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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. @Ninja_Amnesty:

    you never joined game that was won?

    or joined HB 0:2 and turned tables , 4 minutes later it was won 6:2?

    fair enouth, sometimes it's annoying when you join Voidstar where attackers had freerun till the end or CW on 3cap from enemy... but those are easy to quit ;)

    but the satisfaction from winnin such a game... :)

  2. This is part of the problem with this whole discussion. Aside from the people who think this thread is about BOTS (It's not BTW), the distinction between what is a macro and what is a script is very hard to make. I also believe that the vast majority of decent players are using a macro of some form. I also believe that these macros very likely violate the TOS to some degree. Some players have gone way beyond simple macros into things we are calling scripts, but they could very easily be described as intelligent macros.


    All of this said, at the high end of the game, players ARE using tools to automate their attack selection, even if it's only to prioritize something like dispatch over a basic attack. The more sophisticated the macro/script, the more trivialized their action choices become. They still make choices, which is why these are not bots.


    Bioware most certainly opened the door to this kind of gameplay with their branded razor mouse and I don't see it going away. I also don't see this as completely game breaking, but it is kind of unfair to people who are strictly complying with the ToS in the same way steroid use in sports is unfair to competitors who don't use them.


    You belive in to many things.

    Macro finisher>autoattack is not even slightly game breaking,nor can be comparable to people using steroids in sports.

  3. you see the interrupt animation ^_^

    Anyway, if you're fake casting your big heal, if the player that's on to you is good, he will interrupt... The latency and ping makes it virtually impossible to detect a fake cast. If he doesn't interrupt good for you, high chances are he never will. If he does waste his interrupt good for you again, you successfully tricked someone to use their interrupt on nothing (even though on their screen you were still casting)


    Ah, I get it now. nice one, thanks, I like to learn :)

  4. Hum... let me wonder...competing against players ?


    The feeling of achievement when you won against other real persons, and not a scripted IA ?


    Now now. Don't be crazy and spill the beans.


    We all know that pvp is about having 50% more hp,damage and resistance to smash newbies in recruit gear, and hopefully, one day, get that 1 solo medal.

  5. that other game has so much players exactly because they HAVE areans.


    dont belive everything ppl say, will be heplful in future.


    Well, certain game, had nice arena, about 20meter by 20meter where you could smack eachother and view it from 'safe points'


    for it, you already have open world pvp on pvp servers, and pvp free for all areas (outlaw's den).

    or 'duels'

  6. Fake casting is when u start casting en cancel the cast after like 0.2 sec.. the enemy sees a casting bar and want to interupt it so he is using an interupt ability before he notice the cast and canceled and wasting his interupts :)


    I was doing it wrong all this time....


    But then, how you know, he actually interrupted and wasted his interrupt?

  7. you don't know why you are losing? You mean you don't know why you have 'defeat' at end screen or you don't know why you are getting steam rolled?

    Read up on tactics for warzones over the internet, maybe it's you :confused: (not being mean here)


    other then that, all have been said, wait 10 mins after a lost game, to get different team. maybe it's just bad hour.

    On server I play, some nights imps are just.. well.... uhh... it usualy ends after 3 hours, and then next day, we all play like 8 man premade facing .. well those who played on my side last night.

  8. Ah I got it. So it is casting something else, and hoping they are not skilled/aware enough to realize they are interrupting the wrong thing. Thanks!


    pretty much.

    usualy works.

    funniest ones are when I see marauder/sentinel stopping revage/master strike to use interrupt on diagnostic scan...

    but counting on other player to be bad is plain wrong and can cost you dearly ;)

  9. snipers are immune to interrupts (excluding cull out of cover), so no, won't be useful to them.

    fake cast purpose is that in the heat of battle, you have no time to read and think, you recognize skills by animations.

    But, trigger happy semi-skilled player, who will get exited over killing a healer, will most likely interrupt first casting ability thinking 'now I got that bastard', while he interrupted my healing scan.


    by semi-skilled player, I ment skilled enouth to use interrupts AT ALL, but not expierienced enouth to recognize on the spot which abiliti is used.

    no disrespect there.

  10. So all of you know, they nerfed the damage instead of getting a 100% bonus through shockwave, it is now a 60% bonus. Goodjob guys you have your nerf.

    it's 3 stacks but 33.3% damage each, so basicly 0.01% less damage then before.


    Oh, the nerf bat :rolleyes:


    and reduced time of enrage :rolleyes:

  11. Make a merc or sniper, thank me later. Every time I see we have weaker heals, ranged dps is safest option to avoid damage and focus on dsping. if you lost your spot because of changes that didn't hit live yet, then i would change that guild.

    No one noticed death mark is increased? Yes, energy regen loss is a b***.



    1.Good player that want's to do good raiding will adapt.

    2.Don't give me that 'you don't have time to make other chars' as you seem to be hardcore raider ;) (If you lost your spot, you have time to level :p)

    3.wait for it to hit live, if will underperform, I'm sure class will be balanced.

    4.any smart leader will take smart player over extra 5% damage.

    5.rething your guild. I mean really. If I would hear that from my GL, I would hit /gquit so fast, it would make his head spin. and then again on my other 50's and other alts..

  12. So true on that part. I can't tell you how often I have seen an enemy player come right at you to try a stealth mez or to open by coming from the front, and all I have to do is quickly hit the default attack and pop them out. Always makes me wonder how often I had been guilty of being just as stupid on my stealthers TBH.


    My favorite is stealther using his mezz hoping I will hit CC break, then he MEZZ me AGAIN, makes my resolve full, and then opens with opener which is supposed to cc me ... and I wonder why I have so many solo kills...


    Don't worry about snipers, most of them are snipe spammers (probably had trace missile spammers before), and good ones are being marked and hunted. Not o mention, you are not alone in WZ (and if you actually trying to 1vs1 a sniper from 35 meters straight on, it's your own fault)

  13. I used to play football as well. I would have my good games, and bad games, I never took it out on someone else on my team. However, there was one guy that did, and he would take out his anger on us in practice.


    When we lost one of our games, the same guy would tackle me in practice everytime i caught the ball and was already down. One day, when he was running to ball, i shoved him into a torn bush, and the rest of the team laughed while the coach tried to get him out. Lets just say he found other healthier ways to vent his anger afterwards.


    The sad thing is, you cant do the same to selfish a holes on the internet, you have to just endure.


    Well, what would you do if you had a player who sits on the grass, runs 10 meters, passes to random person no matter your or the other team, and worse of all, you can't kick them out of team and they refuse to try harder?

    While playing team sports you usualy have a 'premade', I don't remember last time I saw a player rage swearing at his guildy in a premade pvp (actually saw it once, but after guy got told off twice, he atleast tried harder)

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