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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. My question is this: In the rules it states that

    The Old Republic™ - Knights of the Fallen Empire and is open only to legal residents of Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada (excluding Quebec), Chile, China, including Taiwan, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand, United


    Kingdom, the United States (including the District of Columbia) who are at least as old as the minimum age of majority in the jurisdiction from which they enter the Promotion.

    .... if that is so, then please explain how does one go about even playing the game from mainland china. as far as i'm aware it is not possible without a VPN of some sorts.

  2. Blue Team of <The Army of Light> is currently looking for a good DPS (preferably sentinel or commando) to round up our roster.

    We raid sundays 9 pm est and mondays 8:30 pm est. Currently we are looking for a dps for sundays only (would be our first choice for filling in on mondays as well of course)

    Currently we are mainly doing priority HM raids, and will start working on NiM raids soonish lol.

  3. Wow, I didn't realize accuracy was important anymore since they removed the "primary" stat from the classes. I need to keep an eye on that...


    Thanks for the info! Is there any place that has the stats and what they are good for, perhaps even what each class benefits from them? I guess it would have to be updated since the last few patches.


    hi. you're welcome. i'll try to make a short summary for you lol, almost all this info can be found ingame by hovering over your stats in the character window lol. otherwise go to http://dulfy.net/category/swtor/4-0-class-guides/


    the character stats as of right now are:


    1) DPS & healing stats:

    mastery - main stat - "increases your aptitude in combat", it influences such stats as: damage bonus (melee & force); critical chance (melee & force) and healing power (it used to be the thing to augment gear for power or main.stat before, but now with the changes to crit, if you have mastery or power augments, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG LOL);

    power - increases DPS and healing bonuses added to abilities (just always pick out mods, armorings and enhancements that have more power and less endurance :p, BUT NO POWER AUGMENTS!!);

    critical - increases the chance that your attack will deal additional damage as well as the amount of that extra "crit" damage; (this used to be 2 separate stats, but now it's all one stat, which is why DPS and healers need a LOT of it, like over 1200 generally.)

    alacrity - increases the speed at which abilities are executed, as well some mana (force / ammo / energy) regeneration speed. (depending on your class and build you'll need more or less of it, but dulfy.net has very good class guides for almost all specs in the game lol.)

    accuracy (DPS ONLY) - increases the chance that your attack will affect the target.


    2) tank stats:

    endurance - increases the amount of damage you can take before being killed;

    defense - chance to avoid incoming attacks;

    shield - chance that incoming energy or kinetic attacks will be reduced by your shield;

    absorb - percentage of damage prevented when an attack is absorbed by your shield;

  4. Great response, I didn't expect that much detail.


    Yeah probably pve mostly for now. I guess the question becomes where do I get this 224 gear from?




    well.... the PvE gear consists of the following:


    1) commendation vendor gear: for end game these come from 3 vendors for each class - common , glowing and radiant (what used to be basic, elite and ultimate comms respectively). These vendors provide u with 208, 216 and 220 gear. Now for casual playing u can easily get enough glowing crystals from doing heroics for 216 gear , or do ops & flashpoint weeklies to slowly gather radiant crystals and get 220 gear. This gear is all mostly MK-4 gear. It has higher master & endurance. and extremely low amount of power.


    2) operation tokens & MK-2 drops: drop from ops bosses. 216 in Story Mode, 220 in Hard Mode, 224 - in Hard Mode priority (in patch 4.3 Nightmare mode will finally have 100% drop rate of 224 tokens). Also ops bosses drop MK-2 gear.

    In SM it's MK-2 216 stuff and 1 random piece of MK-2 220 on last boss. and the higher tiers drop MK-2 220 gear.

    While the MK-2 gear still has ****** mods, u can easily use the enhancements. The other thing about ops gear - is the fact that tokens have a set bonus. U can trade in the token piece for the appropriate piece of gear. So, since you are a DPS sage, you will need to get a 6-piece Force Master set bonus =)


    3) Crafting: getting gear crafted is a good way to get 220 (exarch) relics, implants and earpiece, though it is a pricey business. Each relic, implant or earpiece requires 3 Dark Matter Catalysts along with other mats >.<


    Oh, and before i forget - don't forget to get augmented lol. These days as a DPS u want to use a mix of accuracy, critical and alacrity augments =) I personally prefer to get 2 accuracy enhancements and get rest of my accuracy from augments, but that's a matter of personal preference i believe lol.

  5. can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my DPS? 0.o cause the very best i've currently managed is 5882.91 (http://parsely.io/parser/view/... and even that has only happened once so far. I know i'm doing something wrong (not counting the ~440ms server lag lol), i'm just not sure how to fix it x.x


    well, at least i'm almost sure i'm geared right lol, currently my stats are:

    mastery: 5404

    power: 2875

    accuracy: 701

    alacrity: 737

    critical: 1424

  6. To start with, a trying to gear up more for PvE or PvP ?


    If PvE, then keep the following in mind:


    1) As DPS, you need to have as close to 110% force accuracy as you can. (rating of 701 will give you 110.19% accuracy, so it is best to keep accuracy in the 690-701 range)


    2) Since 4.0 crit has been redesigned as you've no doubt noticed. What used to be crit and surge is now one stat, as such you need a lot of it. It must be between 1200 and 1500 depending on the rating of your gear. Eventually aim for around 1400-1500.


    3) And Alacrity. Most DPS specs benefit from it one way or another. As a Balance sage (or madness sorcerer) you want to have around 700-800 alacrity. how much exactly depends on your preferences really. Also, if you have a lot of server lag, you might benefit more from a more crit heavy build, in which case you will have a bit less alacrity.


    4) You mentioned HP. Well.... the truth is that HP is your least priority. You always want armorings, mods and enhancements with more power. = unlettered mods etc. Since power allows you to do more damage and extra HP doesn't help at all. Still. a well geared sage is gonna end up having about 80k hp eventually (in full 224 gear mind you) :p


    If you've got any other questions, you can poke me here, or check out the guide posted on the dulfy website =)


    this here is a link to a nice balance rotation if you wanna take a look :

  7. 1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

    eee i'd say tentative 7/10. the sense of a new SW movie after so long was epic. though the movie itself didn't inspire me to want to watch it a second time within the next couple months >.<

    2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

    definitely Rey =) Finn reminds me of JarJar for some reason lol. and Kylo.... well u know. young Severus Snape 2015 lol

    3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

    Kylo Ren's sith master what's his face....


    4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

    i'd say Han =)


    5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

    probably the duel in the forest Kylo / Rey


    6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

    well Kylo: "the ... droid.... stole... the freighter" was pretty funny.

    and at the beginning. the scene where Finn and Rey were running awake from stormtroopers. I know how to run ftw lol


    7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

    unless she's magically descended from Kenobi (JK) ... yes she probably is


    8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

    well. his death upset me cause i always liked his character, but i think it fit in the story well. but imo, the scene lacked details, emotion and etc.


    9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

    9/10, absolutely awesome, though i still like the Qui-Gon / Obi-Wan / Darth Maul three-way fight a bit better =)


    10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

    hmmm.... V > VI > I > VII > IV > II > III


    11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

    ... ... ... J.J. Abrams? lol. failing that, Kylo Ren's actor lol


    12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

    eee i think he is slightly sensitive, but not enough to make him a potential jedi or sith =)

  8. new titles? great =) new mounts? even better =)





    a CHANCE to drop NIM gear .... from NIM raids ?!?!?!?




    what the actual F***???????


    sure does seem like April 1st came early to BioWare, but well......

    that said, Eric, Tait, or actually i don't care who. BUT..... EXPLAIN THIS PROPERLY!!!!

    you're seriously gonna lose quite a bunch of people cause this stupidity!!!

  9. added =) & sorry about the hilt, it kinda did apparently slip through lol.

    though of course the market is way smaller this time around, cause a lot of people can craft stuff this tier lol. cause 60% RE chance lol.

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