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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I like slower leveling...and sometimes I miss the 2.0-4.0 era, especially the planetary comms and the higher difficulty for leveling. But classic = launch sounds dreadful. Even if they tailored it to that sweet spot I think it would be extremely niche, can't imagine it would get many takers, and then what's the incentive for bioware? Maybe if they sold it for CCs but that would just lower the population further. It'd be like playing on Pot5 all over again, a dead server. 

    If you want slower leveling, they sell the WAM on fleet during 2xp. It's BoL so grab it, wait for the event to end and then roll a new character with it on. There was some question whether or not it would work for subs but I tried it myself on two brand new alts, a Smuggler and BH, and doing all sidequests / exploration (no heroics though), they arrived on Fleet at level 10 and level 11 respectively. Keeping it on permanently is an option but imo inadvisable, by the time you hit Corellia you'll be 4 levels behind unless you're doing a lot of other group stuff to make up for it. I also try to leave planets a little before level sync kicks in to keep the difficulty level at the intended pace, and even with the WAM on you'll still have to skip quests on the Act 1 planets or you'll overlevel, but it's nowhere near as bad as default. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:


    Sorry to hear that you're losing interest in swtor, but I think it's pretty natural. I also go through cycles, play other games, do other things, and I think that's true for many players. And I do genuinely connect what you're saying there with the sense of despair that there's some great ideas lying on the table but no one's picking them up.

    Still, at the end of the day, it's just a game. I've gotten a decade of enjoyment out of it. If it were to end tomorrow I don't think I'd be too bothered, but at the same time, I don't think the current state of the game economy is what would lead to that. It's important but not that important imo. As a company, bioware has released some amazing games with great replayability and I'm still pretty optimistic about their future success with upcoming games like ME4. 

    Sorry folks, off-topic derail is complete. I'd have messaged the player directly but darn it all, an error message always comes up :rak_01:

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, turbomagnus said:

    It is generally accepted that there are two Cathar subspecies, the 'normal' more feline Cathar with the reverse knees, etc. and the one that Juhani is part of (and has unofficially given her name to) sometimes called the 'Cathar-Juhani' whom are more human in appearance, so it's not just headcanon. Though, Juhani, while Cathar as a species, was actually not a native of the planet, she was born on Taris. So what planet they were born on doesn't seem to affect when subspecies a particular Cathar is part of.

    Wow I had no idea! That's a good point about Juhani being born on Taris. But it also means that she's the more human looking which doesn't really make sense to me. To me the difference isn't biological like Zabrak, it's cultural, that's why where they come from matters because it shapes their experience. Though again, with Juhani it screws up that theory because if she's born on Taris she should have tried to look and act more human to compensate. 

    Not that it really matters I guess. I keep thinking about writing a swtor fanfic but idk if I'll ever do it.

  4. 2 minutes ago, turbomagnus said:

    It's more an RP angle than anything, but there is one Republic class where the Vette/Torian choice can weigh - Smuggler. Who do you let die, one of Akaavi's fellow Mandalorians (even if from a different clan) or Risha's old friend and pseudo-sister?

    iirc Vette and Risha have never yet met in-game. If they had, absolutely it would have been a much different decision for my smuggler at least. At this point I assume they're planning to just leave it as an easter egg. My headcanon is that it would have looked like this (skip down to halfway).

  5. 21 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

    IMO in this thread there are several statements made by many different individuals ... MANY of which are correct.  The real frustrating part is watching someone fuss about who is MORE correct!  

    Why not just help solve the problem and work together for a change?

    (Like anybody these days wants to hear that sort of thing!!!)


    Although we disagree on a lot of things, I know exactly how you mean and I feel very similar. It's a shame that the venue prevents us from having a...full and frank exchange of ideas. But you know, the star wars setting has a lot of examples that perfectly describes this sense of frustration, like Manaan in the first kotor or Voss in this game...Empire and Republic having to be so cordially passive aggressive with each other on Voss-ka otherwise the Three will throw them off the Step of Harmony :rak_01:

    Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra 

  6. 28 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    I'm just very passionate about canon and Lucas's vision.

    I read a lot of your posts and they usually leave me with a favorable impression of you.

    Like I said, I'll make this my last response in this string and let the discussion get back to what was it's main intent.

    Yes, agree to disagree. I know many fans center George's interpretation and it's not a hill I'm going to die on fighting it. 

    I also feel the same way reading your posts 🥰

    What were we talking about again? Er...

    On 5/10/2023 at 2:42 PM, wombatjake said:

     This game is a bloated mess in a good way. There is no "balance" and the lore is all over the place. Just let us freakin play like ACTUAL star wars characters in the warrior roles they are in. Imagine actually thinking you can take on an entire army with a pistol but you're a smuggler by trade. Stop this madness. Your designs make no sense. 

    oh right :rak_03:

    • Like 2
  7. It does suck to walk everywhere...but on the other hand...

    The game was clearly intended for players to walk around for a big part of the leveling experience. The devs obviously didn't get how annoying that would be especially on alts, but there's so much ambient dialogue for companions in random areas that they wouldn't have added if they knew players would be cruising through DK on mounts and QTing everywhere. Coruscant especially has a ton of it, in the black sun zone and the southern part of the migrant merchants area practically every time you enter a new room Qyzen/Corso/T7/Jorgan will pipe up. 

    The devs bent to popular opinion and have been steadily making it easier and faster to level for most of the game's history, which is why it feels so out of left field now, but a QT tax would have fit right in 2.0, especially aimed at F2P. Does this mean that they're starting to backpedal and throttle content to slow the leveling pace? Or is it just an unintended side effect of the tax and the devs just...do things, randomly without thinking through the message they're sending. You decide! :rak_01:

    • Like 1
  8. It's 2023 and people still talk about George Lucas like he matters anymore smh. He lucked into ANH thanks to the better writing of his editors. If he'd been allowed to write the story the way he wanted to, we'd now be playing a flash gordon fanfic abomination like this. Canon is not solely up to what the creator says it is, it's a collaboration between writers and fans, that extends beyond star wars and is the basis for fanfiction--which again, perfectly describes Lucas' original intention for this franchise. The disney sequels were awful but at least it got the franchise away from him, IDC what he thinks about the rule of two or randomly changing the name of Korriban, he's irrelevant now!

    This thread seems like it belongs more in Story and Lore than the main page lol. The canon in this game is generally fine, the biggest problem is that it needs to cater to 1) game mechanics and player expectations.

    Game mechanics (for an MMO at least) like 'every class must be equal', 'lightsabers don't beat blasters' etc. Player expectations like the setting and tech base is roughly similar to what you expect star wars to look like, the bad guys fly wedge shaped ships and have almost the same flag as the empire, the sith all look like Darth Vader and Sidious knockoffs, superweapons that can de facto destroy planets, stealthing is common even for ships, etc etc. Then you fast forward to the prequels and wonder why almost nothing has changed in 3000 years. or fast forward to the OT and wonder why everything looks like worn out junk--at least BSG offered an explanation for the tech regression when they rebooted the show. 

     If they had kept the setting to the canon Tales of the Jedi setting, which was basically a Conan fanfic[1], it would have been almost unrecognizable as star wars. bioware gave up on that idea when they made the first kotor game and it was a wise decision imo. So here we are with this game. What's canon takes a backseat to gameplay considerations, and the reason the classes are the way they are is exactly what I just said: appealing to player expectations (archetype star wars roles) and game mechanics (eight unique stories with unique equipment). So yes a bounty hunter can now use whatever gun he wants but a mercenary/pt can ONLY use BPs and that's not going to change, because of the way they set it up. At least it's better than most of this game's history when a BH could only blaster pistols.  

    [1] funny how everyone whines about the immaculate perfection of the star wars canon when again and again we see how writers heavily borrowed from other fandoms. You would think that would make fans a little less rigid :rak_01:

  9. 39 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    That stuff about the dialogue and influence points happens even if you play through instead of skipping.

    Yes, good point. So, if you like that ambient dialogue/influence, it's best to avoid skipping OR starting kotfe/ossus unless you plan to do more endgame story content on that character. And if that's the case, imo it's better to play through otherwise your choices will be defaulted. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Char_Ell said:

    In other words, you can't be bothered to back up your own claims and won't respond to evidence I provided.  Got it.  Your theorycrafting may make perfect sense to you but does not to me.  As I said your theory can be lumped into the same "conspiracy theory" category just as easily as the ones you place in that category.

    I had a debate with Trixxie awhile back about using white acute modules to throttle XP gain outside of 2XP events. I use them on my characters for that purpose and have seen other players do it, but the WAM doesn't seem to work for Trixxie and so they wanted me to prove my claim by making a video showing the comparison. What they misunderstood, and what you're misunderstanding now, is that this isn't a debate forum. I didn't care if they believed me or not, I mentioned it so that other players, if interested, can see for themselves. We are under no obligation to prove our claims to each other, unless that other is bioware, and they are very specific when they ask for player data. 

    So I don't really get the demanding tone of a lot of these posts. If you have no ability to make the desired changes, which only bioware does, then your opinion--'your' meaning every non-gold text poster on this forum--is basically irrelevant. Just like the Like emojis are irrelevant or forum reputation etc. Yet you seem to persistently believe that your role is to stand in judgement of other people's ideas.

    Here's another example: I've been championing this idea of a credit purge or reset, and the general response has been extremely negative. And that's fine, because ultimately it doesn't matter to me what the players think. I don't need to prove that it would work or show that it would be popular, or do anything except express the idea, and from there bioware can take it and maybe they'll do that and maybe they won't. They certainly haven't let overwhelming disapproval stop them from implementing their ideas. But I guarantee you that Joe and Jackie are not sitting on the sidelines evaluating the logical rigour of our arguments and assigning points accordingly. 

    I think it's important to touch grass occasionally because I have personally found it to be alarmingly easy to slip into the mindset of thinking that my judgment ought to have some kind of effect on anyone else, and it doesn't. And whenever this comes up, there's always someone who gets defensive and says they have a right to speak on the forum yadda yadda okay. Sure, say whatever you want. But that's all the power you've got, the ability to post. Your disapproval or my approval on @TrixxieTriss 'theorycrafting' does not matter whatsoever. 





    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, DawnAskham said:

    I'm so confused...

    Is the point of the 'credit economy initiative' to actually improve the economy and overall game for players, or to keep some Bioware people busy so they can tell their boss 'Look at what I did these past few months' and justify their position?

    Because I sure don't get why they are spending an inordinate amount of time trying to come up with some sort of fee schedule for every item that could possibly be traded from player to player while at the same time, this will be the second implementation of changes that do not address the biggest potential sink - increasing the GTN price listing limit.

    Anyways, I provided feedback in the PTS thread about the fees applied to items traded outside the GTN being something that should be scrapped or at least not implemented until after things like GTN limits and ongoing efforts to combat excess credit generation are implemented and given time to effect the economy.

    And if Bioware are (which let's face it, they always are) hellbent on implementing their crazy convoluted ideas, the least they could do is use some basic reasonable and easy-to-understand logic in setting the fees.

    Use the rolling 30-day median price for cartel packs (the individual 200 CC ones) sold on the GTN to establish a CC to credit value, use that value times the CC price of the item on CM times the transaction fee.

    For any CM item without a direct CC price, assign a CC 'value' based on the price of other similar items (like for like, if platinum weapons are 2K on CM, any platinum weapon without a direct CC price should be set with a 2K CC 'value' to use for calculating the transaction fee).

    For anything sold in-game by a vendor, any fee should be less than the vendor buy price.

    For anything crafted or gathered, use the vendor buy price (or reasonable multiple) to set the fee.

    Trying to set fees by pulling GTN price data (when many items can't even be listed due to the current limit, sell so rarely the data will be extremely noisy, and where price data can be manipulated) just seems like a really bad idea.

    Just apply the GTN transaction fee to credits traded outside the GTN, increase the GTN listing limit, and keep up the focus on constraining new credit generation.

    lol I called it back in March. A lot of players seem so thrilled that the devs are finally communicating back and forth that they miss the fact that this is a well established holding pattern for them. We shouldn't have to say "that tax is nonsensical change it". Of course it's nonsensical, and of course he had an immediate small edit to make. 

    It's also clear that the hidden edit will come down the road to prevent guilds from evading the tax keeps the inflation problem from being solved anyway. We all realize what a massive loophole that is, right? And others have suggested applying something like the week long conquest reset to prevent players joining guilds and taking advantage of the evasion. That seems like common sense, are they going to do it? Maybe in a few months after 'monitoring closely' so they have something they can check off instead of just getting it right the first time lmao.  

    On 3/14/2023 at 8:06 AM, Ardrossan said:


    It's been clear since at least 5.0 (maybe earlier) that much of what the devs do in these updates is busywork that gives their EA slave overseers the misleading impression that the devs have been getting a lot done when they've actually done very little that progresses the game.

    Their 'fix' for the inflation problem comes from the same energy: they'll try the ridiculous scheme of taxing quick travel and when that fails they can say "oh well we tried this one thing, that didn't work (not going to revert the changes though!) so now we'll try something else!" to give them another actionable item they can use to fill up spreadsheets of completed tasks. 

    When/if 8.0 churns out in a couple years, they will undoubtedly change the gearing system again to something else, maybe less convoluted, maybe more. I pvp but I see no reason to gear up beyond 326, the system is stupid and deliberate trash so they have something that they can spend months applying small fixes to in order to trick people into believing that outside of the small content updates they produce, they're hard at work 'improving' the game.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, RevBurt said:

    The easiest but  the most  unpopular fix for this:

    Deduct once 25-50% of credits from all accounts, including guild banks instead of Taxing people to death.  Remember, this is play money.

    It's a quick fix and requires no new coding.

    This is the correct answer. I would go higher but yeah 25-50 is fine. A lot of people here think this idea is dumb and to that i would say that there are probably lots of much better ideas but they take either a delicate hand, or one with the funding to create viable credit sinks in addition to pumping out content at least once a year. In my experience bioware is neither of things. The new tax on consumables is a pretty good example of a heavy handed approach, which, unlike mine if it doesn't work, at least we aren't stuck with permanently like this tax. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Trebor-droffig said:

    yes ive made tickets..plenty of them over the past 3 months..still haven't heard a damn word back,STEAM was the only way i could play ..this PC is only 2 months old and i could only play on the lowest possible settings..they removed the lowest settings in the last update and now my Game will not play..doesn't sound like |" MY PC "...it could be but im seeing more than "Just me" having launcher problems,and this isn't the only pc ive had this problem with..its whole reason i bought this new pc

    you can also call cs. That might be more direct. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Notinthehair said:

    Heads up.  I didn't know this was a thing.


    My SWTOR account has been banned because I purchased a subscription from Steam which wasn't applied to my account (yes, I did all the troubleshooting).  After a few days of waiting after purchase I requested a refund which PayPal gave me right away, and I subscribed via the SWTOR site instead.

    As of today, my SWTOR account which I have had since 2015 is banned, and my Steam account is frozen just because EA and Valve don't know how to play together.  I won't be disputing the ban because the game quality and its account issues just aren't worth it.

    That's rough buddy. 

    4 hours ago, Notinthehair said:

    But it's not an error.  I would say given the length of time this has been occurring, the amount of reports, and the lack of action to actually resolve the issue it almost looks to be by design.

    I think you're both in agreement. It is a bug not a feature, but also it's a known bug that they have done nothing to fix (like many bugs in this game). I could have been in your situation tbh--I used to buy my game time from the Origin deluxe bundle but when Origin got eaten by EA, I wasn't sure how to resub. I looked at the Steam thing but in the end I decided to just do it directly from the swtor website.  

    It's a shame that so many great games (and swtor) require you to play on EA's platform. They really are the irl Sux0rz :rak_03:

  15. 2 hours ago, Whykara said:

    The renown system was a low effort grind wheel designed to keep you playing despite there not being anything to do. It's been replaced by seasons, which is a step up because at least you get some nice rewards and have incentives to do something new every week. 

    I disliked Renown intensely, but the command XP system that preceded it was pretty good except for using it to gear your character (i.e its main purpose). But getting the gifts, decos and armor / weapon shells was nice. And I think they could combine that system with GS easily, every level you get a 5 point rep item for the current season plus blue, purple and gold comp gifts. It was one of the things I looked forward to with subscribing, and when they got rid of it I lost a big motivation because I wasn't gaining levels anymore. 

    They could also probably turn it into a credit sink, maybe even combine it with amplifiers. 

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, wombatjake said:

    And again, enough with your weapon restrictions. The animations are all there for any tech to use any gun and still use the same "ammo" that class uses coming out of a different class' gun. 

    Actually no the animations aren't all there. If you're a tech class in cut scenes you always use a default blaster pistol regardless of what your actual weapon is. This has been the case since launch. iirc they tried to fix this at one point and for literal years we had characters holding empty hands instead, and this bug still happens sometimes. That should tell you that they can't just flip a button and make your idea work.


    3 hours ago, wombatjake said:

    There is no "balance" and the lore is all over the place. Just let us freakin play like ACTUAL star wars characters in the warrior roles they are in. Imagine actually thinking you can take on an entire army with a pistol but you're a smuggler by trade. Stop this madness. Your designs make no sense. 

    Speaking of making no sense. I'm guessing it's "yadda yadda my smuggler doesn't smuggle anything"? Don't overthink why the classes are the way they are, bioware certainly didn't :rak_01: 

  17. I would strongly advise not skipping to Ossus, because while it's true that you get most of your comps/new comps back, and you can always get old comps like Tanno Vik from the Odessen terminal, the old comps come back...wrong. For the most part, they don't have ambient dialogue on planets like they used to, nor will you be able to gain companion influence from them rerunning old content (or any content really). 

    So, for example, if I have two level 80 troopers, one which has skipped to Ossus (Trooper A) and one that is still pre-KOTFE (Trooper B), and both run Esseles to get the weekly GS. If I bring Jorgan as the comp on Trooper B, then he will gain dialogue influence, but Trooper A's Jorgan won't. 

    Back in the day I didn't know this and I always skipped my alts to KOTFE/Ossus to gain the extra companions, but nowadays I never do this for new alts because unless you plan to use those alts for endgame post-Ossus story content, there's no point skipping. It just ruins the characters in my opinion. 

    Also, if you skip to KOTFE/Ossus, you won't be able to play SoR or the prelude, it locks you out. You can still do Makeb and Oricon though. 

    • Like 1
  18. First, did you call customer support? Make a ticket? That would be your first resort, not this forum.  

    I know it doesn't help to point this out, but if other players aren't having this problem, and reinstalling the game / verifying integrity isn't fixing the problem...that suggests it's a computer problem not a game problem.

    Some suggestions: you could try running the game as administrator. You could also turn off 3rd party overlays (EA App, Steam, Game Ready) because they have been known to crash other games. You mentioned that you updated your computer--have you also updated the graphics driver? I noticed swtor running very slowly / instability after the graphics update, I tried many solutions but couldn't figure it out and it turned out to be the driver issue, but even when i checked the driver it said it was up to date, and i had to manually uninstall and reinstall it, and only then did swtor start working right again. 

    • Like 1
  19. 56 minutes ago, MasterAntwonobi said:
    • What kinds of information do you use to decide when to make a purchase? If you could have more information what would you want?

    I think the GTN needs to be formatted to have a cap on all items depending on tier (bronze, silver, etc.) and the abundance (rarity) of like items for sale. For instance, if a platinum-tier item is for sale, it should come with a maximum value. Let's say 1M. No one can sell a platinum-tier item for any more than 1M credits. As more people post the same item, the price would naturally decrease as people want to be the better bargain. The approach could be that certain price tags have allotments. So, let's that platinum item being sold for 1M is the only one of that specific item that can be sold for 1M. After that, players have to lower their prices as the GTN will reject the post. Alternatively, the GTN could automatically be set to lower the price at programmed integers. There would be a cap at how low the prices can go in order to prevent items from being sold for free. So, the platinum-tier item is found 50 times and as 1M is the highest it can be sold for, the lowest could be 100K. That would mean that the next best tier (gold) would be at a cap of 100K. The hierarchy would continue one through silver and bronze.

    I'm sure this is very complicated, but much of the playerbase can agree that many have ungodly high prices that make it virtually impossible for anyone to buy them. It would take people buying credits from 3rd party entities which then adds to the inflation problem.

    Price controls! I'm down for this. Partly because I think it's a good idea, partly because it will make people who already think the taxes are communism to go absolutely frothing at the mouth berserk :rak_01:

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  20. 5 hours ago, recalcitrantIre said:



    Bioware themselves admitted that the conquest revamp brought in far more legitimate credits than they'd ever anticipated which is why goal rewards were entirely removed and the completion reward was trimmed down to a single 25k certificate

    and thats why it isnt actually a solution

    lol ok hope you like paying 5 million to trade someone a medpac.  

  21. 56 minutes ago, recalcitrantIre said:

    the overwhelming majority of credits in circulation are legitimate and the reason there's so many is because bioware have spent the better part of the decade either accelerating credit generation or removing credit sinks, and their refusal to even consider certain avenues for de-circulating credits is just going to drive more and more people away from the game


    doesn't fix the core issues of imbalanced generation, which is probably why people thought you were a clown

    Doesn't need to fix them, just kick them down the road a bit longer. If you want a finely tailored solution, this thread is what you get: a lot of heavy handed, permanent taxes that may not fix the core issues anyway. As you say, bioware is not interested in those 'certain avenues', like viable credit sinks, so in the absence of that, these are the two options we got. My solution would have kept the game more or less unchanged besides the wipe. Seems preferable to the alternative.  

  22. I wonder if any of the players who opposed me when I suggested nuking the economy still stand by that? You didn't want any 'radical' solutions then, well how do you like these apples? Because I think wiping out all credits everywhere would probably be less painful and less permanent than these changes. 

    8 hours ago, commanderwar said:

    For anyone who wants to know what the tax will be when just trading items (no credits involved) here it is by swtorista/ Lady Admiral found, from testing some items (not trading credits) individually on pts and seeing the taxing cost. So if you want to give players advance augment 74, you better have 5 million on hand.

    Item Tax
    Advanced Critical Augment 74 5 mill
    Advanced Kyrprax Critical Adrenal 1 mill
    Advanced Kyrprax Medpac 1 million
    Advanced Kyrprax Medpac MK-2 (reuseable) 2.7 million 2.7 million
    Advanced Kyrprax Versatile Stim 1 mill
    Advanced Polybiotic Medpac (not level 80) 165,000
    Advanced V-9 Seismic Grenade 4 mill
    Ambassador's Meditation Hoverchair (gold mount) 192 mill
    Alliance Consul's Dias (silver mount) 72 mill
    Augmentation Kit MK-11 1.6 mill
    Banner: Onderon 738k
    Black and Black Dye Module 120 mill
    Deep Pink and Deep Purple Dye Module 19 mill
    Emote: Sweep 10 mill
    Flagship Plans: Command Encryption 1.3 mill
    Flair: Snowtacular 80 mill
    Force Crystal Flair Bundle 128 mill
    Frontline Gapillian (gold mount) 120 mill
    Grassland Varactyl 120 mill
    Hypercrate: Ultimate Cartel Pack
    wasn't able to test due to bind timer
    Iziz Courtyard Water Basin 0
    Junkshop Decoration Bundle 129 mill
    Mandalorian Pillar 0
    Mission Discovery: Archaeology (Grade 5)  
    Nahut's Heavy Sniper Rifle 224 mill
    Rakghoul Vaccine x4 300,000 Credits
    Revan Holostatue 120m ill
    Revan Reborn Breastplate 72 mill
    Ruthless Scion's Armor Set 37.5 mil
    Secondary White Dye Module 13 mill
    Sensuous Dress Bottom 46 mill
    Superior Critical Augment 77 52 mill
    Planetary Display: Tatooine 0
    Ultimate Cartel Pack x5 80 mill
    Universal Prefab MK-3 900k
    Warzone Adrenal x5 393,000 Credits
    White and White Dye 80 mill
    Warzone Adrenal x 1263 99 mill

    I particularly like this one:

    On 5/5/2023 at 8:42 AM, JoeStramaglia said:

    Exceptions to Trades Under a Certain Value

    Unfortunately, any exceptions leave room for abuse. Even if most folks would use it for altruistic means such as gifts, it creates a loophole for those looking to dodge the system. We’ll be keeping a close eye on how folks behave under this system with the existing exceptions to see if we need to make further changes.

    i.e 'no exceptions'. And we're keeping the QT tax. Maybe they'll adjust it in six months or a year and lower the prices a bit, but probably not much and not change to a more rational model like progressive tax by legacy level or planet level. This is the system we'll be stuck with and as you can see it will extend well beyond not being able to buy orange shells cheap on the GTN, hope it was worth it :rak_01:  

  23. I love threads like this. They really make me stop and think and re-evaluate my opinions. For example, a common criticism on the forum is that there is no problem with inflation, it's just players annoyed that they can't get x item in the CM for a price they can afford. I've always felt that my reasoning wasn't so superficial, that inflation affects mats and consumables and other QoL stuff that many newer players without a lot of credits 'need'. But then I see threads like this and think, maybe it's the same thing? Maybe it really is just players wanting cheaper cosmetic items on the CM. Wow, have I been wrong this whole time? Gotta ponder that 😵 

    • Like 2
  24. 2 hours ago, anchor_leg said:

    Pretty ridiculous but expected given the state things are at right now. Rather insulting to the community

    The 'community' meaning like maybe a dozen players? Who have expressed their annoyance by writing a couple threads they had to stick into off-topic and suggestions otherwise they would have been deleted already? 

    You might not like what Jac said but tbh I think he's right. You can either express feedback with your wallet...or you can do performative gestures like this, make demands that get ignored, then you have the 'satisfaction' of knowing that yes your prediction that they would utterly ignore you was correct.

    And if the community really cared it would have been in General Discussion, with hundreds of views and dozens of posts. Weird that no one seems interested, huh? Let's put a pin in that for now. One reason bioware hasn't responded might be found in the  "people are not happy" thread: only a fraction of players do NiM raiding, BW has now realized this (not for the first time) and is shifting resources away. 

    Oh I shouldn't be so dismissive. We're all in this together, right? After all...

    On 5/4/2023 at 11:37 AM, xxSHOONYxx said:

    It's way beyond of what people like or don't like. You might not care about r4 nim, but they might promise and announce something you like, and when you ask about it years after when it never come on you are met with timeout bans and silence. This is far beyond an issue of "hard core players" and should be an issue of the entire player base, because the next promise they break and then silence will be something you like

    Absolutely, we're all players, anyone who posts here has paid, so we should have some kind of solidarity and stand up for each other when we're giving feedback. We're not just "story players" or "RP players" or "PVPers", we're SWTOR players and what bioware does affects us all!

    ...So it's a real shame that the hardcore raider/ranked pvp segment of the playerbase has literally never reciprocated. Never. I've been reading this forum for a decade. I'm not singling any of you out, but the attitude expressed by the raider community is crystal clear disdain for people who want more focus on story or want the kind of "play how you want" gearing in 6.0. "Just play hammer station a dozen times", right? The overall impression is that y'all think that you're so much better at playing the game than the rest of us and therefore deserve special treatment. And now that you aren't getting it anymore, we get these comments like "bioware has stopped listening" and the rest of us are like "...bro what are you talking about, this is the way it's always been." 

    So yeah your pitch about "next time it'll happen to you" well, we don't need to wait for next time, it's happened to us already, often. Where were you? Where was the raider community? Not helping, that's for sure. Despite your claims, whether R4 gets nightmare mode is not remotely of interest to 'the entire playerbase', it's just you, and the devs know it, and the non-raider community knows it, and that might be why you got the response you got.


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