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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. 1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:

    i still think his ^ original  trilogy ( 'Heir To The Empire' , 'Dark Force Rising' , 'The Last Command' ) would've been far more interesting & layered  than what we eventually got with  Ep. 7-9

    Well I think the reason why they didn't use Heir or even Dark Empire is that the actors are all too old. If they had made the sequels first instead of the prequels, it might have worked...let's see, TPM came out in 1999. Carrie Fisher was 43, Mark Hamill was 48, Harrison Ford was 57...Lucas would still be in control, but they would have needed to move the dates a bit: Heir takes place five years after Endor, so maybe 10-20 years instead? He might have felt they needed a Shia Leboeuf / Natalie Portman spunky kid to appeal to younger generations, maybe giving more importance to Jacen / Jaina. It probably would have resembled a weird hybrid of Heir and the sequels we got...but it might have worked. And at least the prequels wouldn't exist. 

    Watching the digitally de-aged Mark Hamill show up in Mandalorian and BoBF I had this sudden thought of a parallel universe where RotJ was so popular that they continued making live action star wars tv/movies all through the 80s and 90s. That might have been really great! Or possibly it would have been like those awful ewok movies. 


  2. When it first aired I watched the first episode and thought it sucked. But at that point I'd only seen Rebels, not TCW, and I thought it was going to be about Kanan's early adventures, and I just didn't care. Then I went and saw TCW and loved that and watched Bad Batch right after, and liked it a lot more. It's not a direct spiritual successor to either TCW or Rebels, but it combines elements of what I like about both: it has the same crew dynamic as Rebels but I think Omega does a somewhat better job as the heart of the crew than Ezra[1], and as with TCW I like the way they weave in cool stuff you didn't know about the canon. I encourage you to watch at least until the end of S1 which has an appropriately epic plotline very reminiscent of TCW. 

    The second season I think is not quite as good as the first one, but it's still very watchable. I like that while 99 gives off this impression of being 90 GI Joe stereotypes, the writers aren't afraid to give them actual stakes or shuffle the cast, and why not since Dee Bradley Baker plays all of them except Omega. 

    [1] Ezra only became interesting after his character developed from meeting Maul and he stopped being just another carbon copy nickolodeon kid ugh. Omega has this same problem to an extent but idk, it just comes off differently, her superpower is her perceptiveness about the clones, which offsets that hideous 90s spunky kid thing. No spoilers but I think the S2 finale will accomplish the same thing as the Maul/Ezra plotline and help to give Omega greater depth through suffering.

  3. lol I was actually planning to start a thread about this, although I was going to call it I hate the new Star Wars canon :rak_01:

    It's funny to me that whereas the purpose of the original EU was mostly to tell new stories about the original trilogy characters and their descendants, the purpose of the new canon is mostly to explain how all the dumb stuff from the prequels and sequels actually makes sense. TCW did a great job making the prequels not suck as much, and Mandalorian is now doing the same heavy lifting for the sequels to explain the rise of the first order and "somehow...Palpatine returned."

    It's mystifying that of all the EU, what they chose to save was this game era (apparently? I thought this had been ruled as Legends ages ago smh) and the Dawn of the Jedi era. I read Tim Lebbon's book a long time ago and, although it wasn't very good, was sufficiently curious from wookieepedia articles to check out the comic. The comic is really bad! I'm thankful that I can still play through Tython on Jedi characters without thinking about all the dumb stuff about Tython from that era. I'm so glad the original writers never came out and directly explained the flesh raiders, there's not a lot of linkage between the Tython lore and that era which is a blessing. They didn't include stuff like Force Storms or hey where did those gigantic floating pyramids go? Nope let's just forget all that happened.

    I find most of the new canon books, including High Republic, very dull, and I'd rather just reread Brian Daley's A. C. Crispin's Han Solo Trilogy, Timothy Zahn, Matt Stover, Aaron Allston, Karen Traviss etc. Of all the new canon stuff, Bad Batch comes closest to Traviss' characterization of the clones; there's a weird disconnect when I watch stuff like Rebels and can't get over old Rex saluting Kanan and Ezra, I keep thinking "they're Jedi! They enslaved you! You should resent them!" Bad Batch also shows the Kaminoans much closer to how they're depicted in Traviss' books as a culture of unfeeling mad scientists who treat the clones as products. 

    To be fair, I also hated Revan and all the Old Republic books that were written before EU became Legends. I'd say at least 50% of Legends was shlocky garbage. I've been reading Dark Empire and the Star Wars Legacy comic for the first time, and the best thing I can say about them is that they would have been marginally better sequels compared to the ones we got, but compared to like, Fate of the Jedi or even the Legacy novel series they were dreadful.    

    • Like 1
  4. 21 hours ago, VegaMist said:

    Communism only ever looked good in theory. Every practical application resulted in a bloody disaster.

    You spelled capitalism wrong.

    I have to keep reminding myself that most of the people who post on this forum are Americans and this kneejerk reactionary anti-communism--when literally no one has even mentioned it lmao--is not out of character for their political culture, but is a pretty bizarre reach anywhere else in the world. Flat's sole focus has been on criticizing pay to win systems. That's it. Anything you infer about their political motivations irl or whatever is on you. 

    Speaking of pay to win, someone in my guild insisted that gold augments being expensive to buy on the GTN was 'like pay to win' because you had to pay a lot for them. When I pointed out that this isn't what pay to win means, he quit the guild lmao. Compared to that, Flat's take on P2W sounds pretty reasonable imo. 

    But to be fair I could just be saying that since we're both in the same local chapter of the Antifa Politburo New World Order Cabal :rak_01:

    • Haha 1
  5. 18 hours ago, YaddleTwo said:


    The TL:DR is it hurts new players, f2p players and anyone with a cap on their credits!

    I have given money to newbies lately so they can get around and no i'm not being exploited because if i was they wouldn't have been extremely appreciative with just a million credits or less.


    It is actively hurting players trying to play the game. It needs to be reversed.

    There's a mentality in this game against new/F2P players 'begging' that's as old as the game. I saw someone in my guild asking if anyone had 1M to give them so they could buy a mount on the GTN. They were F2P ofc. One of the council members gave them a stern warning about 'begging' in guild chat. Me, i'm sitting on 5B, 1M is nothing, i offered to send them the money but they told me they found someone who was willing to buy it for them...after they inspected the item on the GTN for some reason.

    It was a gross mentality back in the day when 1M was worth a lot, and it's a completely nonsensical mentality now when it's not worth much. Suppose I give them 1M and then they go back to 'begging' on guild chat for 1M for something else...and so what? I'm out 1M, that doesn't hurt me lol. But there's this 'deserving poor' attitude that's almost exclusively directed from subs at F2Pers who are seen as freeloaders and 'exploiters', and good people like yourself who are forced to defend yourself against that charge when you're just being friendly.  

    • Like 1
  6. They were both bland characters I didn't care about because there wasn't much content written for them in KOTFE/ET. If you're a SW or a BH then the choice was obvious, for all the other classes it was just a coin flip, and since the comps are all identical it was completely random for me: I saved Vette 4 times and Torian 4 times. JFC, just the thought of doing those expansions 8 times, what was I thinking!?

    I always thought it was strange that they didn't pair an imp companion with a pub companion for that mission, but I guess because they didn't really write any good pub companions into KOTFE--who we didn't previously have the option of killing, like Jorgan. 

    Another poster mentioned the Ashley/Kaidan choice. Imagine if bioware decided they didn't need to write any more content for those characters because players wouldn't get to see content from the killed character. It boggles the mind especially in this game where players make a whole bunch of alts. That decision to brick/fridge killed companions is probably the single dumbest thing the devs have ever done in this game imo.

    But the Kaidan/Ashley choice is also a good example of how to make players care, because they were in your crew--suppose the Vaylin choice involved companions from each class' original crew? If they did it that way they would have had to change the structure of the expansions and alliance alerts (which would be good because that entire concept sucked) to ensure that you had the full crew come back before that moment. And then the choice would be a lot more tricky probably:

    BH: Mako or Blizz[1]? 

    JK: Kira or T7?

    JC: Theran[2] or Nadia?

    IA: Vector or Lokin?

    Trooper: Elara or 4X?

    SW: Vette or Jaesa?

    SI: Ashara or Talos?

    Smuggler: Risha or Guss?

    These choices are just my idea of difficult decisions based on my personal feeling about their likeability, romance considerations, as well as gameplay stuff (SIs would be compelled to save Khem out of self preservation, and Qyzen would rather be dead than captured). If they did this then the obvious parallel would be to the Suicide Mission in ME2 because if you ran through with all eight classes you know you'd have to sacrifice 8 beloved companions, not just 1-2 blah randos you meet in a mediocre expansion. 

    [1] Ignoring everything I said, if they had simply made the choice between Blizz and 4X, that on its own would have been a really tough decision. I think Blizz still wins at least 6/8 times but still. Plus that scene would just be so much more awesome in every way! Vaylin: "I have taken your jawa and killer warbot hostage and you have to choose one to save!"

    [2] This isn't a difficult choice at all until you consider that Theran is just the meatbag placeholder and the choice is actually between Nadia and Holiday. 

  7. 4 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    At the time when I first encountered Voss, back in 2013, I was playing Preferred, and it did slightly bother me that it cost more to take a taxi across Voss than it cost to use my own ship to travel across the galaxy from the Fleet to Voss.

    But I was Preferred, so I couldn't complain here on the forums...

    In 2013 shortly after I started playing, I tried to persuade a sub on Alderaan to go on the forum and complain about stupid crap like this. I was pretty wasted at the time and I'm pretty sure he never went through with it. I didn't become aware of other forums like reddit for a good long while. 

  8. It would be nice if they included an option to give it back at some point, or even just sent a space email from the Jedi equivalent of the reclamation service asking for it back. Ideally they could have added a little scene when you go to Nul the second time and Talos can ask force using classes about their lightsabers and you can respond with 

    Top: Class flavour text

    Middle: Throwaway Exposition

    Bottom: Who are you to question me, worm? 

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    I had a slight difficulty processing this statement, because there's a slightly out-dated British habit called "glassing" that involved hitting someone in the face with a beer glass, the intent being to cause permanent facial scarring, and I'm pretty sure you didn't mean that.

    'Glassing the planet' comes from Halo and has become a SF staple to refer to orbital bombardments where the heat blasts turns silica into glass. IIRC Karen Traviss wrote a few Halo novels as well as the republic trooper books and uses this term in both series. 

  10. I remember seeing a thread about this a long time ago but I can't find it anymore. I'm curious how the different characters we see on the JC / DC lean politically. Are they radicals? Reactionaries? Or middle of the road, status quo? This is interesting to know for RP purposes or writing fanfic, or just curiosity. I've started a few, give me some ideas and i'll fill it in.

    Jedi Council

    Satele Shan - Moderate

    She had an illustrious past including a semi-secret love child, and a legendary bloodline but as the grandmaster of the order, she's the face of the Jedi in this era and has to keep balance between the radicals and the reactionaries, so she never does anything too wild and her beliefs are consistently orthodox with the Code, at least until KOTFE.

    Jaric Kaedan - Reactionary

    He's consistently scolding the PC or arguing with the radicals on the Council. He's also the guy who brought down the Dread Masters by himself, so he must be pretty tough, and seems to have a hardline stance against the Sith. 

    Tol Braga - Radical

    He found early success converting Sith to Jedi, including a Dark Council member, and thinks he can win the war by converting the Emperor. Very idealistic, which proves to be part of the reason Chapter 3 goes so badly for him. 

    Dark Council

    Darth Marr - Moderate

    Again, he fills in a similar role as Satele despite his exact position not being analogous (Sphere of Defense of the Empire pre-KOTFE). He's a Sith that the others seem to respect but he never assumes direct control nor is involved in dumb power-seeking escapades. He's clearly not LS at all but he is Dark Smart

    Darth Ravage - Reactionary

    He's allied with Baras in an uncertain capacity and seems to be the only Dark Council member who actually likes Vitiate (as seen in the Nathema FP). He's not a traditionalist like Thanaton but he does have a Lawful Evil vibe of using the system to get what he wants, which fits with how he uses his Sphere of Diplomacy.

    Darth Vowrawn - Radical

    He's the only Sith to criticize Baras and support the Wrath and judging from dialogue seems to have a history of doing this and being unexpected in general, acting out of character of most Sith who are more ostentatious. He's not LS but also not a fan of Vitiate and seems more practical minded, which fits his Sphere of Logistics. 


    Agree? Disagree? Lots of others left from both councils!

    • Like 1
  11. On 1/23/2023 at 1:57 PM, RowanThursday said:

    If it can work for Pureblood, it can certainly work for Chiss. I've yet to try an alien Sith Warrior, not quite sure how that would affect Overseer Tremel's dialogues in the early stages, but, again, I'm sure it could be made work.

    I've made a couple, it's tricky because the dialogue doesn't really support it as you mention. My headcanon is that the Empire created a breeding program for certain force sensitive alien species around the era of Vaiken and segregated them to Dromund Fels, the other planet in the Dromund system. If you're force sensitive and you come from one of those species, you're given the prestige of attending the academy and being treated as Human/Cyborg/Pureblood. If not, or if you don't become Sith and survive, you're forced to stay on Dromund Fels and participate in the breeding program, although you still enjoy more rights than any other non-Sith alien in the Empire, possibly even joining the planetary imperial defense forces, as long as you don't leave.

    For the Sith elite aliens, there must be some kind of official marking that lets people know at a glance about your special status, in the same way that Republic officers can immediately tell that someone is in Havoc Squad even when they aren't wearing Havoc colors or armor.  

  12. This is just my personal headcanon, but I think Cathar have different subspecies similar to Zabrak.

    There are Cathar who stayed on their homeworld when it got glassed by the Mandalorians, and they tend to be very anti-Mando, very insular people, and this is reflected in the way they have very little hair on their heads, which makes sense because they have fur not hair, but also makes them look more alien. Juhani is an in-universe example, and there's a couple others like this in the game. 

    And then there are the Cathar who left their homeworld before the Mandos showed up or immediately after, who then lived as refugees on Taris or other planets, and continue to drift around in this era. Because they're refugees, they try to fit in more with the dominant Human culture so they comb their fur to resemble human hair and beards. They tend to be more welcoming of other species and more open to new ideas. Most of the Cathar NPCs we see in this game are from this subculture. 

    Jorgan has customization options with or without hair and can be roleplayed as coming from either culture. I prefer him without hair though. 

  13. I wish they would change this quest. People have been asking bioware to update it to reflect Cathar being in the game since the species came out and it still hasn't happened. Meanwhile, I played through the Smuggler class quest a few days ago and noticed that they gave a few of the questgivers updated haircuts so they wouldn't all look the same--the soldier asking you to retrieve the doctor from Mannet Point, for example. If they can do that, they can add a line for actual Cathar. Or if getting the VA rerecord or too annoying, they could change the species to something else and cut the Cathar dialogue option altogether. 

  14. 13 minutes ago, Diamaht said:

    2.  Free Cartel items lowers their revenue.  That wouldn't encourage EA or Bioware to invest more into the game.   It would do the opposite.

    Also the complaints would simply shift.  Some portion of the player base would be unhappy with what ever specific item was offered up and would complain about.  The result would be a constant barage of "you never offer good stuff for credits, if you did it would fix the economy."

    If you had been here five years ago, you would have been one of those guys insisting that bioware doesn't need to offer cartel packs or CCs as rewards because "That wouldn't encourage EA or Bioware to invest more into the game.   It would do the opposite." Well, we had lots of forum defenders back then who were eager to tell everyone how naive they were for thinking that was a good idea. And then when they eventually did just that...poof! All the white knights suddenly had nothing to say. 

    Who cares if the complaints shift? If we stay with the same example, yes bioware offered packs...with fixed loot so the market was flooded with identical cheap crap, and people complained. And...bioware didn't care or respond because why would they? Just like they wouldn't care about complaints now if they implemented a rotating item and it was mediocre. As long as some people bought it, it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter because the problem here isn't people complaining. I realize that as a forum troll who is only doing this to win a debate, that may be what you think is the problem. But the actual problem is the inflationary economy, which this idea would go a long way towards fixing.  

    Get your priorities straight.

  15. 2 minutes ago, remylion said:

    I don't think anyone here is claiming credit sinks single-handedly fix years of hyper-inflation over night.

    Yes you've said that too. I see we've reached the point in the discussion where we just go around and around in circles. Instead of just repeating what I've said before, I'll give you a quote that sums it up much better than I have, and possibly you'll read it and be informed, but if not, it's worth repeating for others' benefit:

    On 3/16/2023 at 11:25 AM, ceryxp said:

    Will this tax remove credits from the game?  Absolutely, they will get you either with the tax or the taxi.  Credits will trickle out over time, but this will not, and is not intended to, fix inflation.  This is a microstep.  Something that BW does all the time.  They take these small, almost imperscriptible steps so they can say they are doing something, so they can say they are going to move slowly, and make incremental changes, and then move so glacially slow that they never actually get to the next step before they change their mind and do something else.  How do we know?  Because BW only has two modes of action: go at a snail's pace or nuke it from orbit.  When they want to do nothing they make small, incremental changes.  When they actually want to change something they go so far overboard, so over the top, so big that it is a paradigm shift (and then often have to pull back, revamp, and redesign because they did not think it through in the first place).  This has been their standard operating procedure for years.

    They say they want to do something about inflation, so they introduce these changes: new travel costs, increased repair bills, etc., and yet running Onderon dailies on the PTS, with these new travel costs and repair costs, I still earned a few hundred thousand credits.  Being charged to quick travel, being charged to travel to my stronghold (because that was, when I was on, still active on the PTS), being charged more to repair, and I still received a few hundred thousand credits for doing Onderon.

    BW has no real interest in fixing inflation because in-game inflation drives people to purchase Cartel Coins and then purchase directly from the Cartel Market.  Or did someone actually believe BW when they said that they reduced the CC rewards in Season 3 because the free CC's from Season's 1 and 2 contributed to inflation.  Rubbish.  They reduced them because, and BW even stated this, people where maximizing their CC's gains by completing the seasons on multiple servers.  And that cut into Cartel Coin sales.


  16. 1 hour ago, remylion said:

    I'll be shocked if the devs even read more than the first page of responses to their own posts asking for player feedback.

    You just seem like a new player with a lot of complaints that quick travel fees are too expensive and being preferred is too limiting.

    To clarify, I--and every other player posting about this--have pointed out that the QT fee will not fix inflation. That is the purpose of the criticisms regardless of how many times you and others strawman it as wanting stuff for free. It's not expensive to me, it's nothing to me. It might be expensive to new players who don't play the GTN like you do. Preferred is not 'too limiting', it's okay the way it is. I am arguing against bioware making changes to it that would be a big step backwards from the current system.

    Yes, Bioware doesn't read feedback--including yours. You've been here for a month and I would be surprised if you lasted a year. 

  17. 1 hour ago, The-Kaitou-Kid said:


    So, to be clear, your concern was that not having all of the excess credits from a GTN sale go to escrow would prevent you from having those credits in escrow to then use an escrow transfer to go over the cap and make >1m purchases?


    Is it not possible to cause credits to go to escrow in other ways? For instance, can you not take credits from your legacy bay, go buy some item off a vendor, then take more credits out of your legacy bay and sell the item back to go over the cap? Easiest example would be the new adaptive gear they added on the planets. I don't know if those are F2P/Preferred accessible in the first place without artifact authorization, but assuming they are, you pull out 1m, pop out to Coruscant or wherever, buy 5 pieces of that armor, go back to your SH, pull out 1m credits again, and then refund those 5 pieces. Unless the game just doesn't allow you to sell to vendors when you're at the credit cap (been way too long for me, so I have no clue, but that'd be awful design due to the issues it'd cause with inventory management) that should place 1m in your escrow. Repeat as needed.


    Assuming that works, this change would have been a win for F2P/Preferred if it worked as expected, since you'd have finer control over what goes into your escrow. Sure, that process is complicated, but you then have free access to more of your credits (since you could then sell for more than 1m on the GTN without it all going to escrow automatically) and thus can more easily control when you want to use the escrow via escrow transfers. That should be a good thing.


    If you're using escrow transfers on a regular enough basis such that even a workaround like I mentioned above would be unworkable for you, that seems like a waste of money to me. You'd be better off holding off on those purchases until you can sub (or having a friend make them and trade them credits from your legacy bay). An escrow transfer is, at best, 240CC for 600k, you're not getting far with that without probably spending money on CCs, at which point you'd be better off subbing for a one off month and making all the purchases you want during that month. It's your money (and CC), so ultimately you can do whatever you want with it, but I feel like this change would have been a better deal overall for F2P/Preferred even with that in mind.

    If I sell one of those OEMs for ~160M, that goes into escrow and I can save it up for when I resub. If I go by the way it was made out to work, then I only get 1M out of that sale and the rest stays in the email, and I have to laboriously transfer 1M at a time to legacy storage. To say that it's 'complicated' would be a ridiculous understatement. As others have mentioned, very few would do that or prefer it to the current system. The reality is that I simply wouldn't sell anything on the GTN ever again unless the item was only worth 1M.

    The other ideas you mentioned are also complicated and time consuming, no thanks. Why don't you make a F2P account for yourself and try doing some of these ideas and see if they work. See how enjoyable it would be to do it your way. And then you would actually have some basis to compare to the current system, rather than, like this other poster, making assumptions about being preferred that would not affect you if said ideas were implemented. 

    Escrows transfers stack, meaning you can have a bunch of 600k escrows to take out as much as you want. It's still not a lot, that's a flaw in the system, but the flaw was there from the getgo. A better system would have been to allow players to specify how much they need to take out at one time and then correspondingly raise the price of the consumable to 1000CC, which would put it in line with other CM consumables. As it is, I only buy escrows when I sub and only from the GTN. 


    • Like 1
  18. 3 hours ago, remylion said:

    I'm sure I'll hit preferred status when I end my subscription though. But uh... considering I won't be paying money to play SWTOR, I don't expect to have full access like I do when I pay... the uh... subscription.

    You don't expect to have full access to everything you do while subscribed when you stop paying your subscription do you?

    Dude, I've been playing this game since 2013 and preferred for much of that time, and I'll thank you not to tell me how the game works or what "full access" means. "full access" has nothing to do with how escrows work, which have been in the game for eight years. smh 

    The rest of your post has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. 

    You can keep white knighting for the devs, but not only will they not reward you for it, they are more likely to do the opposite of what you presume they want. Again, that is something you learn with experience. 

  19. On 4/3/2023 at 3:13 PM, remylion said:

    I started out FTP.

    I asked if you had been preferred or were going to be in the future. I don't care what you started as, if you are not affected by these changes then your opinion on the subject is meaningless. I on the other hand am affected, or would have been if this had been true.

    I tested it for myself and it still works the way it always has: you get credits from mail up to the F2P/preferred cap (1M) and the rest goes into escrow, if you then use an escrow, it will raise your cap by 50k, 150k or 600k (and escrows stack) until you spend it. In other words, the claim below is wrong. 

    To be clear, if it had actually worked this way, it would have been catastrophic to the quality of life of preferred and F2P and it would have done nothing to fix inflation, serving only to lock F2P players out of the GTN market. It would have made escrows worthless, and they're already not very good given the piddling amounts they let you take out. All to catch a few exploiters smh. Fix the exploit and punish those responsible, not EVERYBODY. 

    On 3/28/2023 at 8:34 AM, JackieKo said:

    If you try to pull credit from the mail, only the amount that will cap you can get pulled from it. The UI does not refresh until you close/reopen the mail. F2P and Preferred accounts will still have their credit caps in place and will never be able to hold more than 1 million credits. The email will eventually expire, so you will need to keep an eye on it.

    Yup! All details here: https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20230324

  20. I played through both Manaan and Ruhnuk on a few toons recently and I generally really liked the story. Both have a lot of options, more than Onslaught. Of course, the options were largely flavor text and all came to similar endings, but that goes back to their storytelling in vanilla, which isn't a bad comparison at all. For example, I really liked that there were so many choices about what to do about Korrd, it wasn't a straight LS spare him / DS kill him like i've been used to seeing for most post-Makeb content. The options for saboteurs made sense and I liked that they had good flavor text differentiating each of the classes, especially the rationale for deciding what to do about Darth Norok--I played through on a BH and an LS SW and both have great lines, great VA delivery! 

    While the imperial storyline for Manaan was much better than the Republic storyline (again, nothing new, imperials always get better quality writing), I thought that the writing for the Manaan Dailies favored the Republic side moreso, the plot was much more intricate and I liked having to navigate between the Manaan versus Republic diplomat; both had good motivations and again it wasn't a simple DS/LS choice. Manaan was the first daily I actually wanted to play through, too bad the combat in these areas is so tedious. And Ruhnuk of course is even worse for this. 

    Ruhnuk also has some good storytelling although not nearly as impressive as Manaan, but at least you have lots of options during the Shae/Heta fight. One issue is that the fight is kind of long and boring the second time around, wasn't that interesting the first time--Bioware seems to think that a knife fight is just a sword fight with smaller weapons lmao--and again, whatever you do gets you similar outcomes. The gimmick that brings your PC down is pretty dumb but this is the problem of endgame writing in general; when your character has defeated multiple high level bosses, anything that can take you down has to be a world-destroying power. I'd rather they do it the way they chose rather than have Heta do it, which would evoke memories of Arcann/Vaylin impossible to win fights. But what they should have done is take the opportunity to use the Darth Nul holocron in some way. It's not good that we know literally nothing about what it actually does or how it can be used as a weapon.

    Ruhnuk's daily is okay, definitely not as good as Manaan but at least they hired an actual VA, I'm sick of alien gibberish. Ruhnuk has the same problem as Makeb with mob density and respawn rate, fights taking forever. They need a 20/20/20 rule: 20% more DPS, 20% less HP, and 20% slower respawn rate. I definitely would not do the daily area more than the first time around, and it's bizarre that Bioware doesn't learn from stuff like Makeb or for that matter looking at most of the dailies in this game, they should be comparable; if it takes twice as long as Black Hole and three times as long as CZ-198 then players probably won't do it except for the cheevos. 

    I would like to hope that the Saboteur storyline is nearing completion. I'd also like to hope--since they have always had the technology to do this--that there is some internal tracker keeping count of all your saboteur choices and if you've done say 8 or more, you 'win' and have the option to do a faction swap, and if you have less than that you get caught by your side before you can leave or the other faction betrays you, and you get locked out of both factions, even if it's just flavor text.  


  21. No, the devs designed it so that it would look as if they were doing something. Inflation will continue to build out of control for months while they read their metrics on this ridiculous approach and hum and haw and decide what the next nickle and dime approach they should take, while ignoring the great suggestions in the forum.

    Your entire rationale is "they said they're going to do new stuff soon™, but suppose they don't do anything new to fix the problem anytime soon. Suppose they're just content to leave it like this. What then? Oh well then you would of course be singing the praises of a company without any evidence whatsoever that they're going to do what you claim they're going to do. "But they said!" lmao why do you think so many veterans who have been playing this game for a decade are so cynical about Bioware promises? We have good reason to be skeptical. Stop and think instead of just endlessly defending.

    They need credit sinks that people want. And the people why people say "let us buy stuff from the CM with credits" isn't because they want free stuff. Good credit sinks should be stuff that Bioware creates themselves, not just taking existing assets. Unfortunately, they can't do that for the same reason that for the same reason none of the GS reputations have corresponding vendors, unlike all previous reputation tracks in the game: because Bioware has no money to make any new assets that people might wanna buy. 

    Others have said that Bioware should scrap all the currencies and let us buy it all with credits, but if they do that it will be a sign that 7.0 was a mistake. And they really don't like to admit mistakes especially so soon, especially when a new guy just took over the creative director helm and is the reason for this problem in the first place (and was around for similar gearing nightmares and should have known better). So they won't do that either. Of course the currency buildup has been going on for a long time, it's not all his fault, but the op-1, fp-1 etc etc definitely is. 

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  22. 8 minutes ago, remylion said:

    so you can't fathom why, in a credit economy suffering hyper-inflation where a single Cartel Market set can easily sell for 1 billion credits on the GTN, it is beneficial for credits to not self delete once a character goes past their character credit limit when withdrawing GTN sales from the mail box.

    I can write a step by step for you if you need but I assumed most people could understand that credits deleting themselves after the character credit limit is a bad thing.

    Few people reach a 4.29 billion credit limit. I certainly never have. That is not the purpose of this change, that is a smoke screen you invented to rationalize the decision. The purpose is to keep F2P and preferred from being able to trade on the GTN and to use escrows the way they have been intended since their inception.

    This is even worse than the QT tax and has a much more significant impact, but because preferred and F2P can't post on this snobbish forum there's hardly anything being said about it. If I hadn't been randomly checking threads I wouldn't have even seen it.  

  23. 16 minutes ago, remylion said:

    ^ LOL

    yeah, I'm an alt account from a developer who has nothing better to do than post on the forums. lol

    He's not a "developer", he has no training whatsoever in game design.

    But yes, never assume that it's an alt account when the reality is that some fans can't wait to leap to bioware's defense for everything and invent rationalizations for them.

    I can't wait for you to keep commenting on something I edited out rather than actually speak to the main point I made: is there any decision Bioware's made, ever, that you're critical of? Or at least unwilling to defend to the death the way you have the QT tax?

  24. On 3/28/2023 at 11:35 AM, remylion said:

    this could work out for preferred players in the long run. They can now keep withdrawing 1 million at a time from mail and depositing that 1 million into the legacy bank until they withdraw all the credits in the mail. Previously it just deleted the excess credits once you hit the personal credit cap.

     This change kills the ability for preferred to trade competitively on the GTN, it has ZERO benefits for non-subs, and it won't do a thing to help the economy either.

    Is there a single thing in this game that you criticize? For a new player you're reaching historic levels of white knighting every bad decision Bioware's made.

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