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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. I'm not whining? I just praised bioware for this awesome feature! did you even read my post?


    I didn't say you were whining. I said I sense many pages of people whining about people who leave. Did you even read my post?

    I won't feed you any more, just wanted my post on first page before the storm comes.

  2. That is not 100% accurate. Up to a point, while leveling (mid-30s to about 40), you really do not need to be specced for a given role to fill it adequately and player skill does play a part as to where the break point is. Beyond that though, because you start getting spec dedicated gear and abilities, and the content gets tougher, yes you really do need to pay more attention to what roles you choose to fill when you queue for a flashpoint.


    you get more of a healer at 25 ish.

    and it does matter, it's better to take healer companion then dps that 'will throw a heal or two'

    it's not about being good healer, but dedicated.

  3. I think it's subjective.


    Unfortunate mistakes are always the result of a bad pull. That being said the Shadow/Sin tank is all about mitigating damage... not eating it. Squishy or not I could think of instances were I did pretty well. I'm sitting in 53 gear and did Mandalorian Raiders, beat all of it. Everybody was on their toes. Honestly 55 HMs seem much more forgiving than the originals when the game had first come out. I remember sucking hard on my jugg running through BT HM.


    that could be due to juggs getting less nerfed tank stats then sins (jugg depends more on CD and armour, while sins more on their shield and def chance while having armour reduction lower then carnage mara), jugg has currently 4 def cooldowns (1 new) and can swap them around (I use reflect on every bigger pull, specially mentioned before Athiss on 5 droids) while my friend sin has to rely on dark ward and 2 def cooldowns (overcharge saber and deflection) and can't toss them around like they are free candy (I'm not complaining, I never had trouble healing 'new' HMs on my operative as i always keep my HoTs and start healing early-unless people start acting stupid)

    but yeah, new HMs are more forgiving on enrage timers on boss fights, it's trash what's killing people


    edit:I can have some names wrong, didn't had my coffee yet.

  4. fast way is cyber tech, now is actually good to prepare for end game pve, at L 50 you can craft purple rakata grade (or buy via planetary comms-which is better as it's only for 3 levels) that gives good enter for L 50 flashpoints and makeb it self, and then on L 53 you can do 63 grade or 66, don't remember, which is more then enouth to start L55 hms and TFB and SV story mode once you hit 55.


    also L 50 operations story mode and L 50 hm flash points are good to gear up, but as DPS prepare for long ques (hm flashpoints take about 30 mins-60 mins, and operations are unpredictable).




  5. Well. I'm generaly nice guy, but what can be done when 5 people a day ask 'what is best dps?' on fleet?

    'for pvp? go mercenary, you will own it'..

    or 'what crew skills for sniper?' -snping ofc.


    'I have played many MMO games before, but so far, this community is by far the most

    disrespectful. '

    doubt it. this community is actualy very understanding. probably due to range of age and the fact it's star wars (so including people who would not MMO, but do, cause it's SW). waiting for WZ pop me and many others frequently answear questions like 'which crew skills for artifice', or 'what time dailes/weeklies reset', 'jugg or mara for dps?'.


    only few stupid questions get rude responses. if some one is always evil, maybe they role play jack ***.

  6. could you please post links to those topics?

    fully HP augmented for endurance and maxed endurance but minimal tank stats doesnt count :rolleyes:

    unless you only want to go pvp 'extra healers hp pool'

    14 endu augments = 32 endu * 14 = 448 extra endurance, so briefly, when tank normally would have 36k hp, he will get about 41k


    don't judge tank by his hp!

  7. This Screenshot was taken 3 days after RotHC-Launch, you cant tell me that he is Min/Max!


    bolster was badly broken then.

    at same rate you can post 900k hp picture from PTS.


    I don't think any one is arguing that bolster is broken (bugged/badly tweaked).


    not to mention, that guy is using jugg skill to increase HP :rolleyes:

  8. well, if it will make you feel any better, operatives suck hard aswell.

    hardly any attacking abilities, only good thing is stealth, atleast Jugg/guardian can carry the ball and leap.

    would suggest go tanking spec in dps gear, worked for me in lowbies on my guardian when I started.


    also, read my edit from before, be glad you'r not mara/sent :eek:

  9. that's lowbies for you, every one is missing skills. sub 30 were always easy kills on lowbies 10-49 brackets (not counting snipers/slingers on flat ground with no breaking los)get to L 39/46 and try again (I guess)

    be glad now we have brackets 10-29,30-54,55 as other wise you would be meeting L 50+ on your way.


    it's even worse if you'r mara/sentinel, as when people see 2 sabers, they tend to focus you.

  10. let me fix this for u


    niejestem elitom graczy ale zrobilem duzo fp z grup findera niewiem dlaczego ludzie nazekajom one som latwe trzeba tylko sie nauczyc grac swojom klasom i taktyk na bossa


    haws that u *********** ***** english is not my native lengue so go **** youre sellf before u criticise others maby ask for a reson


    your polish isn't very good either ;) (that was a joke)

    but yeah, they are easy unless you are really bad. he just didn't had any facts behind him so attacked you personally.


  11. that's a scary quest, I'll never complete it.


    "Finally why should a pvp'er who wants to pve have 2 sets of gear with full augments, but a pve'er will only need 1 for both"


    I second this, my play time is limited, I'd never start a gear/daily grind in this game, as for augments I managed to buy one., and by the end of the year I'll probably have all :p


    I only expect the gear to come as a reward for doing in the game something that you like, pve or pvp, gear is the means, the tools, of your own entertainment; noone is an universal player that can or want to do both pve and pvp, and this gear progression game.


    I had my pve times in wow 6 years, and in rift about 2 years until they did the mistake to force pve'rs to pvp and pvp'ers to pve, Conquest lost me as subscriber. I'll stick around and watch what you guys have for me and hope you fix your bugs also.


    bolster is bugged. once it's fixed (may take a while,and it's a different story) pvp gear>pve gear. it's just supposed to be entry for pve'rs to have less of a gap between them and those who pvp day and night.

    once pve'r hits 55, he can go L50 HMs to gear up (if he didn't before) so he can compete with L55hm challenge which are fixed oponents with fixed mechanics

    but if that pve'r never pvp and wants to start, he has nothing. he can't go 'lvl 50 pvp' to gear up for l 55 pvp. not to mention he is a burden to his team, and you can kick people from flashpoints.

  12. what u recommend they be at?


    I'm not an oracle nor I have sin tank atm so I can only suggest to have a look


    I can ask some sins in my guild what are their stats distribution (those that run SV hm) and give you my jugg tank stats, but for those you will have to wait atleast 4 hours for me to get home from work and eat something ;)


    edit:linked wrong thread, now it's correct link

  13. Armor rating 5979

    Damage Reduction 29.93%

    Def chance 18.69

    Shield Chance 28.23%

    Shield Absorb 25.50%


    shield chance and absorb look bit low, you sure you don't have any alacrity/accuracy mods by accident? if all enhancments are right, then it could be augments, I'd say absorb/def chance, but ask sin/shadow people.

  14. athis has a really tough pull as soon as you get down the stairs and right before the first boss girl thing there is like 5 droids 2 on the left 2 on right and a pat. im in pretty much all 69 and without some cc's that is a really tough pull and with a bad roll or 2 i can die in 2 or 3 seconds. cd's dont seem to help much with that pull cept battle readiness or w/e its called. some pulls just need cc's and some pulls just need deflection and some need res. learn the pulls that are tough and what cd's help and if its none then use some cc's


    they do a lot of start damage. on that pull, using 5 seconds of deflection, just from returning damage, they lose 50% of their hp

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