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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. This is what you understand from the thread?! That we don't want ballanced PvP? Seriously?!


    PvP being unballanced means that not everyone is being offered the same chances, and some people will always be below others due to some mechanics/class issues etc...


    Having gear plays a significant role, IS what MMORPG's are about, and it is available to everyone with no exceptions. In a game like SWTOR, getting proper gear (PvP) recuires 3 days for a semi-harcore player, and one and a half week for someone playing casual.


    So why should the system reward the people that refuse to spend even that one week getting their armours and improve their characters?!


    PvP ballance has nothing to do with this thread.


    But bolster (in plans) is suppsoed to put pve geared players close to starter pvp not augumented gear.

    min maxing top tier augumented gear will still give you advantage you need (joking) to kill pve pvp newbie.

  2. And? What's stopping you from doing this exact same thing? I pug pvp 99% of the time and I have no issues with pre-mades playing the way they were. You know why? They EARNED IT. That's right. They worked thier buts off to earn that gear, to gain a little advantage over other players. You want that same advantage? Go out and EARN IT. Go out and make some friends. Stop begging to Biofail for handicaps and for them to bend over backwards catering to casuals. If you really want to improve your performance in PVP, you will research how your class is played, look it up on Google, Youtube videos, etc, etc.. learn how to min/max your gear for optimal performance. Unfortunately, individuals with your "mindset" lack the foresight and intuition to go out and do this. Instead, indiviuals with your "mindset" want hand outs and expect to be catered to.


    I have 2 chars ewh and 3 mostly ewh and still some wh left, 2 chars have to sets, one tanking set, one dps set.

    I don't care about gear advantage, I'm rocking hard since recruit (as I refused to do lowbie pvp as it's gore of badness)


    Also, I did 2 'semi twinks' at L 47 blues augumented rocking hard lowbie warzones, and beside my gf cheering up 'kill that noob lolz ahahaha' (a bit weird lol I know), there was no real fun in there, probobly even less for those poor fellas who came across my wrecking ball.


    Bolster will not give any one advantage, will just make them suck less against you. If you are such a good player, you will win even with equal stats (crazy I know),You will still keep your gear advantage, it will just eliminate pve geared easy kills.

  3. INB4 all the bads come on this thread and scream about how they need bolster so they can beat top premades who worked hard for their gear. Bolster needs to be done away with. How about you stop catering to the carebears Bioware, and let them earn their stripes in PVP? You think giving them a handicap in PVP is going to make them better all of a sudden? I would wager a fact that this is actually making a lot of players worse, because now, instead of thinking tactically and planning ahead, and being smart, these same bad players are now coming into WZ'S and are now: "OMG, let me push dis one button and one shot dat 53 player with mah leet uber lvl 10 sniper with all whites on and with no AC, LOLZ"


    Seriously Bioware, fix your game.


    in before all bads who need big gear advantage come and scream about how they need 2xmore hp and 2x more damage and a 2x4 premade to beat 8 man pug..awww, to late.

  4. First of all there's not much skill involved in some classes. Especially when there are 3 button playstyle classes. People may change their minds when every single marauder/jugg is jumping to the group dealing 9k AoE damage.


    Also this system encourages FotM classes. It was bad as it was before, immagine what it will be now... All you have to do is just level to 55 and PvP without any gear but green weapons...


    about FOTM, yes, it makes it easier, but also, it's easier to pvp with a FOTM counter. and when FOTM counter becomes FOTM, next FOTM will be counter to FOTM counter.

    It is class rotation.

    I personally loved my 'since level 10 healer' to respec, go naked and do concealment. some classes requires more buttons, some requires less, while i agree, bolster is broken so hard it's gona be named 'lolster' soon, it is needed to some degree.

    also, people do cry about juggs and maras, and that's why, we have topics 'snipers next FOTM', and when we start having more then 3 snipers per WZ, amount of maras and juggs will decrease.





    Give them recruit gear and let's move on


    Also you don't have to be hardcore to grind partisan gear



    been mentioned before. They tried recruit gear, and they failed.

    Some didn't wear it since they had 'better stats lol' in pve gear and was pain to explain each single time (I also belive, these are people who complain over some classes hitting them to hard)

    some didnt wear it since is so freacking bloody ugly

    some sold it for money and then gimped their team with pve gear since 'it's just 2 more weeks and I'll be warhero lolz, chill duudes'.

    for every player, there can be a different reason


    bolster instead of recruit is far more better choice.

  5. Check again and you ll see i am right


    Unless a 4K hp is no big difference for you

    Naked strips a lot of my power/crit/surge


    why use more skills when the 1 skill you can spam is OP?

    Especially now that agents/smugglers dont have to worry with energy management?


    more like 2-3k, 1 button spammer would ratehr be commando/merc or sorc/sage then operative/scoundrel or even smasher (smasher requires about 5 buttons minimum).

    lowbie pvp is not pvp, it;s leveling ground, go 55 for real games.

    (yes, bolster is broken, but it's equal to every one and lowbie pvp was NEVER EVER more fair and balanced)

  6. no man because ppl are not twinked equaly


    PVE gear gives way way more stats with bolster....

    I only pvp ... with my gear i have less stats than the above...

    naked i still have less stats than the above


    and the difference is not small man


    The lower the lever and the more pver you are ...the better stats you have in WZs.


    besides few slots, it's not really that much, I pvped in my pve gear, pvp gear and naked (on my operative healer I went concealment for giggles, but didn't have equipt, so went naked). Sometimes you rock, sometimes you get rocked...


    lower level you have, less skills you have, use yours...

    Yes, TTK is quite low on lowbies atm, but, games are bloody fun.

    Last time I've seen games so equal, with so many turns and combacks, was on a gore double exp weekend when I was witness of a game where both teams were equally uber awful (in both rotations and objectives),and it's fun to see it on regular basis.

    ps, naked pvp gives about 96% accuracy (I can be wrong here), so tanks are ubber now :o

  7. for anyone that doesnt know how this bolster system feels like, imagine a fully twinked out smasher or concealment op at lvl 49 in pre 2.0 lowbie pvp.....


    yes, but then, if every one is twinked, every one is equal :)

  8. Maybe they like to pvp but don't want people attacking them while they are questing?


    so much this... it's funny when some people say they are better at pvp because they gank people on Alderan...

  9. Aside from medpacs that is no longer possible in 2.0, as Kolto Overload was redesigned. Only heals when under 30%. :) It can be used in advanced, though, as the buff itself is longer than the healing effect, so it can be already on, and then when you drop under 30%, it starts ticking. Tanks of course get a buff to it, but he isn't applicable to it yet (need to be at least lv 40 to get it). When specced into it, you get 2% health every second while over 30%.


    my bad, didn't undust my PT tank yet

  10. The thing is just: Why should you reward people for being too stupid to even put on proper gear?


    Failing at a game should never equal success, that is for me somehow the whole point in games and the reason why humans play them since thousands of years.


    it wasnt about rewarding people, it was about not punishing team. yes, they will still probably be bad. but so is half of your team.

    I'm not saying bolster should make person with valor 1 equal to min maxed top tier fully agumented pvp gear.

    If it was up to me, bolster would work:

    is item pvp gear? yes:leave it as it is;no:bolster to 90-95% of tier 1 entry pvp item;

    but I'll leave tweaking to dev team, as I'm not as arrogant to say that I know metrics and mechanics of majority of players, and I'm hoping they have person who will (eventually TM) get it right.

    Not to mention, recruit gear was just so... ugly... you were spotted from crowd... 'hey, xxx on their team is recruit gear, who didnt get his 5k dmg medal yet, give him a shot'

  11. wake up your healer...


    HK can hit for alot from time to time, but I'd say it's healer issue


    I've read again, you sound like you are doing all good. could be PT/Vanguard having harder time at lower levels, I dunno, not doing any lower level flashpoints.

    Do you have enhancments for shield and absorb? endu/def stim? maybe self heal second HK starts spamming?


    and again, wake up healer, that lazy.... ;)

  12. Again, it does not matter how much scoreboard healing you're doing if healers are unable to keep up a focused target while under pressure. I healed just shy of 2 million yesterday in a voidstar - 1400hps...99% of that was fluff and ineffective healing.


    People that only do regular WZs seem to only care about scoreboard numbers I guess...


    Well, yes and no.

    Keeping your team even a bit longer means they can pound enemy longer, so even if you can't make one person immortal, 2 milion healing, is 2 milion damage your team coould take while doing damage.


    Yes, TTK is a bit to short for my taste at 30-54 at this moment, but,

    if your team mates just stood there and took damage that you healed, then they deserved to die :p

  13. There should be no bolster at all in 55. They should allow you to buy partisan gear at 51 so you can be ready for the top tier PvP. Work for your gear..PvP is not for everyone; if your not willing to work for the gear in PvP, thenstick to PvE it is that simple.


    they tried to give free recruit to every one, and we all know how it resulted.. people sold it for credits, or didnt wear since 'they had better stats with pve gear'

    removing recruit gear and doing bolster instead was a better idea.

    it is bugged and needs tweaking, but it's better then recruit gear.

  14. Had been playing my 43 concealment operative with great success in lowbie pvp pre 2.0. Am well geared for the level and know how to play.


    My attacks on over 50 players in my new bracket barely scratch them. The main purpose of my spec is the ambush attack rotation. Any of these players I hidden strike, backstab, stun, shiv, lacerate etc etc. I can't now seem to do more than 5% damage during this phase of combat which renders me useless.


    ....at which point they turn round and 2-shot me, whatever their class.:mad::


    don't want to be hater... but.... your success might not have been yours, doing 41+ lowbie pvp in blue gear, maybe some auguments, you can feel like god. (I kept my marauder-carnage- and guardian -focus- on lowbies for about 2 weeks, with 4 chars at L 50 pvp for last 7 months, it was like cutting butter with red hot knife)

    People play bad at 10-49, now you meet 50s+ who know how to real pvp.

  15. Pugs aggro like crazy and wipe the team in seconds.


    Sometimes it's better to solo then to do a bad pug... last week, a sage using project+saber attack only! wanted to 'joint forces' on h2+ with me. When I refused, he was hittin my mobs, breaking mezzes.. other person actually called me a noob for doing heroics solo, not wanting to joing with him...

    swap instances FTW

  16. That is why I mentioned melees and duels, not war...My point stands.


    then it's like you said. if Coruscant my L 35 scoundrel will get requested for a duel from a L 11 player, he won't even touch me, while I spam 'default attack' button, and same will happen if I request a duel from L 50 character.


    I don't see where you have a problem with a system that works way you want it.

  17. Actually no they should not!!!


    Sir William Marshall was not equal on skills and gear after 500 melees with ANY newcomers, nor was Musashi equal in dueling with ANY newcomers after 63 won duels. This is RPG...as in ROLE PLAYING, you play the role of a character that advances, gets better and older, be it PVP or PVE, this is not a FPS. What the higher levels should not be able to do, is to stomp on newcomers, and the newcomers should have a chance if they are more skilled.


    in a open world duel, L 11 wont even hit L30 (for that matter, L 11 won't even hit L 20)

    Warzones have different rules.

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