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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. Would you take a sorcerer onto the purple team? Am living in china currently so evening raiding sounds very awesome. but like i don't get home until 5:30 pm my time, which from the looks of it is 8:30 pm aedt so red is a bit of a tight fit x.x though i can manage if i have to. gonna create a lvl 60 sorc or transfer one of my 3 sorcs from Ebon Hawk lol if you'd like to give me a chance :p
  2. In 3.0 we used to have a server wide crafting thread. I'd like to see it resurrected in 4.0 =)

    So. i shall start with myself and hopefully we'll have other crafters list their products and prices as well =)

    republic side contact characters will be listed in BLUE and imperial - in RED.


    Main Hand: (free with mats)


    Advanced Versatile Hilt 42 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Lordkaji / Fernandinha


    Advanced Versatile Hilt 43 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Lordkaji / Fernandinha ; Moraí / Åhsoka ; Aterus / Enalis ; Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Resistive Hilt 43 Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Versatile Barrel 42 Lordkaji / Fernandinha


    Advanced Versatile Barrel 43 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Moraí / Åhsoka ; Lordkaji / Fernandinha ; Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Resistive Barrel 43 Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Armorings: (free with mats)


    Advanced Versatile Armoring 43 Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Resistive Armoring 43 Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Mods: (free with mats)


    Advanced Lethal Mod 43 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Warding Mod 43B Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Warding Mod 43 Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Enhancements: (free with mats; or 2.4 mil per 1)


    Advanced Initiative Enhancement 43 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Zoomz ; Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Adept Enhancement 43 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Zoomz ; Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 43 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Bulwark Enhancement 43 Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Advanced Immunity Enhancement 43 Triggers / Legend'ary ;


    Relics: (exarch : mats + 500k ; defiant : mats + 250k )


    Exarch Relic of Reactive Warding Ann'a / Ann-a


    Exarch Relic of Serendipitous Assault Moraí / Åhsoka


    Exarch Relic of Fortunate Redoubt Moraí / Åhsoka


    Defiant Relic of Serendipitous Assault Lordkaji / Fernandinha


    Earpieces: (mats + 400k)

    Exarch Quick Savant Device MK-2 Ann'a / Ann-a


    Augments: (free with mats)

    Advanced Critical Augment 40 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Talcore ; Moraí / Åhsoka ;

    Advanced Alacrity Augment 40 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Talcore ; Moraí / Åhsoka ;

    Advanced Overkill Augment 40 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Moraí / Åhsoka ;

    Advanced Mastery Augment 40 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Moraí / Åhsoka ;

    Advanced Fortitude Augment 40 Ann'a / Ann-a ; Moraí / Åhsoka ;

    Advanced Shield Augment 40 Moraí / Åhsoka ;

    Advanced Absorb Augment 40 Zoomz ; Moraí / Åhsoka ;



    Exarch Overkill Mk-26 Chest (220 dps) Sranîshor / Sranishor

    Exarch Overkill Mk-26 Leggings (220 dps) Sranîshor / Sranishor

    Exarch Overkill Mk-26 Helm (220 dps) Sranîshor / Sranishor

    Exarch Overkill Mk-26 Boots (220 dps) Sranîshor / Sranishor

    Exarch Overkill Mk-26 Gloves (220 dps) Sranîshor / Sranishor

  3. mine says its downloading at 4019.16MB/s. Yeah Right. Sod it I'm going to bed


    yup. same here. says:


    Installing_________ 96.37%_________ (4093.33 MB/S)___________________ Updating______________Complete



    i thought i could at least play 2-3 hours before work, but i guess not. ./cry

  4. Ironic that you'd tell people to "try reading", when it's obvious you haven't. Most of us in opposition are not saying "remove level syncing", we're saying "make level syncing optional instead of mandatory".


    But at the end of the day, we don't want mandatory level sync because we don't want our levels synced -- and that's all the reason we actually need.


    okay this does sound exactly like the "I DON'T WANNA" reason Rydarus responded to you with.

    sure i prefer being able to stomp through stuff when i'm achievement hunting, but if they give me valid rewards and credits and XP on top of that, then i don't see why not. also, it's not like you're actually forced ot go and do heroics at 65, you can do them while you actually level.

  5. Thank you for the information. On the part about popping potency before turbulence, I looked at the guys parse that is the highest on parsley and he did it before turbulence and empowerment after turbulence which I found weird. So how much different is your gear stats then mine because I average about 4.3k and can't even get over 4.4k. Is there better mods then the 198 rating with like 90 endurance 127 willpower and 52 power because that's what I'm trying to stack for mods but my power is still really low. I'm about at enough ultimate comms to replace one of my enhancements that has crit in it for a power enhancement.


    emmm if you mean the ultimate 198 mods from the vendors. then yes, they have less power then the unlettered mods you can get from drops from HM RAV / ToS. though i'm not sure how much actual difference it makes >.>

    the HM mods have 81 endurance; 106 willpower and 90 power.

  6. Last I saw it still was. Why? You not get one?


    nope. =( and i really need it =(


    i tried like 2 or 3 times with links of different friends............ and it says "This referral already exists." like did i something wrong? or *** 0.o

  7. You guys are really complaining about nothing


    Like said above, all Sorcs specs are viable. Not only are they viable, they are among the top pvp classes. You could get paired up with 3 other Sorcs in yolo ranked and you'd have an incredibly big chance of winning the match


    The class is great right now


    key word - PVP. well........... i do balance in PvE!!!! and guess what, i had to go back to healing because on single target bosses it's outdpsed by just about any other spec!!! so yeah ALL sorc specs are viable .. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE............ NOT

  8. Im sorry, but I don't see how that is possible, if you can't parse on a dummy as high, how does that change on a boss fight, balance/madness isnt more mobile, and has nothing else that would benifit on a boss over dummy.


    well for one, if you're good at what you're doing, you'll make it work lol, for 2 - balance is a dot spec, so those dots will be doing damage to the boss when you're killing an add, or hiding behind a rock or something :p

  9. Ok I don't want to be a qqer but this nerf is really frustrating me. I used to be able to take lvl 53 creatures with 30.000 + hit points with Qysen as my companion. Was not easy fights and would be challenging. NOW I can't do enough damage or keep Qysen healed and I am getting my a** handed to me. My gear is good (oranges and purples) but I am just getting anywhere near the damage I used to. I go in Qyzen and I shielded and yet it is dead before I can get a quarter of the 30,000 hps down.


    This is really frustrating. On and taking patient zero in "Raid on Arcanum" is now impossible. Is it me or has this class just unplayable now?


    being a healer is always an option lol

  10. Useful tips only please, I don't have force speed at this level.


    Edit : I got force speed now. But *** sorcs get force speed too... She gets into range with force speed before I can. AND FORCE STORM KILLS EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!


    okay. please, if you're not even at max level yet, don't moan about force storm. 0.o really, as a shadow you can wreck just about anyone if you play it right (./shudder those out of stealth stun and global x.x ) as for regular mobs..... well nothing weird with that. get faster or roll a ranged toon lol

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