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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. The only people that like this joke of a system are the ones that didn't have a clue how to do wzs to begin with.


    you don't know how to have fun, do you... ;)

  2. I noticed they may have made some adjustments to healing and others things. I have early access to expansion and while doing hardmode "The Emperor whatever"...normally was a snooze fest for healing...but I was struggling keeping people alive all of a sudden. I don't know exactly what was changed.. but I felt it...in the force...


    Maybe they forgot to put some items back on after naked pvp

  3. I was just sayin all I do is pvp and its pointless and Im paying and BW knew it was already messed up on the pts so I was mad. Just not cuz I wanted to be stompin undergeareds. Most of my toons are undergeared I was just using my EWH sin as example. Pvp gear should be better than...pve gear and nudity lol. Otherwise we come back to why we need expertise at all...


    Yeah, I went GS and Op. Bet you went sniper and scoundrel...

    I never understand the complaining about class balance cuz whichever is better that month I just jump on that one. ;)


    Well nice to know you are working on it BW. Take your time. lol.


    Actually, I have my operative and sniper for a long long time now. But day 2.0 hitted PTS, I did test, made my calculations, considered possible future buffs and nerfs, maxed out pvp comms, and was left with nothing to do, so just did 4 rep alts, 3 of them are 50 since last week.


    New PVP gear IS better then nudity and pve for pvp.

  4. Its been EWH for a while, just recently got boots to make a complete set, ive never min maxed armor on any toon. I have 9 50's and a lvl 36 operative.


    The first thing I did was get naked, this has nothing to do with being mad that my gear isn't making me stronger than others in fact ive been winning a lot on imp side which is unusual on my server.


    But pvp is crazy and its because of an admitted failure. Its not fun. I could win every game its just very wonky and random.


    You seem to think im angry cuz my gear doesn't make me better. Im angry cuz a known bug that could have been dealt with before going live is making pvp random and un-fun...besides the first 3 WZ's...then the novelty of having NO IDEA whats what wears off quick.


    I want it fixed. Cuz for 1 toon problem solved when I hit 55 But I have 10 toons...


    Well, sorry, when you wrote

    ruined. I cannot play. I expect from yesterday to the day its fixed to be refunded. Or the days added. YOU KNEW it was messed up and still put it live. I CANNOT PLAY. Feel free to ignore me, Ive subbed since Jan 12''

    you sounded angry .:o my bad, I do jump to conclusions to quickly.


    Yeah, I did some pvp, didn't see point of doing it for now, I maxed out in comms on all my 5 pvp characters any way...


    Funny, You have 9 50s and 36 operative, I have 9 50s and 35 scoundrel lol :D

  5. Yes, the point is there is no progression pre-55. There hasn't been, and there won't be.


    Before 2.0 I have NEVER had a problem with any class pre-50. I have always, and several others, been able to compete no matter what level I am. Personally, I don't believe a level 10 should be in the same WZ with a level 54. There is going to be a crazy ability gap.


    brackets are 10-29,30-54,55,55 ranked

  6. Naked shouldn't be better than my gear no matter WHAT my gear is and they said IN THE FIRST POST might I add that this is a bug that has not been fixed even after being discovered weeks ago.


    I should have expected naked lvl 45's to be bolstered ABOVE a lvl 50 with full EWH?


    Your post makes zero sense. I read all notes when they come out.


    While agree that naked pvp is wrong, grinding full EWH and min maxing it, RIGHT before expansion, is asking for trouble. .


    Naked no, but I would expect blue 45 ish level to have stats similar to EWH 50-54. By one simple reason:

    people who were 49 and below, day patch hit live, never had a chance to buy it. EWH should not be BIS for pvp 30-54.

    It is to avoid twinks who didn't buy expansion, and will stay 50 forever with their min maxed EWH gutting every one who didn't had a chance to have similar gear..


    Yes, Bolster IS broken. Yes, it sucks. But, it is not puttign you on disadvantage. go naked and be equal to every one else.

    Unless you cannot play without gear advantage.

  7. All I do is pvp. So the game is ruined for me. I worked daily to get my EWH gear to pvp till 55.


    ruined. I cannot play. I expect from yesterday to the day its fixed to be refunded. Or the days added. YOU KNEW it was messed up and still put it live. I CANNOT PLAY. Feel free to ignore me, Ive subbed since Jan 12'


    No longer.


    and you didn't read any patch notes? We knew what gear is gonna happen and that bolster will be introduced since late feb 2013... if you bought gear on monday afternoon thinking you will be rocking out 30-54, then you Sir, got served.

  8. PVE never... mind sap is much much better, and with lack of insta whirlwind, it's pointless- pretty much.

    unless, out of interrupts and healer mob is doing long cast but big heal that is worth interrupting (but never gonna happen, as there are better interrupt skills)

  9. He is saying that naked bolster doesn't exist in 55 lvl? Yesterday had a wz after waiting like 2hours for it on 55lvl when i took off every single item on me except lightsaber i had more WP than with full ewh augmented + some partisian and 1 conqueror item so that's basically bull******** players that the naked bolster does not affect 55lvl wzs.


    EWH is a bad example. you should test with Tier1 L 55 pvp.

    old elite gear is below 'new recruit entry level'

  10. I want to go home from work now, create a type 4 body type juggernaut male, call him mcdonalds and smashmonkey everything naked!


    Way ahead of you. have body type 4 twilek male and body type 3 female pureblood. just waiting for me to get home from work :p

  11. Yes 55 is the complete pvp as all classes have reached their maximum potential, however getting there should also be enjoyable. You might like torture but not everyone is a mazohist. Might as well give an option to go to 55 straight away and give conqueror gear for free.


    since when lowbie PVP wasn't a torture? (not counting twinks, twinking and doing a wrecking ball on lowbies is only way to 'enjoy' it)

  12. I will try and answer some of these questions for you on naked PVP <Sith Sorc... madness spec>

    ALL stats, not just main stats are effected and up scaled... but maybe not to the way you would have done them... ie my crit only goes up to 26% when naked, but my surge is 77%... my Activation is 7. something... damage increase is noticeable... and my health jumps to 24000+... and Expertise is over 2000

    Before the 2.0 release I had Elite WH gear... that I had customised to get the stats that I wanted... I had 35% crit, 75% Surge, 8 Activation... 22000+ health

    First PVP I went into nearly made me quit the game in discussed... a lvl 33 "green armor" sorc had 24000+ health... I thought ***... anyway I went on to get smash in that PVP... someone on our fleet suggested naked PVP... guess what it works... better stats than my Elite WH gear

    I tested some things with different stats... ie Power, crit, expertise in my lightsabre... it actually gave me less stats then being naked

    I have tested "orange" empty shell armor and weapons... it is the same as being naked... I have tested my Columi gear... worse than being naked... but better than Elite WH gear

    I have yet to test any low lvl green gear, but I think it would be the same

    I have tested some old lvl 47 PvE armor I had in my cargo hold... worse again than naked


    So I guess until they "fix" the bolster system, everyone will be playing naked or in empty orange shell armor


    Now that was what I was waiting for :)


    Thanks for that, and damage reduction (armor raitng)? If putting any mod in actually lowers stats, then

    either, they want people to pvp naked in lowbie PVP -note I said lowbie- to exclude gear disadvantage


    this has have to be tweaked a bit.

  13. I think the changes actually favor certain classes, mine being one of them... Odds are if you do pvp you are either gonna feel like a god or be one of the ones qqing on here about how you got dropped in 2 hits.


    I did (past tense as for yesturday) pvp with 5 of my 6 imp 50's (all but PT, I just don't like PT pvp... and merc/commando/vanguard for that matter,any spec), so I'm good for anything BIO will throw in my face.


    Let's wait and see until people will hit 55.

  14. No, it's still a major issue when players without any gear are performing better than the ones with pvp gear. Maybe it's for the best, in order to prevent fully EWH people facerolling lowbies.


    Although if such a strong bolster system exists in top-level pvp (55), then it's a gamebreaking issue.


    it could be to prevent 'forever 50s' who didnt buy expansion, from owning 30-54 who had not chance to by L 50 pvp gear. old PVP and old PVE gear should not ever ever ever have any advantage over anything that is only avalible currently in game in means of PVP.


    for L 55, we have to wait and see (by L 55 I mean 55 in 55 gear, not 55 in 50 lvl gear)

  15. Like someone who plays a lot ? Your going round various threads using the same term "twinks" and you haven't even been on live GG :)


    having a long lunch break :rolleyes: (i did a lot of PTS, does that count?)


    can't blame me for looking for anwsears only ways I can.

    I qq on people who qq on not having gear advantage, that's my sin

  16. booo, a twinky pinky got beaten up... so sad:(


    1.tried different gear? like crafted L 49 blues/greens? If naked = BiS, go naked and have SAME stats.

    2.look 1. 'hardcore pvpers' will still melt newbies and pvers. unless hardcore pvper means 'tons of gear lack of skill'

    3.that one was just to funny...

    4.then get to 55 and get real pvp again.

    5. look 3.

  17. How about you try the new system for yourself , since you are fully capable of doing that, then come back and tell us what YOU think.. Instead of sitting here arguing about something you know nothing about?


    Atelast I addmited that I can't do it right now, I will when I get the chance.


    How about, instead of pointless QQ, you give some actual and real data?


    Thank you, that`s all I am saying.


    So, if you only could stop calling that this thread a "twink pvp QQ thread" when it is really a "naked pvp ftw is ridicoulous thread" we are settled.


    few people already said, it's just problem with L 50 gear, like tionese,columi,rakata,warhero,elite warhero. try lower rate/empty/crafted mods/gears.

    when I get reply on list of tested posibilities, I will stop calling it 'twink pvp qq thread', but since most people are complaining they lost gear advantage, it remains as it is. :)

  18. Even If would agree with your notion that "lowbie pvp is not pvp" (whatever that means), do you actually listen to yourself?


    You honestly think that pvping naked for the best stats is "working as intended"? In an MMORPG?


    Why not expand this glorious system to PVE then? I mean doing OPS naked is sure fun as well...


    lowbies pvp was never ever pvp. It was:

    dante's inferno for people who actualy participate in team pvp

    ego boost for twinks who gained gear advantage by doing L 47-49 and full auguments

    leveling ground

    training ground for new players (or should be 'what NOT to do in regular warzones if you ever want to be invited into premade')


    pick one.

    as for naked pvp, I'm not saying going naked should give you BiS, but you refuse to give full explanation of an issue.

    How are stats (not just HP and mainstat) on:

    -full naked with or with main and offhand

    -pve gear (not talking columi, talking L 47 craftable stuff)

    a: pve green

    b: pve blue

    c: pve purple

    -naked shells of adaptive armors

    -white/armor specific oranges but empty slots

    -adding/removing auguments



    this would be considered testing, not

    'omg, ***, L 35 has more hp then me, let's go forums and cry a river'


    and naked operation runs were always fun :)

  19. No ****, Sherlock.


    Everyone will go either naked or use empty orange shells in pvp until lvl 55 (assuming the lvl 55 Bolster at least was not desgined by someone who is a nudist as well, of course).


    But tell me, do you really not think it is somewhat silly that taking of your equipment in an MMORPG will make your stats better?


    Because lowbie pvp is not pvp, it's a leveling ground where every one deserve to have same stats.

  20. Wondering about armour too. If people are going naked, get no armour, then complain about getting two-shotted, there may be an easily-spotted reason.


    Anyway, speculation, can't wait to log on. Be glad you can play the new stuff if you're on.


    I can't. If I could, I would post my test results under every twink QQ thread, but I can only ask questions.


    Getting angry responses instead of logical answears does not go for Twinks QQrs favor tho..

  21. No.


    I (and apparently many others) have simply been under the impression that my lvl 50 EWH Gear would not give worse stats than if playing naked.


    I know, crazy thought...


    Go naked then for better stats, and then new gear at L 55.


    why this is being called 'think qq thread' is that people expeted to have superior stats to ,curently, L 35 chars (I really want to see how it goes now, as people claim to be killed by L 40s with no full talents and skills)


    Is every stat better when naked? I mean damage reducion, crit, bonus? (quoting JUST HP and just mainstat is plain stupid)

  22. NO, Bolster DOES affect 55 PVP as well, so yeah...not much else to say about that


    PVP gear trades other stats for expertise,


    1.Wear PVE gear get all the nice high stats pvpers have to sacrifice for pvp gear, and get free expertise from bolster


    3. PROFIT


    you have screenshots from L 55 pvp?

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