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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. TOR is unique.


    In every other MMO, new abilities are phased in with incremental changes to mob abilities and/or AI. TOR has no mob AI and the vast majority of mobs behave exactly the same from level 1 to 50. Characters get new abilities that might never be used because the player is having zero difficulty killing mobs with the abilities they had before. Players can have interrupts, cc's, stances, and other abilities for many levels without having a clue how they work because they've never had to use them.


    until they come and cry, cause some story mode 'end boss' is killing them over and over and over, sometimes even with friends... and here they come on forums to learn they have stun, interrupt and KB abilities... not to mention gear and main stats.. and it's like 'wow, this is crazy new game now, thanks'.

  2. The operations in this game require too much coordination and a minimum gear level such that many people (myself included) do not want to PUG to try and complete. For PUG raids to have any chance of being completed, the Story Modes would have to be very forgiving on their mechanics and a gear check would have to be implemented.


    story modes are very forgiving. they can't be to easy, so the gap between SM and HM is not gigantic.

    more forgiving they get, more lazy and stupid people get.


    gear check is not needed when you have /kickvote option.


    how can you trust pug dpser, when half of people can't keep sinple kill order on flashpoints? :mad:

  3. I don't mind dying, it happens, but if even after explaining details to dps, they fail to execute basic mechanics (like ran away after pull, avoid red things on the floor, stack under sav-rak) multiple times and I am dying for stupid reasons multiple times, they deserve a boot in their ....


    don't know the fight? ask 'is there anything I should know?'

  4. with running around, skipping trash mobs (recently more people stopped skipping bosses who can be avoided and actually want to do bonus for comms), burning thro mobs asap, jumping, rolling, going rocket boots, speeders, teleports... it's nice to slow down on BT/esseles... I spacebar any way as i could recite those conversations in my dream, but if one person want to listen? great, I can relax ... have a drink, make fresh tea..


    we rush thro life, we rush thro game, stop for a minute and relax.

    say no to rage.

  5. probably most people got used to out gear by miles flash point content, or being carried by over geared tank,healer or one good dps who can do outstanding dps so their weak dps is nullified.

    you just see the difference in dpsers when one group LI hm lorric goes phase 2 right after second kolto tank (never saw 1 kolto tank tho) and few seconds later you run torwards the doors, and next pug run, you see them strugling for 5 kolto tanks, and then you know that burn phase will be 'fun' to heal..

  6. this is very fun boss. easy to beat as he dont hit hard nor has tight enrage timer..

    shackles are only thing that I have to look out for on my healer as healing him is booring (with exception of people falling to fire)


    1.position your self

    2.look around

    3.follow the tank


    This is actuallyy a good mechanic and will give the dps more situational experience. This will also help people learn where to be when doing operations, i.e. ranged DPS do not need to be next to the tank.


    I would prefer if they put more of these types of mechanics in the flashpoints so PUGs could get used to more difficult content.


    Next we need to train them to stun, cc and interrupt, although that may take awhile



    yeah, I'm still amazed how many people there are with hp suggesting they are 50 atleast a month (or very lucky with drops), fully augmented, not knowing that is end BT boss, on hardmode hits very hard after her pull (or fish boss leaving aoe)... or to interrupt Illum's last boss (mine was on CD, none of 2 dps even used his, and I got crap on my head for not keeping aggro when one of them died...) - same goes for Malgus...

    I mean comon... we all have our better and worse days, but if mob is pulling you and channels stuff, and people run away, it is a clue for you (this might explain people on pvp taking whole Revage with their face).. or to move from circles, don't stand near edges... some fall for this 3 times in a row..

  7. That's a shame dude. Specially since the guild I'm in has been doing 55 hm for a while now and we all started in campaign / dread guard gear and our dps at that time had 24k HP . Sorry to hear that you got treated so badly before even given a chance. :(


    people got used to out gear HMFPs by miles and bale out on first sign of challenge.... I don't care that much about it, dps can be replaced, healers don't take long, and my main and favorite role is tank... so if they cry to much, I just make them kick me, /ignore and que again...

  8. LOL.


    I don't see bolster in flashpoints or operations to let good pvp players, but not so dedicated to pve to actually have some fun in there without getting whined at for having subpar pve gear and rewarding them for their time in pvp, not punishing.


    But irony aside... bolster at lvl 55 should perhaps add a little bit of expertise to make entry bit easier. It's not supposed to patch dps optimized pve gears with 1800 expertise, so pve can roll around and have better stats than

    dedicated pvp players, because they have to be rewarded for their pve time. Well... if you want pve time reward, go back to pve and flash your shiny gear there - it's higher item level than pvp gear anyway. Want decent pvp action and gear? Grind it like anyone else does.


    don't you lol me :p


    irony missed. you should iron it more to make it smooth.

    pve is versus fixed number of fixed mechanics AI which can be undergeared, over geared or 'suggested geared', while pvp is player versus player, similar entities. no fixed mechanics and should be more equal (so bolster is needed), but, as I would preffer system where gear is same for both activities (it'r ridiculus when I have to wear 3 sets of gear with me all the time, sometimes 4 sets, on few chars) with small boster on pvp side.

    not to mention, that on pve L61-63 pvp gear is overgearing L50 hms which gives you comms that you can gear for L 55 hms and ops, while once you hitted L 55, there is no 'easy mode' for pvp.


    Arutar: there is nothing in this game on open world (besides few world bosses, but then you are in team and people usualy have culture of not ruining others world boss fights) that would require you to wear top tier pve set to complete. new first tier pvp gear is more then enouth to do makeb, dailies, heroics... Gankers usualy roll for people who have no chance against them and if they have slightest chacne of losing, usualy run away (this is why I rollled pve server, not to have to deal with jerks-still I was flagged few times by some jerks before they fixed flagging aoe bug).

  9. bolster was a very stupid idea


    bolster is fantastic idea. it lets good pve players but not so dedicated to pvp to actually start without getting slaughtered and rewarding their time in pve, not punishing.


    execution and coding behind it didn't work out well, but that's matter of tweaking the system.

    idea is perfect.

  10. With bolstering addressing the gross gear disparity there's only two real advantages for premades:


    1. They're likely to have at least one healer. It's common to have 8 PUGs with no healers.

    2. They've a high chance of all rolling FOTM classes so at least you won't be weighted down by people who happen to be playing useless specs. There are less useless specs in 2.0 but suffice to say they still exist. If their 2 DPS are smashers and your 2 DPS are (insert useless spec), you're not exactly in a favorable position here.


    #2 is probably unavoidable though it's better than before as the number of useless specs seem to be less. #1 can be addressed by adding another 5% to trauma so that it is actually feasible to take down a healer in a reasonable time.


    it's very rare for a pug not to have healers. lowbies doesnt count ofcourse. yes, it happens from time to time, but many times there were to many and games go on and on...

    so all you see is either FOTM (which had been all classes in game starting with mercs where poeple were to unexpierced to use interrupts, then sorc and unstoppable lightning spam and double 'double heal/lightning bug, then bubble stun fest, then operatives - but many people failed them, sin tanks - later deception, marauders, smash monkeys...) or usless specs..


    so we come to usual point, that premades have advantage for not having bad people in their team.. but premade is only 4 people, there is always a chance that other 4 people will be less then dumb..

  11. uhh, I'm a gaming legend, the master of speeder, I hoover around fleet 4 hours a day, I want money for each full circle I do. I don't want much, I pay for the game and I demand credits.


    on a side note. was already stated that best money is GTN. only PvE you need to do is Plaver vs Economy.

    you can cry milion times that you can't get easy money just doing pvp. you gain small sums even if you lose. on pve if you lose you lose money. risk and gain. (I do agree it's a bit to small per WZ-a bit)


    if you want good creds , do one of above... if you want just to pvp, then just pvp. no one is forcing you to do anything...

    we gave you every possible way to make money. if you still refuse to even try GTN (it's on a fleet) then sorry. I want money for every lap I do on the fleet. Doh.. (joking, I don't do laps, it's even more boring then dailies).


    while you QQ that you want money JUST from que WZ, I made 1,5kk selling on GTN today (bad sells, usualy more).


    GL HF.

  12. @Capt_Beers: if you put it that way.. if you both make same money on GTN but PVE friend is out crediting you on daily missions grind, but at same time, you can exchange all WZ comms on medpacks and sell.

    with good GTN business rotation you can make 2kk a day doing mk-9, it's a lot lot more then just doing dailies for 4 hours (which can bore you to death after 2 weeks , while doing warzones 8 hours a day can still be fun after 3 months)


    again, pve has nothign to do with it. real money are made on market, not on drops.

  13. OOOH OK. SOrry that us "Lazy PvP'ers" don't have time for this because we are grinding gear for all hours we have to play.


    If I only had to raid once a week and do an hour of dailies the free time would not be an issue.


    Also, let's not act like all PvE players have to do this. They can make enough credits thru raids, a few FP's and dailes to keep them going fine. All in much less time then we spend in WZ's.


    you actually lose money on raids, wipes and repair costs are sky rocket.

    1 little thing goes wrong and whole 'income' from operation is gone.


    only flashpoint that takes under 15 minutes is battle of Ilum, BT HM is about 17 minutes if team moves fast. and if you do a 'quicky' you don't collect to many drops either.

    while shortest HB will take 3 minutes

    only valid point on money is dalies, which has been suggested to you over and over.


    also, sending companions on crew missions and scouting GTN for cheap mats between WZ won't take so much of your precius time.


    Before any of your posts, put the shoe on the other foot. You aren't PvP'ers so go post about your issues that you actually know about.


    Once again, we need more credits thru PvP activity.



    for last 4 months before launch of 2.0 I was doing nothing but pvp. amount of money is fine.

  14. Do the mats just appear? Oh you need to PvE for them. No thanks. Missing the point at hand again.


    We don't want to PvE. Sending my companion on a mission also costs as much as I make in a 15 minute WZ. The balance isn't here so don't bother trying to defend it.


    no, you invest credits doing crew missions (or bying cheap mats on GTN) , craft, sell on GTN.

    or, do augments and mk-9 kits your self. it's really not that expensive to make.


    unless doing crew missions is to challenging for pvp die hard.

  15. considering that by pure magic it might happen, healers are at disadvantage generally.


    novare, with healers being focused on healing, dps team have better chances of actually capping.

    CW depends on who caps first

    voidstar healers might be at top if they manage to cap, but as if no one passes first doors it counts kills, then dps are at advantage

    HB, depends who's better coordinated. but again, DPS at the top (4 maras = jumpers) if they pass quick enouth.


    meanwhile, in real world, atleast 5 of those healers will respec to DPS making all above points invalid.

  16. Agree with the OP. The cash imbalance for PvP vs PvE has existed since the start, and really needs to be addressed.


    I hate doing PvE. I mean I get *zero* fun from it. But I need to in order to compete in PvP.


    So unless PvEers are going to be forced to run warzones, no matter how unfun they find it, I don't see why the warzone cash payment can't be increased somewhat.


    you don't have to repair your gear for dying in a WZ. yeah, PVE is at disadvantage.

  17. you are not 'die hard pvp', you are 'lazy a.. pvper'

    can't afford it from GTN, make them your self.

    don't have mony for missions? sell WZ medpacks.


    you don't have to pve, but don't expect to be milionare by doing few wz a day.

  18. Absorb is garbage atm. Go End/Def/Shield.


    and reason why absorb is garbage?

    with crit nerfed and shield buffed, saying that absorb is garbage?


    as for stats, expertiese (flat damage reduction) > endurance (as usualy you are just healers HP pool) > optimized def stats (so you won't lose to much over dimishing returns, def/absorb both have pros and cons - def ignores crit but only works on white damage, while shield works also on force/tech attacks BUT is bypassed by crit), and maybe some accuracy.


    remember, you all ball carrier or healers HP pool, or last man standing.

  19. nope, I had many crits on both mk-9s and augments.


    max affection +5 crit on crafting skill on a companion who does the dirty work and legacy perk for augment slots (some time ago dev said it's supposed to increase crit chance, and that description is wrong)

    you just got unlucky.

  20. pre 2.0

    who got the ball first?

    Sin specced for less CD on force speed and marauder with prederation on his team

    if no marauder on team

    Sin with specced force speed.

    who gets the ball post 2.0

    operative with marauder prederation on his team

    if no marauder on team

    operative with no energy to do anything else.


    what happens to the first person who got the ball? they die 3 sec later, stunned.


    your team lost cause they were better. getting ball first has nothing to do with winning.

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