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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. Newcomers will play for story not RNG, because this is Star Wars. Did not meet any player choosing this game for RNG grind (or any other game). If they chose to play game for gear and not for story or other elements, then Star Wars does not matter in the game title, they will not chose this game, again, because of the RNG (Pay to RNG). They will seek game where default attack cannot equal you with "veteran player" where gearing makes sense.


    There is no equalization of players. In my guild for example people who use to play most difficult things together will no longer be able to do so. RNG will gear them at different rate or not gear them at all for that content no matter how equal they play activities at the start, the one that gets no gear will not be able to follow buddy into more difficult content, and they will have to stop playing that aspect of the game together, despite of everything doing equal.


    thing is in very basic theory if everyone has a CHANCE to get gear, it's KINDA SORTA equal. but on paper only. because RNG treats everyone differently and it creates more problems than it's worth. we can agree that yes GC let's newbies grind gear slowly......... but couldn't they already do that trough heroics and flashpoints and all things that awarded comms? yes they could.

  2. *snip*

    But *how* it impacts us can change. Swtor started out with a barely-worse-than-GC gearing system and made solid improvements over the years, all of which have been undone. I 100% don't care that that BW *added* GC (there have been a few, but not many, players that want to keep "scrubs" away from BiS gear, but I am not in that camp). I care that BW took away WZ comm (low-end) set bonus gear and Operation Token (high-end) set bonus gear. Operations (and flashpoints) had "better than crystal" gear drops, and avid PVPers quickly maxed out PVP gear and had nothing to spend comms on other than consumables and vanity items, so if BW wants to move all that stuff into Command Crates instead of dropping it directly (or allowing comm/crystal vendors), and if casuals who don't ever run ops or pvp now have even a small chance at better gear, I'm totally cool with that. I just don't want them making it *harder* for the dedicated players to get the gear necessary for high-end (ranked pvp and hm/nim ops) content, especially when it's *currently* all several-years-old content. If BW had dropped a new operation with this, with an explicit caveat that the new gear system was necessary to make the op relevant enough to justify development time/effort/money, I think it would have gone over if not well than at least better.

    this here. that is exactly what i'd like to have explained. like why can't both systems exist so people can choose what suits them best?

  3. As I said before, it's called "evening the playing field." You find the system to be detrimental because it makes newcomers more equal with you than before. The problem here is ultimately some veterans don't want the system to be fair or equal. They do not care at all if newcomers have an accessible experience or not. The fact that veterans are "forced" to be more equal with newcomers is unsettling for some of you.


    and once again you are putting words in my mouth. it's not about i'm worried that the casual next door has a chance to get same gear as me lol. i'm raging that not only this grind takes for f***ing ever, but these boxes i grind for don't even guarantee even a random piece of gear that is a damn upgrade for me.

    u have to understand this. when we talk about gear, me (and i'm sure most of the other vets too), we don't give a flying f*** about how slow or fast people out side of our team/guild/friendlist gear. it doesn't matter how fast newbies gear up unless it's newbies we know. i know it sounds rude or wutever, but it's not just us wanting that gear to be restricted to us. none such thing. we are just worried about how random it is atm and how long it will take to get a min maxed set of top tier gear.

    and again i'm not saying it because i want it FIVE MINUTES AGO DAMN IT, but just not half a year from now. because yes, my RNG does suck that much:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  4. I think everyone agrees there are improvement that can be made to the system, even the white knights. Most of this thread comes down to whether you believe BW is actually going to act on the needed changes. I personally don't believe that they will ever adapt the system to be as friendly as it was in KotFE, but I also tend to agree with people who are happy about gear being accessible to a wider population. This game isn't about NiM raids or ranked PvP. They exist, but it is clearly trying to cater to a casual audience and the GC system was intended to do that. They apparently just didn't realize that casual players aren't going to grind for 25 years for the chance to gear a single character.

    nah, atm we just tentatively wait on them to change things and hope that they don't make it somehow even worse when they do eventually change things:D:D:D

  5. This is what Galactic Command is good for. All of what you listed does not require RNG, nor is it perfect for SWTOR as stated in the title of this topic.

    Galactic Command = Player Friendly (Regardless if they are Newcomers or not)

    RNG = Player Hostile (Regardless if they are Newcomers or not)

    Galactic Command = good for everyone to play game together the way we love it and be rewarded for it.

    RNG = Don't play Galactic Command.


    It directly opposes each other, and is why it fails to be good combination.

    you forgot: grind too long, CXP rewards too small, esp in pve:D:D:D

  6. So where it was do operations or fall behind. It's now do PVP or fall behind.


    Still doing content you might not like but its the best way to get gear . However, in trying to be inclusive, this time there is no crystal gear you can get by doing all content you want to help you catch up and get decent gear fast . Plus, no pug group you could ever get into that could help you with even better gear even when its simple things like ev and KP.


    Sound about right?


    yup sound about exactly that:D:D:D

  7. I agree, in terms of new players this system is just as bad or worse if they were interested in raiding. But ultimately, SM raids are bolstered so their gear doesn't matter. There is no reason to kick anyone based on gear since you will be bolstered to a normal level no matter what. But if players have no knowledge of class mechanics or fight mechanics, then they will still do poorly. It will always require new players to use the vast amount of resources from the community to L2P.


    ##thank you BW for character boosts for people who don't know how to play them lol. bottom line, this grind makes me want to go throw up:eek::eek::eek:

  8. -Newcomers no longer have to rely on raiders for help to get gear.

    -Newcomers no longer have to look through twenty different vendors for gear.

    -Newcomers no longer have to collect half a dozen different currencies for gear.

    -Newcomers can play any content they want and still get gear.

    -Newcomers will now have the opportunity to try content they could never before due to not having the required gear.


    The list goes on and on.

    okay, that makes sense. and what exactly do the rest of us get out of this exactly? i get that they're trying to make game more appealing to new players, but come on, it makes me feel like we vets are being pushed to the side. like why can't we have GC as a supplementary new thing to the already existing way? 0.o

  9. It's inclusive because all players can participate regardless of their gameplay preferences. Previously, you were forced into certain areas of the game to obtain statted gear. Now you can basically do any content to get gear. So, yes, "anyone" could get all the gear before, but only by doing content they were not interested in.


    but like..... it still remains the same in the way that if newbies want to get their CXP from raids then they need to get into a group. and not everyone will happily take them because now it's more fast paced. and just. i don't get this ./feelz like retard:eek::eek::eek: i swear, i'm NOT trying to troll >.>

  10. A I'm NOT a casual gamer, I play SWTOR as casual because I don't care about thigns like ops FP's or pvp. I mainly care about the story and killing **** in my own person time and way. Second I haven't had the thing set to veteren since I realized it was on veteren and it was still difficult. Third there IS an inconsistancy in the difficulty i've seen it first hand vet/story mode aside.


    which part of the story are talking about here exactly?

  11. Well then, I encourage you to send Eric a private message and address your grievances to him directly. It's not my place to say how he should spend his time or what he should say. I know he's always actively watching the forums, but oftentimes he just doesn't have a lot to say because BioWare is working on things. Not to mention, his obligations as Community Manager are more than just talking to irate subscribers on the forums. I don't blame him for not having as much of a voice as we'd like. He has a challenging job and the community is always going to want more answers.

    lol i'd volunteer to do it, if they'd pay me and make it my job =) imagine. i get to talk to u all day and get $$ for it. i think it'd be like a dream come true type of job:D:D:D:D

  12. Do you realize that this sentence makes no sense? It's like saying that if it wasn't for football you wouldn't be playing football today. FYI, there's a really good comedy sketch from the '80s that makes that point exactly...I can send you a link to it, if you'd like. And I don't know that I'd call the mid-late '90s (when MMORPGs started) "the early days of the internet" -- even the web had been around for years by that time, and the internet predates the web.


    I get that you don't think that there's anything wrong with gear-based PVP, but don't try to ignore the long history of skill-based PVP games just because they weren't all on "The Internet". Also, do realize that Doom (and other LAN-party) games used IP -- the Internet Protocol, which is the same network protocol we are using today. They weren't *massive*, but fyi swtor ranked pvp is 4x4, so eight players -- not exactly a huge leap from four player death matches from the early 90s.


    eh, he's been talking more or less in A circle for 60+pages now lol, though i do see sensible sentences here and there. it's his opinion and he's entitled to it.............. i just want to actually understand the logic of it. so far he's failing make see said logic:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  13. My brother has 7 at 110 :eek:


    lol i only played wow for a total of 3 months, couldn't find people to play with and chat with while playing and left. the few people that moved to wow from swtor at the introduction of DvL wanted to tackle the equivalent of nim ops asap , i couldn't really catch up to their speed cause it's not like i've played any mmo except swtor lol

  14. BW has been known to make improvements to the gear system, but I'm not hopeful for 2 reasons. First, they are very delayed in changing gear systems and generally wait for major updates to do them. This would leave us with this system for multiple months at least. Secondly, this change in itself is an enormous step backwards. They had done so much to make gearing more consistent and efficient only to completely backtrack to a system that functions in the complete opposite manner. A total 180 on gear philosophy doesn't give me hope that they will want to shift back to the old ways (in terms of speed and certainty) anytime soon.

    what also irkes me is that they've continuously worked on removing RNG from classes, from procs and so on. because they knew people didn't like it, they dumbed it down made it easier and more predictable. so what on earth made them think that we'd like that RNG in the question of do we get a gear piece or not? 0.o like how does this make ANY sense at all??? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

  15. It's not exactly like this. In WoW each class has more or less 3 specializations (disciplines). For each one of them there is a legendary/artifact weapon which needs Artifact Power to gain additional talents (some times new abilities, other times just a flat % dps bonus or flat %cd reduction.

    Every 3-4 days of research you gain an Artifact knowledge level. That level is the same for all our weapons. So you can invest 0 Artifact power on one discipline weapon, come back after a month and gain 5-10-15 traits directly because of the Artifact knowledge multiplier

    yeah i know. when my mage hit 110, my research was 7 days, now it is down to 3-4 on my alt. so my second toon gets the research done faster and so increases her AP gain faster.

  16. He's saying it will be better, this is just the foundation. Which I tend to agree with, given some optimism.

    i wish he could make me see how it is or will be better. because atm it plain STINKS. :D:D:D

    sure we're int he stage or massive first uproar and it's augmented by not that many dev posts, very crappy RNG, like the more crates i open and then more useless rubbish they give me the more annoying that gets. and i really want to see them explain in person why they did it, how do they intent to make it work so it doesn't make people run off because the grind is too slow or the RNG is too brutal. i'm really hoping this stream will make things more clear, i'm even trying to stay up for it, even though it's already midnight and it's not gonna start until 1:30 am lol. i'm hoping, but being a balance sage i've been hammered by the nerf bat a lot lol, so my faith in them always doing the best thing is kinda shaky lol:D:D:D

  17. Too easy for veteran players who knew how the system worked and had groups that could get the content done. I should have provided context. The old system was never easy for newcomers, which was the problem. The game was inherently biased towards veterans, as is the case with most MMOs. Galactic Command is an attempt to take a few steps away from that mentality.


    BioWare is busy actually working on the game. They don't have time to speak to us all of the time. They also generally won't speak on an issue until it's 100% locked down and they know it's going to happen. I can understand why they are cautious and only address an issue when they already have a solution for it.


    i play on harb. i am 9 hours AHEAD of america and 7ish hours behind australia. and even with that crap timezone i managed to get enough pugs done. so it CAN be done if people want to do it bad enough. u think it was easy finding people who could game at 2 pm US time? well let me tell u man, it certainly wasn't. it took me 4-5 months to get a team where we didn't need to pug in 4 people at least.

    yes i can see why they might not want to drop by and even say hi we see the issue we're working on it.......... oh wait i've seen tait and eric say that in A LOT of threads over the years....

    no, it really wasn't that biased. if anything it was towards peple with most time on their hands.

  18. This is a sure fire way to get your player base to hate you. Sure, make your long time subscribers grind for months to gear a character and then change the system 4 months later so you can do it in half the time to help new players. I bet everyone will love that idea.


    kind of reminds me of those tokens u can craft in WoW to catch up ur alts on the ancient knowledge ranks so they gain the points faster for their weapon development lol:D:D:D is very nice, but it does sound like it has potential for even more problems than we have ATM

  19. You literally read nothing I've said and made a post. Congrats. You're still wrong in your post. With all the shortcomings the system has, it certainly does accomplish the goal of allowing you to do any content you would like on your path to gearing exactly as Aowin mentioned.


    I like how you called me a white knight after I've been criticizing the system for this entire thread before you put your incoherent 2 cents in. Cool story bro. :rak_03:

    please please please don't desert me!!! :eek::eek::eek: i don't argue that in theory u could do any content and still gain CXP, but if u do any content other than PvP, it will be MUCH MUCH slower.... so it doesn't really feel like a choice really:D:D:D

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