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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Then it usually has nothing to do with wzs, since the people who usually get raged at are simply new to the game and just don't know what to do. Getting angry at them does nothing good, it just gets them angry and hurt. And makes sure that if you try to give them some actual advises, they couldn't care less what you say.

    Also, if your mom here and there told you to get better, it's like bioware would tell these people to get better. You telling other players to get better is like your classmates "smacking" you to get you do better.


    Well, it depends on level of raging and number of censored words included.

    Besides people who throw guano in random directions while being at the bottom of the score board are different subject, there is a limit of how much one can take.

    it starts with

    please pass the ball/don't stand on edges/call incs

    next time call incs/pass/don't stand on edges

    why the hell you not call incs/pass/standing on edges

    oh for (alot of starts) stop ^

    ' but, but, I was stunned, couldn't type' :rolleyes:

    is a person being bullied, or being stupid.


    School maybe a wrong example, kids are being kids (I wish I had class mates who would encourage good results - not bully the nerds), but while playing a group sport, like football, I can't even imagine an instance when I'm/some one is playing badly and not being shouted at for it.

  2. Lol you better hope that neither you or me work togather, because if i cant even use the bathroom without you giving me a hard time about it, then we are going to have major problems...


    'taking a piss' is an expression of a lazy person screwing up work not giving a damn. Noticed I said 'at work' not 'in work'?

  3. In real life, is it okay to start calling people with names if they don't get good grades in school? Or if you happen to get better results in work? Well, then explain me why this would be any more acceptable in the internet.

    Of course it happens, and it happens afk also, but I can't think of a SINGLE reason this would be acceptable. It's nothing but schoolyard bullying, only that it's done by "grown-ups". I understand that it may sometimes be hard to hold your anger, and you may say things you aren't supposed, but that some people actually saying this is good and okay? I just want to believe you are all trolls.


    Also, /ignore doesn't do much good, since the guy may want to call incs later - not to mention that you get matched to same wzs with people on your /ignore list. I'd really like to start reporting these guys, but I don't know that bw would think of me sending that much reports every day...


    Actually, if someone is taking a piss at work, making my work harder, slower, and generally causes me pain in the ... you can bet your sweet behind I will tell them few words. Why I have to work double and do some one else work for them, just because some stupid blondie can't make a proper sql -> excel export and make sure spellings on import file is correct?

    Same for bad grades at school. Seeing how kids now are spoiled, I'm quite happy I got smacked few times by my mom, for my bad behavior/grades.(pity she didn't give more attention to my english classes though)


    Some people deserve to get smacked from time to time. Life is a b....

  4. Ones whine of people leaving, others whine of people rage chatting.. there is no way to make every one happy :rolleyes:


    yes, many times that guy who throws words at people is a baddie with 40k damage, 1k healing and 500 objective

    but sometimes, that guy who throws stars in your face, might have a point...

  5. It would be a separate thing with nothing to do with objectives. I mean playing objectives for me gets incredibly bland after a while but maybe thats since I guard nodes all the time.


    Heh, I get that a lot... Every time I see that 16k hp sorc/merc guarding pylon standing right next to it... not to mention operatives/assassins who guard unstealthed 'because they run very slow in stealth' I'm puzzled how the heck they got to 50th lvl..

  6. We already have an arena, it's called 'The Pit'


    on the subject, every time in Huttball,Voidstar or Civil War, when I see that our team won and had much less total damage and very much less kills, i Think 'damn, team play on other side sucked, we deserved to win, glad it's objective gamplay not stupid deathmatch'.


    Why reward mindless damage?

  7. it's effective. Just really need to learn the class. It's learning curve is way higher than the others.


    For effective team play think like dexter when choosing your targets. Class matters not.


    What 50 centemeter short nerd kid with hot blond long legged sister,has to do with playing operative..:confused:


    'ooo what dis batton dooo???!!!'



  8. Mixed thoughts on this...a 15k healer managed to keep up up along with a fairly geared partner to help through tfb/ec weeklies last night but when we moved to do KP HM, he was the cause of our wipe. He died and could not keep up on the first boss heals. I healed myself occasionally to help out through the other 2 weeklies and was almost the last person standing as a dps in KPhm. We did express concern before we started but he insisted he could hang in there.


    People need to not be selfish and jeopardize the group to carry them for gear and do the normal progression of Tio/Columi to Rak or put the effort into modding themselves some before doing HM Ops.


    To be fair, first KP fight is a pain for low geared healer.. if by accident 6 people get hit by hand slap, that's almost guaranteed energy death for healers (specially non sorc/sage ones), while others are more controlable (unless stupid).

  9. Energy check on healer, and you know if you can pull next group. You are a tank, not a midnless dps, you should know how to make judgment call.


    RC is more for operations so you are sure that all 8/16 guys are ready to start, not afk, so you don't wipe on a boss fight.


    Giving everybody right to RC will be a pain... so would be RC before every single damn trash group in a flashpoint...

  10. right so if you are going to leave the wz everytime it doesn't start out 100% spectacular you should just go pve. it's a guaranteed win to kill mobs. leave the wz's to the people with b@lls.


    i see people in recruit gear leave wz's too. even if its a loss you should get minimum 50 comms HELLOOOOOO thats better than leaving, getting nothing, re qing and waiting for another wz. all you are doing is delaying the gearing up process.


    I don't . I leave WZ only if majority of team run around ignoring objectives, trying to do a deathmatch in huttball on our half (giving enemy jugg/guardian a perfect jump lane, not to mention, there is not a person who even tried to get the ball), 5 of my team fights by the bridge against enemy heal+tank combo, while the other 6 already planted the bomb by the doors, people giving free kills on hypergates (while our 2 stealth node defenders got NINJA'd), and so on, so on.


    Only time I leave very early, is if I land in a certain premade, which are very bad pvpers, rage chat alot, and a game with them in a team = auto loss + terrible expierience.


    For a recruit player leaver early, well, maybe you are better without him ;-) we have fresh 50s every day.

  11. Every time I hear someone crying about long queue times as DPS, I wonder if I'm only one that sometimes gets instant pops on DPS or flashpoints with 2 healers(on queued as DPS, could be tanks too but harder to tell)


    actually, happened to me once, me on my tank, guildy as healer, we thought 'we gonna make some 2 dps very happy'

    we got grouped with another '2 man', pt tank and operative healer... both marked as dps...:confused:

  12. If you are one of those guys that need spoon feeding, move along, no spoon feeding here. If you know that "Google"&reading is your friend then stick around and share your thoughts :D.


    You can google 'Bill G. Naked' but that doesnt mean he posed for 'over 18 yo guys magazine'

  13. @Leafy_Bug:

    if was ment a as a joke, it's a damn good one. giggle to my coffee hard he he




    all 7 classes are comptetetive in pvp, not all trees, sure, wait for 2.0 ;-)

  14. 2 steps to fix problem for op


    roll a tank or a healer (or get a friend to faster ques)



    every time I hear some1 crying 'dps ques are long, why tanks/healers not queing' , I ask 'well, roll a tank/healer then' I hear 'no, tanking and healiung sux, I want to dps'


    there you go :rolleyes:


    not to mention, half of those dps are terrible.. some probably do less damage then me with my jugg tank...

  15. premade is just 4 people. imho rotflolstomp starts when you have 2x4 premade (so ranked team to qued for regular warzone and got into one on same side) or 2 good premades that got into one warzone together by accident.


    How about, making a que the way that if a premade ques in, they will be put against other premade, and if there is already premade in team, only solo que and 2 mans would be allowed in same team?


    problem with 2x4 is not because it's hard and comptetitive.

    It's 8 good players, vs statisticly (totally made up numbers - just my observations) 4 good gear good game players, 1 good game semi gear player, 1 muppet valor 10 who didnt learn how to pass the ball yet (it's just an expression, he won't get it any way, since won't know how to position, but it's a figure of speech), 1 rage quitter and 1 of random lot.

  16. Well, people who quit already are getting debuff.

    They are not getting rewarded for playing with dummies who can't guard objectives, wasted 5 minutes in a game, and have to reque.

    Not getting comms = penalty for leaving.

    Ofcourse you still have to differ between

    1.people who leave on first sign of later start.

    2.people who leave cause most of their team ignores objectives and runs like headless chickens

    3.people who leave cause they have to due real life things (kids playing with fire, wife aggro/help required, dogs trying to kill mailman)


    if you give headless debuff of a decent number of minutes:

    1st type will go afk node, as they don't care any way (and then all hopes for winning will be gone)

    2nd type will que with premades to reduce chances of muppets on their team (and then QQ about premades will start) and may rage chat a bit explaining 'why leaving node undefended is not good for your team'.

    3rd type will still be leaving warzones and maybe leave the game if debuff will be to long.

  17. What this guy said.


    quoting yourself and agreeing with the quote.

    You 'like' your own posts on facebook too?


    Why not reverse the side speeders so the attacking team as them. This will make it more likely that the side nodes can be recapped . As it is now once a team as both side nodes it nearly impossible to retake them with them having the side speeders and the attackers having to run from the central one.


    did you even read what you wrote? can't even reply to that..


    This is why there should not be a quitter debuff.....http://imgur.com/6fHBMxL




    lol :D (can be joke, as he has 54 valor)

  18. I remember the developers saying that each class will not experience the same quests, every classes' experiences will be different, i guess they lied about that too. eh? lol


    Well, CLASS quests are different.

    also conversations of shared quests are different, my trooper isn't called a Jedi, my Sin wasnt called a smuggler, and my rattataki Agent was an alien scum.


    unless you spacebarred all conversations, even playing Sith Warrior twice (well, second warrior is only 44 atm, and I am not counting sith warriors that I got to L 35, deleted, and started over when I changed my mind lol - altoholic) is very different (well, not very, but conversations are)

  19. yeah, I was called a scripter/hacker last night.

    Seems I had 'rage' and 'gcd' hack/script and could endlesly spam massacre, and on crutial moments even once a second when we all know gcd is 1.5 :rolleyes:

    not to mention, my ravage was rooting players,

    hack is obvius.

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