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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. The Army of Light is the third guild I joined and it is most certainly the one that fits me the most. One thing that you can find in practically every guild out there, is the presence of cliques in some form. This is in my opinion the thing that has the biggest potential to spoil one's time in a guild. As such I was very pleasantly surprised that I have not found such a thing in the Army of Light. Everyone is perfectly friendly and willing to play with everyone else.

    More then that, the guild is very serious about their end game content activities. If you're looking for a guild that takes their PvE/PvP/RP seriously, then I suggest you consider joining the Army of Light. I'm a 100% sure you'll not regret it.

  2. DPS Shadow in balance tree, full columi + 2 pieces of black hole gear looking for experienced people to run me through the Lost Island hard mode flashpoint to hopefully get the rakata chest piece.

    Never done this one before and have been trying to find people to run me through this for about 2-3 weeks now. Asked around in game and the most popular answer seems to be 'No, we don't do that one. It's such a pain' and so on.


    If anyone can spare the time, please send me a message, or PM me in game.

    Tai'ra of the Jinn legacy.

  3. Okay, as an actual Russian person i want to say just this - English is nowadays taught in practically most schools, at least from grade 5 and up, at least in well sized cities. As such I find it really unnecessary to translate the game, or add a language specialized forum. What's the point?

    I know my English is good thus I'm okay with stuff being in English..... the only thing that is bad for me playing from Russia is the time difference being a huge obstacle in finding a group for OPS raids =) Will have to move to USA as soon as I can =)

    That aside, you people knew the game would be in English when you installed it. SO what's the point in whining about it being in English?????

  4. Reached 50 for the first time a little less then a month ago (shadow, balance tree, DPS). Got all my columi relatively easily. However I find it close to impossible to find geared people to run the HM EV/KP, or SM EC with, since i live in Russia and i believe the time difference is close to 9 hours with EST. Thus getting Rakata gear is a top priority of mine right now and is very hard to actually achieve.

    The toon's name is Tai'ra and is part of the JEDl Order.

    If anyone is willing to help out, please let me know.

    Thank you in advance =)

  5. I live in russia, therefore have an about 9 hours difference with EST. As such finding people to help me run HM OPS to get me some rakata gear (currently all columi with black hole chest, gloves and ear piece) i s a huge pain.

    The best time would be from 7 AM -to 3 PM, maybe five pm EST if i can manage not to fall asleep =)

    toon - level 50 shadow, balance tree, role - DPS. Tai'ra.

    guild - JEDl Order =)

  6. My guild has a "credit limit" of 10,000 credits...


    I just use my own money (have ~4 mil in credits on me, not counting GTN)


    great for you, I for example have just got to 600k today. Got all my columi so now have to work on getting Rakata.... with this new repair bill and my time difference (live in Russia) finding well geared people willing to run me through a HM OPS has become close to impossible

  7. It depends what type of enemy switches agro to you. If it is a strong or elite, it is probably the tanks fault for not holding agro. If its a lesser enemy, it doesnt matter how much damage you do to it as the tank will have a hard time holding agro for everything (Tank has to focus on the harder enemies). Just burst the mob down.


    If you pull threat on an easy mob, just kill it. If you pull threat on a harder one, use your threat dump and/or ask for a guard from your tank.

    this is also a problem i began having in sm ops and hm fps from time to time ever since i began buying the black hole gear (only have two pieces so far though) ... would really appreciate it if someone could please help me figure out what would be the threat dump for a dps shadow running the balance tree

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