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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. N+1:you never hit 'repair all' button and wonder why all gear is broken

    N+2:you don't wait for tanks to pull aggro

    N+3:you taunt champions and mass taunt trash to get protection medal

    N+4:you think tanks are waste of space :rolleyes:



  2. or, like example from my last night AWH, just start capping, they won't even notice you since they are already preparing to sprint to mid, since in 20 seconds that thing is gonna blow!


    if 2 defenders are stealthers, unstealthed and on the top of a node, it's 75% chance of success

  3. It's just a matter of convenience. 8k per item* 3 (armoring/mod/enh.) * 8 parts * 6 toons = 1.152.000 million.

    Well, Bioware 's goal is to make money with the cartel market. Not happening with me currently. Just saying.


    1.2 milion is about 10 mk-9 kits, when 2.0 hit this money could be done in 4 hours including production time.

    you really change your looks so many times? you can preview item first.

    aaand you forgot augments, so it would be 8 items *4 mods * 8 parts (because I don't like that handle on lightstick and belts don't match my shoes on all of my 6 chars) that would make it 1.536.000 credits (not milions). plus mk-9 kits (that will cost a lot - 7.488.000 total counting mk-9 for 120k each, but then again, if for augmenting whole stuff you could spend 18.000.000 just on augments, 1,5 mil is nothing special), still, not that much for customization freaks. some people pay more for single item that is hard to get (not even pretty imo).


    now I feel like a freak, as my sniper uses same sniper rifle since level 11 all way up to L 55... it costed me 7k off gtn...

  4. 2 pvp games in swtor? you playng on closed dev only server or heavy off times?


    type /who Voidstar

    or who Civil/novare/Pit/Ancient.


    comparing gw2 to swtor is pointles.. I mean... light sticks :cool:

  5. it's not content being hard or tanks being nerfed. It's dps attitude and people ignoring mechanics that makes tanks and healers que alone less. Seems that longer you wait, faster you want to finish FP. not to mention some healers still think it's L 50 flash point where you could heal every one with AOE heal since we are all overgeared by miles..


    it's a circle of doom:

    dps ques takes long, so guild dps ques only with tanks and healers.

    that dps later logs in his tank/healer and takes other 2 dpses to que with him

    one of those 2 dpses also has a tank and takes him with 2 other dpses from guild

    dps ques are even longer at this point, so next day, dpser that waited 1 hour 15 minutes for a que, will rather wait for guildy tank,.

    unguilded/unfriended dpsers have very long que.

  6. meh, saw sage (sorc) once using quizen (khem) using only saber strike (default attack) and project (shock). he was folowing me on H2 area and attacking mobs that I pulled groups and then running away if he pulled aggro (was killing my bonus mission, pissed me off), breaking my mezzes... and kept inviting me to the party.

    for a moment I though he was just troling me, so I swaped instances. after I finished my quest,bonus and some champion for the chest, I swaped instance back to see if he is still there.

    he found party member, but he was still using same abilities. It was balmorra (so L 37 ish if I remember correct)


    I can still feel that facepalm...

  7. so you compared one fresh start with long que time probably not prime time, with one lucky que already in progress.


    in swtor if you que and get instant pop, better computer and game already in progress you can be in action 10 seconds after you hit 'join'


    make test on 200 ques each prime time. then do the math (not say gw2 que is faster/better, just pointing out that your comparing system is a fail)

  8. Xp boosts,rested XP, double xp weekends,run in a group, join a guild,do heroics,flashpoints, and ALL bonus objectives as they usually give large amounts of xp.


    no more double weekends

    flashpoints are not really that effective way to level, but is more fun and 'time killing'

    space missions are good 'once a day' thing if you don't have much time to spare per day (like jump in after work, do 4 space missions - 20 minutes, and go on main chars to do pvp/HMFP/Ops)

  9. didn't read all pages, but was I only one to notice that on imp side, male can *kiss* that sith after rescuing him? My male agent could, but I simply could not click that...

    to scared of kalyio shot gun next to my precius...

  10. when she peels my potatoes, and to shave her legs.

    of you want mashed potatoes with no skin, and Mako smoooth like a polished pool table cue, upgrade her vibro-knife every other level!


    but on serius note, it's just for stats. no visual effects apllied.

  11. people fail LI hm cause it was tier 2, ergo, no one was running it. I mean last night I was in L55 grade 66-69 stuff 3 man premade group, and we wiped twice on a droid (tank wasnt interrupting and I happend to be on ads so could not interrupt), 3 times on sav-rak (twice dps didnt stack on sav-rak, once tank fell of while running torwards a pipe), and we almost failed lorric (tank didnt move from aoe, grenades, or flame zombies - sure made healer work for his comms).


    only reason why it went mostly smooth, was their gear (I was on my L52 marauder)..

    tank 33k hp, dps and healer 29k hp each...


    yeah, LI is so hard :rolleyes:

  12. back in a day when black hole comms were not so easy to get, on my PT tank I bought 2 implant and 1 earring.

    only problem was, that 5 minutes before I did same on my jugg tank. all 6 pieces of gear got augmented (bind not for re-sale back to npc) and then I noticed PT bought jugg's implants and earing, and jugg bought PT's implants and earing...


    and then all of us in guild laughed... but me :p

  13. Seriously, how long it took to get full WH before 2.0? Maybe a week or two if you actually pvp. Plus you could get comms capped before even hitting 50.

    Bolster should never give you stats close or better to some one in full pvp gear. I understand some lazy or casual players enjoy free ride now and don't want bolster fix but most pvp'rs are just frustrated their gear means nothing in WZs anymore. It has nothing to do with skill or rolling undergeared pugs, even good players like to have some kind of advantage if they put countless hour grinding the same WZs. It's the same with pve, you want to get rewarded with gear for clearing harder raids.


    don't remember, I didn't care as in recruit I managed to get people killed, and I still do. But how many people simply left for seing 14,5k hp sniper on their team? how many times I heard 'hey, recruit sniper, delete your char and go cap comms in pre 50, you making us lose'.


    I only once capped comms on pre 50, simply for the reason I hated lowbie pvp for being filled with bads. only char I capped before hitting 50 was my marauder, and I geared her up on L 45 with purples and augments, it was a wrecking ball (anni or carnage, depends on the mood). was that my skill? was that fun for 3 defenders to get killed by a single person before help arrived?

    PVE gear in pvp is not free ride. it is weaker. some people have more hp, some have more main stat. some have 1800 expertiese. but unless they are exploiting, they do not have gear advantage.

    pvp have their carrot (better gear is there)

    pve don't have stick (they are not gimping their team by showing up not in min/maxed pvp gear)


    it is NOT same for pve.

    1st. pve lets you craft gear (66) purples, you can't craft any pvp stuff (excluding crystals).

    2nd. for pve you can gear up on easy runs and there is set up progression. on pvp you are all in same hell hole. from recruit, fresh 55 to veterans who would be valor 666 if not the valor cap.


    only bolster removal I'd think would be good idea, is ranked WZ pvp. that is different story.

  14. I never said I had a problem killing them or winning games against them but they should not have better stats with broken bolster than someone in full pvp gear. Stop defending bolster and if you want to pvp go get pvp gear or give me bolster in pve.

    The old system before 2.0 was fine and only people who cried about gear gap were players with 10 alts or pve'rs doing WZs between raids.


    They don't have better stats. unless they use augment exploit. or if you forgot to augment your gear (or if you are gimping your self wearing wrong itemized stuff/old relics)

    I do have pvp chars and they are pvp geared, just wanted to have some fun on my pve tank. sue me :rolleyes:


    on pve to gear up you can go L50 hms when you are L55, on pvp you only face L55 people.


    old system wasnt fine, only people defending it, were people who liked steamrolling recruit geared players and marked them for easy kills.

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