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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. No it dosnt, I think this is basically a twinks qq thread


    pretty much nailed it....


    People died, logged in and complained, and no one bothered to test how it works with L 49 geens/blues/purples/no slots...

    (well, some already did pve gear>naked man>pvp twinks)


    less complaining, more testing.


    30-54 brackets are not to be equal, competetive etc.. it's a training ground.

    Want good pvp? go 55.

    damn.. I can't wait to get home from work :o

  2. Have you not read any of what people been saying. It is not a lvl playing field the lvl 40's have 10k more hp than lvl 50's and can 2 shot people.... This is broken , if you want to be in denial about it that is up to you, I will not.


    I did. I read people crying over gear who is no longer avalible has worse stats then 'NAKED MAN' or fresh 50-40 and can't use gear advantage as to have better stats, you need to go naked man.


    As far as I agree that it should not punish people, (I don't want to use pvp only empty slots lol and undress from pve stuff every time I level an alt) peoples are crying river over NOT having gear advantage.


    lowbie PVP IS NOT competetive, it's leveling ground filled with bads.

  3. Bolster isn't really designed to work with ewh/wh as it's no longer avalible.

    ergo-you can only b**** if you wanted to pown L 30-new 50s with min maxed EWH with gear advantage.


    Stop complaining, get empty/greens/go naked...

    if you expected to have twice hp then a L 40 and one shot them, you just got served.

    lowbies is where you level/collect comms for L 55, not to boost your ego with min maxed gear.

  4. They will all tell you they need the gear because its a gating mechanic, toward new content. The Truth is all they want is the chance to have thier character aquire the Super "Lightsaber of Pwn", "Blaster of Unloaded Doom", "Armor of Pulsing Force". Armegeddon and Betrayer of Humanity (wow references) Type things that drop from raids so they can appear bad "buttes" to people. If it was only about new seeing story content, all they would need it to figure out the AI fight, then run it using the gear the already have. Don't believe it. There is a reason raiders run raids week after week, and get burned out, yet still do it, and its not because they want to see the story for the 20th time.. Its called the new "Shiny" that makes them look pimp and elite, and gives them better stats than anyone else.


    .....something they obviosely do not want PvPers to have.


    But pvp bolster will be just to entry level... min-maxed elite conqueror will pretty much still stomp newcomer, but now he will need to work for it a bit harder.

    only 2 things that will change,

    is that a fresh 55 of a PRO player, will be able to kill min-max elite conqueror (and this is what laudest screamers are afraid of) if he is good enouth and min-maxer bad enouth


    a fresh 55 who doesn't know why he is in a WZ will be a better cannon fodder. not much better, but a lot better then fresh 50 in pve greens now.

  5. Here's a serious question -- it might sound like QQ, but it's not. I genuinely am curious:When you're on a premade with everyone on voice chat, in fully min/maxed EWH gear, easily able to pretty much two-shot anyone and to run back and forth between nodes easily, and you win a Civil War match 350-0 or roll through a Voidstar in 3 minutes . . . are you actually having any fun? It's obviously not a challenge, so I really wonder what people get out of it?



    Nothing you mentioned isnt doably with pugs only.

    Many many times I've did Voidstar in about 3 minutes, or even 7 man(!) CW 300-0. Other team must have been suprised when they saw we were 7-on other hand, they probably couldn't count either.. to dumb...

    it doesnt require premade to rotflstomp, it takes smart players vs less smart players.

    I love when on other side have 4 man premade, cause it's satisfaction to make their life harder, or, win against 'odds' of a good premade on other side.

    As you mentioned, whole team of <100k dmg, they are not winning the match, you are losing it. (unless it's a huttball.. usualy team with less dps wins 6:0) It's not 'premade' fault, any good pug team would steam roll that.

    (I don't mean you as you personally, I mean your team)


    edit:checked my scoreboard screenshots, and that 7 man win on CW was in a premade.. me and one guildy, and 5 pugs.

    Oh the premades are so OP right?


    When I play my other chars, I ignore MM snipers because I know deep down inside that any PvPer playing as MM isn't worth a crap and are probably not a threat.


    Now that just hurts my feelings... but then again, being ignored is my favorite position in a warzone, while I hump your healers. :rolleyes:

  7. My logic is clear: if i go solo on wz and meet ranked premade, I lose with my pug.


    After this, I go to Alderaan and kill several imps lowbies, just for relax.


    If I cannot play with equal chances on warzone (which I love to play) and others use their unfair advantage there, than I use MY unfair advantage of high level for ganking. Eye for eye.


    So.... your ego got hurt so much, that you have to gank leveling lowbies? Oh boy, this is the reason why I'm gladly on PVE server.. so no one will enlarge his small epeen on my leveling alt.

  8. Cyber is better for leveling, pick up moddable gear and stay same nice look. Doing green mods/armorings for your self and companion.

    Synth is good for alt, to make mk-6 kits (and some augments like str/willpower/defense).

  9. if you doing a premade of 4, you only voice tell to other 3, while 4 stays death.

    yes, other 3 can type on chat while running, but if they are fighting too? you delay message to other 4 non voip team mates.

    Real advantage of premade is that I have 3 other people I can trust, and that I know that they will do their job, and they will.

    I do mostly solo que, and every time I leave some1 at the node I'm taking risk 'will this person call incs? should I stay instead? If I stay and he goes, will he do proper damage?'

  10. Switch hands, now you have the right one free to click the RCs ok




    Like I said, it's not needed it's a QoL feature


    Can't, with my desk it's much easier to have my drinks next to my mouse then on lower shelf with keyboard.


    I'm not saying RC is stupid, and I agree that it's quality of life feature for raiders. TBH I dunno what we'r debating over anymore... I think about the fact, that it is not needed for every tank in every flashpoint by default and if one tank wants it so badly, he can just ask for a group leader... :confused:

  11. so where's the difference here to 3 green arrows in the group-window?


    jump can be done with my left hand while with right one I drink my juice.

    That's why 'RC' is not needed for every tank by default in the game during flashpoints.


    Why not making it even easier, by adding a checkbox next to legacy exp bar saying 'I'm afk', so people will not have to type 'afk' will type '/afk' to flag them selves as afk. '/brb 0:56 pee' would give message 'uncle Atramar, will be right back in 0:56 (countdown icon over my head), reason: pee'


    With no reaction I mean no movement, because maybe they are writting in their guildchat or on the desktop.

    The window (which has a little sound effect to it) is assuring that I have my answer in 15s.


    If I will have a DPS who goes on and sufrs internet during flash point, he will get kicked so fast, it will make his head spin ;)

    less typing, more pew pew, I have other chars I can play with, not to wait for people to type on their guild chat.

  12. rewarding for killing in OWPVP was already there and people farmed Ilum.

    How do you imagine pvp flashpoint? You go engage enemy group while they fight fp boss? You do 1 hour flashpoint and at the end it's decided who wins flashpoint by who skips more mobs/or ganks other team?

    PVE people already complain that events forced them to go PVP areas, can you imagine the whole planet? PVE servers are so that people don't want to get ganked. Want to gank? go PVP server please.


    In LineageII you did not have rewards for pvp, you even could loose items if going PK by accident, and lost a ton of exp for dying, yet people were fighting each other. There are plenty of open world pvp on pvp serwers, look up on forums (unless you plan on ganking 4 playes with 8 players, then it's not pvp), and even on pve serwers there are skirmishes by NMP.


    But I agree we could use some more maps for warzones.. 2 more maps for huttball, 1 for voidstar, etc.

  13. If tank wants to perform a ready check it is a good sign that it is already a good one.


    I would give slafko dislikes if this forum allowed it.


    If tank needs to perform ready check it's not a good sign... operations, yes, raid leader performing RC after cig/bathroom break is a nice feature. Tank, during FP which takes 20-40 minutes, not being able to see healers energy bar is not a good sign, 2 dps not being able to type 'wait, explain fight to me please' is not a good sign, and a healer unable to type 'stop for a sec' is even worse .


    for 4 people before final or long fight/hard boss (like ones that wil kill you instant if you don't pay attention)




    healer:go for it

    is more then enouth.

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