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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. OP is certainly right.

    but of course as soon as people even mention bringing tokens to flashpoint and operation bosses, PvPers feel that they'd get short end of the stick. So there must be a way to allow PvPers get the tokens as well... a way that doesn't involve ops, since they're PvPers after all lol:D:D:D

    what exactly is this way? well how the hell should i know, i'm not a dev.

    bottom line is: this can't stay the way it is atm.:D:D:D

  2. Ok, first i have to confess I have only 5 toons left - 3 guardians and 2 juggers, all tonkies...

    Opened 21 crates on my main - 1 mh, 2 heads - no set bonus (i used one tu upgrade my shield :))

    Two days ago the other jugger - one blue ear 😀

    Today I opened one crate on each of the toons that reached 70 - GC lvl 2 - got 1 boot set bonus and 1 glove set bonus...guess RNGesusu was watching over me 😃

    all hail the RNG winner. u hit the jackpot i feel:D:D:D

  3. Exactly. In a WZ, if most of your team quits partway through, you still get credit for the match. In a FP, if half your team quits partway through, congratulations, you're screwed. You can either sit through the queue for a replacement (something that can take a VERY long time if you're needing a tank or healer), or quit the FP to start all over again, wasting all that time!


    I'm tired of people claiming they 'deserve' BiS participation trophies for doing the easiest damn content in the game just as much (if not more, with the really special snowflakes) as the people who actually put a ton of effort into tackling the hardest content.


    true to a degree. i don't MIND people having access to the same gear from different content, but i'm certainly not happy. i mean. if you get the same rewards from hm / nim ops as from story chapters and sm flashpoints, then what's the point of banging our heads on the hard stuff?

    for progress you say? sense of accomplishment? i'd agree, if not for the fact that we're like 2 years PAST that point where doing these ops for just achievements or just to kill bosses would be interesting.

    if it can't be new and interesting, then AT LEAST it should be rewarding.

  4. *dies*

    Oh, they've been hinting at "Group Content" -which players assumed meant Ops- for well over a year now. And they STILL didn't say anything about Ops. They said more about "Group Content." And seeing as they consider the Uprisings group content, which is technically true because you need a group for it, be prepared for more of the same.

    Be prepared to be disappointed.


    lol people spammed NEW OPS in the stream chat......... what did they say?

    "we'll think about making the existing ones harder"

    where exactly do their eyes/ears grow from? 0.o their a*s?

  5. I did the trooper story twice week one of the game leveled my main (at the time) a commando 3 days after starting I leveled my vanguard... never leveled another and never will again..


    Garza can blow me and the rest of the boys.


    you mention them boys in every post. is there something you'd like to share with us ??:D:D

  6. UGH. And you can't even do the "Travel to your Coruscant SH and exit." No. You have to LOAD into your ship, fly to Coruscant, load into the hangar, speeder through the huge spaceport, speeder all the way to the senate tower, then run through half of THAT, JUST so Garza can say, "Good job, Major. Here's your next assignment."

    should be more like: good job on your sprinting excercises, dismissed:D:D:D

  7. It is for Counselor. I literally rush through that story line just to get out of their bloody 'class story' - it's the worst and only starts to shine - in my opinion - when Makeb hits.

    yeah after lvling 15 sages and 3 shadows i can confirm, the only thing as bad as the consular story is the chapter 3 of trooper. as in go do 1 quest - come back to coruscant - do quest - come back to coruscant. LOL

  8. I agree. I think the 8 class stories were a mistake because most people would play maybe 2-3. That means potentially 6 classes' worth of story that they would miss out on.


    I just wish there was something for story fans to keep doing. 25 chapters, if you do 1 chapter per day, by the time you finish Veteran mode, Master difficulty would be opened.


    NO. just NO. yeah it may seem that 8 stories is too much at first, but eventually we all get to them. and they are all awesome, admittedly some more so than others, but at least it's FUN to level an alt, experience something different. whereas in kotfe/kotet u do one toon through chapters and u know exactly what to expect when u decide to lvl another one. where is the fun in that? At the VERY least i expected there to be differences for rep / imp walkthrough, but nope, couldn't even manage that much. THe chapters are awesome........... when you do them the FIRST time. and once you do them on 2-3 toons, most people don't ever want to do it again. because there is no difference. it doesn't matter if you are a jedi or a bounty hunter, if you are chiss or human, if you are male or female, republic or imp. You do all the same things in the same order. Why? why the hell would they think that it's okay to have ALL races, ALL classes, BOTH factions react absolutely the same to EACH AND EVERY SITUATION????????? that doesn't even make sense 0.o sure, you can choose to go with light choices or with dark choices or a mix of, but ultimately the choices you get are ALL THE SAME.:(


    After that, what else do you do? I guess the selfish part of me wants the devs to do more to keep me subbed. Maybe Master can have extra bonus objectives? A "story reputation" for us to grind? Master needs extra carrots.

    Or are they happy for us to just sub for a few months, unsub, and be happy to see us again at their new expansion?

    .... dude, we have 300 GC levels to gring PER TOON and you want them to give you MORE grind?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: did you drop on your head when you woke up today?:D:D

  9. The weak excuses the devs use to force RNG down our throats was that "you don't get a set piece every raid" but after 14 raids you will definitely have something that isn't a bunch are terrible cosmetics

    thing is, with raids, at least with most guild runs and MOST pugs that i've been in at least, if you don't get a token, you will certainly get a MMG or 2 if you're lucky ( at least if you're doing HM lol) and then you can get yourself a something crafted if you need it, or at least make some money. so no one would walk out completely empty handed.:D

    now though....... BLEH. just BLEH.

  10. RNG is something BioWare is devoted to and I don't see them rapidly changing that system. I can see them increasing CXP gains, allowing more crates to drop, etc. However, I don't see them taking steps to undermine the RNG, which they very much support and want in place. Regardless of whether people believe RNG is good or bad for the game, BioWare believes it will lead to the best results based on how they have structured gear progression.


    RNG is also something they got rid of in SO many aspects of the game - like rotations. Why the hell can't our command boxes be the same as heroic boxes during leveling. those were so nice. every crate - 2 pieces of gear. i could open boxes after 4 heroics and get 4 of the same items, but that is still BETTER than getting trash like pets, shells, jawa junk or rep. tokens.


    don't get me wrong, i know there is a lot of people who like collecting cartel armor and stuff, but FFS not at the expense of gear please. yes you can say that every crate gives a piece of gear. thing is, for most people that gear is total TRASH unless it's Set bonus pieces, or at least purples. Sure, if you start a token toon it will have 208 gear, in that case even that 228 green garbage will be an upgrade. but let's face it, most people will have at least 1 set of 224 or 220 gear they can wear while they level up to 70.

  11. It bears repeating -- the "inclusion" part of Galactic Command is good.


    It's the RNG portion that is the problem.


    You're familiar with the typical "bell curve" chart of random number distribution? Every single player that falls on the left-hand side of that curve is going to feel "excluded".


    hear hear, after some 40 crates of complete and utter NOTHING, i don't even wanna log in that much. i do a couple pvp matches or a quick GF op and get bored. because every time i open this next crate there is yet another slap by RNJeezuz

  12. The real issue here is if BioWare allows progression raiders to gear up too quickly, then everybody else is left behind. It would not make any sense at all for you to have access to better gear just because you are doing progression raiding. Then, you would have a clear advantage over everybody else in the game, regardless of the content. That would definitely be a big "no no" in PvP.

    aaaaand AGAIN you come back to prog raiders gearing too fast. yes we know 4.0 made it easy. but it wasn't all that easy in 1.0 or in 2.0 or even in 3.0. but regardless. yes it was easy. so instead of making it slowER, they now turned it into a SNAIL-PACED GRIND


    Galactic Command with RNG is meant to stabilize gear distribution and keep the game relatively level. By providing any sort of "alternative path" for progression raiders or anybody else merely undermines the entire point of the system. You'll just have to make do like the rest of us with what you have until you get to a point in the tier system where you have access to better gear.

    no it will certainly not be LEVEL. because it's RNG. it's completely and totally RANDOM!!! especially if these gear boxes contain useless fluff like jawa junk, empty shells.... and REP. TOKENS.

    and besides some crafters already have access to 240 schematics. so that means that people with a lot of credits to spare and get gear VERY fast anyway. not set bonus sure, but good upgrades for mods and enhancements at least. easy advantage right there. we don't all have a spare 100 mil on hand.

  13. Corollary to my original negation of argument. If it requires pugging ops, it's an invalid argument; because pugging ops did (and probably does still, I haven't tried recently) require hanging around fleet (or flagships, I suppose) doing nothing but watching chat and posting in chat. It's not like I haven't tried to pug SM ops in the years I've been playing; but I've gotten into exactly 3, and 2 of those were due to picking up on a guildie's invite. Queuing through GF for ops is a broken waste of time. I'd rather be out playing the game than watching the jawa jokes go by. (This is not news to you, Gabi, I've ranted about this before, but there might be one or two people reading this that haven't seen my hate for the dysfunction of Ops GF.)


    u know a lot of servers have custom chat channels for putting raid groups together right? I never have to just sit on fleet to look for people to raid with for one. just saying. as for SM raids. well, i did a SM DF today, it took 25 minutes, so it's not like it's hard AT ALL, what with it being out for several years, and bolster does exist to compensate for low level / bad gear. though i will admit raid GF does SUCK balls.


    *snip* This means that, no, the Ops-grade gear was entirely inaccessible to me, despite nominally playing every week the amount of time a KP or EV run would take. I took the PvP armor for set bonus and ran with it; but then I locked myself into having PvP-statted armor, and forewent the PvE upgrade path because a hybrid armor set would kill my PvP effectiveness, and lack of PvE=level stats (fractionally improved as they are) blocked my own challenge advancement; there were fights out there I would lose by inches because of a fractional lack of DPS; and my own skill had plateaued.


    well that sucks. and i can't commit to raids due to crappy timezone. but htat doesn't stop me trying my best and yelling currently at the top of my lungs that the way they're implementing the new system now SUCKS. note: not the system itself (not sure about htat yes, though it sure is boring as f**k.


    Gear was freely available to anyone, who could get into a well-managed guild. "Well-managed guild" is an entirely inappropriate gear gating mechanism; because management of a guild is outside the span of control of the developers. Argument still invalid.

    this argument is also kinda tinted with your personal experience. and like, gating gear behind horrid RNG i also NOT the answer. ESPECIALLY for people who don't have time to play more than 2 hours a day.

  14. I've said it time and time again. Gear progression was far too fast and far too easy for veterans. On the other hand with newcomers, it was convoluted and not well-explained by the game. This led to an obvious division and a gap in terms of gear, creating the "haves" and have-nots."


    damn, i read this and felt like i was having a deja-vu. in 4.0 highlighted ops made gear TOO EASY for everyone, no just vets. NOW it's too grindy and too RNG FOR EVERYONE. there has to be a balance FFS


    BioWare did what any sensible studio would have, destroy the inequality at its source. I understand you, and many others do not like the RNG. That system merely provides a buffer to those who want to guarantee they'll get gear within a certain amount of time. It drastically slows down the process of progression so that the community is not divided immediately. It's great for the purposes of longevity as well as giving BioWare time to develop new content.


    what progression are you talking about here????? all progression has been done with 2 years ago. since then it's been an endless cycle of grind gear/ grind gear for your alts/grind gear for your teammates/run sale runs for casuals. I see you say you yourself like the RNG? DO you like Ben, find it exciting? :D:D:D


    There is absolutely nothing wrong with the direction BioWare has gone. Folks are just struggling to adjust to it due to being spoiled by an incredibly easy gear progression for years. It's expected and you can be sure BioWare knew this kind of reaction from part of the community was going to happen. Galactic Command with RNG is something BioWare has clearly been working on for quite some time. They weren't just going to revert course because a vocal minority was voicing their displeasure after a week of experiencing the system. That's not how you responsibly run an MMO.


    GC can stay no problem. but this damn RNG needs to be fixed. end of story. i say so, 90% of forum says so. and BW even admits that's not ideal. and we're not a minority. there is not way to be sure of that. so keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better but at the end of the day that doesn't change anything. if we're minority or in fact majority they read what we write (at least sometimes) and that's the opinions they take into account (every once in a blue moon)


    These folks will either adapt or they will move on to something else. Or, I suppose there is always the third option of continuing to subscribe, hoping for content that is probably not coming, and continuing to beat a topic over the head like a dead horse.


    well, they ARE beating the game like a dead horse, so we might as well do the same.

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