increasing is what I have pointed out and what you have failed to address.

    And again, the context keeps getting lost here that you are talking about a luxury service, not one needed to actually play the game at all. Maybe lay off the comment stalking and ad hominems and just accept that, perhaps, you are not right about everything you believe.

    It's not comment stalking, it's simply reading your posts in this thread--you're not posting in a void. Where is the ad hominem? Yes, your post was bait, and this post is also bait, you've written it to anger people. Like calling QT, a QoL ability we've had since launch, a "luxury service", in order to divert people into debating this and distracting them from the actual point of the thread. Nah, I'll pass. 

    Let me direct you to the point at which you should have decided on your own to limit your involvement in this thread:

    On 4/20/2023 at 8:29 AM, Eckrond said:

    Well, if the time it takes you to run/mount/taxi from your location to the Senate Plaza is anything more than 100 seconds, then logic dictates that you're getting an absolute great deal by paying only 100x the price for instant travel.

    But I understand your gripe and complaint, I have no skin in the game myself

    You understand OP's complaint? You have no skin in the game? Great. So do those of us who DO care the courtesy and respect by stepping back from constantly centering your own perspective in a discussion that means nothing to you. 

    • Like 2
  16. 57 minutes ago, Kabires said:

    Hi mates,

    I have played SWTOR since 2013, with a pause for a year and so. I always loved the stories, the attention to detail, the fact that you had voices in the dialogue, etc. The grinding part didn't seem that bad. Now I am catching up with the Showdown on Ruhnuk and I must say that if the first part is excellent, the part where I have to catch Kur is grinding as hell. Literally, I have for a mission, objectives located on the four corners of the map. Once I complete those, the next mission has objectives in similar areas. Once that is completed, the next mission, guess what? Same thing. How many times should I do the same four or five locations for different objectives without a player feeling that this is only implemented to 'inflate' the gameplay?  It's the only expansion pack that I couldn't finish after one or two gameplays. It is so boring and repetitive that I can't finish it with fun. This is a clear example that the devs wanted to extend the gameplay at the cost of quality. Maybe they have a lower budget, or they got lazy but this is not the SWTOR I got used to. Not to mention that this expansion lacks a voice for our main character.
    Sadly, even if I am a huge Star Wars fan, if I will see that this is the path they are taking on, I will cancel my subscription and uninstall the game. I will not support something that regresses in quality which  I hope isn't a sign that the game is dying slowly.

    I disliked the entire aspect of the Kur story. I was particularly annoyed that the mission immediately prior to the showdown has players going into an area crawling with gold and silver mobs just to get to the instance--it was easier to just die a couple times and respawn closer to the entrance than try to fight through them.

    imo the entirety of Ruhnuk is set up to pad the gameplay with Makeb-style mob density. And that's the one area where I disagree with your post, because to me this is a mistake that bioware has made before and was forced to change due to massive player reaction, and here they are a decade later doing it again. If Ruhnuk goes the same way Makeb did, then in a few years--assuming the game survives that long--it will remove most of its overly complicated dailies too.  

    The storyline for these dailies are also really dumb. Very few of my characters, even the most lightsided or friendly to mandalorians, give a crap about the 'feelings' of basilisk droids, much less have any desire for one. I wanted one in K2 when it was cool and integral to the plot, not in swtor when it's just going to be a crappy pet or mount. It's just the latest example of bioware profoundly misunderstanding why players loved the kotor games. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

    Operations are sub only, and the other objectives can be done by preferred.   Although you think that would be reason to put the objective in, not leave it out.

    I do think it's strange that pvp seasons has sub-only objectives, which is pretty poor planning when you want to encourage group content for faster queues, but the regular galactic seasons doesn't. Rather than take one objective away, BW should add an eighth objective that is sub-only, always worth 10 points, and that encourages sub-only content, like Uprisings, Ops, or specific endgame stuff like the Manaan Weekly. 

    As someone who is usually preferred, I'd rather they do it that way, which, in theory, would help subs complete the Season faster, and would also free up objective options that preferred can't do anyway. That is, assuming implementing this would actually free up space for different objectives. For example, I'm confused why there's still any pvp objectives for GS when we have pvp seasons already. 

  18. 32 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    Then i'll either be correct in my assessment and maybe it will help BioWare fix things.  Or...i'll be wrong and my usual umm forum "fans" can enjoy a day-of-drooling at my error. :tran_tongue:

    I'm laughing with you, not at you. I think it's an interesting theory and really, any explanation for the lag is appreciated if it leads to a solution. Even if you're wrong, it outraged the Theron fans so you still accomplished something :rak_01: 

    • Thanks 1
  19. 2 hours ago, Eckrond said:

    If your problem is that quest rewards become more and of greater value to you, as a player, as you progress through the game then I think you miss the point of progression.

    The problem, as you ought to know without it needing to be explained, is that the tax is marketed as a credit sink but does nothing of the sort, because it costs more at early planets than it does for endgame planets. If it were truly progression, the cost of the taxi would be greater the higher level planet you go. 

    But also progression is a non-sequitur in this game because of stuff like level sync and the disconnect between gaining levels and abilities, so your snarky comment really adds nothing at all to the discussion.

    I looked at your other recent posts. Have you got anything to say that isn't bait?

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  20. 1 hour ago, DawnAskham said:

    The launch 1.0 versions of gearing were pretty bad, with lots of different currencies, fixed stat / fixed class drops, RNG bags, lack of crafted items, etc, and very little gear progress outside of operations.

    By the end of 1.0 days though it was pretty good (e.g. around when Black Hole and TfB were added), with similar gearing existing for 2.0, 3.0, and even 4.0.

    It was only with the silly RNG boxes in 5.0 (Galatic Command) that gearing started becoming more of a grind for grind's sake.


    Yes, as I understand it launch was very similar to what it is now, minus Hyde/Zeek. Even the names are similar, like Rakata and Columi. I was still able to buy Columi gear by late 2.0, mainly by accident because I had no idea how gearing worked post-50 and there was no in-game information. Again, just like gearing today. 

  21. 1 hour ago, ceryxp said:

    The problem, of course, is that that would cost development time and so we got the lazy implementation that affords zero attention to character level or credit generation potential.

    Exactly. This explains most of the problems in this game. 

  22. On 4/22/2023 at 5:17 PM, Jdast said:

    I admire your perseverance, but at some point you should recognize that the overwhelming majority disagrees with you. There is a reason why. I can count on two fingers the people who agree with your definition of Play-to-Win. Nevertheless, keep Tilting at Windmills. Your crusade has gained no traction for years and never will, either in SWTOR or any other major MMORPG.



    I agree with Flat. Admittedly, I mainly agree because I dislike most of the players arguing with him and their conservative, do-nothing attitude about fixing game problems. At least he has a well-thought out plan for making changes. So on that basis, I'm happy to lend him the benefit of my considerable influence as solidarity for whatever it is he's agitating for :rak_01: 

    • Thanks 1
  23. I only learned recently that the ship vendor on fleet sells legacy bound fleet/ship consumables for GSF based on fleet comms. You get comms from GSF ofc but you also get them from space missions. And if you're like me and you have a bunch of alts, and you've done space missions and the comms just stack up because there never seemed that much to buy with them, you could go on all your alts, buy whatever you can--the cheapest costs 40 comms--then mail them to an alt or wait out the timer, and then use them with the designated GSF toon. I had enough saved comms to max out every republic ship this way. 

    The second useful thing you could do is check the vulkk guide which will tell you the best builds and crew setups, rather than being like me and using nullify for every ship. 

    The third useful thing I can suggest is that if you accidentally target someone, which can happen very easily, you can untarget by pressing ESC. 

    I've been playing GSF since at least 5.0 and didn't find out any of this until a few months ago, mostly by accident. 

    4 hours ago, aeterno said:

    People don't tend to get worked up over GSF cos rewards are good for the effort put in, since the weekly is 6 losses in a worst-case scenario + you get a metric ton of conquest points for using each ship type in 5 matches anyways, so it's like 1 match difference even if you lose every time...

    There's a lesson there for BW in their neigh-decade quest to make regular PvP "less toxic" I think... Only wins count quests is toosh design. 

     Yes, the camaraderie is a major part of the appeal for me. The conquest points are great and GS objectives ofc but no other pug group activity is as consistently friendly. Or at least non-hostile.  

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