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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. Not at all. Prior to 5.0 newcomers could never get top tier gear and the likelihood they'd ever get into a raid group was virtually zero. With 5.0, getting top tier gear is obtainable and newcomers no longer have to rely on raid groups. There will be plenty of people learning the ropes and going through the content with other newcomers. It's not as if there are many raid guilds left, according to raiders.

    now that is a lie. i've personally put together groups to carry new lvl 65s through priority HM OPS to get them their 224 gear at least once a month. in fact it took me 2-3 months to get geared, after that all i did was help other people get their gear. some of them were alts, some of them were new guildies, some of them - random person from fleet. Multiple raiding guilds would organize sale runs, some people would form constant pugs to help others, so the statement that in 4.0 new toons could easily get geared is a bare faced LIE


    P.S.: as for people doing content together with newbies in 5.0 - yeah that is unlikely, there is no incentive. mostly people will do what brings them most CXP - currently that's PvP.

  2. You seem to forget we are playing an MMO. You don't need to find the schematics, yourself. Other players are getting them. No, the prices aren't expensive. With players flooding the market with 230 gear, everything is dropping and quite affordable for most players.


    let's start with the point of: affordable price for you, affordable price for me, affordable price for the F2P next door is all SUBJECTIVE and DIFFERENT. if you have 100mil+ credits and one or 2 characters sure no big deal, if u have 40 alts and 10 mil across them, then yes 7 mil for a 234 hilt is A LOT.


    "Wrong" is a matter of personal opinion. You may believe you are "right," but all you are providing is your own opinion of how you feel. The moment you conflate your opinion with what is actual fact is the moment you can no longer discern between the two and maintain a credible argument. I understand you don't like Galactic Command and you think it's the worst thing ever. Guess what? It's not going anywhere.


    it doesn't even need to go anywhere, what needs to go, or at least GET FIXED is the damn RNG component of the crates.


    The minute all you could do is resort to personal attacks and trying to attack my credibility is the moment your weak argument fell apart at the seams. I'm all fine with folks having different points of view, but you aren't even objective and you can't even see that. Doesn't matter though, as you are part of this system as much as the rest of us and that's not changing.


    the minute you continuously talk in a circle is also where you kinda fall a bit flat, because u just refuse to accept that maybe there are some things about this system that JUST DON'T WORK. now i'm not gonna go back and re-read all almost 60 pages, but seriously. We are all right in one way or another. The way this is working RIGHT NOW sucks, it needs to be somehow changed/fixed/adapted to better complete its' function.

  3. You must play Imps in PvP...that's normal behavior Pub side. There are VERY few matches where I don't think to myself "how the hell could someone's numbers be soooooo low?". I don't say it, but I think it far more often than I wish to admit.


    i pvp on my sorc. had this guy in huttball. he would get the ball passed to him........... and then he'd just stand still. like i'd heal him constantly cause clearly he has ball. we tried telling him to run the ball. response: i don't want to. we told him to pass the ball, response : i don't want to. LIKE.......... ***

  4. Personally, I think you guys are inflating the value of set bonuses just to validate your claim. I like set bonuses (boni?) but they aren't as huge a boon as some would have you believe.


    it depends really. on :

    1) content u do (if u do SM no u certainly don't NEED it, if u do HM/NiM - YES YOU DO!!!)

    2) on the person's skill (if u're a good players u can get most out of ur set bonus, if u are a glorified scrub, no amount of set bonus will do any good for you)

    3) as for PvP i'm not sure if we get the same bonus as for PvE now really cause haven't seen a single token yet either way lol. but in PvP every advange u can get u definitely should get hehe.

    4) and then there is RP and there i'm pretty sure u don't need much more than fitting shells lol


    so all in all you can't 100% say that YES having SB will break or make your game. but u can't also claim that it doesn't matter :D:D:D:D:D

  5. I disagree. MMOs always give incentives to grouping up because there is a natural inhibition against it. PvE takes more effort in forming a group, joining voice chat and kiling the boss. For PvP, you can just queue up solo whenever you want and get CXP no matter what you do.

    And from what I have seen in PvP the last week, skill is still more important than gear. Sure, there'll be complaints on the forums when ops give more CXP than PvP because PvP players are more vocal than operation players, but it's not the end of the world.

    dunno, i prefer to pvp with guildies =) on voice =) :D:D:D but yes skill is certainly more important in pvp. and at this point it's kinda also more interesting than the ops that have been out for 2years+ with no changes =) :D:D

    CXP that was nerfed for gold mobs is what made pve CXP much worse, that needs to be fixed somehow. or maybe some quests could give more than 20 points at least >.>

  6. Interesting on how you know what the mods think. I would say the mods are very aware of the couple dozen posters who have been crying on these forums for years. The mods don't give a rats as$ when they attempt to start another super, super serious "issue". And I commend the mods for that.


    now now assumptions aren't our best friends =) we get very annoyed with lack of communication (which is very understandable) and so some of us start posting much toxic crap to make ourselves feel better, because clearly it's NOT gonna make them feel worse anyway =) :eek::eek::eek:

    but hei, once upon a blue moon they just might surprise us. i for one am tentatively curious about what the are gonna say during the stream today =):D:D:D

  7. Well, lets hope bioware.....sorry, EAWare actually have some common sense and buff up the pve side of things, because even if pvp gave 2000 cxp per match, win or lose, i still wouldn't do that piece of crap, pvp is boring and no amount of rewards will get me to play it..


    that's ur opinion and u're entitled to it =) i've been a raider for 5 years now, but having cleared all the 8 man content except maybe 1-2 bosses in nim dp, and having no new raids, i'd rather go and pvp with a guildie or 2 instead of pugging the same boring ops lol:D:D:D

  8. All fair points. However in the thread i quoted, they specifically explained how they geared. Run the easier bosses, get schematics for 240 gear and craft whatever they can except the armorings i guess.


    sounds good on paper, but getting those mats in that amount will either a) take a LOT of time or b) a LOT of $$ :D:D:D

  9. Unless player is willing to spend 4-6 hours non-stop grinding boxes/cxp for the next 2-3 months at least, HM/NiM raiding is out of the question in the next year.


    This is especially true for the people who enjoy playing different classes.


    well, i'm pretty sure my friends are already killing HM and some first bosses on NiM in their 224s haha. it really all depends on skill. cause it's not like a boss is gonna grow a brain and start changing mechanics. after 2+years of doing the same things :D:D:D:D:D

  10. Ok so I'm trying this on my damn sorceress and I can't help die like 50 times to attempt one lowsy gold star mob. What the hell is the point of making it THIS hard? I have tried every way I can, short of going full healing which I don't want to do because I hate healing, but this just does not happen without me dying. I'm stuck right now BECAUSE of this. I had my companion heal me, be tank, I heal him all results are the bloody same :mad:. Yeesh when one bloody npc can hit me for half my friggin health, and lets not forget I'm not lvl 10, im 65+ with at least 76k hp. I have NO idea how they expect us to do this as a sorceress -_-


    EDIT: My god I can't even kill 3 regular mobs??? What the hell is with this difficulty I'm really getting annoyed as ****.


    eee advice #1: feed ur companion some gifts #2 make sure u're wearing gear; #3 make sure said gear is not lvl 10 and not broken; #4 check the difficulty of the chapter; #5... i am doing chapter 6 on my sorcerer.... I HAVE YET TO DIE. period.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  11. The best part is these same people who were screaming at the top of their lungs about not getting a single piece because of RNG somehow had SIX PIECES removed during "rollbacks" on a server they don't even play on. I'm not joking I had a field day calling these people out yesterday, custom was one of them that's why he is so worked up this morning.


    that is indeed very funny and unfortunately not surprising in the least. now i will not take sides in this love squabble :D:D and will indeed check his posts................. if he links them :rolleyes::D:D:D:cool:

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