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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Depends how arenas will be implemented. Many voices were crying out loud that stealth classes are gonna pown, opratives stunlocking full teams, assassins killing people on a whim... and we mostly see teams of smashers rather then stealthers.


    I won't be arguing over high survivability of operative healer, as I have one and I know how easy is to escape from some people, but other healers are not so defensless as they might want to be seen.


    either population will rebalance stealth with counters (3 sins vs 3 smash any1? yes -30% aoe damage, but it will still hurt), or we will all see nothing (stealthers only, this will be fun), or devs will nerf stealthers (again) and people will move to stronger classes.


    I would preffer a new objective WZ tho. But it seems many people have problems with objectives as it is...

  2. I gave up on my sin tank long time ago... before armor nerfs and juggs buffs... it was just to boring and jumping on a jugg made me giggle in real life :)


    now I see, it was best decision (in game) I ever made.


    my co-OPS friend still uses her sin, and she is so jealous of me jumping around like a ping pong ball.




    edit: actually, scratch that 'before armor nerfs', just reminded that I did EC HM on sin with BH augmented, and then (same ride, I just swapped to jugg) my jugg in Columi (but fully augmented) did better job (according to my healer) on taking damage (or rather not taking damage), plus needed to interrupt more often for mine field.

    That was last time I touched my sin tanking ops.


    so yeah, Juggs power!

  3. There could be a form you have to fill after every weekly reset.


    'what you do when you see a person coming to the node you defend'

    a.'call inc 1 <location>'

    b.'do nothing, I'm a pro and will kill him'

    c.'start doing crew skills, he won't be here any short and may run away'

    d.'shout : omg INC snow alot come now!!!!!!!!'

    e:'I run so I won't die'


    based on results of 5 random questions (can't be to long) people will be matched.

    muppets will have their muppet death match, players who like team play will have team play.

    and all horrors will be gone.

  4. No the classes aren't balanced. Some classes synergize much better than others leading to predefined compositions. Unless all classes synergize equally, Arena's are doomed in the same way Rated Warzones are. Blizzard realized this mistake.


    I'll bite.

    is there only 'one god dream team'?


    all 3 healers are great.

    all 3 tanks perform their duties.

    all dps have their strong and weak points and similar dps.


    Yes, jugg tank can land armor reduction in aoe (but I see far more smashers, and recently, more vengeance). Mara has speed/attack buff. Horrors.

    for the record, I'm solo que and not in favor of arenas (but preffer arenas over nothing new for next 3 years). preffer objective pvp.

  5. What is class balance?

    With exception of my Commando (nothing personal, but if I'm going ranged dps, I preffer sniper or even a sage), I feel good pvping any of my classes.

    When is pvp balanced, is it when marauder has a close chance to kill sniper from 30 meters?

    Is it when sniper kills an assassin who is opening on him with no entreh?

    Is it when Jugg tank can hold against 3 stealth atacking his node until lazy bum team walks to help him in 1 minute 30 seconds?


    Imo it's very balanced now, every one has ups and downs.

    Only bad players perform poorly (and some AC trees are more for pve then pvp, but no one forces you to use same build for 1 year with no respec)

  6. I'm loving it. Always hated doing pvp on lowbie 10-49 just to have good start at 50. it killed story questing so I would not level to fast, hated people in lowbies, hated team play (or rather lack of team play) in lowbies, and generaly, hated lowbies.

    Only good thing on lowbie, was my one 'semi twink' (up to date blues,stim, augments) marauder, who I used after harder days at work when I needed some CARNAGE-or when my fiancee wanted to watch me killing people ;)

    but I always cursed the lack of team play, so wasn't doing that very often, not to mention, it didn't improve my game (owning 3 people just becose they didn't spend a second on their gear didn't make me proud of my self either - but still, was a bit fun and giggle) play, so was waste of time.


    Now I can join competetive pvp (with no under geared or pve geared players who will get ripped in 3GCD) with my 66-69 grade pve gear, feel comptetetive (still less then full pvp gear, but good enouth) and earn my pvp gear in good games.


    Not to mention, less gear wide steam rolling when you enter, see 6 people 15k hp, and knowing the result of the game before the count down ends.


    going from pve to pvp is far more friendly now (specially for healers), in less degree for tanks.

  7. I never feel 'successful run' on my healer.

    did tank had to use his cooldowns? so what, maybe he's under geared and mobs do hit hard.

    dps died? maybe that muppet used group taunt to 'save the tank' (who just used def CD lol).

    I died? maybe.. ah wait, that doesnt happen, I'm an operative :rak_03:


    on my tank or dps, I do get that feeling (if I kept threat nice against two marauders who just refuse to attack same target) , but healer? it's dependent on the team and nothing more to it.


    only moments when I'm proud of my self, is when I save pull with flash bangs (so I have few seconds to heal with less dmg), CC switch (when dps/tank breaks one droid and I quickly target-cc another droid which is to far away for them to break it).

    Amaizing healing? that's my job, nothing 'successful' about it. always have to keep it up.

  8. plus merc has 30 sec cd on light version of Entrech (good enouth for most encounters, and entreh is ignored by some mechanics- false emperor for example), but missing roll (but again, BH/Trooper version works on already in roots like Cademinu while roll does not clear roots).

    both have ups and downs, I love both (I actually preffer my commando with less buttons to do well- so relaxed game play-, but for harder content - or crappy team - I find sniper more FUN and effective)

    sometimes that 35 meter instead of 30 is blessing tho.

    Both hit hard, both are good.


    my advice, do both and find your game style. cover doesnt fit every one (it's not an offense).

  9. 4 great pugs > premade

    voip is nothing, it takes a second to type 'hey I just met you and this is crazy, but I have 3 inc snow, so come help maybe' (in short '3inc snow' - or even '3 S')


    chance of having 4 great players in pug is rather small.

    last night we lost a turret, and excuse used by defender (I was defending but a guy came and told me to go and do something usefull), was 'he went to defend a node and was doing crew skills and didn't want to die'.



  10. Coordination - it's all about brain, I've seen full pug groups outcoordinating 2 pre mades and winning by far...

    if all 8 pugs have brain, they will use their class to their advantage for group, not for their epeen.


    gear - not an issue anymore


    composition - well, yeah, here is one point for premade , some classes combined can give nice results, but I've beein in games won with 5 healers, and won with no healing at all.

    Won a game full of sins+sorcs against smashers...


    Biggest advantage of premade is less stupid in their team...

    It's not about classes any more, it's quite balanced rock-paper-scizzors-lizzard-spock (how are merc/commandos now?), it's not about gear, not about coordination (after 1,5 year most peopel should already know what to do in each warzone and if they don't , there are plenty of guides).

    it's all about who's got less stupid in their team = win.


    Strong premades lost cause their node guardian was stupid.


    you can't ban for being stupid (otherwise I would be banned ages ago :D )

  11. Ya, areas are a great idea...


    And the teams will include 6 sins and 2 operative healers...


    The class balance currently in the game would never work in arenas. No offense, BW can't even fix the class balance in both PvP in the game's current state, if we add arenas...


    6 sins and 2 op healers, what is stopping 8 stealthers now?

    IMO objective pvp is more stealth favor then DM.

    In objectives stealth exit can help saving a node, in DM it means some one else is gonna die in your place.

  12. Atramar you could very well be right.....most likely are given the scenario you gave. I wonder though if we are ALL wrong about this. We are assuming the arena will be character based when it could very well be small scale pvp space based. The datamined info they took down the other day mentioned pvp space specifically and mentioned light/med/heavy fighters and what sounded like a new area of space rather than a planet. Given the cartel market priority imagine the income possibilities for them to offer new skins for your fighter, ship component packs ect. Forgive me if i just didn't see it but did the devs ever specifically state that the Arena is going to be character based?

    we could all be wrong.

    it could also be like an arena in Lineage2 where you had a square 20x20 meters where you could enter with 2 gates and freely smack each other and spawn in safe spot.

    or Coloseum.

    I can't imagine space pvp atm with on rails instances, but nothing is impossible.

    Until it's in tests and then live, we can just talk about theories and datamined stuff.

    We can have our hopes that they will make it right, but Cycao already nailed it.

    Please stay tuned to have your hopes and dreams crushed.


    I'm still giggling on that sentence :D

  13. While I completely agree that Arena is better than nothing...do I really need to tell you how this story is going to play out? I think for the most part we can all pretty much agree that the devs have found class balance in WZ to be...challenging for them to say the least. How well do you think they will handle having to balance classes in a much smaller 2 vs 2 or 4 vs 4 setting while at the same time not completely wrecking pvp balance in WZ? Honestly I'm worried that unless they pretty much decide to NOT make Arena balance the priority (never gonna happen) I worry the pendulum will swing to the extreme opposite and we will essentially have the choice of doing Arena or nothing because nobody will queue for WZ any longer..


    I know how it will turn out. 4 vs 4, power premades of 4 will dominate it to the ground. people will get bored of power 4 man killing them, and will go back to WZ.

    power 4 will only go against other power 4, and 4 vs 4 arena will end like Ranked WZ.

    In this particular scenario, regular WZ will be more balanced due to pugs only.

    after a while, people will start grouping to regular WZ again to pwn pugs (as they are getting smashed by bigger power 4) and things will go back to normal.


    if option is 'nothing new vs arena' I vote arena, and let player base balance it on their own.


    (I still think arena is stupid)

  14. I used to be against arena, any mindless killings competition is never a good idea, but, as I see that for some people AH and Voidstar is to objective, Huttball being more and more Death Match (it's called 'the PIT' - it must be DM), Civil Wars jumping from 3 capping the enemy to a lose (since we have 3 turrets we must win, let's DM far far away) and I won't even mention NC or lack of new pvp content for a long long time,

    I'd say:

    bring it on. arena is better then nothing...

  15. met healer on Athiss who refused to cleanse, as 'it won't work and healing is cheaper for my force',

    a DPS Jugg who kept taunting mobs off my tank (I only mentioned it once to them, as it was 2 dps + healer premade from one guild, so I didn't care much, not my problem (just healers) as long as we live and I don't have to repair)

    met a tank who insisted I cut my DPS in half since he can't keep threat and he preffers to keep taunts and aoe attacks for special groups..

    pair of dps who thought 'cc' and markings means 'kill first, and don't mind weaker mobs getting their way with your healer'

    and my favorite, EV SM, 5 people claimed to be in hardcore raiding groups, but:

    -had no idea how to do pylons (we agreed on 'all left and hit when match', and after I pushed left, next guy (I was stunned) pushed right)

    -wanted to kill council in pairs (to make it quicker)

    -died 2 times on first part of soa

    -died 2 times jumping down to phase 2 of soa

    -were running away from their balls THRO every one else

    -took express path to lowest pit of SOA and (4 of them) asked to be revived.

  16. Hmmm... interesting. What's odd is that on my sorc healer, which has a similar skill which gives 6% bonus healing at 3 points, DOES actually affect the bonus healing number and is reflected in the character sheet when you mouseover the bonus healing value. There's a breakdown that shows the contributing sources, and the +6% is there. For my operative though, while there is a breakdown, it only shows contributions from power, tech power, cunning. Thus why I thought it might be a bug.


    I have to double check my merc healer, but I could've sworn that one behaved exactly like my sorc.


    sorcs bonus is for the stats. it even says 'increace bonus healing' not 'increace healing done'

  17. This money sink drives me crazy.....


    I mean, WHO AM I PAYING?!?! I'm doing it myself, out in the world, with my own hands. Why do credits just vanish from my pocket? Fuel costs? Sure, makes sense. Adding an augment slot at a station, sure..a fee to use the machine and add a slot.


    But why oh why does money vanish from my pockets while I'm standing there, alone in a quiet place, moving my patches around. If I had to buy thread to do it cause I'm sewing them in, ok....but I don't! The credits just VANISH!


    I'm sure it bothers me a little more just because I'm one of those people that changes their looks all the time, but it still does not make sense. Credits just disappear. lol


    Must be ninjas..........or just credit sinks for the sake of credit sinks


    Taxes, goverment, T&A licenses.


    long long time ago, in ancient universe, you could only swap mods on modding stations, but that wasn't to convienient so they changed it to right click.

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