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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. The smallest differences in stats can be the difference between life and death.


    same can be applied to prog raiding. where the smalled change in stats make you do that little bit DPS more that might what's stopping your group from clearing the boss. and here's the thing. if before your group could help you get the pieces that could help you that little stat increase, now you run the chance of being dropped because your RNG is too bad and you can't keep up with the lucky ones. so they might swap you out with a more lucky guy. this used to be based on SKILL, now there is also RNG to contend with. in my opinion that is just complete crap.

  2. With bolster in regs, you don't really need that good gear.


    And what it matters if someone gets gear faster than some other or some get their gear as loot drops from harder content and other grind rng boxes. Other than jealousy?

    On the other hand, In prog team it matters if some players have extremely bad luck with RNG. They are dropped from the team since they can't pull their own weight.

    see, the way i see it, this is a game. my hobby, thing i do to unwind and relax. and with this forced grind and RNG it's not allowing me to do that. because every box that fails to provide results means i have to do MORE of this damn grind. it's not because i'm jealousy of some guildie that is more lucky. it's because this type of system is NOT FUN. and boring due to lack of new stuff to do in long term.

  3. RNG is meant to slow progression. Nothing more. Nothing less. It's accomplishing it's goal quite effectively, as nobody is fully decked out in BiS gear yet. We are only over a week into the expansion, and so far I think the gear progression is reasonable. Most players have 230 gear by now. Lucky folks have a few set pieces. The ones who play SWTOR 24/7 have even reached tier 2. I don't see anything unreasonable or severely damaging with how RNG has been performing so far. When 5.0 has been released for a month or two, then it will really be interesting to see how gear progression is panning out for the average player.


    If you take a step back and recognize how little time has actually passed since this expansion released, you may find your expectations and outrage to be a bit over the top and unreasonable.


    For the record, I predominantly PvP, so gear is far more important for me than for any other activity in the game. That being said, I'm not overly concerned given nobody is in a position to truly get far ahead gear-wise.


    yeah i'm sorry, but i'm not gonna be happy about a system that relies purely on LUCK. this takes any sort of pleasure out of downing the same bosses (if they were new it'd be different of course) over and over. because after hours of wiping and FINALLY killing it we'd see them shinies and now what? it's just not rewarding enough. it's frankly depressing. and not just because i feel it's slow, but maybe at the MOMENT the difference is not big. you say by now everyone is mostly in 230ies? well i have exactly one piece of 230 gear, how about that. clearly i'm not part of the majority. and then what have everyone in 240ies and myself in mostly 230 simply my LUCK sucks? just where is the fairness in this ****? 0.o and no if you think in a while it will fade away, it won't it will only GET WORSE. because the longer i grind the same **** over and over with no reward to show for it, the more annoying it gets. and it's not gonna stop any time soon. i just wonder how many of us will get to the end of this sh*t show

  4. I think you need to take a step back and cool off for a bit. You are in the heat of passion of this new gear progression and it's upsetting you tremendously. Things will get better. BioWare is monitoring the situation and if necessary they will act accordingly. I have opened 44 crates myself and have only received one set piece. I'm not outraged over it. Truth be told, I'm not really that concerned. My gear will get better over time and the rest will work itself out. I think if you worry so much about your gear, which is what is happening, you are going to drive yourself nuts with this new system.

    jeeeezuz you should go work with Tait and Ben on the streams, you'll fit right in. :D:D thing is, 4.0 was the only expansion ever where i managed to get a full BiS set of gear, ever. because i've never been part of a nim team before then. and i was happy when it finally happened after 4 years of playing. because my rng always sucked and by the time my gear was good enough for me to try nim content, i couldn't find a team that would take me in. so OF COURSE i don't like the situation where i'm forced into a grind that 1) will take months (or longer depending on how much time i have to play and how bad RNG f*cks me over) 2) is still the same old content that i grew bored with already,


    and you are so good and zeroing in on one part that u ignore everything else. we've told you. explain this RNG is perfect for SWTOR. explain this statement. instead all you do is avoid it lol. you might not be enraged my getting crap out of 44 boxes. in fact you might enjoy free orange shells, who knows. but people are all different. and in a lot of cases people do indeed take offense at having to suffer through so much waste of time to get to what they need to go back to them nim ops. cause not everyone is good enough to do them in 230 gear, though i'm sure some are.

  5. Aowin, FFS, where exactly in my post did i say ANYTHING about loot tables AT ALL?!?!?!?:D:D:D:D:D:D


    #2: a guild is not NECESSARY to raid, it just makes it a little easier to find people to do so with that's all. (is it just me, or am i repeating the things i just said just ONE POST ago?)


    yes, having nothing new to do for 2 years in a row. that's how enjoyable it is and loot that's so random that it depends on RNG. what exactly is enjoyable about htis? that we have to do the same dailies as 2 years ago? same warzones? same ops? same heroics? this is nothing but catering to new players. and i wouldn't mind at all ... if there was something new that would take a while to clear / explore and so on.... as it is the only new this we have is the GC. 4.0 they talked about new content and we got what? star fortress. 5.0 they keep saying new group stuff and we get what? uprisings. these things that are not really that engaging in the least. maybe the first - second time you do them. Chapters that are the same no matter what race you are, what sex you are, what class you are. Meaning every time you do them after the first one it gets more and more boring, because there in no difference. Even a great story will turn boring if you do it enough times.

    You say GC is not bad and it's not. but RNG for command crates - YES IT IS BAD. it took me 44 crates to get 1 piece of SB... for my healing spec at that, though i'm mainly a dps. sooo. 44*12 = 528, if my RNG holds i'll need an average of 528 crates out of max 300 to get 2 sets of 6piece set bonus.... PER gear tier..... which is way more than the max GC level of 300. and that's not counting left side gear. or enhancements for min/maxing both sets lol.:eek::eek::eek:

    there has to be a way for people not to be forced to grind the same old content over and over just to get their gear. it's frankly quite insulting.

  6. Making broad generalizations about how "easy" it was to "find any guild" and how it was about "your ability to play well with others" assumes all servers are the same with the same number of competent guilds just looking to pick up newcomers. You realize this is in no way realistic or even possible. I understand you believe, from your perspective, that finding guilds was not an issue under any circumstances. That is your opinion and not fact. Again, BioWare has the metrics and you do not. Either way, it's a non-issue as BioWare has largely rectified the issue.

    yeah yeah yeah, here we go again. i have 100+ characters on at least 3 different servers. and i've never had issues getting in a guild. When i started playing it took me exactly 6 levels to get invited into a guild. So really how hard can it get? If your first guild isn't right, then you look up on the forums and see who is recruiting, what do they need and etc. Our forums aren't exactly all that secret u know. And even if not, a lot of guilds actively recruit new people, so once again it ain't that hard to get a guild tag. and really, competent guild is not a requirement for raiding and you should know that by now lol. :D:D it makes it easier, yes, but it's not impossible to get geared without being on a raid team. i should know, i've done before lol:D:D

  7. The point of the comparison was to highlight the reality that no player was guaranteed gear, as you seem to keep suggesting. Players were lucky. Whether you want to recognize it or not, everybody is not going to find the right group or the right raid guild to help them achieve BiS gear. What you are suggesting is pure fantasy and not reality, which is why BioWare has taken these drastic measures.

    ... i get this feeling he put me on ignore with how many times he ignores me now lol. I've told you time and time again that getting loot after clearing bosses is NOT based on luck. well. depending on what type of loot master u use. but usually one way or another the entire group can get geared within ~8 clears of needed bosses before being able to progress on. of course i'm talking about acquiring tokens, and not getting them for min/max purposes, that takes even longer lol. BUT !!! finding a guild / group has nothing to do with luck and EVERYTHING to do with SKILL!!. No one will take you into a NiM prog unless you CAN PULL YOUR WEIGHT. :D:D i guess that's too much for you to understand though, cause no matter how many times i explain this, you keep not understanding. :eek::eek:

    sure you can get into a SM group by luck, but that's it. in any harder content you will be out if you can't keep up. so what exactly is RNG there? Your skill? oh it depends on RNG if i can do mechanics? or it's RNG fault that i forgot my rotation today? dude...... GET REAL:D:D:D

    As I already indicated, a system in which does not provide players with any assurances of getting gear is left up to chance. Chance is unpredictable. Unpredictable is randomness. Randomness is RNG. Whether you agree with the assurances in place now or not, it cannot be disputed that everybody has an even playing field. Players who did not have the right guilds and are not familiar with MMOs will benefit greatly from this transition.

    maybe. they MIGHT, and everyone else WON'T. that's not equalizing the field, that's making things better for one part of the population while telling the other parts that they don't matter.:(:(

  8. I've been arguing this point for a while. For people who want to tackle the hardest content, gear is not the end goal. They want the satisfaction of beating a challenge. They raid to get gear, yes, but it's so they can raid more and better.

    well, in the situation where all these bosses have been out for 2+ years at least, it really isn't all that challenging, for dedicated raiders at least of course.

    This RNG system treats getting gear as the end goal. You don't need to do anything challenging to do it. You can solo Heroics on the low level planets, while waiting for a GSF match to pop and then repeatedly kamikaze against rocks, or while waiting for the PvP queue to pop so you can get one medal and then find a place to hide and AFK out the rest of the match.

    i'll admit, if i seee a guy hiding in a corner, i make sure to extricate them out of it lol. they made the mistake of launching this new system without any good new content to go along with it...

    There's no challenge in that. All it requires is patience for boredom and a willingness to deal with gambling. And now there's no incentive to do ops right now, because ops don't give gear. So you have to grind out levels and wait for RNGesus to smile on you before you can try challenging ops again. That could take weeks, or months, or even years if you don't have enough free time to treat TOR like a second job.

    .... all hail da rnjeezuz:D:D:D

  9. The title of the thread still does not have its content in the topic, aka the explanation. It's all quickly directed to Galactic Command instead of RNG itself. I am still curious to see and understand the explanation of it oh why is it good for players but my previously post was ignored. We did get explanation of why is it good for EaWare but all of us already knew that without reading this thread.


    why is RNG good??:eek::eek: ---- it's NOT:D:D:D

    and yeah, we've been trying to make mister OP to explain just why exactly is rng good, but he deflects / derails / ignores our attempts with great tenacity. it almost seems like in his head GC === RNG:D:D:eek::eek::eek:

  10. i am far more excited for when Mass Effect Andromeda is coming out, this on SWTOR i don't care for any more.


    as for adjustments and improvements to this rng machine, if the players are happy to see the changes and it gets better over the next few weeks, then good. but i would imagine it would take some convincing adjustments to pull the others who left because of the RNG machine.

    when IS it coming out?? march right?:D:D

  11. You do realise that's probably what he wants right? Referral clicks = CC and looking at the thread he creates he goes completely out of his way to ensure they stay on main page and thus first post with link at the bottom.


    At first I thought I was being paranoid but if you go over how often he contradicts himself and the utterly ludicrous points he makes at time it seems less paranoid and more likely to be actually the case. That or he's just one of those annoying people who just argue for the sake of arguing regardless of how wrong they are.

    u know that might be it, but with the whole GC and no new stuff to do in game outside of chapters that don't entice you to do them more than once, i've been having fun forum pvping lol. wanna make a new thread and start over and hope we don't attract too many trolls? :D:D:D

  12. one of my sages still enjoys her obroan shells with the little wings =):D:D:D

    but yes, some unique rewards for doing content would super nice at this point, because clearly killing a raid boss and getting a... VERY SMALL ops CXP token is just hte highlight of my day, right?

  13. Please Aowin, read this and then tell me you still think the current system is better than the older system. Just please.

    ... u think that's gonna help hon? :D:D we're going in circles. a nice huge 80 pages long circle. i'm still here cause i don't want him to have the last word and get the better of us. how bout u?

    P.S.: him understanding what we're telling him would be a nice result too.... but hei.... i feel pigs will fly sooner >.>:eek::eek:

  14. You could make that argument, but it wouldn't hold for very long without corroborating evidence. What is clear is that the community had been in constant decline (even with ROTHC and SOR) until 4.0 released, and KOTFE provided a boost in the game's population.


    I also seriously doubt the "storymode [sic] , solo players" were the ones responsible for the drastic decline as many of them likely stayed subscribed for the monthly chapters and bonus chapter. If anyone was responsible for unsubscribing, it was those folks who only care about group content and nothing else.

    NOPE, THAT WOULD BE THE FAULT OF BW CRAZINESS. it's the decisions made by EAware that make people leave. you said yourself - if people don't like it they can leave. and that's what some did. When there was no new ops for 2 years, some guilds left to WoW or FFonline, when they removed 224 tokens from nim ops and put them into highlighted HM more left, and when 5.0 happened, RNG haters are gonna leave unless BW acts fast enough to make this Sh*tshow better. I'm not saying that they remove the crate RNG, it's clear that it's here to stay, but they need to FIX it or even more people will leave. and i'm sorry, but what exactly is there to care about when people have finished all the story lines, romanced all their companions, lvld up all the alts they could. what is there after that except END GAME content? you know, the pvp, the raids.... those neglected things. It makes us feel left out. they make these things that encourage people to play vanilla content and that's okay. but they have to realize they make people feel left out by doing only that. so how the f*ck can you blame players for leaving with treatment like this?

  15. I'm not talking about loot drops pre-5.0 in raids being RNG. I'm talking about getting a group or guild to do raids, to begin with, was RNG. Some folks were lucky and found guilds that could carry them through raids. Others were not so lucky and never had the opportunity. That's the kind of RNG BioWare has no control over and was inevitably worse. At least with the RNG we have now, BioWare can resolve any issues with the system.

    OMGeeeeeee that's SOOOOO precious. finding a group / guild is now RNG :D:D:D wow, delusions becoming bigger and bigger. if someone can't join a guild - that's not RNG that's them not being social enough or not caring enough, or not trying hard enough. that has NOTHING to do with random number generation :D:D:D


    Again, this is a two-prong system. Galactic Command, or more specifically CXP, is a means of providing inclusiveness. RNG in conjunction with Galactic Command, is a way of slowing progression. You cannot have one without the other as removing RNG would simply increase progression back to ridiculous rates as was the case pre-5.0. BioWare, clearly, wants to slow progression and RNG is an effective means of doing that.

    and i tell you AGAIN, it's not gonna be more inclusive just because it CAN be. people aren't gonna be more receptive to taking newbies to ops just cause drops ain't there anymore. if nothing else, no one except newbies will care enough.

    of course there also flashpoints, uprisings, GSF, pvp, etc. but that content has been there before. and groupfinder became more inclusive when BW did away with the trinity requirement, which in some cases seems like a big mistake. because when u take 4 dps, 1-2 of which are newbies, you get what? ... bingo! A CLUSTERF*CK:eek::eek::eek::eek: no? u don't get why? because with lvl 65 tokens being available, there is little to no way to teach n00bs how to mechanic properly. that's why hard mode flashpoints rarely pop, because no one wants to run them (cause no gear, desire, nothing new, blah blah blah) and ofc due to lack of tanks and healers. because bigger % of those casuals and noobs tend to be DPS, which unbalances % of tank / healer VS DPS. which means it gets harder for groups to pop that need the trinity composition and harder to put raids together, cause more often than not you won't be able to find enough tanks or enough healers. us vets come across this problem too. so i'm sure it'd be a real killer for new raid teams as well.

    Now Galactic Command can stay....... hell even CXP can stay.... :eek::eek::eek: so long as they even out rewards for all activities across the board. and NOT by nerfing pvp or adds in ops lol.



  16. I get sooooo tired of seeing this.

    Well... Seeing as how "massively multiplayer online" means that one is online simultaneously with many other players...

    ...but that's ALL it means.

    It DOES NOT define that one has to actually group with them to play the game.

    There should be no reason players couldn't solo if they wanted to.


    hei, no one says you can't play solo if you want to. buy it's just so annoying to see how people like Aowin keep saying that 5.0 RNG is better than token / commendation gearing of 1.0 - 4.0 because it levels out the feel, stops gear from being unobtainable and blah blah blah. just why do we who enjoy playing together have to deal with this crate RNG crap that is more beneficial to people who don't have time/desire/capability to do the content that drops the gear? 0.o

    ./sigh so frustrated...:(:(:D:D

  17. As i was catching up on the posts from the last hour or so i realized. THey're right. You are yet to explain JUST WHY IS RNG PERFECT FOR SWTOR????:eek::eek::eek::eek: let's hear it, Aowin. We all keep telling you, that GC is not the problem here, so stop going back to it. stick to RNG. :D:D

    as for equalizing the field? well, how about i get paid m salary for waking up and spending my day playing swtor or posting on the swtor forums? things that i do for fun as a hobby.

    you accuse us of wanting the gear handed to us and kept away from others. that's not the point we're trying to make. i thought it was normal sentiment to want to EARN your gear. you keep insisting that gating gear behind ops was prohibiting people from getting it. well, that's true to a point. NO ONE stopped those people from trying and pugging and learning. the gear on the vendors was always competitive for any regular casual player.

    in fact the story mode chapters u can do in blue 208s just as well as in bis 224s, i've done it today just cause i forgot to pick up gear from my bank.

    so tell me, what's so wrong with EARNING our gear? 0.o

  18. And what I'm getting from the stream is that they don't want you to play solo, and seem to be actively discouraging it, though we will seeon Tuesday when they adjust/balance the PVE CXP

    well..... seeing as how MMO stands for : Massively Multi-player Online......... as far as i'm aware that it, i can't possibly imagine WHY they'd be discouraging towards playing solo ...:D:D:D:D.....dunno, i personally get bored real easy if i at least can't talk to some friends/guildies on TS lol:D:D:D i might just be crazy tho, who knows:eek::eek::eek:

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