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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. average player? needs the buffer of better gear to do anything other then story content. they NEED that margin for error. and there is a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes people want to progress through harder content. its not the gear. its sense of accomplishment and in case of ops - teamwork paired with accomplishment. gear? is means to an end.


    true, but we're talking about content we already know like back of our hand, so if doesn't at least give shinies ? then what's the point? cause aside from nim it's boring as f*** anyway lol:D:D

  2. What's wrong with 228's? For the long winded individual above me, 228's are easy to get, augment, and jump right into pvp with.


    You people (read: snowflakes) act as if you won't have any gear at all unless it comes from a crate. The sheer volume of crying over this is ludicrous.


    those 228s... i assume u mean those crappy green things that see every now and then in the box.... well.... thing is, they're worse than my augmented 224s.... soooooooooo they're kinda useles, to me at least. and that long winded individual above? he's 100% correct.:D:eek::eek::D

  3. And to top it off, they did all of it under premise of "helping new players", which not only was outright lie, but also serves to separate playerbase. Becouse half of this thread is filled with arguments of "why casuals even need that gear", while people like OP say that "it's just raiders mad that somebody else gets their toys". People really miss the fact that everybody gets screwed equally. But yea, let's keep arguing what use casuals have for BiS. It sure is important now.


    PS. Damn it, that signature is killing me :mad:


    i feel it's not raiders wailing about casuals getting access to their toys... more that that access is such a pain for them .... for everyone really :D:D

    i don't even mind this crate system THAT MUCH, it's the RNG of it that makes me really mad. because the more crates u open , the better ur chance at getting good shinies should be. atm it is way too crappy.

  4. Exclussiveness is really not the "best thing" for swtor. I talked about this with a friend who with I've been playing for years, I do ops and group content for my gear, he doesnt participate in almost any group content apart from flashpoints.


    He seemed to be ok with this gear change, it didnt change his means of gearing, which previously was grinding FPs and commendations. Now he is simply grinding a different currency. And he doesnt need the fancy endgame gear, since he doesnt participate in the hardest content.


    ¨This did however change the way I have been getting my gear, which is by doing ops on any alts and using the tokens / wz comms to buy gear for any character I was missing pieces for. It is the complete opposite from what I am used to and what I want.


    Hence I will not be playing endgame this expansion, but he will as he always has, because nothing changed for him.

    good for your friend then. i feel i will be doing pvp until they get their head out of their *****, which will likely not happen... considering i suck at pvp i'm not sure i'll last long, but i'll try lol. :D:D

  5. See, exactly this.


    I feel bad somewhat for newer players listening to people like OP and thinking they're getting a pretty good deal.


    While I agree I do not see a need for a casual player to have the equiv of 224 set gear I can understand why/how they might want it. Fine. Give it to them.

    Put it on the coms vendors. And leave everything else alone. Problem solved. Everyone is happy now, no?

    see, i doubt this makes me an elitist (though i'm sure someone will scream that i am) but it's reasonable that high difficulty content should give high end rewards that make people feel nice after downing a boss after x amount of wipes. sure, some people will say that that's not the reason they raid and that's perfectly reasonable, i don't raid for gear either, but it's still nice to get those NIM exclusive rewards when u actually are good enough to clear that content.

    now they removed that.... and we get what exactly? a bit more CXP than on HM? 0.o sounds lame, sorry.:eek::eek:


    We didn't need GC. Or RNG. They didn't solve a damn thing. They created animosity. They removed enjoyable gameplay and replaced it with mindless grinding.


    All the time and effort implementing this could have been spent on content.


    now this part 200% agree. they always spend time on the things that might make some people happy.... and will leave the majority wailing about how BW is being x.x

  6. we must have a different non raider perspective, because even without raiding, I find this system entirely abhorent. someone who is casually playing whatever they want - will end up barely getting rewarded for it. so eventually if they feel like they are struggling with content they want to keep playing... they either give up.. or are forced to grind whatever content is most efficient for xp gain.. and still barely get rewarded. few months down the road, maker help them if they want to pvp - they are not catching up with anyone else, they will continuously get squashed with casualy speaking? months of grind ahead of them - per character, before they could even start getting a CHANCE at upgrades that would put them on equalfooting with someone who'se been grinding since the start.


    the only way this system is "inclusive" if you concider that everyone but the most dedicated grinders and maybe roleplayers/people who run through story once on story mode and are done - are screwed by it. altoholics? screwed. raiders? screwed. casual solo players who want to try anything above story mode and are of average skill so they NEED the gear to compensate? screwed. pvpers? screwed. new players? screwed. veterans? yep.


    rng. is. awful. rng as THE ONLY means of upgrading your character's performance? even worse. rng gated behind a time wall? THE WORST.


    i think i'm in love. marry me? :D:D

  7. It's funny that you say someone can't accept that they might be wrong, when the raiders on this thread refuse to see this from a non-raider perspective. Imagine for a second that someone isn't interested in doing raids beyond story mode. Really think about that. The game would offer them next to nothing endgame. I know this because that's when I personally would always cancel my sub. Once raiding (or even griding HM flashpoints) became the next step in progression, I lost interest. In this system I can play whatever I feel like is fun that day and still be working towards something. That's where the inclusiveness comes in--there is more than one path as opposed to only raiding.


    okay. explain to me please. why on earth would non-raiders / not ranked pvpers even need set bonus for exactly? all the content int he game except HM ops, NIM ops and probably ranked pvp can be easily done without min/maxed gear and set bonus.


    Another thing to keep in mind is that a brand new player should end up at level 70 well before they have maxed gear. As someone else already pointed out, someone who is freshly gearing a new character will be able to use the majority of the random gear that drops. Their experience will be different than yours (and other people sitting on old raid gear). And I really doubt their concern will be "catching up" with people who were raid-ready today.


    aaaaaand if they have bad luck and only get empty shells /jawa scrap/companion gifts/ rep. tokens? where do they get their gear from then? 0.o as a newbie they won't have the required millions to buy mats/gear from GTN...


    That said, I'm not defending the fact that the current RNG is a bad way for current raiders to incrementally progress their gear. But I'd wager that this benefits far more players than it currently limits. I like this better. I'm more likely to sub longer under this system. Try to really think about who might be more representative of the player base--I really don't think it's HM/NiM raiders. Also the expansion JUST came out. If you don't feel like giving them time to adjust take a break until they do.


    this entire system is a extremely BAD copy from the RNG-based drop rate of legendary items in WoW, as such they could have at least thought about it a bit more / given an alternative way to get those set bonuses.... like dunno.... u earn ur command rank and then u can spend them points on the set bonus piece u want/need or something. No doubt there are people who get very lucky and have several set pieces by now, but keep in mind, for every lucky guy there is undoubtedly at least 10 howling in frustration about how much RNG f***ing hates them. Change is good in MMO, no doubt there, but it needs to be done carefully and thoughtfully. not the way BW does it. the forums are literally blowing up with this topic and yet there is not a single gold post in response... not that that is anything out of ordinary mind you.....

  8. :sy_darkside: Make a reward system that dont give a f..k about raiders and end game and players with a real life.


    :sy_darkside: Make a forum and dont give a f..k about what the subscriber players think.


    :sy_darkside: Launch a new patch with new bugs and never repairs to the old ones.


    :sy_darkside: Make an annoying Pop UP about DvsL


    :sy_darkside: Make a new patch and cero flashpoints, operations, pvp warzones, starfighters, or any type of new game.


    :sy_darkside: The same history for all classes. Do not care if you are a force user or not


    :sy_darkside: Make nothing about credits sellers and spamers.


    :sy_darkside: The same events every weeks.


    :sy_darkside: Decrease the staff and the budget.


    well done mate, you said it. 200% accuracy. :D:D:D ./high five

    ........... they still don't care though ./headbang

  9. it's u know, kinda the same as all those people that yell please add this or that race to the game.

    don't get me wrong i was happy to make a togruta sentinel ahsoka clone too, but as it is, in this game race of your character doesn't add anything to the game. now if it would influence NPCs' reaction to you then yeah that would be worth lvling another alt, or even better, have a race based story line >.> but alas BW is too lazy.

    so yes, now we whine to be allowed to romance this or that companion which in our opinion might be more interesting than the such and such we ARE allowed to romance lol. :D:D

    i mean, after playing Dragon Age, Mass Effect and KOTOR, i was REALLY looking forward to swtor story..... but alas. after lvl 50 it has become really rather disappointing. why the hell do they think that a light side consular will do things the same way as a DS bounty hunter? just as an example ofc. but seriously. KOTFE and KOTET are much better than the story in makeb, oricon and so on, but only the first time you do it.... :eek::eek:

  10. Ok explain me this. Rank 28 no set items no nothing except one 230 relic.

    Sorry nice try but its not true. Like in any casino gambling business - some win huge but some have to loose also a lot.

    And i'm also veteran player. Started playing this game since beta and i dislike this new system. No matter how you try to explain this people will abandon this game.

    no the OP is right, it is kinda equal........ IT JUST SUCKS FOR almost EVERYONE

  11. u got to keep in mind, that new people first of all need to be WILLING to learn for anything good to happen at this point. same as you I've been in this game since before TFB and S&V came out, mostly am a PVEr, though i do enjoy PvP now and then, never quite into RP (fanfiction is more my thing apparently haha), I've cleared all the 8man content, am an assistant GM in one of my guilds, been a raid leader for like 3-4 years now. so i am very familiar with teaching new members for sure. Now what I've noticed over the years is this: for us vets to teach the n00bs, the said newbies have to first WANT TO LEARN. I would take new people with me every now and then. and when cap level people ask stuff like: "what's an interrupt?" or just plain don't say that they don't know the fight and we wipe over and over cause they're doing stupid stuff, or even better, we're trying to tell this new tank that he needs to keep the boss turned away so he doesn't cleave and he blows up for no reason, or those awesome sages or sorcerers in defense gear coming to dps a nightmare DF..... or a gunslinger saying he is stacking aim so he doesn't miss.....

    coming across stuff like this over and over u realize that YES, we need to do what we can to teach them.... but unfortunately like any education process it is a two-way street.

    As for strictly 5.0... yes, if a group starts all together and they have some newbies then they can all progress together, but what if your group looses a vet player and is forced to pick up a newbie instead. not only we will have to teach them, but also we have no way to help them get geared to catch up to us. so how the hell is this system inclusive ?

    On the matter of the RNG, i'll repeat what i've said on Dulfy: It's a copy of WoW legendary drops system....and an extremely BADLY implemented one at that.


  12. Again, you are always guaranteed a piece of gear. Whether it's a green, blue, orange, or purple (with a set piece bonus), you will always get something. Sure, you may already have that piece or something better. However, it is factually incorrect to state you never get gear from every command crate. You are 100% guaranteed a piece of gear every time open a command crate.


    okay fine, i might just be annoyed as f*** because i'm sorry but i do not consider useless green crap that is not an upgrade at all to be useful. it's a bad attempt at copying the WoW system of the legendary items RNG and it's implemented in a much worse way. just because the thing you get from the crate is technically a piece of gear it is by far not 100% useful or an upgrade. and the fact is, ur command rank doens't even increase your chance of getting a better drop. pre 5.0 you could do the ops of needed level and try to get the piece you needed. Now? you can grind as much as you can and still get nothing but crap.

    Please, do explain what exactly is inclusive about this system. because i'm trying to see it,... and i'm just not succeeding.

  13. ... underworld mats? 0.o

    there are only 4 types of mats u can harvest:

    1) archeology grade 9/10 in swamp area on zakuul

    2) bioanalysis grade 9/10 in swamp area on zakuul

    3) scavenging grade 9/10 in old town on zakuul

    4) slicing grade 9/10 in old town on zakuul


    also there are some nodes on darvannis, though i'm not sure which ones exactly lol

  14. You are always guaranteed a gear piece. It just may not be a gear piece you need. If you find the command crate to be lacking, disintegrate and move on to the next command crate. This system is actually built to encourage rapid level gains so that players will eventually achieve the gear they want.


    you actually aren't. if each crate had a useful piece of gear but random on WHAT piece it is that'd be one thing. but if you keep getting crates of 1) empty shell 2) jawa junk 3) companion gift / reputation token................ (and trust me that's exactly what i keep getting constantly), you will just not get any upgrades AT ALL. and it gets old really fast. and u're like.... hmmm do i even want to invest even more time in this crap if i keep getting these boxes that don't have gear like at all. so NO, this kind of RNG can go and F*** off for all i care. (just my opinion really, but it is exceedingly annoying)

  15. Crafted gear is the solution

    well, it may be for some people, but not all of us have the necessary millions to buy mats / gear from the GTN cause not all of us have the time to go and farm dailies / heroics all day.


    Sorry I'm a little slow....how does any of that refute the validity of crafted gear? Are you saying you need BIS gear to do NIM? Because according to Musco you can craft up to jusr 2 ilevel below the top rated gear:

    SET BONUS is the difference, not the ilvl of the gear itself. you can't craft set bonus obviously, so even if the crafted gear is just a few stat points worse, the set bonus does a world of different for some classes. And as hard as it is to believe, some classes do indeed REQUIRE their SB to function on a lvl that will let them be a fully contributing member of a nim team and not a +1 body to be carried

  16. Of course they give rewards, they have to and they rightfully do. PvP, unlike PvE, requires one team to lose. Even PvEers are rewarded for failing Ops - you don't have to finish them even, you get loot from every boss and CXP from every mob you kill...PvPers get it one time, at the end of the match.


    u're expecting everyone to understand that. that's a mistake. cause we have a LOT of people who don't really try to see the error of their point of view once they've formed an opinion lol. but yes, most certainly. like any gold or champion mob u kill planetside gives u points. every gold in every FP or OP.... but pvp match only after it's over. now, if u got points for every time u killed someone on top of that, that WOULD be op, but that's not the case. so i honestly do not see what gets them into this kind of rage lol

  17. Warzones are a joke. They give rewards for losing and the funniest part is that the worse you are the quicker they are over so the more rewards you get.


    shhh, the pvpers will hear :p but really, i'm glad that there is incentive to actually do it =) cause i don't mind pvp... it's where i get killed every 2 seconds that sucks :p now that there is no more expertise i can at least survive longer lol. plus i'm pretty sure there is a timer that kicks u out after a set amount of time if u afk in w/z, no? 0.o


    that said, they do need to reconsider putting useless crap like rep tokens and scraps into the crates imo

  18. Stop interfering In pvp system and you mad pve boy, we (pvp players) like it and wrzs must give as much cxp as other activities. Yeah it can take less time than doing operations but it's also more complicated because you fight against players not against bots like you do. Also pve players don't need gear - you still using it on silly things like grinding another gear while pvp players getting it for a real fight. So pls stay in your sphere (pve) and have your nose there


    really, you read the whole OP (i assume ofc) and THAT is all you got out of it...... so sad lol. And why do pve people not need gear? 0.o i'm pretty sure u can't do hard/nim ops without gear lol.

    but the OP is correct, it is completely lame. i could get behind this system, if it wasn't so completely RNG. And why do we even get stuff like jawa junk, companion gifts and reputation tokens from crates that we should be getting gear from??? Like i understand that u won't get a good piece of gear every time you open a box. but still, when u don't get anything u can actually use out of say 10 boxes, it's REALLY depressing and doesn't really make u eager to go and play more. because u already know that more likely than not RNG is gonna screw u over.

    this whole thing reminds me of the WoW legendary items grind.... except there the more u try the higher ur chance to get it actually is. while here we basically have the same type of thing, except it's always completely random from what i see.

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