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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. Yes, but the point is that people want this to skip SIDEQUESTS, of which there are only two 'sets'; Republic and Imperial.


    amen to that. i've got 5 toons at 60, 13 toons at 55 and the remaining 5 are sub 55. whenever i log on to one of those 5 I log off less then 10 minutes later because it bores me out of my mind. so yes 12x xp for the win for us altoholics.

  2. It is 3.7k in the 500k hp dummy. Everybody uses 1M hp dummy, you cant measure your damage dealt properly if you are using another metric system.


    i know right =) if i'm lucky i open up with about 4k.... that gradually goes down to about 3.5 in the second part. so a 500k parse if in no way an indicator of average DPS.

  3. I'll go record a video and get it up since I have free time now





    so it wasn't 3.7 was 3.6 .






    well here's what my sage just did, mind you certainly not the best attempt ever >.<


    parsec: http://i.imgur.com/0ryOlly.jpg




    update: after some tweaking got up to 3519, but how much of that was lucky RNG is another story

  4. haven't tried healing new ops, but haven't noticed anything too difficult in the lvl 60 HM FPs (unless your team is dumb and stands in stupid) or the old ops even though i hardly ever change out of my DPS gear for those
  5. So instead of applying a hotfix, you keep on forcing us loyal supporters to buy needed skills in order to play this game? For like 4-5 more days? Are you serious?


    You are a prime example for other mmo companys about how to not treat theirs customers.

    As much as i love SWTOR, you guys allways know how to p.... me/us off and make me/us want to quit this crap.

    No wonder the revenues from SWTOR keeps dropping...


    then go spend this time farming crew skill mats and hold off on leveling.

  6. Just the same ain't it, 500 or 700 don't really matter in the end :D


    Thanks tho for the info, now I need to re-consider some of the choices I was about to make.


    Just to grind up crafters and there skills costs, and then add this to that, and a combat systems I have little to nothing for in the end.


    Again, Thank you very much, Now I will stick to what I decided, atleast Wife will be happy again.....


    true story. at lvl 56 i paid 100k for the skills i forgot to re-train at 55 and whatever that there was or was not to train at 56. at 57 i gave up 200k more. not sure about 58 & 59, but the skills for just level 60 are about 550k. so yeah all together i'd say about 900k - 1mil. so ..... *** IS THIS CRAP?!

  7. Not sure if troll post or serious. Either way this is uncalled for.


    just saying that there is a LOT of people who've been playing since launch, have a tonn of toons, would love to get on the PTS. however, our devs have stated that we're having a closed PTS only for this expansion, therefore you, me, or anyone else saying i want it too won't change anything. so what exactly was uncalled for? 0.o

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