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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. People running in full pve gear with only pvp MH have the same expertise as my full part/conqueror but 200 more endurance/main stat? How is that even fair? Why bother grinding the same 5 warzones every day?

    I don't mid bolster in lowbie bracket or even at level cap but if weekends warriors in greens or pve heroes have the same or better stats than someone who pvps for hours every day something is not right.

    This game already lost most of its player base after 1.2. that's why they merged ghost servers and now it looks like a lot pvp'er will quit again if the bolster stays in its current state.


    not quite. my pve geared tank has 1750 expertiese. fully geared pvp tank will still be better. (not to mention different customization)


    and pve hearoes don't know tactics or pvp rotations. unless you can only kill some one by outgearing them, pve heroes and sunday marauders in greens should not be a problem for such a pro like your self.

  2. Yea you got a good system there. I kind of take it a step further though.


    As a healer, I do the same thing you do. I let the DPS die if they think they are the tank.


    As a tank, if the DPS pulls before me, I let them tank it and resume going at a fast pace. Basically I force the healer to spend their resources on me or the pulling DPS. If I die, I just leave and make them wait 2 hours for a new tank.


    Honestly the true source of most group problem stems from DPS. I got 5 level 50's and 8 55's. In all my time doing FP's, I met maybe 8 DPS that actually used their interrupt skill.


    For me, that tank thing you do is to much, as it punishes healer and other dps that could not do anything wrong.

    On healer you can choose who will die (my friend actually made dps apologise to her when she refused to heal him after he complained on her clicking 'confirm' to slow lol) without punishing other 2 members of team, and that thing I do on tank actually works. DPS epeen is being fed (that part when I complement them for their dps) , I'm sure I have their attention on party chat (they say thanks), and lesson learnt (when I mention he would be superb if he kept killing order). It's a win-win (sometimes removing guard works)

  3. i play a sniper and have almost full partisan, only 2 items missing. I get 2-3 gcded by everyone, the pvp stat doesnt seem to do anything. the guys with elite pve gear win. they crush you in 3 gcds.


    you are getting 2-3 shotted? by which class?

    not to mention, snipers are squishy. roll, cover, kb... that are your defenses, not facetaking an marauder.

  4. you go L55 hms with tanks in green gear? I'm far from elitist, but a tank with more then 3 pieces of green gear on L 55 HM would get kicked so fast, it would make his head spin. blue, sure, but green?

    gear up to atleast 58-61 on L 50 hms, as tanks and healers ques are so short, there is no excuse.

    I can understand grade 66 and 69 blues, but not greens...

  5. No. Ranked teams take a PT because they have social ties to the player who pilots the PT and they are reluctant to cut them.


    Every rational ranked team will take an assassin over a PT of the same player skill level. The assassin pulls enemies just like the PT. The assassin has more burst. The assassin has more overall damage. The assassin has better survivability. The assassin is a better single node guard. The assassin is a better solo attack scout. The Assassin redeploys to distant nodes faster. Need I continue?


    you do realise that assassin that pulls is tank spec ergo no burst dps?

    not to mention they are harder to play.


    they only burst tree is deception, which is good for openings (kinda operative with light stick), but doesn't really dig it in substained dps over longer fights.

  6. Weird, I know some PT'S that play in ranked, top charts, and is as valuable as most classes.


    Sure they got nerfed, but it seems in the hands of a good player it don't matter what you do to the class, they still will be good with it.


    I think you are doing bad with it cause you can't play with it, I would reroll to something more easier.


    is there a class easier to play then PT? I mean even smashers have to think of distance between targets...

  7. it doesnt.


    best proof. when you add augment, you see all possible choices, from mk-1 to mk-9 (or less if you already have augment mk-6 in you will see only mk-7-9.


    proof two, go to your trainer, you can buy recs to make them, all from mk-1 to 9. (altho this is not solid proof, as one could say that mk-10 would drop, but as all mk's are there from their introduction, this is 85% solid point)


    proof number three, there is no augment that would require mk-10.


    I can go on and on, but I think I made my point.

  8. Today I got two well geared DPS for my group and I died way more often than I ever did because being geared DPS apparently means the first target you attack is whatever I just mind trapped, and since I'm still more than capable of holding aggro from these DPS, I ended up taking way more damage than I normally do.


    Honestly I think sometimes it'd be a good lesson to let any DPS pull all the trash and see how fast 5 droids in Athiss or 5 dogs in Cademimu chews you up. Maybe they'll at least learn not to attack the mind trapped target first.


    when I tank, and have happy jumpers, usualy talk on /p something like 'damn, you are like super computer dps' to get their attention, and when they thank me for complement, I add 'shame there was no room for kill order priority, it would be perfect (weak->strong->elite->champion)' (I should macro that)


    on healer letting one dps die from time to time is good way to train them. Like a puppy. Can't beat them, but punishment from time to time is a good thing.

  9. Nah, it's fine. Healers got lazy. on my operative healer, L50 hms I could run whole fp just by HoTs, kolto probe on tank, my self, and some times dps. eventually kolto cloud if some people forgot to move away from aoe.


    if you were running progresion OPS, 55 hms are easy. fast reaction time required, no time for naps..

    ofcourse it all can go to hell if you are not on the top of energy and 2 dps decides that you had to easy time and they will not move from aoe... but it's just mechanics. can leave one dps dead to make an example. enrage timers are long any way.


    as for athiss last boss, I find that cleansing is better then healing thro.

    heal thro = 15-16k hp = 2-3 heals (depends on crit)

    cleanse = one clense one heal (or even one probe if I did it quick enouth)

  10. There must be some sort of gear progression. Without gear many of us would have no incentive to play. It's not cool atm that gear doesn't matter much.


    With my current gear (sorcerer) i get no bolster to expertise/mainstat/endurance/crit/surge/alacrity. I only get a boost to power and small to armor rating.


    I'd also like the bolster to be removed but i see one problem. ATM it also gves you more power - for me about 80 more force power (damage) inside a warzone. If the bolster got removed my dps would get lower and killing someone would be a problem - not to mention killing a healer. Immortal tanks anyone?


    progression is still there, it's just smaller (about 8%?) and allows my tank, which I don't pvp in a long long time, come back and have some fun in my pve tanking gear. am I better then full pvp tank? nope (part of it is that pvp itemization will go further with HP then tanking stats and endu/power augments instead of def/power). is difference big enouth to make my team rage at me? nope. could I contribute to the team guarding objectves,healers and carrying a ball? Yes.

  11. Does anyone else find it sad that these topics even exist? It should be 100% without question that full PvP gear is the best option for warzones.


    The fact that you have always needed some PvE gear to achieve your best stat potential and with the mess of a system bolster has been and now the augment exploit paints a pretty good picture of where PvP ranks in their priorities and understanding of what the players want.


    yes, it's sad that people didn't understand dev post and try to be smarter then avarage bear, adding pve mods (power/crit crystals, pve armorings,pve barrels/hilts) or old pvp gear (wh/ewh relocs) or even better use pve weapon and adding expertiese crystals or enhancment leaving rest pve (so whole weapon is not being bolstered cause of expertiese on it).

    and then complain of not having 2018 expertiese, since they gimped them selves.


    excluding exploits, it was already stated, that full new pvp set is better in combat. there could be few exceptions, as always people are quite crafty.

  12. You can't enrage L55hm bosses unless you use nothing but default attack... (61) for dps/healer and (63) for tank is more then enouth to complete everything...


    sorry you found such a jerks on our lovely server.


    on a side note, I've been raged at once, by a healer who complained I'm to squishy on my jugg tank... he was mostly (66-69) I was (most 63- few 69 - fully augmented for def chance), he figured out I have only 30k hp so I must be undergeared... , with his replacment (61) we clearead that HM.

  13. The quality of threads in this forum is exceedingly poor. Says a lot about the majority of people who play this game.


    with this one, you are not raising the avarage level either...

  14. Xalek... his good sides:

    before 2.0 maxing him out in affection was easy, 102 per conversation - 2 days max. - not much times I had to travel with him

    he looks good laying on the floor dead

    cool named achievment for killing 1000 people with him.



    sucks at tanking

    makes no sense

    sucks at aggro holding

    is ugly

    rejectecs my female inquisitors,who has thing for aliens with big feet, feelings...

    did I mentioned he takes damage like little girl (ashara)?


    I mean really... he runs with my Sin tank gear (grade 63) that I could go EC NiM, and he dies from two strongs on Makeb, if I don't kill them fast enouth... really?

  15. The only tweaking they should be doing is to get rid of it in its entirety


    nope. Bolster is good. it prevents pvp min maxed gods from slaughterring pvp starters and makes pve'rs easyier start into world of pvp.

    You will still out perform them with pvp gear, just slightly less.

    yes, it needs tweaking, but everywere besides ranked WZ, it's good thing


    and don't bring up recruit gear idea, they tried it and it was a fail.

  16. This is good to hear, paying $155 for a game that you would be locked out of and would not be able experience all the content would be a waste because of poor mechanics. I would just leave it F2P.


    I re-created my character over on the RP server hoping it is more 'mature' and helpful on that side. The good and bad is that I have to start all over again but so far it seems like a good decision. I may just have to purchase a month of sub to get a better feel of the game.


    I do like it so far but I am still low level :)


    note second part of his sentence. even on more mature RP server, (note that people might 'role play' dark side jerks) you will still be left out of group if they need healer and you are dps, and replace you with companion or a healer.

    you were never excluded from any content. you could still que as dps or respec (and learn) healing. for everything Heroic (over level 25) you need heals as mobs do hit. not hard, but unless you have 2 dps with 2 dps companions, good geared and on heroic 2 area where you can actually down mobs before they kill you, which is not the case for most heroic 4 (even on second planet H4 needs a healer, either companion or dedicated player).

    So don't expect anything more, just because you changed server.


    I'm not rude, just want to avoid some false expectations on your side.


    ofcourse guys were wrong with kicking you out with no explanation, they should tell you they need healer and explain your mistake.

  17. Crystal (mainhand) - power, relics (+60 exp + 120 power) - old ewh, else - partisan / conqueror. I'm not trying to blame others. I saw it day by day - bolster don't work correct.


    that's why. drop power crystal for expertiese crystal. and replace ewh relics, either for pve ones (waste as they won't trigger on pvp ground by description, dunno if actually *not* working as intended) or better, for pvp ones, they are not expensive, and one proc power + one proc damage will give you far more in pvp and pve. that is first thing I upgraded for my capped RWZ comms.


    after you do those 2 (4 things, 2 crystals weapon/offhand, 2 relics = 4 items) you will be fine and above pve gear again.


    I wansn't being mean, it was just expression. Like when healer casts blame on tank for being squishy, while he (healer) should be clensing debuffs so tank is heal-able.


    edit:you still haveto take into account, that person with weirdly to high stats, is using bolster augment exploit/bug.

    also, is your gear fully augmented?

  18. And player, who geared in elite war hero gear (without expertise, pve gear for 50 lvl), on wz have 1800-1900 expertise.... And me, geared in partisan / conqueror - 1890 expertise. Bolster should be removed from 55 lvl warzones.


    are your crystals with experties or crit/power?

    old pvp relics or new ones?


    Sounds like you could be doing something wrong and blame others for it.

  19. usual advice, try cc'ing (in stealth). not fully sin/shadow tanks have harder times then undergeared juggs/guardians as you can't toss around defensive cooldowns like candy corn.

    and warn your healer to keep finger on a trigger if he's falling asleep.

  20. people these days... last one to say 'sorry for pull' and 'i'm new here, help me', first to post whiny threads...

    I usualy type few times things about kill order and such, when I'm on my tank I just deal with it and focus on helping the healer, when I heal, I just let that trigger happy dps die if he starts pulling random things or breaking mezzes...


    every one makes mistakes, every one was new at some point, but atleast say 'sorry', I always apologise if some one dies at my fault. Always apologise if I broke cc or pulled trash from other group causing havoc or wipe. Never got raged at. why?

    Cause I said 'I'm sorry'. It looses tension.

    When someone did something stupid and made small pull into hell, and I want to say something rude, he says 'sorry guys', I know he made mistake and he knows it. If same happens but dps pretends like nothing happens and continues on doing that? I wait for them to die few times ;)


    Never done story mode of L 55 hm, low level flash points during leveling is not my thing. I asked as tank 'what should I whatch out, first time here, bear with me'. got polite answear from random pugs. (actualy got raged at once by a healer who complained he had to heal me as he used to heal everything with just one heal button, he quitted, and we cleared that HM with his undergeared replacment-but that doesn't count, as it wasnt my fault, just healers weird imagination I was supposed to be immortal)

  21. Biochem re-usables are not any more worse then 'blue ones', new L 52 re-usable are same quality as L52 blues.

    So in short, doing Biochem will save you cash on making that stim once for life.

    Grenades are for cyber tech, again, you can use green ones with no cybertech (like do them on alt and pass to main) or, if you do cybertech on main pvp char, you can do re-usable grenades (unless I'm wrong here)


    no crew skill will give you anything that is impossible for any one else, (cyber/biochem can make it cheaper - as one time craft only, use for life)

  22. TaylorNova:

    well, if some one makes group 'lf 1 for h4' and ask invited players are they healers and kicking out if 'no' (they should do 'lf 1 healer for h4'), then yes, it's wrong, but when group is bound by GF, no one is making this team. People que as signed roles,ergo promise to be those roles. Healer is not 'dps throwing a heal or two'. Tank in dps gear might be considered still tank as on below 47 tank stats matter less then little, but dirty fighting scoundrel is not a healer.

    Generally, ops joined GF que as healer and got kicked for not being healer. plain and simple. least they could do is explain to him why he is kicked.


    If I would leave during boss fight simply cause my fiancee asked me she needs something to drink (if she would be badly sick, I would not be playing) , I would not be suprized to hear alot of names coming my direction ;)

    forums and guides are gold mine of knowledge. not people who group to do flashpoint.


    yes, votekick for player who went for 'brb 2 mins' is rude and ridiculus, but so is expecting special treatment from people who you see first time in your life, and probably won't see them again this year. Would you have the patience to explain to some random commando who by accident joined as healer how to heal? what should be build and skills priority? If heroic 4 can be done with first time healer (excluding sorc/sages) dps geared, all life dps, and probably under geared (rule of thumb), it can also be done with my upgraded every 2 levels geared healer companion.

  23. that's all i been running and no 1 crit for a whole day probally cause i got like 20-40 or so the last few days


    then I will not be playing lottery with you (joking, i don't do lottery), try doing lockboxes too, hope for slicing mission, or, do rich/bountiful slicing parts, relog, send another crew members for rich and bountiful, relog, etc. I usualy cycle thro my 3 slicing chars before all 5 (each-total 15) are slicing. doing this on your ship will speed up process.

  24. I love AHG.


    Every time my team is losing badly, the other team gets cocky an leaves weaker/least expierenced player defending, so they get more points.

    point of this tactic is, that that weakest link will either get ninjad 10 seconds before explosion, or will actually ran away 15 seconds before explosions, so he, get that, will not die accidentally.

    and it comes twice in a row, leaving me winning AHG 601 to 500 with team doing avarage of 50k dps and no heals.


    ofcourse it also comes with (other games) when I see two assassins standing on the pylon, unstealthed and get ninjad...


    it's not my favorite WZ (that bloody sound makes my dog bark) but it's one of those that can be won even if all hopes are lost (and other team defender is dumb enouth)

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