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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Legacy level 40 and 1 million credits to unlock it for 1 character....

    700 cartel coins to unlock it for your account through collections or 300K credits per character........




    2100 Cartel coins to unlock it for 1 character......

    700 cartel coins to unlock it for your account through collections or 300K credits per character........


    thanks <3

    why couldn't they write it in short simple way....

    that was how I understood it. but so much text, I wasn't sure in my reading skills any more.

  2. to be honest, I didn't really get that guide to gaining new companion.


    I want it for my 2 chars, one rep shadow and one imp mercenary, maybe for one (or two) new chars I might create upon deleting one or adding new slots.

    what is procedure here...

    I pay 1 mil for initial contract.

    then I pay 700 cc or 300k creds?

    'Treek Character Perk for the appropriate faction' - that put me out of balance of my mind too. My english isn't perfect, but I don't think I'm stupid or something, but that whole post confused me to bits.

  3. And I am rapidly becoming convince that premade players only want to face pugs so they can grab easy wins. No one in this thread is againts premade, what op and many are saying ,that premade need their own queu, period





    people need to learn how to play as team and stop crying over being out played.

    Only difference between avarage premade and avarage pug is that people in premade are trying to win and doesn't want to let down his team mates. standard pug doesn't give a rats behind.

    How many times have you seen people not callings incs? How many times have you seen person from premade not calling incs? If a guy whom I group with ignores objective, I call him on it. Either he will learn sooner or later, or I will stop grouping with him. What can I do with pug? With pug I will get chat flamed, or in worse case scenario, player will sabotage whole game just cause I called him out not doing objective.


    There is a player on my server who I don't like much, cause he's a jerk, but, when he's teamed he playes quite well. However, when he's not grouped, he's total crap. I've asked him why once. He replied 'cause it's a pug, no one cares, doh'.


    If they make another bracket so 55 and 55 team (so we will have 3 brackets already), I hope they will add 'solo que, join premade bracket if possible', cause even when I'm solo pugging (most of the times, I might get team once/twice per week tops), I hate playing with people who don't care, and preffer to play with big boys, not 10-54 lowbie bracket.


    what will be next? newbie bracket 55, solo 55, newbie team 55, team 55, newbie ranked,ranked? how many brackets do we need. we already have 10-29,30-54. are 44 levels not enouth for people to learn how to play? we only have 5 warzones... :confused: imagine what it would be if we had 9 :eek:

  4. ... I don't understand why some of you have such a problem with fair play, unless your anti social and don't like playing with strangers and enjoy a fake sense of awesomeness but wouldn't a solo que match force premade teams to do rank instead which in return would create a competitive enviornment for hardcore players who wish for compitition in the game?


    Solo que matches would depend on individual skill of the team.


    Rank que matches would depend on group organized and tactical prowess.


    This is how it should be a level of progression in a game for people who want to play a match or two or for people who want more. It all comes down to compititive fun so think about it because WoW finally noticed the issue, among others.


    So people are anti social cause they GROUP with 3 others to join a game with 4 strangers? good one ;)


    Solo que would depends on (like now) who have more bads.


    Ranked are different story. Totally different level of gameplay.


    Level of progression is 10-29,30-54, 55 and ranked 55.

    Also, Doom pointed out what WoW did.

    And a full organized battleground group (in WoW) is 10+ people and only possible via oQueue, aka the Super-Queue.


    You can try and stretch it, but the shoe doesn't fit. That article is about an exploit/abuse of the system, not about people grouping up.

  5. No. As already said, it will kill pvp that lost a player. Due to crash, dc, or spawn bug (didn't see it since 2.1 tho) - where you spawn from death and can't move.


    No one was ever backfilled into winning match that some one dc'd? Is it just me lucky btard?

    not to mention, when you backfill a almsot lost game you get 65 comms, cash and +1 on daily about 2-3 minutes instead of 12.

    if you have 'bad row' of backfills, leave a game for 20 minutes and port back in. odds are, you won't get backfilled again ;)

  6. I busted out laughing so *********** hard at the bolded.


    Laugh, when I was playing on my old laptop, while I was going for dailies in Belsavis or Correlia (black hole, before shuttle was developed you had to go thro corelia oh goodie loading screen), Belsavis loading time was so long, I could (and often did) take a piss, grab a dring, make a snack, text my gf, check my emails, and it was still half way thro... often I was suprised I didn't get time out....

    and that laptop ran ME2 and 3 on max details smooth. But no.. not a game that was in development 4 years ago :rolleyes:

  7. And a full organized battleground group (in WoW) is 10+ people and only possible via oQueue, aka the Super-Queue.


    You can try and stretch it, but the shoe doesn't fit. That article is about an exploit/abuse of the system, not about people grouping up.


    Not to mention, that WoW, from what I hear, has some things caleld addons,roles arent that straight (like lineage2, you had 4 different buffers, 1 debuffer,2 supports different, 4 tanks and then DDs) and class synergy.

    Only class synergy we have, is that 3 AC can do armor debuff that doesnt stack, 2 healing debuff that doesnt stack and 1 movment speed :rolleyes: and it's pretty straight, 3 tanks (ofc they have different roles but can fill in for pug games) 3 healers (were 2 can do same job and one requires skilled player) and DDs.


    on related topic, I've tried 2 premade run on sunday, and the 2 games we actually managed to be in one team, and noone of them weren't challenging, not cause we were super premade, nor organized group, and not out geared (as we did it to actually gear our bottoms), but cause pugs sucked, we didn't even have 'ranked' setup. They weren't killing us, they didn't watch over objectives, and every time they preffered to attack my tank (who was close to them ofc) over ranged DDs - not to mention healers.


    most fun it was when we were against each other :cool: , and then it was competition who had worse pugs. - so just like normal pug , those with more bads lose.


    I support splitting 2x4 groups, if 2 groups que in shortly close timing, they should be placed against each other. It's so much fun to hunt guildies :cool:

  8. I can't even find a good spot to start with all the garbage you posted. To say premades don't have an advantage and they try to convince us of that is ridiculous at best and straight up lying at worst.


    Voice chat (even text chat with people who LISTEN) is a HUGE advantage is WZs. Hell, in real life communication wins and loses wars.


    You are absolutely crazy if you think that voice chat and premades don't offer a significant advantage over your typical pug.


    you are right. premades have advantage cause they read in game chat. chat should be removed ;-)

    tbh I don't need it, I see people going offnode and I know it needs support... and it's logical that when your node is attacked by 2 people only, other 5-6 has to be somewere...

  9. If you don't think being in a well organized premade that communicates (because they know each other and possibly running voice chat) isn't an advantage you are delusional.



    If you think a group of players in a pure PUG can coordinate on the same level of a premade you are delusional.


    Forming premades is about one thing and one thing only: making sure your team has the advantage. Yes, you can do it with friends but really why are you doing it? To win of course. You trust you friends and can coordinate with them 100 times better than some Internet stranger.


    I am not against premades, they just need to go into their own queue when a group of 3 or 4 is formed. This was already explained by the WoW devs many times. Its about even footing when the match starts. Premades are forced into their own queue there.


    No one is arguing that premades don't have advantage.

    Thing we argue is, what is that advantage and is it fair.

    Is VoiP advantage? not really, you comunicate faster - yes, but only with half of team. It's still better to call down incomings on chat. If i'm on premade, most of our mumble is jokes and goofing around. Story telling from bored node guarders or while waiting for respawn.


    Why people group? cause we like having comptetent people in team. When I pug (most of my pvp) I don't know if person next to me is a muppet. I don't know if a person who goes guarding will call incs or just go afk or wonder off, or run away and let them cap so they won't kill him as he is afraid to die.

    and it's irritating when people don't even try.

    does forming premade suddenly makes you a better player? no.

    what is biggest advantage of premade? that atleast 3 of my team mates aren't dumb, and we have less spots for muppets.

    If statisticly 25% players are terribads, 25% people are more or less ok and 50% are good, having 4 good people in premade leaves statisticly only 1 stop for terribad, 1 spot for more or less, and 2 good players.

    while 8 man pug will have 2 terribads, 2 more or less ok, and 4 good players.

    So advantage is 2 more good players, 1 less terribad, and 1 less more or less ok.


    If you separate ques, all good players will go 'better que', while normal warzones will be left for terribads who will never learn.


    and spot for terribasd is 10-54 bracket.

  10. I've played every specc in this game and I can tell you that smash is surely not half as OP as people think. You only have to know how to counter it.


    QFT ;)


    I like dealing with smash monkeys. they'r always so suprised when they die....

  11. Again..the point I am trying to make is simply that "skill" has very little to do with the character you choose to play or how hard said character can hit for example. And much more to do with the things described ad nauseum in this thread. Balance remains the topic at hand, For Example, the fact that my concealment Operative can not perform at the same level as my deception sin has nothing to do with my particular skill set and much more to do with just how ineffective concealment is which is why you wont see conceal ops represented in rWZ's.


    and you see how many deception sins in ranked?


    concealment operatives are fine, I'm playing one as off spec, and it's fun and good. Acctually, I find concealment to down and control single enemies better, but it takes more concentration then Sin (might be cause I play sin more).

  12. My guild put together a 16-man hard mode Xeno, with a few pugs. There was a DPS Assassin in the group that didn't have a Charge selected. We asked, hey, do you want to select a charge? and he says "I don't know??" Apparently he had no idea what it was. He said "leave me alone, I just got this guy to 55 and I don't really know how to play it that well, I normally play Republic".

    OK....but...how they heck do you get to 55 and not even notice something so simple, and then have the nerve to join a hard mode operation and act indignant when questioned about it? So next thing he did was pick the tank stance... /facepalm. We set him straight in the end, but, damn.


    This game is fairly easy. You can get to 55 without chosing your Advanced Class. Not sure if I could solo kill imp makeb end story boss without AC tho, but the republic one is a wuss.


    I once encountered in BT hm L52 PT dps + Jugg tank also 52, same guild, polish names (I'm a pole so it's easy to recognize), PT used:basic attack, flametower, an flame burst. nothing else. Jugg used basic attack, smash and I think sunder strike. I don't have to mention that my sniper was pulling aggro constantly from tank since he did no threat, or healer pulled aggro.

    I asked them, how they got to 50+ with just 3 abilities (kindly and in english), they said they are playing together since level 10 and it was always enouth to burn thro story, so I should be quiet as they are profesional gamers.

    ofc both died on last boss (what ever her name was) first pull, but I burnd her down like a charm.

    during the flash point they were trash talking me in polish language thinkig I don't understand, but atleast they didn't swear much.

    Normally I would talk back and leave, but on DPS after 50 minutes waiting for a pop, you kinda want to finish instance.


    during last conversation, I thanked the healer in english, and riiiigt before jump, added in polish 'I hope I never see you two again' - pop loading screen and my reward waiting for me :rolleyes:

  13. Was your Partisan belt augmented? If so, trade it back in if you can. If you were WH/EWH, the only real upgrade is Conq though. Get relics, and weapon(min/max). Save the rest til next patch...


    conq belt and braces are quite cheap.


    as for last sentence, wouldn't start saving now, maxing comms takes max 2 weeks if play a lot on 1 char, 5 weeks tops (I just guess, will not get into math discussion).


    I would wait one more month before starting saving.

  14. That's another thing. You are not supposed to be able to do that...but u to to the gtn, buy a pack of nades and voilá!! All the Sniper/Slinger purpose of "not being able to be leaped" is over not by your character skill but by an external item.


    that's why they have roll, 2 knockbacks (if mm) and one root+slow (again, mm).


    not to mention, wasting 3 minutes CD CC just to get one lausy sniper (who wll KB you in a moment) is pointless waste.

  15. Well that's what I'm saying 8 players bum rush mid and them all together once they have orbs, bum rush a pylon. A tank and a Healer is still 2v8 and I've seen that easily destroyed. Moving as a cluster **** is the way to go, you're right about that one.


    and then when they see where you go, healer from P1 moves to P2, other dps rush to help and offheal, you swap, they swap.. but we could go on with tactic talks for a long long time.


    we agree on most important thing - team work. I will add flexibility, which I think you will agree, and we can call it a day :D


    team - 4 letter word, so hard to remember...

    good thing about pvp is, that content is people, and people change, tactics change, composition change. so it's not as boring as it would be with just 4 operations for 10 months and no other content.


    but hey, we will get 3 new arenas, maybe they will add new huttball map by accident. all we can do is wait.

  16. Just the opposite, knowing when you use your CC, especially one with a 3 minute cooldown, separates the skilled players from scrubs.


    not to mention that they are stupid cheap to make... just from alts gathering while leveling last night I made total 300 grenades + crits (so total about 370 I think) of level 20, even more of L30, not doing L 40 yet as I need mats to support my last 2 alts that level. but be prepared for another 500 tries after they get to grade 5 mats.


    I understand the frustration, nothing like use cc breaker in that unlucky moment on voidstar, just to get KB into a wall and stunned again :D

  17. I think what Voidstar did well was the voice overs. Not only are they great and cinematic but they were great for starters. They litterally tell you what to do every step of the way.


    Unfortunately, (and I would be on to help petition for this change), in Ancient Hypergate, the first thing the VO says right out of the gate is "Seize the pylons!". Which is actually stupid because I always see 7 of my allies charge the empty pylon, see 7 blue 'capturing pylon' pilars of light and then I see the 'click to respawn' in the middle of my screen because I just got destroyed in a 7v1 at mid.


    The first thing you should always do in AH is to all 8 charge the mid and collect orbs and then all 8 cap the pylon afterwards with (hopefully) 4 players with orbs.


    thing is, that is not valid option either. if other team sees it, they will send tank/healer combo for your pylon, keep tank/healer combo on their pylon, and defend which ever you attack. then you end up with minimal 150/0 (if you don't die even once) after first round.


    that is what I love about AH most. it's unpredictable. and there are many ways of winning/losing it and both teams need precision, timing and focus on every round. you can be winning 598-300 and lose 598-600+ on last round if other team playes it right.


    key word is team. you move as a team, work as a team, defend and kill as a team.

    not 3 people go our pylon, 3 people go their pylon and 2 people try to keep middle.

  18. That was the ONLY counter to the smash trains and that's why people used it. People didnt waste a bunch of points in the tele tree just to mess with other players. Another difference is that bubble didnt win objectives, like the rolls do. On a personal level I didnt consider it a problem at all. I do however consider it to be a problem that one guy can be on the next door in voidstar before I've even reached the bridge or has the ball before I've reached the top of the ramp.


    Not really sure what you people base your scenariors on. Is it ranked? Try the other 98,3 % of all games played, the normal warzones. I wouldnt even say that scoundrel is balanced for ranked, it's just that the 8 players on the other teams are prepared for it by bringing their own operative. Nor is operative in any way making the games more fun or interesting. In normal warzones you only get to pick a maximum of half the players and if the warzone has 15 average players and one really talented one you better hope that the good one isnt an operative (healer) because he will single handedly win the game. No other class can do that to the same extent, simply because they don't have the tools.


    no it wasn't only counter. It made playing assassin dps miserable. With not much expierience in doing sorc/sage pvp I could easly stop lots of caps with simple bubble flash, heck, 'my skill' with bubble almost made me into pvp republic guild - but I waited for my *sister* guild (friends with my imp guild) to invite me , so I gently refused...


    you know what stopps roll? slow. But since most slow abilities don't do damage, 98% dps don't use them.

    yes yes, one talented operative healer can win a game... voidstar is good example tho, if I'm on operative and my oponents are dumb enouth to keep fighting what ever they see, I can usualy cap the bridge and in stealth for middle door, and then open force field before any one notices... but it takes bad oponents to do that, and a bit of cooperation in your squad.


    as for tools, assassin tank with stealth and pull can make a huttbal from 0:3 to 6:3, even if his team is not so bright.


    and before you jump on me that I'm defending my class, my operative healer is my alt, my main pug char is dps assassin and main team char is jugg tank. cause I loooove tanking :rolleyes:

  19. i love having absolutely no chance to win a match


    are you that marauder with willpower augments and cunning gear that I see so often? or that sniper with total 20k damage in 10 minute voidstar game that kept trash talking in /ops chat how bad our team is and that you didn't win a game in 2 weeks cause of bad luck to sucky pugs against ranked pre made teams?

  20. Seriously, does energy look like an issue in this video?


    Really sick of people saying you're out of energy after 4 rolls. It's just not true at all.


    My main issue is that I thought pvp was pretty balanced pre-2.0. So if it was balanced then, think about the new abilities given to each class, and then think about which one you'd want the most, regardless of class. Given the choice, I'd take scamper/exfiltrate and force barrier hands down before any of the other skills. The rest of the skills are pretty even, except shoulder cannon, which is by itself at the bottom of the list. Shoulder cannon is only valuable in guarding the pylon in ancient hypergates, and has little utility elsewhere.


    So if you're like me and felt like things were fairly balanced pre-2.0, then some classes were obviously given an edge since I don't believe the new abilities added are of equal utility.


    1. that operative is not a healer

    2. that operative was extreemly lucky with random drop from jump thing

    3. other team is bad

    4. pvp was balanced pre 2.0 mostly yes, tell that to merc/comando dps and sorcerers dps, bubble stun fest rings the bell? my pt loves his shoulder cannon, no one will stun and cap under my PT tank :cool:

    5. were you that 3 button PT pyro in pre.2.0 and that's why you think 'it was balanced and should stay that way'? :rolleyes:

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