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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Yeah, I'm experiencing the same.


    (Same goes for healers... I'm healing a group member that is engaged in combat and unless I'm attacked or attacking myself my companion won't join the fight. I'm busy healing I don't always have time to command my companion to attack as well - this is a slightly different case than the Sniper case however)


    that healer thing happens from start and was always like this.

  2. I want to avoid having useful keybinds set on something that can only be used for companions. If it was on my quickbar, I could change it when I went into a pvp match more easily. I would rather not have to hold my companions hand and change her diaper and tell her to attack every time that I go into battle (which is all the time). I suppose it's not too big of a deal but it just seems odd and I have never seen this before and I have leveled 9 characters to level 50.


    If you could test out snipe and ambush on a melee target and see how Kaliyo and other companions react to it I would appreciate it. I am curious to see if they're acting funny for me or if that is just how they are in general.


    will do, you might need to wait for it as I'm at work :p

    will test and reply in about 5 hours. It wouldn't be first time companions acting weird after general patch (remember 1.3 (I think) companion reseting their gear each time you left speeder? or 'just' implants and earing in different one...

    some simple control would be nice too like 'attack from weakest to strongest for dps companion for tank/healer char, or 'target strongest' for aoe chars and 'for the love of god, don't break that damn mezz with your aoe' on/off :rolleyes:


    I agree, it would be nicer just to 'move' companion attack icon and swap them around, but if you go warzones, you have atleast 90 seconds before game starts to swap shortcuts, so it's not really a big issue (but yeah, it's annoying)

  3. She isn't attacking after the damage/animation of Snipe, Ambush and some other abilities. If I want to set a keybind for her to attack, I would rather put it on one of my quickbars (which you cannot do).


    ah, that's weird, I never had that problem. on other hand, my sniper is more then year old.


    you cannot 'move' her attack key to your key binds, but you can bind 'companion slot 1' as key bind.

  4. I was more pissed with the Inquisitor class quest phase when I needed to run between the Dark Temple and the Citadel multiple times like crazy. Oh well, rage only makes a Sith stronger, does it?


    Yeah, but that

    Darth Thanaton gost busters episode

    happens only twice, while Jedi (both) have to visit Tython more often then common sense says... (still better then trooper having to run thro Coruscant to hear 'good job, now go to xxxxxx planet, meet mister xxxx and come back to me so I can send you to planet yyyyyyy' - like holo calls were super expensive or something...

  5. Very true, point conceded. What I am trying to say is that he seems more like a Jedi but he would probably join the Sith merely because the Jedi wouldn't allow him to do things he would do anyway.


    Every time I had quest log 'confront jedi council' it gave me kreeps... bunch of tight ..... made me miss Darth Cartman...

  6. any attack will. after animation, after first mob diee she will attack first in sight who is attacking her/you (if mob is attacking party member, kalyio will not auto trigger)

    and by Kalyio I mean any companion.


    you can bind her 'slot 1' to some easy accesable button which you will replace while in groups (for example, on my healers I use Q as 'companion attack' and while in groups, under Q I have 'energy restoration' ability.)

    on other hand, while doing Kalyio on my sniper, I found that it's actually better not to send her to aggro before you attack. that way, you take a bit damage, then she aggroes group. you won't die and will save her some damage, (plus travel time of mele mobs) so you 'share' hp pool.

    she doesn't have 'travel time' as she jumps, so it's not a problem.

  7. I still think the HM's need to be fine tuned for the typical PUG. If your claiming it to be too easy, you must be running it as a guild and using a form of vent communication. These aren't easy by any means and less enjoyable when you have a 30k repair bill for how many wipes you suffer. If they didn't nerf the tanks something fierce I would run them, but a tank being just as squishy as a dps, now this doesn't make any sense. I love tanking, but the trash mobs and some bosses just nearly two shot me. And I blame the the low % to defense chance.


    Well. I did HM 55 last night with my guildies, we were all barely few days 55, tank had 28k hp with stim, my sniper about 25k, healer and marauder similar, ofcourse, we all were 61/63 geared with small exceptions. Athiss, only thing killed me once were balls (I didn't know they had range and accidentally got out of LOS from healer-silly me) - same thing killed healer at end of the fight (I aggroed balls all the time for some reason so he didn't know).

    was it hard? nope

    were we on vent? nope

    were we under geared? suggested rating is 156, we all were mostly 146... so a bit.

    but yeah, def stats drop from 50 to 55 is hurtful... guess, now every bigger trash pull will require using one def CD from time to time

    and hell it was fun :D

    (it's not braging, just a mere observation)


    Actually he was a slinger, shocked me.


    that could be 'double tap' hot trigger thing, where you bind cover to same button where on cover bar you have your opening attack.

  8. This one kinda cracks me up though..... so what your telling me is.... you have run 100 slicing missions at 3k per mission and haven't gotten 4 purples??? I find that quite hard to believe...... even with the crap drop rate, and the cost of collecting the other mats included I would still be making a profit selling augs for 300k. Sorry... not buying that one.


    yesturday I did about 80 slicing missions and got 6 purples.. first two days I had 12, made 4 augments (1 critted), minus efford of other mats and actually getting purple rec... not to mention amount of TIME to keep reloging - if I could send missions from work, that would be a different story :p (specially when it takes 50 minutes to get FP pop on dps chars, while you cannot relog, doing OPS, work, sleep,eat..)

    I didn't say it's not a profit, but not enouth to keep me around, specially since people started selling augments 28 for 200k, mk-9 kits for 180k.. (fair enouth, kits are still good price, specially since you can keep killing mobs and getting some mats free and they are cheap to make).

    Then again, I'm not bothered, leave market to those who want and care for it, not buying anyhting any way and I do all my stuff myself between alts. I enjoy game, not economy and big numbers on my virtual account, I have real life for that. Few milions for repairs is enouth.


    My only problem with crafting is, that besides few trends (1.6, 2.0) where you can actually make some real sums, usualy best way to make money is daily quests. Faster, easier, risk free, constant... (and you can sell mats you gained while doing it)


    (note, this is not a rant)

  9. with suggested gear rating 146, it's natural they feel hard when you have gear rating 142.

    on other hand, since people are clearing it with gear 132, and the fact that usualy 'suggested' by developers numbers are quite tight (look at EC hm before we got 14 augments for every one), I'd say they are pretty easy... when full group will have suggested 146 gear rating, they will be easy as 50 flashpoints in rakata augumented gear.

  10. Look at assassins before, nobody wanted them on a ranked team ever. We're still not great. We're viable now though, and I don't think we should be punished because people can't play their classes and still think that they will murder every assassin they come across.

    We should be viable, and that's where we're at. I've been playing assassin since the beta and it's been my main through it all. This is this best the class has ever felt. You don't like it? You have trouble killing assassins? Then L2P. My gunslinger has no problem with it.

    What's more, burst is ALL WE HAVE. Look at the parses on any other class and you'll see they ALL parse higher than Assassins, even operatives!


    as far as I agree with sins being in right spot (but I preffered it in 1.6) we were in very good place, and we were viable killing machines wanted for ranked.

    I don't know if you are advocating for Sins or doing weird sarcastic/troll post suggesting, they need nerf...

  11. Did you try interrupting? I don't remember that fight, probably was so easy, it didn't stick in my mind..


    knock back



    checked up youtube, yea, I remember it now.

    he does that thing not very often, interrupt ability will be enouth to stop it.

  12. Except for the fact that flashpoints are built to get you gear ready to start operations. Meaning you miss all end game gear, and yes i know you can smash out section x at every available chance but thats a far cry from the story driven content you get in operations


    you don't need end gear if you don't end game, ergo, you don't need 4 man ops which will provide end game gear.


    on that note, I fully support nightmare flashpoints. (I bet my sweet petunias, they will add them in next expansion when we get to level 61 or something)

  13. Same i now have a few 50 alts in like basically full min/maxed bh now ;_; and my sents ewh is better then his pve set xD (i was full ewh for pvp and mainly just bh for pve)


    Pity they didn't do it from day 1, I would not have to spend daily comms to upgrade some pve gear that now has been replaced with my old pvp stuff.

    ah well..

  14. Well, to be fair to the OP, sometimes you can't. Sometimes, the mob is between you and the "shiny thing" with no way around.


    Unless you can stealth, then you have no excuse.


    most things now are clickable during the fight (fixed long time ago, as at first you had to be out of fight to interact with object like chest).

    If they aren't, they will either respawn in 30 sec (so OP will have time to chill, as he seems to need time to cool off), or are converstaions (so will not dissapear).

    I think one of very few exceptions to it, is one of belsavis daily on IMP side, where you have to kill elite mob (who hits hard aoe so non healer companion dies very often) to get the shiny cube (or stealth sap him), but I'm not sure if they changed it (did not do bels dailies since a long long time), and still, it did respawn in folowing 20 seconds.


    ofcourse grabber is bad guy here, but welcome to the internet.

  15. So best place to start would be running HM Black talon for my PT? Wow I don't think I ever said that out loud........it just makes sense.


    just go group finder for random HM (don't forget the daily) and after 3-4 runs you should be up good for SM ops.

    note, it might be hard on you if you get Kaon or LI, but you can always either leave, or ask to get kicked if healer don't want the challenge, you will get next pop soon enouth.

  16. I know how much hp im losing to assasin opener

    Im not a healer

    I dont need lecture how use elecro net, only problem with net is very long cd

    I dont care whats works both sides, its utter stupid in huttball

    And yes its true operatives can roll extremly fast in stealth

    Why this irony about passing ball....


    You can be mistaken. people tend to panic when stealther opens on them, specially if by some miracle, he gets 2 crits in a row :eek:

    Try it if you say they are op and immortal

    Mercenaries are punch bags for like 6 months... now you snapped? (joking here, but the lenght of 'give some love to mercs/commando' speaks for it self)

    It's called tactics. fine, remove pulls and jumps... also, make carrier immune to being pushed or knocked back , that will be fun.

    extreemly is not the word I would use, it could have 5 sec CD but it's hardly game breaking.

    couldn't help my self.

  17. Mercenary so far on 55, got PT, Mara, operative and sage on lvl 50


    Then point your self at point 3 of your post and be OP :)

    also, you are not losing 40% of your HP from assassin/shadow opener, unless your pvp gear is centurion.

    use electro net on leapers

    pull on ball carrier works both directions, you can be pulled by friend or by foe into fire to burn...

    operatives are not getting into other team lines 'in seconds', get your operative to 51 and see how it sucks up energy pool (but I would agree that it's wrong if you can roll in stealth thro firetrap with not breaking stealth)


    also, passing the ball is so OP... I mean you press a button, and ball goes away.. I know :o

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