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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Oh that's good! My tank currently has two pieces that he got from classic commendations and am replacing everything with blues for tanking. By the sounds of it that should suffice.


    just make sure you have Endurance armorings (I mean more endu then aim ones), enhancments with shield/absorb (hard to tell should they be more tank stats or endurance, I'd suggest max shield and absorb (but I can be wrong, at SM more endurance might be proven better), less worrying about enudrance at story mode), and atleast try to get some Augments, shield or absorb or def chance. in worst case, I guess endu/power will be better then nothing.

  2. level 49 blues should be enouth as they have better stats as recruit, which was minimum to run EV/KP

    on other hand, EC sm, even if nerfed to the ground, still require some knowledge of mechanics so you know... you won't kill every one.

    on that note, I did EC sm other night as a healer, and it was silly easy. (group finder random pug)

  3. No, if you have a mod with Expertise on it in "any" piece of gear, just one mod, the bolster system will assume that is a PvP piece of gear and it will not get bolstered with any expertise. Which means you can get your PVE shells, and put all your PvP mods in and the system will think you are wearing PvP - this is correct.


    What you can't do without gimping yourself, is mix and match PVE/PvP mods together in a piece of gear. If you do this, you will be short on expertise and the extra PVE stats won't be able to make up for the loss.


    This is actually beneficial to all PVPers, as it means PvP gear still matters, just not as much as it did before. But at the end of the day, PvP gear > PVE gear @ 55, as it should be.


    Ah, thanks.

  4. How is a system that still makes PVE gear superior to PVP gear not a handicap to players who are primarily geared as PVPers?


    are you talking about WH/EWH on lowbies? or new Top Tier augumented on L 55?

  5. I'm not an amazing math person but if you're saying what I think you're saying then it makes sense to me haha.

    Here is what I think you're saying:


    Lets say for simplicity's sake that we're dealing with a tank with 20% Defense Chance and 50% Shield Chance and a shield proc relic that gives 500 Absorb for six seconds with a twelve second cooldown.


    Before: 500*(6/12)=250 static absorb.

    Problem with this ^^, it assumes perfect conditions where the proc will renew the instant the cooldown wears off.


    You propose: 500 * (6 / (12 + (some calculation involving incoming attacks per second minus whatever is defended and so can't be shielded and shield chance to figure out the amount of time between the end of the 12 sec cooldown and the beginning of the next proc))) = slightly less than 250 static absorb.


    Makes for better and more realistic time average.


    Am I understanding you right?


    Wasnt it 500 absorb for 6 seconds on 20 sec cd? it makes it 150 'constant'

  6. I have just about full EWH gear... I used up all my coms pre 2.0 to make sure I was going to be Geared for the transition... Just to find out that all the thousands of coms I used and countless pvp matches I ran were a waste. Ive got just about zero expertise in lvl 55 pvp matches now... Whats the PTS even used for. We should have known about this issue well in advance. Otherwise I wouldnt have wasted all the coms on EWH gear. Instead I was safe to assume it would be good gear to start with in the expansion for pvp.


    I'm absolutely useless to my current Ranked team now. I want something to be done about this. This fix of yours is not a fix.. its a setback to countless ppl who spent hours and hours preparing for the update.. just to give those "gear vs skill" ppl an easier time in pvp. ERG! Very upset. -Redheaded


    I am very sory, but I have to ask.

    Who in their right mind, spends comms BEFORE expansion, when it's confirmed that with same comms they can buy MUCH BETTER gear?


    a. very not nice words that can hurt ones feelings.

    b. people who thought they will be rotflstomping people in 30-54 brackets with their EWH augumented gear vs leveling greens-blues and got sadly dissapointed

  7. @Lahandra:

    last time I checked, MK-9 kits are 225k each while augments start from 300k (purple ones) which makes kits still good to sell, but with drop rate of purple mats, selling augments might be hardly called 'profitable'

  8. Bolster as is, is really annoying. It basically makes PvP gear useless.


    I don't PvP much, so it made the gear I had earned feel more rewarding, and now it's gone out the window. I get better stats and Expertise in my PvE gear, which is just wrong IMO.


    Bring back a recruit set, and roll back the bolster to how it was pre-2.0. People shouldn't be able to go into their first ever warzone, and be on-par stat wise with people who work there butt of for good gear.





    Bolster was supposed to bring almost to first tier of pvp gear, so people who spend months/years/bilion eyars will still have better stats.

    Recruit gear was terrible idea. Why? people in pve gear in warzones because they think they have better stats that way then 'that lol 14k hp recruit'. Bolster won't make them good pvpers, but atleast they will be worth being a cannon fodder for a moment. Not to mention, recruit players were spotted out of crowd and being marked as 'easy kills'... on a side note, it was so freacking bloody ugly...

    yes, bolster needs to be tweaked (or is being tweaked in this patch), but bolster or not, better player will still win, and gear will still be reward... where is the problem....

  9. Excuse me but I choose which characters I play, and I choose what/where/how I play - not BioWare. If I want to run Flashpoints all day, every day, for a week, I'll bloody well do it thanks.


    This weekly cap is stupid, since I already hit the limit on day 1 of the patch, and I have to wait a week to get more (which I'll again hit the limit on the first day after reset).


    What do I do for the remaining 6 days? I can't farm comms to get the gear set I'm aiming for, and I can't move on to farming higher gear sets until I have a decent one to begin with.


    Hurr durr, no logic in the weekly cap at all.


    GG wp, BioWare.


    Justy because you don't see logic, it doesnt mean it's not there. It doesnt have to be a good logic ;) .

    From business perspective, it's very good solution, it will keep you in game longer, will force player to play few characters and spend more time till he's fully equiped.


    Ofcourse forcing your customer to anything is not good at all, and they overdid it with the cap so people raged and forced them to change it... I mean comon, my healer did nothing but flashpoints (1 a day, as I have 5 chars I play constantly), usualy for leveling purposes, most included bonus bosses, and I'm capped since friday...

    Again, I never said it was a good idea, I was looking for their point of view, and (in my humble opinion) they fired all smart advisors, and left only kiss ups (why censors.. why) who will suck up to team leader (quite common these days).


    Anyway, they already claimed that they will remove it, so futher bashing beaten up team/advocating the devil has no purpose.

  10. LOL I was just thinking about how calling incoming early, and having them so spaced out apart, and terrible, that by the time your team gets there, they get to help finish the 2nd one maybe and then they think you are the little boy who cried wolf.


    Well, my policy is always to warn as early as possible, give best estimate as possible, and give info if help no longer needed as fast as possible... it's better to call 'inc3' and then correct 'actualy, it's just 1, other 2 resigned', then not call at all (or after you died).

    Then again, I am a fast typer, and chatty one for that matter.. ;)

  11. Well... if by epic you mean 'I looke like a god damn hero ******' then I would say on my L49 marauder in blues (and some L 37 augments, L48 stim, some medpacks), I was guarding a node in Novare, andhad a stealth popped on me, called '1 at E', he ate whole revage with gore, not a pretty sight.. typed 'nvm, he's dead'.


    then another stealther popped on me, again, typed '1 more E fast', battering assault, few massacres and a force scream later I was already resting and typing 'nvm, they'r dead', just to see a sage with guard on running to me (lol at shadow keeping him self hidden), again, typed '2inc E 1 person needed'... killed them right before our team sniper came.. guy said 'damn you, if you call incs, stop killing them so fast :p'


    ofcourse at some point they did got their brains out and ganked me with 3 stealthers at same time, while my team didn't notice they were missing enemy's numbers on other node, and killed me, but damn, that was fun.


    but usualy I play as part of a team, so don't get to much solo as they are waste of time and can cost a win of a match

  12. Well, it is as it should be from start. To make it equal fro those classes who's imp side had barrels on both hands, while rep counter, to had armorings (so you get 2 offhands and put barrels from 1 off hand to main hand - which is alot easyier-only avalible to one side, not fair)

    also it's to make gear grind longer and set bonuses as intended (like on my sin I took my pve dps gear, and putted in L63 armorings/mods pvp, keeping pve bonus +15% to trash/VC while having pvp stats-not to mention, braces/belts were 2-3 times cheaper...)

  13. Bolster in pvp is fine just give me bolster in pve see how the pve and raiding community likes it why should you have to put 0 effort into pvp and get a reward and have to grind fp and old raids weekly to be competitive give me pve bolster and let me lolstomp scum and villainy.


    yeah, bolster will not make person equal to top tier pvp gear (it's bugged now, but that is not the point), and you can kick people out of ops group by voting.


    also, most people over gear pve content, and it would be very funny to see how people would wipe when it would be skill only...

  14. all I can say is I'm not spawn camped anymore in my recruit gear, I'm new to this game :p, also won 3 matches in a row on pub side wich is ... unusual


    elite min max pvpers are so mad at you for not being able to 2 shot you... the type that doesnt mark healers, but recruit pve geared players :rolleyes:

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