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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. Yesterday PvP with SWTOR team-looking balance <3


    Me (DPS) + Guy (DPS) vs. DPS,DPS,DPS, Healer.

    Fastest CXP in history of SWTOR, we won't even try to fight. :rolleyes:


    lol arena yesterday:

    my team - DPS, DPS, DPS, me (healer)

    opposition: healer, healer, healer, DPS.


    ..... very WOW, such balance, much sage.:D:D:D:D:D:D

  2. 20 boxes opened.


    I have yet to receive anything I can use. My toons are in a mix of vendor purple 208s and 216s, and all I have got is greens with the wrong stats (that are worse than what I have anyway), rep tokens for stuff I maxed out two expansions ago and a ton of orange shells. Like the other boxes from the kotfe didn't give me enough of those already.


    I haven't even got a companion gift yet.


    ouch, i feel for u man.


    this is pretty much what i've been trying to tell Aowin and his buddies: this RNJezuz is in no way a good thing. it might be for some lucky people, but for the >=50% others probably NOT. lol:D:D

  3. Well I'm not too attached to this thread to me the OP came across as very condescending and wants to act like everyone's mom. The swtor forums are well known to be one of the worst cesspools in all of mmo forums not a chance her/his little speech will help when it full of poster like Customstalker.


    well, u might have a point there. but i'm sure even our beloved BioWare with their nerves of steel :D:D gets discouraged after reading threads of people yapping at each other and even more at them for 50+ pages in a single thread all cause of their damn nasty RNJezuz :D:D

  4. Lmao :p your probably right it was a solid thread until me and my boy side tracked it. Sorry Anna (I'll just call you Anna via your sages name in sig) but ya we should be taking our talk to the lockerroom!


    You are priceless and one of a kind ;)

    Have a good day Anna! :cool:



    ahhh damn now i need to find something else to laugh at :(:(:D:D good day to u too =) and if this is taken to the locker room... well..... don't mind if i take a peep :p lmao:p:p

  5. Absurd is only that PVE content gives very low CXP.

    It's not pvp that's broken, it's pve that's broken.


    much this. it's not exactly broken it just seems like it gives much less CXP cause fps and ops are naturally longer and then cxp of gold mobs has been nerfed, which made the net result worse.:eek::eek:

    something does need to get changed. and selling CM boosts is certainly not IT haha:D:D

  6. i am in full agreement to have pvp cxp nerfed big time just so the rest of the community can be up in arms about what bioware are doing.


    but isn't it already over the RNG of the GC crates? :D:D o, can someone plz send me some bullet points from that stream they're doing on thursday? =) cause i fell it will be in the middle of night my time =) lol thank you. :D:D

    u know what's a good system... the ESO champion points =) that's nice for choosing how to spend ur bonus points lol =) just a random thought.

  7. I opened tickets for each of my characters who lost levels or command levels, asking for reinstatement. After they tell me they won't do anything, I will open further tickets asking for escalation, etc.


    I suggest everyone do the same. Creating a huge surge of tickets might get somebody's attention, and maybe eventually those who botched the technical stuff and those who botched the response will get what they deserve. Unlikely, but if they can't even be bothered to say "we're sorry," then I see no reason to be understanding.


    eee i was going to, but i can't figure out under which category to do so >.< sigh, they should learn from wow customer support lol, my wow tickets always get a GM response very fast and are solved rather easily too >.> ./grumble.

  8. Hey everyone,


    The Harbinger is now back online. We will be investigating the cause of the issue and taking steps to avoid it in the future. If there is any further information I can provide, I will let you know!






    hi, after the december 5 harbringer rollback my sorcerer Barbïe Spark was demoted from GC rank 28 back to 24 and in valor from 27 to 23. My companion Nico Ocarr lost 21 influence levels and my pvp weekly is back to 8/20 instead of being finished. same for both dailies. of course i also los thte rewards for 4/4 pvp daily, 2/2 pvp daily and 20/20 pvp weekly. PLEASE FIX

  9. On page #50 of Aowin's RNG is perfect for SWTOR and i'll explain why thread there is a post. i believe #497:

    Is there a thread yet when people compare their drop rates so we could deduce based on larger sample what is it?


    So, i'm making this for that purpose, because i'm morbidly curious. Just how much is this RNG helping us / kicking us in the nuts. i'll be the first one:


    as of December 8th 2016: 0 upgrades out of 28 opened crates; 0/28 set bonus.

    so come on guys, share your luck with ur fellow players :p

  10. we can continue going back to what BW said in 2011 as much as we want. but it really has no effect on the topic of galactic crates RNG tho lol. or inclusiveness of newbies.

    come on tell me i'm wrong, the game has been simplified in every update we get. every time there is some thing that gets dumbed down. so that's newbie friendly right there. u don't get more n00b friendly than 60 and now 65 toon tokens (ofc that also makes money haha). and then those newbies come into pve and into pvp and we all wanna bang out heads on the desks because a LOT of them are REALLY clueless. and this is not our fault. and it's not their fault. but it is indeed a fact. some of them respond well to advice. ur newbie is responsive to training? good for u. but others aren't and then they rage quit out of w/z or fps, or sometimes cause silly wipes in raids.

    in such environment i can understand that new w/z or ops won't make those newbies want to stick around. but... come on, vets do deserve something that isn't some random piece of gear / mount they get in mail for being a subscriber lol.


    it's a recurring thing in this thread - how the GC is making it equal for all. i'm not against GC.... JUST HOW IT"S CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED. It can and should be changed. How? have ideas, no clue if they will work. but it's not up to me anyway (too bad that though haha)


    and then... sense of said entitlement of us vets....... that's just such a generalization. at the same time it can be argued that casual players want same gear rewards as nim raiders or ranked pvpers without putting in the same time/effort.... why? because they WANT it. do they need it? with how casual content is atm? ofc not. so

    1) BW needs to rethink the RNG behind the crates (or at least the loot list or wutever)

    2) give pvpers and pvers some other way to earn their SB. (because yes there will be and already are people who might come halfway through a tier and got not a single upgrade, while the newbie that just rolled his token toon will be happy with every piece of 228 green gear because it's better than the crap he got as starting gear.)

  11. Only read the OP and surprised this has so many pages considering how inherently incorrect the logic is.


    It favors new players?


    What about new players who join in 3 months and are 3 months behind in grinding to get gear to be equal? Previously they could have got gear much quicker than now via operations.


    Poor logic used in the OP it would seem.

    i know right. this favors those that have the chance to play close to 24/7; those who get VERY lucky with RNG. the rest can go and get f***ed.


    i know we're not getting back to the old system, but there has to be SOMETHING that can be done to level out the field for those people who 1) have very little time or 2) have VERY VERY bad luck.


    oh and maybe do something about the constant silence from our devs and customer support lol. :eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D

  12. And even with a consistent raid group tracking who has what, I have had occasion where I did not get any loot for two or more months. It was a running gag when this happened that I or someone else would be the last person to get loot because luck was so bad.


    well... have a hug, u've been really unlucky, i know ur pain... but.... well.... this RNG **** could very well be worse :eek::eek::D

  13. False. I never had a dedicated raid guild during 4.0 (I did most of my raiding in 2.X and 3.X), but the "One piece per character" rule was a normal approach on The Progenitor. I mostly pugged with two of my characters, but my Sentinel was geared out in set bonus gear in three weeks.


    The assumption that loot distribution influence needed a raid guild is false.


    sounds much like my standard rules for the pugs i run

  14. They should have done a gear exchange instead of disintegration, and made the drop rates better. Or they should, at least, if this is the system they're going to go with. In the end, if the crates are done right, this could be way better for the game. We won't all agree on what's right or how they should do it, and obviously it isn't perfect in it's current iteration, but I think it could work with some tweaks.


    they should at least respond every now and then .... for starters >.> :eek::eek::eek:

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