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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. I did'nt like wath you do with the sorcerer and sage with the latest patch, were actually converted into kittens and I'm sure that there are many people who think the same as me


    you know there is a tonn of threads of the same line of thought right? 0.o

  2. Hey folks,


    I know that some of you have been waiting for a status update on Maras/Sents, especially for PvP. Here is some info from the Combat team.




    Hello everyone,


    We would like to take this opportunity to discuss Marauders/Sentinels and their present state in the game. To do so, we wish to start by outlining the rotational design philosophies of the three Marauder/Sentinel rotations.


    Carnage/Combat: Low Rotation Difficulty, Moderate Burst and Moderate Sustained Damage

    Annihilation/Watchman: High Rotation Difficulty, High Sustained and Low Burst Damage

    Fury/Concentration: Moderate Rotation Difficulty, High Burst and Low Sustained Damage


    Marauder/Sentinel PvP Viability:

    As it presently stands, Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman are performing well in Solo Ranked and Group Ranked PvP, respectively. We target a 50% win rate for each Discipline in PvP, and Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman are slightly above this ideal win rate. Carnage/Combat is the seventh most effective Discipline (out of 24 Imperial/Republic total Disciplines) with a win rate that is right on target. Annihilation/Watchman is ranked seventh in Solo Ranked PvP (out of 24 Imperial/Republic total Disciplines) with a win rate that is equally on target. Additionally, Carnage/Combat is currently in one of the top 5 Group Ranked PvP class compositions, and this composition has an 82.6% win rate. While win rates are not the sole variable that we balance PvP performance from, these numbers provide evidence of Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman viability in broad PvP scenarios.


    Fury/Concentration is in the lower half of the PvP spectrum. Like other classes that are underperforming, this is, and shall continue to be, addressed in upcoming class balance updates.


    While we plan to adjust Marauders/Sentinels in future updates, we do not expect to see any Marauder/Sentinel Disciplines receiving significant damage output increases. Each of the Disciplines is presently performing at our desired DPS markers, and we plan to focus on Utility in the future. Specifically, mobility and self-healing improvements are currently being tested. We’ll keep you up to date on changes in the coming weeks.


    It should be noted that PvP success is continually changing as updates reach live and the community learns new strategies with their classes.

    Looking forward, we will continue to incrementally improve the status of Marauder/Sentinel Disciplines that are not performing to satisfaction. This is the perspective that we hold for all Disciplines across all classes.


    We will continue to collect constructive feedback from the threads, concerning all classes, and apply improvements through our continual class balancing updates.


    -The SWTOR Combat Team


    SERIOUSLY?????? Musco, tell me right now exactly HOW is SORC MADNESS / SAGE BALANCE OVER-PERFORMING?! And all this mention of pvp, pvp, pvp............ you know there ARE people who don't care about pvp right? 0.o lol

  3. You definately are...


    During the three first rotations only... You clipped WM and SF, then you didn't clip but delayed FiB... You don't have any random alacrity proc to explain it either. You WM is used every 16.4s on average... It should be 18s. Same for SF. You delay FiB by one GCD on average.. In fact I suspect you clip your DoTs and use FiB on CD during the first rotation and you delay FiB by two GCD and reapply correctly your DoTs during the second rotation. You keep Serenity synched with FiB while you should use it on CD during the first rotation and delay it for two GCD after it to maximize the 2p Set Bonus.. And you delay Vanquish a little (not that much tho).


    that is probably cause i just have 1 rotation, i can't manage to see where it becomes 2. and i'm pretty sure i have a 6piece set bonus.and as for dots, you're likely right, i should try to stop clipping the TKT. or put a timer on weaken mind again lol

  4. I believe most other specs are around 4.5 k plus balance at 3.7 is a long way behind par. I really don't care what they are aiming for just fix it so its up with the rest.


    i'm parsing slightly over 4k currently in not quite min/maxed 192s, so 3.7 might be a understatement, since i'm probably just your average sage crazy person and nowhere near the top of the leaderboard =)



    still, here is my log: http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/19893/0

    if anyone wants to see if maybe i'm screwing up my rotation and not even realizing it >.>

  5. I lived in China for a few months and no, you really can't use BW products in general unless you're in Hong Kong. Mainland China has heavy restrictions on what you can and can't use (google, intagram, facebook... and such.) I've used ExpressVPN but what you have to understand is that Chinese internet is... not that good for the most part. So when you're in China and you're using a VPN to connect to Hong Kong it's gonna give you lag and a lot of issues. I've had to get up at 4am (Chinese time) because strangely, that's when the connection clears up and I had the least lag. During the day though, good luck, honestly. There's so many of them that the wifi or even cable connection is kind of horrible. Running Voice chat and playing was torture. I had 100000 lag at times and here's the example http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/nmelikenoother/media/Screenshot_2014-12-07_13_43_06_173978_zpse75cf267.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0


    oh i can get those nasty spikes even from here in Russia, but yeah, Chinese internet does have the potential to suck quite bad. still trying to get a good internet is something i can do once i'm there, deciding on a wifi i can do from here =)

  6. Ummm, both PT and Sorcs were over performing in PvE compared to the other classes as well boys and girls. I know Sorcs far better so I will explain why with that one.


    Does it make any sense what so ever that a CHANNELED AoE ability should be part of a SINGE target rotation?


    As soon as 3.0 Hit and I saw what my Sorc/Consular could do... literally on day 1 I told myself... "well they are definitely going to nerf this. I'll enjoy it while it lasts but definitely not get used to it."


    Now I am not saying that the nerfs may not be overdone. I haven't tested them yet so I have no clue but these changes are NOT just about PvP, though I will grant you PvP makes a VERY convenient scapegoat so as to avoid understanding the classes were overtuned.


    saying sage / sorc over-performing one might think you mean the entire class, and not just one spec lol, cause if you seriously think madness/balance was op then well..............................................

  7. I have been playing Madness/Balance since pre-order.


    I am very disappointed with how low the damage output is in both PVP and PVE. Definitely the lowest parsing spec in the game.


    Turbulence/LS is a waste, it's better to spam TKT/FL.


    In comparison the PT's are unstoppable and the Operative roll is ridiculously broken. There is NO WAY someone should be able to do a somersault over and over again and move faster than someone with Force Run. Ridiculous.


    And while the sages are more survivable then they were before, there is still quite a ways to go before class balance is achieved and there are definitely some issues that need to be addressed.


    emmmmm i'll just point out that Turbulence is NOT a balance tree ability lol

  8. The only thing I really disagree with would be the lack of burst. Aside from the dot damage (weaken mind active though) force serenity and project (with 50% utility) have allowed me to take out close to 1/2 of even juggernaut's health in ranked wzs, where it is safe to assume that we would be relatively equally geared. If you can get a crit, the damage is very comparable to turbulence. Other than that though, you're spot on. We self heal so much that it's safe to say it requires at least two people throwing constant DPS at you to mess up your day.


    Once again, this would be purely PvP related. Since Project is not even in rotation for Balance PvE and of course the health of any operation boss in like waaaaaay more then that of any player in PvP.

  9. I see what you mean there. With that in mind, I would be inclined to say that it isn't superior in those circumstances - unless there was some need for an intermediary type class to pick up slack between the two roles, which it seems in most raids you really wouldn't need after all. I would imagine then that it would fit a real small niche role, if that's the case I don't really think that warrants a revamp - only because I would imagine that would drastically effect the PvP side of the spec, where it is already really strong, and then we'd likely have a new thread on how it needs to be nerfed on that end. (Do you mean the PvP 6-Piece bonus? I'm not too familiar with the PvE set, but the 2/3 (or even 3/3) of the bonuses from the PvP set apply and really help madness/balance too)


    On that note, I've noticed a lot of people seem to be neglecting Project (with the 50% utility) which (at least on WZs) contributes a lot of damage while on the move. but TK throw/FL and serenity seem to be the only abilities with a timer I run into atm, but with my current gearing (almost full alacrity) and mental alacrity buff running it's only about 1.5s (throw) and about 1.1s for serenity I have to stand still for, but I definitely see your point there. I used to use force mobility to just stand still on throw, but I use containment now for extra cc - and find that robbing them of their mobility (PvP again, sorry) works out better for me overall (I also use pinning resolve so I get my force stun back about 30s after I use it, but thats besides the point :p)


    and that is what the problem is. and it's not a unique singular event either. It happens now and then to any spec when they buff something and then have to nerf it because it's over-performing in PvP.

    Accuracy in PvP is nto as important as it is in PvE and so the gearing for PvP is much different I imagine. and yes, i meant the PvE 6-piece set bonus.

    As you said, TK throw is the only channeled ability, but you have to agree - we do have to spam it a lot =) and well, 2 seconds is a lot =) in a raid at least.

    bottom line is they need to balance the balance better lol, because madness / balance being what it is, it's not really competitive compared to TK, so if we want to do do good DPS, we need to go TK, I for one do not appreciate being forced to swap specs like this, especially since i suck at TK and i just plain do not enjoy it.

    SO yeah, my opinion is quite bitter about the situation and very emotionally tinted, but well, i want to play the game the way i enjoy it =) i'm certainly not alone in that desire >.>

  10. I just want to point out that level cap is 60, not 65 >.> since i've seen it mentioned as 65 more then once >.>


    And saying that being out-dps'd might not be too bad since we have such and such utility, well... for the raid buff you take a sage healer to cast it, and then well a healer can bubble / pull people just as easy. Self-healz while nice do not make balance sage / madness sorc unique, nor are those self heals actually that strong (esp. on underlurker), and for any progression team people usually prefer DPS who do good numbers. When you look at it from this side, I fail to see how the benefits outweigh the negatives. Please make me see the light, I'm clearly missing it.

    Also mobility of a madness sorc / balance sage and their root ability won't help any in a boss fight. so that benefit is purely PvP. even the sage 6-piece set bonus 100% benefits just lightning / TK


    P.S. #2: TK throw spam is still most of what we do in balance. that is NOT channeled on the move, so actually i find i am more mobile in Telekinetics / lightning.

  11. 1/2/3) Those are good points. However, (no pun intended) a 'Balance' between DPS and healing/utility shouldn't give higher damage than a pure DPS spec - and each spec does serve best in a certain situation (it would just seem that those situations for Madness and Balance are lower in frequency than that of TK/Lightning). So while it may be true that you may be out DPS'd (not by much if I remember the last results I looked at), if you are assailing multiple targets while at the same absorbing their vitality (sorry couldn't resist :p) it really does add another dimension to PvP.


    4) While I didn't mean to specifically quote you on "sometimes" (might be using my punctuation incorrectly - I cannot remember the difference between ' and " atm), you would be correct; with the need for a much larger pool of data, the parsing has never been reliable enough to definitively say what we think it does. Any statistician would confirm this, and many of the prominent theorycrafters on these boards and related podcasts have even said so themselves. If you could run a test to measure player skill, you could then begin to say how it effects the numbers projected, but until then it is all speculation - which is all we are really doing at this point. To go even further, you could say someone switching from 2.X to 3.0 might even have more problems than someone starting fresh in 3.0 (especially since the purpose of certain trees have changed, and preconceived notions are hard to get rid of after years of having them) - but again, that is speculation and it holds no actual merit. Again, even if it were consistently lower damage than the other discipline, that just about balances out the other benefits you gain from madness. If this were not the case, we would have more damage and more utility - and this would be the discipline everyone complains about (which makes me also want to note again that there is a proper time and place for every ability and discipline).


    While PvP may be the smaller portion of the game, it would accurately reflect why these disciplines are used by a smaller portion of players. But on a side note, to my understanding the ranked gear has changed significantly since 3.0. Other than that, the only really practical content that could be added to PvP would be maps or game modes - and (depending on your server) Shadow of Revan effectively delivers that.


    (1) Balance / Madness is NOT a healing / DPS hybrid. that's like saying sentinel watchmen is a healz / DPS hybrid. cause you know - dots, self-healz. So, What I really see is that you, Titus, only say things from a PvP perspective. Well, look at that, I don't PvP. I don't like it. I'm a raider. And sage Balance is my main spec, I have 4 level 60 sages and a level 60 sorcerer. I run balance / madness on all of them...... or I used to, before 3.0 that is.


    (2) True, Parsing might not be the most accurate way to judge things, but neither are warzones. If you're in PvP gear and your opponent is not, you'll hit him harder (or at least it was that way pre-3.0). As far as data. well I can just reliably say that I am parsing right now about a 100 less then i was pre-3.0, which all other DPS specs are doing way better then before. So I don't know about you, but for me that's enough to know that yes something is worse then it used to be.


    (3) Just cause something is used in PvP doesn't mean it's only good for PvP. Balance / Madness was awesome and now look at what they did to it.

  12. Balance gets HEALS in exchange for REDUCED DPS.


    You really want to lose the heals and get DPS? No thanks.


    i'm sorry, but i have to ask - were you dropped on your head hard or something? as has already been said, if you want to heal yourself - BECOME A HEALER!!! Madness / Balance is a DPS spec. Even if we get some questionable self-heals, that is no reason to kill the DPS this much. As most of us, i'm a paying subscriber, so excuse me, but for the money and time i invest in playing the game, i want to play the spec i enjoy, not be forced to learn a different one that i'm not comfortable with.

    BioWare, you guys have said that 3.0 was about balancing damage and classes. So far i've yet to see this balance i speak of.

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