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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. @Metallistic:

    don't generalize. I don't do smasher (ofc I had one, wanted to learn pros and cons to counter so leveled and pvped with derp smash for a while) and I defend spec. PT has even simpler rotation and is far more better in burning single target.


    you can easly see 3 types of smashers,

    1.derp. will jump smash and die with no good numbers (still high damage is possible with low skill as it's repetetive)

    2.high dps total (always top dps, ignoring objectives and team mbers just to find biggest group to smash them - atleast they put some pressure to healers)

    3.good smasher - usualy top 3 dps, keeps objectives, smashing healer and his tank, lots of 'finishing blows'.


    they are only op if stacked tight. but I fear far more of 4 stealthers or 4 mm(ss) snipers (slingers) walking together ;)

  2. I agree, other people should use the group finder for story mode Scum and Villainy. I don't really have a guild, so I can't assemble a group for it.


    try general chat. few guildies of mine love assembling pug runs (you get 8 people and que in GF), some of those pugs joined guild after run.


    Yep, this is why I never join a guild. and I believe there are people like me out there. Rather die with random pugs then to listen and participate to that crap.



    guilds are not evil. it's good to socialize a bit, far better then complaining that evil pvp guilds rotflolstomp pugs in warzones and that evil guilds who won't take any one for operation.. ;)

  3. Metallistic:

    dude, ignore that troll. any one claiming that they are better at pvp simply for fact that they go and gank lowbies who are leveling is lowest of trolls and may have problems undesrstanting what you wrote.


    ps. I love smashers, they almost never play objectives (as they look for groups of players together to top that dps chart) and it's so easy to win :)


    even if smash damage is op, it just means we will have more snipers and deception sins (and mirrors).

  4. in short, OP, try using CC on every pull, it doesny cost you anything ;)

    and review your augments. my sin tank got retired and moved to DPS (mybe I'll ressurect her at some point) when I got bored and noticed Jugg tanks are so much more fun (I love jumping lol) so can't tell first hand which augments are best (before she retired, I went all def chance, but since shield effects got buffed, check shadow/sin forums for gearing guides)


    2 nights ago I was tossed in group with 27k hp sin tank, he used CC on every pull, and it felt like L50 hm again (I mean healing was easy peasy)

  5. Saber, Chest piece and feet are augmented with shield augments 22 (purples) and kinetic ward is up.


    Mezzing, sorry dunno what that is mate?


    I know i could be better geared, got my alts working on upping their slicing so i can make augment kits and augment everything with the new mk9 stuff.


    that could be it, if you can't handle mk-9, do mk-7/6, they should be quite cheap now, also follow gearing shadow/sins guides, most sin tanks I followed were going absorb and def augments, not shield chance ones (as you have planty from gear +15/20% from Kinetic Ward)


    mezz is when you go stealth and can 60 sec CC with no aggro, think it's called Mind Snap or something. taking one strong out of 4 leaves you with 3, so 25% less damage taken

  6. augments? kinetic ward?

    Some pulls are nasty, on my healers I usualy start the fight with my bigest heal started right after tank pulls,even if he didn't dropped his HP to much, just in case.

    It's not class it self, on my jugg tank I tend to learn which fights are harder and use some CDs (reflect FTW), as L55hms are more demanding on healing (not to mention def stats nerf).

    Healed many assassins and they were fine, try Mezzing some before fight starts.


    considered taking 'on click' shield/absorb relic to use it as 'secondary CD'?


    you are not undergeared, had 25k hp (so a bit undergeared by 'suggested gear' standards) tank last night, and as it needed 'more attention', it was generaly fine.

  7. I do find it amusing that we aren't even a month in and people are already saying to over gear the instances.


    They are completely doable in optimized, augmented campaign gear as long as you know your class. Tanks will need to use CDs on some trash pulls in MR and healers need to be on the ball but its not hard. First runs on day 2 of early access, through group finder, we were downing them without issue in augmented 61/63s. Still haven't seen a 55 HM enrage.


    If you haven't raided pre-ROTHC and you don't have well itemized or augmented gear you might want to get 63/66 pieces first.

    actually, I've seen 55hm bonus boss enrage, hammer sation... but that's what happens when healer and 2 ranged dps stack right under bosses arse....

    but I am amused on how much time all bosses have till enrage... maybe it's bugged? people got used to be outgearing and become arogant and expect to get easy and smooth run.

    I will say even more, bosses are to easy. Atleast compared with trash mobs :o

  8. At this point I don't think there is one spec people can't own with. The only classes I don't personally play are operative and commando vanguard but I have talk to the good ones and from what they tell me things are in a good state.


    Only 2 things now I see out of whack madness assasin need better force management, IMHO madness sorc is fine you don't need instant whirlwind.


    And I am still seeing +9 k crits without any debuffs on smash maul


    you are so getting flamed for that...

  9. I took the plunge to run hard mode FP's for the first. I informed everyone that I was new to fp healing especially hard mode. Being an agent I could cc a humanoid and droid making life easier and reducing possibility of a wipe. Still the tank would go straight for the gold I'd cced. I'm just glad we didn't wipe


    when my guild mates are trolling me on my healer by breaking Mezzes, they giggle 'we train you to be a better healer' :mad:


    maybe tank was training you :D

  10. How many more "tweaks" do you think we need?


    Because judging from the fact that all "tweaks" since the latest PTS patch still left lots of room for more serious "tweaking" I am starting to wonder if the team actually has the ressources/competence to make this idea work at all.


    Also, I´d rather would see these resources spent on actual new pvp content and not on trying to "tweak" a system which so far only looked good on paper over and over again.


    I bet they only set one person for it , so not much recources are wasted :)


    I hope they do....maybe they got rushed, and worked under stress... as I love the idea... would be shame if it went to trash because of bad project design and coding...

  11. Haha the ID was only a reminder that I have been around for along time, much longer before when the game launched.



    We aggree that we dissagree, som like to do flashpoint and the value of having fun with 3 other mates then grinding alone is much better.


    Anyway I think this post has actually payed off, met a dude last night that refered to this post and told his group that we can do the bonus if we like. Eventhouhg I never told him I wrote it, I celebrated with a double laphroaig 18yrs in silence :tran_cool:


    I know, sorry, I just *had* to reffer to that ID thingy :p

    if other 3 mates are having fun, there is nothing wrong in doing while FP, no argument there.

    as for 3rd point, good for you. (did he say 'i've read speed run is not standard anymore, and if you guys want , I can do bonus boss if you want because Icestar changed my life and I'm better person now'? (that second part is to be treated as a joke), I often on BT ask 'you guys might need items, wanna do bonus droid?' as he is not much pain any ways. Usualy I get 'no, we want super speed run mate' tho...

  12. My basic point with this thread is as follows, if anyone did not get that:


    * There are different options to sign up for in groupfinder, I think we all agree on that . If you do not know check it up.


    * In the 55 hardmode flashpoints is is socially acceptable to skip mobs/bosses, however more and more tend to ask for bonus there too since it gives good loot.


    Flashpoints is a good way to level the character and if you do not like flashpoints 50-54 do not sign up for them.


    Stay in the 55 bracket, I am sure you will find lots of players skipping every mob and their grandfather


    it was mentioned above, and I can't belive I have to explain it to person with ID in 80k, L55 hms it is not socially acceptable to skip stuff as bonus bosses drop 2 elite comms and give '69 grade loot'. you skip only what you don't have to kill to proceed


    L50 flashpoints are not good way to level, makeb (or even 50-52 dailies) are far more better for it.


    want to blame anyone for skipping? blame developers who made some flashpoints easy to skip, loot not worth a dime and a bonus boss who is to much pain for to little gain.

  13. If gear doesn't matter why is it the reward?



    gear=doesn't matter

    reward=doesn't matter


    you still get your carrot.

    what you don't get, is poorly equipped recruit geared players with every single stat lower that you can 'pown' using 2-3 gcd, and pve geared players who will generate 'new ultimate record single hit damage'.

    by your 'hardcore pvp grind' you (and me for fact, as i do more pvp then pve) get that better equipment then fresh 55's and pve players have, it's just less obvius and difference is smaller then before.

    to sum up.

    reward = gear

    gear = smaller difference

    smaller difference = more people start pvp and play with specs

    above = better pvp expierience for all.


    Nowhere did I read that with the new bolster they want to make:


    Partisan </= PVE gear < Conquerer


    I always unsterstood their intention as follows:


    PVE gear (boosted to the old recruit lvl) < Partisan </= Top lvl PVE gear < Conquerer


    And this ist not the way things wotk atm.


    yeah, system needs tweaks (which was repeated over and over, and we all know that), but idea is good.


    on a side note, to all who says that gear should matter more and at same time say 'pve gear should not be better then pvp gear' , here is an idea. go march up top pve gear so you are better then people who 'just' pvp. problem solved - you have your gear advantage, and you worked hard for it ;)

  14. In the end, who got the most exp?


    The players kiling nothing except a boss, completing 1% of the the flashpoint?




    The players using exp perks, rested bonus, and exp potions. They are still getting the reward from completing the flashpoint and a extra shot at getting a nice piece of loot through the bonusboss. I have even seen level 55 need and equip those.


    My conclusion is that however you look at it. The fastrunners get the comepletions, they kill a single boss qith 99% of the mobs skipped on the way.


    There is nobody that can convince me that a speedrun killing only a few bosses has equal exp compared to those that do bonus, kill bonusboss and have a good time killing mobs on the way up to the bonus.


    you missed out that player who will do speed run will complete flashpoint in 20 minutes or less (in most cases) can do 2 more before person who wanna kill everything finishes his first.

    I don't mind killing bosses on the way (like BOI for example, 3 skippable bosses are so easy to kill as they are to skip, they are not so much of the stop) but doing extra kills that can be avoided just for bonus? please.. if I was full guild run and guy needed achievment, sure. he's my mate and I don't mind. jumping oops and hoops for some random person I just met and I will not see him again this month? :rolleyes:

    3 speed runs will give more exp then one slow killing flash point. (unless you are solo que dps, then I understand you want 'all you can' from that one hour waiting for pop-but then again, that hour could be done exping on Makeb with 4 times better results in expierience)


    Do a screenshot on start of the fight, note how much exp you have, kill everything and before last boss note the difference. now kill the boss, accept all quest rewards and compare it again. whole hour just seems wasted.


    then again, there arent tat many FPs that can be skipped like that, only BOI (that is extreme skipping possible, or kill bosses on the way but skip as much trash as possible),BT (to some degree), some part of D7, and one annoying boss on boarding party (dind't see it once since 2.0 lol)

  15. I don't care what guilds do tbh, but how is that carrying since that random players participate as well?


    carry was poor choice of word, but if we going ops and missing one dps, usualy tanks are out geared (so easy to gear up on hm FP), healers are very good and dedicated, we are ogranized, have TS, tactics, but we just miss one dps (recently not the case, but I'm thinking here about days when servers were dying and people moved to *other games that just got realesed*), then he is being carried a bit. I don't mean (before you read it from context) that he doesnt pull his weight and that he doesnt deserve items, every member of operation is equally treated when it comes to drops, and operation would be harder without that 4rth dps. he just happend to be there on right timing, like tons of other dps who could do just fine.

    What I ment with 'why should guilds carry' was, why should organized groups break into smaller, just so they can deliver operation (explain tactics, share drops, organize and lead) to random people on the fleet.

    Have only 2 tanks/4 healers 10 dps? do 16 man instead of pugging two random tanks (again, not the real case since most of us have alts and can switch to fulfill different roles) and leave dps behind. keep it in guild.

  16. What he says is :


    "We're a cult, we don't share knowledge, we keep things in the circle"


    And this is one of them kind of players that ruin the game.


    My old progression group was way more open. Many forgot this is a social game.


    And I'm not talking about bringing pugs. But reading this type of things is scary.


    more like poor choice of words.

  17. Dusting...u mean cleaning inside?


    Well its SWTOR basically thats causing the problem, playing other games - no fps probs there...


    sorry, yes, I ment cleaning it.

    (joke) I didn't know *dusting* was a mystery word around here.


    you said 'lag' and 'fps drops' in one sentence, lag is server-client-server issue, long responses, and it's server problem, very annoying during prime time and weird as it only hits fleet and warzones, not flashpoints most of the time.

    fps could be your computer over heating, and not handling temperature properly, or operating system doing weird things with processor/hdd.


    you can always play with settings and see if it makes any difference, like turn off shadows and V-sync (aka fps killer) might give you nice boost.


    also visit nvidia settings manager, to see if in avanced settings you don't have things like 'force v-sync, 16 AA, force quality over performance'

  18. Except if there is an Elite guarding it and to get your prize you have to kill the Elite.


    As a rule of thumb, if I see someone fighting by a chest/objective/resource, I assume they are fighting the mob to get to it. I could be a *jerk* and ninja their loot or I can be considerate and move on the next spot that has what I'm looking for.


    Nothing is worse then seeing a resource you need being guarded by an Elite that you engage and seeing someone run up and begin looting your resource. When that happens I will right click on their portrait, request a duel and proceed to have them pay for it with a quick stomping. If they decline I will run behind them stealing their loot and kills lol.

    again, click it first, get resource and then proceed killing elite.. you can stun, mez, kb (or if you don't have those, use def cool down if he hurts you so much).. jerks will be found every were. in life (there always be some one cutting of lanes), learn to deal with them.


    following works, it's quite amusing if you play stealth classes (but if you do stealth, you can mezz)

  19. Yes it is worth to do the bonus and the mobs up to completion


    Rested, max exp perk, exp potion really works good even with a 55 in the group


    Sure, no problem. just warn us (tanks and healers) that you came to FP for exp points, so we can leave and que up again... not every one wants to spend 1.5 hour doing battle of Ilum.

    joking a bit, but really, warn your tank you want to do a Ilum Massacre.

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